Under penalty of perjury all information came from court documents in concert from Lawyers, Judges and the accused ( Daryl GUBERMAN, GUBERMAN-PMC,LLC, Don Labelle) For over 8 years Christopher Mark Paris (AKA Mark Erwin) has written and defamed said accused) This document illustrates the individuals who have been hurt not only by Christopher Mark Paris’s lies but By Judge William Jung Federal Court Tampa Fla. Magistrate Seam Flynn, William Barber Federal Court Tampa Fla. Bruce Minnick-Attorney, Glenn Shrayer Attorney. June 30th, 2020 Daryl Guberman___Dg____ Donald Labelle:________Dl___________ Christopher Mark Paris Bankruptcy Case Florida Middle Bankruptcy Court, Case No. 8:16-bk-03463 District Judge K. Rodney May, presiding https://www.plainsite.org/dockets/30qwijh5k/florida- middle-bankruptcy-court/christopher-mark-paris/ Last Updated November 10, 2016 at 3:39 AM EST (3.2 years ago) 1 Page 1. After looking at page 3 is Chris Paris Bankrupt 2016- (True/False)? 2. After Looking at page 4 is Oxebridge is worth any Value 2016- (True/False)? 3. Through the pages Paris claims Oxebridge is not bankrupt-(True/False)? 4. Page 4 states Oxebridge value is “0” yet Paris said It is not (True/False)? 5. Page 8 Paris States, “He filed personal bankruptcy-Yet page 4 states something different Oxebridge value is “0” Is he not telling the truth (True/False)? 6. Paris states on page 5, #25 that he is not bankrupt after looking at page 3-4 is he not telling the truth (True/False)? 7. Page 14 Paris noted that a person expose private information from his bankruptcy yet his bankruptcy is a public domain document https://www.plainsite.org/dockets/30qwijh5k/florida-middle-bankruptcy- court/christopher-mark-paris/ Is he misleading the court? (True/False)? 2 Page -$632,152.00 3 Page -VALUE OF- OXEBRIDGE QUALITY RESOURCES INTERNATIONAL, LLC 4 Page PHONE CONVERSATION TRANSCRIPT CAN BE FOUND ON PAGES- 15-18 5 Page Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Note: Paris Bankruptcy papers is a public domain document thus all information contained therein is “not private” as Paris claims as seen here Christopher Mark Paris Bankruptcy Case Florida Middle Bankruptcy Court, Case No. 8:16-bk-03463 District Judge K. Rodney May, presiding https://www.plainsite.org/dockets/30qwijh5k/florida-middle-bankruptcy- court/christopher-mark-paris/ 14 Last Updated November 10, 2016 at 3:39 AM EST (3.2 years ago) Page Note to Reader- Does it look like to you Daryl Guberman, GUBERMAN-PMC, LLC & Don Labelle Had Marketing Activities Or Anything To Support Plaintiff & 15 Attorney’s Claims Under Penalty Of Perjury of Jurisdiction? Page Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 After Evaluation of Telephone Transcript- Who Harassed Who? And is there DEFAMATION? Here is substantiating documentation: Page 21 24 Page In Koch v. Kimball, 710 So.2d 5 (Fla. 2d DCA 1998), the proceedings arose out of the defendant's unconsented-to tape recording of a telephone call that she placed from her home in Georgia to the plaintiff, who was at his residence in Tampa, Florida. In affirming the trial court's denial of the defendant's motion to dismiss, our sister court concluded that the actual "interception" occurred where the plaintiff's statement was made (Florida), not where the communication was ultimately heard (Georgia). The Koch court went on to determine that not only had the plaintiff alleged sufficient jurisdictional facts to bring the action within Florida's long-arm statute, but that sufficient minimum contacts existed between the defendant and Florida so as to satisfy any due process concerns. Having found sufficient jurisdictional facts to bring the action within the long arm statute, we turn to whether there were sufficient minimum contacts to satisfy due process. The question is whether [defendant] should reasonably have anticipated being haled into court in Florida.... Since [plaintiff] alleged that [defendant] committed the intentional tort of violation of the Florida Security of Communications Act by expressly calling Florida with the knowledge that the only impact of her action would be in Florida, we conclude that [defendant's] actions were not the random, fortuitous or attenuated actions that courts seek to avoid pinning jurisdiction upon. (Note: Yours was one act!). Here is where we got them..... Koch, 710 So.2d at 7 (citations omitted). Ten years later, sitting en banc, the Second District Court of Appeal expressly receded from Neely Kountze v. Kountze, 996 So.2d 246 (Fla. 2d DCA 2008). In its unanimous decision, the Kountze courtdetermined that a Florida statute creating a private cause of action for the nonconsensual interception of a communication originating within Florida CANNOT transform a defendant's out-of-state act of recording that communication, standing alone, into a tortious act within Florida for jurisdictional purposes. In reaching its conclusion, the Kountze court acknowledged that it was influenced by the fact that the act was neither illegal in the state where the defendant "actually committed it," nor under the federal law applicable to interstate telephone calls. Id. at 252. And his "wiretap" claim is also bogus... An individual may record a call as long as he or she is one of the participants of the call. The recording can be used as evidence in a lawsuit. However, it is illegal to record communications that the recording party is not participating in. 25 An illegal recording can lead to a sentence of up to five years in prison. Page The accused Attorney For GUBERMAN-PMC, LLC (Bruce Minnick) Concerning Mediation that Judge William Jung & Magistrate Sean Flynn Attempted to Forced (Daryl Guberman & Donald Labelle) -Both Pro Se for the individual Note to Reader- Would you go to mediation 1500 miles from your home without Plaintiff- proving Jurisdiction, defamation or damages? EXHIBIT-A 26 Page Page 27 The accused Attorney For GUBERMAN-PMC, LLC (Bruce Minnick) Concerning Appearance in Federal Court that Judge William Jung & Magistrate Sean Flynn Attempted to Forced (Daryl Guberman,& Don Labelle) -Both Pro Se for the individual Note to Reader- Would Step into the Federal Court 1500 miles from your home without Plaintiff- proving Jurisdiction, defamation or damages? EXHIBIT-A 28 Page Page 29 William Jung Placed Order To Plaintiff Chris Paris For “Affidavits” If seeking Money Damages. Does the Following Declaration & Attached 97 Companies List Illustrate Such Affidavits as Required By Judge? (No Addresses, Quotes, Invoices, Contact Personnel Of Listed Companies, etc.) 30 Page 4- Plaintiff Claims He Routinely Won 50% Of His Bids- Is This Real World? 6. Plaintiff Claims 97 Companies were Btw. Years 2018-2019-Pinson Heat treat is 3/2017? Judge Never looked at Companies This Declaration Was Signed Under Penalty Of Perjury By Plaintiff Chris Paris, Who Stated He Lost Business Due to Defamation, Thus Causing 31 Damages Page Sent Our 45 to 50 letters Note: We took the roll of the dice since there were no addresses. Six Companies responded! 32 Page Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Pinson received quote in March 2017- On Declaration Plaintiff Paris Under Penalty of Perjury Stated All Quotes are from 2018-2019!- He declares ISO,IAQG & IAF (IAF – International Accreditation Forum (Inc. In Delaware) Has Been Controlled and Influenced By Communist China Since 2015/ Same Leader Xiao Jianhua Is The CEO Of CNAS China National Accreditation Services Which Certified Suspect Laboratory per ISO/IEC 17000 Derivative Certification. In Wuhan China That May Have Release The COVID- 19/Coronavirus) The IAQG (International Aerospace Quality Group) Sits On ANSI-American National Standards Institute Which Has 36 Been Controlled and Influenced By Communist China Since 2015) Also ANSI-ANAB ( American National Accreditation Board -Which ANSI Took Over Complete Control In 2018- Each Sit On The Others Board & Also Sit On the IAF Being Controlled and Influenced By Page Communist China Since 2015. Page 37 Page 38 After Looking at Pages 32-39- Per Plaintiff’s Declaration Under Penalty Of Perjury – Did The Company’s Not Go With Plaintiff Chris Paris Because Of Defamation and Claimed him claiming Damages Caused By the Accused-Daryl Guberman, GUBERMAN-PMC, LLC & Don Labelle 39 Page There are 188 Articles With Out IP-Addresses Or Who Authored Them- Plaintiff Chris Paris- Under Penalty Of 40 Perjury Once Again Blamed The Accused Daryl Guberman, GUBERMAN-PMC,LLC & Don Labelle For Posting Articles Without Proof Of Authors, Who Publish Them and IP addresses That are identifiers to Who Authored Page Them. Once Again Plaintiff Accused
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