Shane McConnell How To Grow Self- Confidence Dedication This manual is for the individual dedicated to achieving his or her dreams. Whatever they may be. To have a thriving relationship, earn a living doing what they love, or have the mind and body of their desire. In love, -Shane 2 The Seeds of Self- Confidence Self-confidence kills doubt. A major block towards taking action in fulfilling our desires and dreams. Self-confidence is healthy. A good state of mind. Cheerful, free, and relaxed. Self-confidence is different than egotism. It’s like saying “I can do this.” rather than “I am entitled to doing this.” Self-confidence raises other people’s confidence in you. And this also in turn raises your confidence in them. A win-win for team efforts. 3 How to grow self-confidence: First. Decide what it is you want. Don’t waste time aimlessly “figuring out” what you want, pick one thing and stick with it. Put all your effort into achieving it. Make this your “chief aim” that all other things in your life align into. Let all the pieces fall together: They may be all over the place at first, but keep connecting the dots.. you’ll eventually see the picture. Second. Rid yourself of all envious, jealous thought habits. When you see someone who has what you want, say “Good for them”! Then, revert your thoughts back toward taking action towards your own “Chief Aim”. Practice “I can. I will. I must.” -Eric Thomas love in this way. You may make friends in this way as well, and they may be fruitful allies in the journey to achieving really take their advice into account, together. Whether you succeed or fail in your own desire. they are usually happy to help. the action, you are developing faith in yourself. Ask them for advice on areas you Third. Devote at least ten minutes may be stuck. You may be surprised at daily to DEMANDING of yourself the the helpful, clear responses they will development of self-confidence. Really offer you. People like to help other pull it out of you. Demand it, take an people achieve the things they’ve action. Demand it, take an action. achieved. They’re offering their gifts. As Demand it, take an action. This way, you long as you show appreciation and are training your mind and body to work 4 Challenge: Decide today what it is you want most in life. Write it down. Put a date on the time limit you will give yourself to achieve this. Ask the question “how will I know I have achieved this?” The principle key is to make it something measurable. For instance, you are a musician and you want to write a song. Be specific: A 3-minute song with 2 different chord progressions, and two melodies. Spend ten minutes in front of the mirror demanding of yourself the self-confidence for finishing it, and take action. Do this every day for the next 21 days. Even if you spend only one hour a day writing, you will be amazed at the results you get.. and the self-confidence which you grow will pour into all other areas of your life! I believe in you. Until next time, -Shane. 5
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