25TH-31ST JANUARY 2020 SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA CLEAN + COOL GBIP MISSION 2020 / CLEANANDCOOL.ORG 03 WELCOME 10 years ago, when we launched Clean + Cool with a first entrepreneur mission to the Bay Area, we knew clean and sustainability technologies were the future. What we didn’t predict is the race we now face to transform our economies to zero carbon. In the last decade, there’s been stunning breakthroughs. But the dramatic transformation we need to make together is only just beginning. Start-ups have a critical role to play in remaking our systems. On top of their technological solutions and innovative business models, they bring some of the most exciting visions of the future and a purpose-driven approach to collaboration. The 15 clean growth companies on Clean + Cool GBIP 2020 are looking to share their early stage solutions and rapidly develop their networks and know-how. 2020 needs to be a blockbuster year of action. We hope you enjoy meeting the CEOs and find an opportunity to help them have a breakthrough mission. Thank you. Team Clean + Cool. CLEAN + COOL GBIP MISSION 2020 / CLEANANDCOOL.ORG 04 MEET THE COMPANIES ACELERON ENERGY 05 ACT BLADE 06 AIRPONIX 07 HIIROC 08 HYDROLIZE 09 NAKED ENERGY 10 PLASMA APP 11 PYROCORE 12 RIPPLE ENERGY 13 SEAMACH ENERGY 14 SOCIAL ENERGY 15 SOLARISKIT 16 THE SHELLWORKS GROUP 17 YOYU 18 ZEIGO 19 CLEAN + COOL GBIP MISSION 2020 / CLEANANDCOOL.ORG 05 ACELERON ENERGY Aceleron gives new life to the rapidly growing numbers of lithium-ion batteries used by the automotive and electronics sectors. The company has developed a brand-new offering in the form of Energy Storage as a Service (ESaaS). For the first time, they are able to put battery systems into a low monthly payment system, combining Aceleron’s advanced data analytics with circular economy focused hardware. The battery systems are low cost and Aceleron are able to reduce the waste generated by maintaining and repurposing the batteries wherever possible. Together these innovations will enable the uptake of a lot more renewable energy whilst reducing the amount of carbon dioxide generated. Aceleron is looking to access potential funders and partners to deploy ESaaS on a large scale. This will include partnering with tech companies and funders (both equity and debt) to finance putting batteries into this low-cost model. CARLTON CUMMINS, TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPER Listed on the Forbes 30 under 30 class of 2017. [email protected] ACELERONENERGY.COM @ACELERONENERGY CLEAN + COOL GBIP MISSION 2020 / CLEANANDCOOL.ORG 06 ACT BLADE ACT Blade develops the lightest and most controllable wind turbine blade. By enabling longer blades, ACT Blade increases energy production by 9%, reduces the cost of energy by 7% and reduces capex by 44%. ACT Blade’s radical and innovative design and manufacturing flexibility exploits the aero-elastic science and expertise acquired by company founders when designing the world’s fastest racing yachts. The company’s strategic goal is to become the favoured independent manufacturer and supplier of high-performance blades, a $9M global market. It’s firstly targeting the emerging retrofit market. Changing the existing blades with longer ACT Blades will extend the life and increase the energy production of existing wind farms. ACT Blade is preparing to enter the market in 2021 and want to validate the opportunity in California is where the majority of US wind farms closer to the end of life are. SABRINA MALPEDE, MANAGING DIRECTOR First venture is still the market leader in yachting industry. [email protected] ACTBLADE.COM @ACTBLADE CLEAN + COOL GBIP MISSION 2020 / CLEANANDCOOL.ORG 07 AIRPONIX Airponix has a proven sustainable and climate change resilient agricultural system to grow a broad range of staple food and niche crops almost anywhere globally. The smart soil-less system allows farmers to grow healthy food crops with minimum risks, inputs (<5% water) and much higher yields (e.g. >20 fold normal for potatoes). Unlike conventional farming, hydroponics or current aeroponics systems which use mists or sprays, Airponix’s system feeds the roots with a nutrient rich fog (droplet size <20 microns), in a range of tailored outdoor enclosures utilising natural light. The modular system is designed to be used globally by growers on a massive scale, locally by consumers in urban areas or rurally by subsistence farmers/communities, without the need for heavy machinery or fossil fuels with many additional benefits. Airponix has completed successful demonstration trials proving the concept both technically and commercially and is looking for R&D organisations, partnerships and/or investment. MICHAEL RUGGIER, CEO 24 years with Shell International including role as a “GameChanger”. [email protected] AIRPONIX.COM @AIRPONIX CLEAN + COOL GBIP MISSION 2020 / CLEANANDCOOL.ORG 08 HIIROC HiiROC’s technology produces zero-emission, low-cost hydrogen by decarbonising hydrocarbon gasses. The company’s unique plasma process produces zero-emission Hydrogen at a price comparable with the current cheapest methods, whilst also creating a valuable solid carbon by-product. The HiiROC solution is compact, modular and scalable; from a single generation unit on a fuelling station forecourt to large centralised Hydrogen production. The company is targeting the automotive sector, where its compact generation system can deliver clean, on-site, on-demand hydrogen. It’s a solution that can not only help cut costs compared with fossil fuel equivalents and improve infrastructure but also help drive forward the momentum of an exciting sector. HiiROC is looking for potential partners and investors in California, one of the early adopters of Hydrogen for mobility. It is currently in talks with a local VC and South American Corporate for series A funding and pilot programme. SIMON MORRIS, DIRECTOR AND COFOUNDER 20 years in the financial services industry, ex MD of a global brokerage firm and Director of ABN AMRO in the US. [email protected] HIIROC.COM @HII_ROC CLEAN + COOL GBIP MISSION 2020 / CLEANANDCOOL.ORG 09 HYDROLIZE Hydrolize has developed a unique biological filter system, which harnesses natural processes in place of damaging chemicals to treat swimming pool water. The Hydrolize Clarity system (patent pending) produces “chlorine free” mineral water, whilst offering pool owners 50% energy reduction and lower maintenance burden. Hydrolize has spent over 7 years and £1.7m on R&D and has over 40 public and private systems operating across the UK. Currently, most pool filters use chlorine as a means of algae prevention and pathogen control; yet it is rare to find a pool owner who likes chlorine. There are over 10 million pools in the USA (>55% of the global total), 50% of which are over 20 years old, and 5m pools in the EU where the new build pool filtration market is worth £1bn annually. Hydrolize is looking for investors and partners who can support world-wide commercialization of its disruptive technology into these high value, new build and retrofit markets. ANDREW COX FOUNDER, CEO Responsible for multiple award-winning renewable energy products. [email protected] HYDROLIZE.CO.UK @HYDROLIZE CLEAN + COOL GBIP MISSION 2020 / CLEANANDCOOL.ORG 10 NAKED ENERGY Naked Energy has developed VirtuPVT, a hybrid solar technology that generates both heat and power resulting in a higher energy density than alternative solar technologies. VirtuPVT can deliver a peak efficiency of 80%, converting 20% of the sun’s energy to electricity and 60% as heat. VirtuHOT is a complementary high temperature thermal only collector. Naked Energy’s patented technology is ideally suited for use on flat roofs in urban environments where space is limited. This includes large commercial users of thermal energy such as hotels, hospitals and apartments, as well as manufacturing processes that need hot water and/or heat, including district heating and cooling. Naked Energy has a US headquartered global manufacturing partner and the world’s leading sustainability business as a strategic channel partner. In November 2019 the company completed its latest funding round, securing $7 million to support commercial growth. The company is looking to meet partners, customers and funders. NICHOLAS SIMMONS, CFO Chartered accountant with Arthur Andersen with entrepreneurial track record. [email protected] NAKEDENERGY.CO.UK @NAKEDENERGYLTD CLEAN + COOL GBIP MISSION 2020 / CLEANANDCOOL.ORG 11 PLASMA APP Plasma App has developed technology to improve Li/NA ion battery capacity and lifetime, by doubling the energy density of rechargeable batteries. Electrodes are 60% of the whole battery cost and currently, the cost of production is approximately 40% of the electrodes cost. Li-Ion battery anodes made by Plasma App were tested at Cambridge University showing twofold increase in gravimetric and threefold increase in volumetric specific capacity compared to a state-of-the-art graphite anode. Proof-of-concept tests of cathode manufacturing were successfully performed. Plasma App is looking for collaboration and partnering opportunities with R&D, OEM, academic and investing organizations. The company’s plan is to quickly expand to the cathode and Solid State Batteries market. DMITRY YARMOLICH, CEO PhD in plasma physics and successful software entrepreneur. [email protected] PLASMA-APP.COM @PLASMAAPPLTD CLEAN + COOL GBIP MISSION 2020 / CLEANANDCOOL.ORG 12 PYROCORE Pyrocore is a pyrolysis plant process that eliminates the need for landfill, reduces carbon emissions, cuts waste, raw material and energy costs. The process uses high temperatures in the absence of oxygen to break down waste to small volumes of inert ash and release its energy in the form of Syngas. To date the technology has been used and proven by maritime customers. Pyrocore currently has plants in use by the UK’s Royal Navy, fitted to the HMS Queen Elizabeth and the HMS Prince of Wales. Each deals with 9 tonnes of waste generated daily by over 1000 personnel. The company is pursuing new opportunities to transform waste at sea, which includes helping the cruise industry affordably and sustainably deal with waste rather than pollute the ocean. Also to start deploying onshore units that can also help ports, islands and isolated communities. Pyrocore is looking for potential partners and customers. LINDA PAGE, CEO 30 years working with governments on major redevelopments to improve infrastructure, tourism and GDP. [email protected] PYROCORE.COM @PYROCORELTD CLEAN + COOL GBIP MISSION 2020 / CLEANANDCOOL.ORG 13 RIPPLE ENERGY Ripple is a clean energy ownership platform. Ripple enables people to part own a wind farm or solar park and have the clean, low cost electricity it produces supplied to their home. It’s a really easy way for people to act on climate change and reduce their electricity bills. Owning a tiny bit of a large wind farm could be up to 75% cheaper than the equivalent rooftop solar. Ripple makes clean energy ownership possible for people who rent or live in apartments. It’s also portable, so wherever customers move, the electricity supply moves with them. In summer 2019, Ripple crowdfunded $1.2m to develop its platform. Today, it is about to launch its first clean energy project. Ripple’s revenues will come from arrangement, customer acquisition and management fees. Ripple Energy is looking to create links to the US electricity market and secure investment to scale in 2020. SARAH MERRICK, CEO Vice-chair of the UK wind energy association 2015-17. [email protected] RIPPLEENERGY.COM CLEAN + COOL GBIP MISSION 2020 / CLEANANDCOOL.ORG 14 SEAMACH ENERGY Seamach Energy is developing new technologies in offshore renewable energy. Its patented technologies are focused on delivering energy of 50MW from a single floating wind turbine using only 50m blades. This will far exceed existing turbines for power capacity and overall output whilst reducing infrastructure costs. The company has designed a new system architecture, using existing, tried and tested technology. It has a 5 to 7 year road map and allows for rapid scale-up. Provisional performance projections are verified by Cranfield University and benefits include: • Accelerated flow to turbine rotors • More blades per turbine system • Rotor shadowing virtually eliminated • Turbine wake mitigation • Ferrite rather than rare earth magnets • Co-locate with wave and tidal • Suitable for deep and shallow seas With scale-up potential that will benefit developed and emerging economies, Seamach Energy is looking to engage with potential partners and investors. GLENN HUNT WHITFIELD, CEO Inventor of the 50MW+ Offshore Power Station. [email protected] SEAMACHENERGY.COM CLEAN + COOL GBIP MISSION 2020 / CLEANANDCOOL.ORG 15 SOCIAL ENERGY Social Energy is a unique cloud based artificial intelligence for residential batteries and grid balancing technology, achieving smart grid on the distribution network. It enables domestic homes to become viable prosumers generating 100% zero carbon energy, cheaper than fossil fuels and actually reducing thousands of UK homes energy costs by 70%. It has proved a decentralised energy utility model that’s actually profitable with high customer retention and recurring revenues. Since launch 9 months ago, Social Energy has become the market leading Virtual Power Plant and only company to have achieved contracts with UK National grid for Firm Frequency Response. It does this through AI and machine learning plus an in-home hub which acts as a gateway to balance energy demand and supply through IOT devices reacting in milliseconds. It has made solar viable, subsidy free in the low irradiance UK, has launched in Australia and now looking to globalise through managed software as a service for both regulated and unregulated electricity grids who wish to decarbonise through smart grid. JULIAN WILEY, CHAIRMAN Joint founder with 18 years in solar and other renewable businesses. [email protected] SOCIAL.ENERGY @SOCIALENERGYUK CLEAN + COOL GBIP MISSION 2020 / CLEANANDCOOL.ORG 16 SOLARISKIT SolarisKit has developed the first flat-pack solar thermal collector, designed to decarbonise household heating within developing countries. The solution is significantly cheaper than incumbent solar thermal technology due to its flat-pack design. It’s also significantly easier to transport and can be moved and deployed within countries by bicycle or motorcycle. The patent-pending solar collector is based on prismatic geoemtry and can be assembled in approximately 30 minutes. Once assembled, it needs only to be positioned on flat ground or a roof and connected to a water tank and pump. Its prismatic geometry allows the collector to passively track the sun, avoiding the use of expensive tracking hardware. Solariskit is seeking partnerships and investment to enter sub-Saharan and South East Asian markets. The company is pursuing an enormous opportunity to provide affordable clean heat profitably, improve lives and reduce grid demand, energy costs and carbon emissions. DR FAISAL GHANI, CEO Recent recipient of Scotland’s prestigious Converge Challenge Award for Impact Category. [email protected] SOLARISKIT.COM @FLATPACKSOLAR CLEAN + COOL GBIP MISSION 2020 / CLEANANDCOOL.ORG 17 THE SHELLWORKS GROUP The Shellworks makes a home compostable plastic from seafood waste. Their bioplastic is sourced from waste crustacean shells and created using a range of custom-designed machines. Currently, people use biodegradable products that have to be industrially composted, so they don’t actually benefit the environment and they require a consumer to be hyper- conscious about sorting their waste. The Shellworks bioplastic is easily recyclable and as it’s made from a waste material, it also has an edge on cost. The company is testing the market for their bioplastic as an alternative to single use plastic. It is producing plant pots and candle holders as beach head products and is shipping 1000+ products a month. They have 200+ product inquiries from supermarkets, retail and fashion industries. They are looking to grow their networks in the US. INSIYA JAFFERJEE, CEO Studied at Stanford and worked at Apple Inc. [email protected] THESHELLWORKS.COM CLEAN + COOL GBIP MISSION 2020 / CLEANANDCOOL.ORG 18 YOYU Yoyu aims to give people power over their own carbon footprint from electricity. Yoyu is a consumer-friendly app that uses electricity grid data to forecast the best time in the next 24 hours to power appliances with renewable energy. It makes responsible energy usage non-technical, easy and inspiring. The company’s focus is on growing awareness that will open up consumers to other clean tech consumer-facing products and ultimately, to coordinate their actions so their demand for 100% renewable energy is clearly impacting the market. This focus on carbon for the business model, rather than revenues from energy savings or the energy system, also means Yoyu are able to rapidly scale into global markets without regulatory risk. Revenue comes from the marketing budgets of brands that care to reach conscious consumers. Yoyu is currently launching its first MVP. It’s looking to engage with peers, mentors and investors. MOLLY WEBB, CEO 10+ years advocacy with Google, BT, Cisco, Dell and Arup after. 5+ years software product development in New York, Tokyo and London. [email protected] WWW.YOYU.APP CLEAN + COOL GBIP MISSION 2020 / CLEANANDCOOL.ORG 19 ZEIGO Zeigo is a technology platform that helps corporates contract renewable energy directly from generators. Its mission is to ensure all companies are supplied by 100% truly green energy. Traditionally the Power Purchase Agreement process, or PPAs, has been very complex, but with the help of technology and artificial intelligence, Ziego is simplifying the process. By simplifying the PPA process, Zeigo is making it easier for generators to secure the contracts they need to build new wind and solar farms. It will also open up the market to smaller companies who want to access renewable energy direct from generation. The company is currently targeting businesses around the world with revenue over $100M who are signing PPAs, of which the US accounts for a significant number. It has existing relationships with clients and generators in the European market and is now looking to develop new relationships in the US as well as building new investor networks. JUAN PABLO CERDA, CEO Won ‘Energy Technology of the Year’ at the 2019 Business Green Technology Awards. [email protected] ZEIGO.ENERGY @ZEIGOENERGY CLEAN + COOL GBIP MISSION 2020 / CLEANANDCOOL.ORG 20 HERE TO HELP PETER DIRKEN Programme Manager - Global Missions, Innovate UK Peter manages Innovate UK’s global mission programmes to connect UK business to the best of innovation the world has to offer. He also manages the relationship with the Department for International Trade. [email protected] THOMAS POOLE Impact & Performance Manager - Innovate UK Thomas is part of Innovate UK’s Clean Growth & Infrastructure Grand Challenge, managing a variety of projects from CO2 emission reduction, SMART Infrastructure and renewable energy sources. [email protected] RICHARD BASGALLOP Internationalisation Specialist - EEN Richard acts as a consultant providing business support to enhance the performance of businesses through collaborative partnerships and support for innovation. [email protected] ELISA EISMAN Head of Science and Innovation - British Consulate-General San Francisco [email protected] CLEAN + COOL GBIP MISSION 2020 / CLEANANDCOOL.ORG 21 HERE TO HELP BEN WATTS Innovation & Solutions Director - ENGIE UK & Ireland Ben has over 18 years’ experience in the field of sustainable energy having led the development, commercialisation and management of various energy projects. He leads Engie’s corporate innovation programme, developing new business models and solutions for strategic growth areas. [email protected] RICHARD MILLER Founder - Miller-Klein Associates Ltd Ricahrd is a highly-accomplished strategist and innovator with over 35 years’ experience delivering innovation in academic, private and public sector organisations. He is also involved in the Connected Places Catapult, helping UK companies develop solutions to the challenges of creating cities. [email protected] MISSION HOST: OLI BARRETT Serial Founder & Connector & Clean + Cool Co-Founder Oli makes useful connections between people and ideas. Initiatives include StartUp Britain, launched by the British Prime Minister and Tenner, the UK’s largest schools enterprise challenge, to name a few. He was awarded an MBE IN 2013 for his services to business and entrepreneurship. [email protected] MISSION HOST: GUY PATTISON Clean + Cool Co-Founder & Stronger Stories CEO Guy co-founded Clean + Cool 10 years ago and is CEO at Stronger Stories, a movement of storytellers with the goal to get good ideas the attention they deserve. [email protected] CLEAN + COOL GBIP MISSION 2020 / CLEANANDCOOL.ORG 22 NOTES CLEAN + COOL MISSION 2017 / CLEANANDCOOL.ORG 23 NOTES CLEAN + COOL IS CREATED BY ENTREPRENEURS, FOR ENTREPRENEURS AND BACKED BY THE UK’S INNOVATION AGENCY. THIS IS OUR SEVENTH OVERSEAS ENTREPRENEUR MISSION AND FIFTH TO CALIFORNIA. OUR 118 ALUMNI, OVER FIFTY PER CENT OF WHOM WERE PRE-REVENUE AT TIME OF MISSION, HAVE GONE ON TO SECURE OVER $485M IN FUNDING POST MISSION. CLEANANDCOOL.ORG #CLEANSF BACKED AND SUPPORTED BY CREATED AND RUN BY Printed on 100% recycled paper
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