“ Remarkably, this movie character looks very much like the Colonel I met on the “Magic Bus ” As we all recently witnessed in 2001 with the fabricated false pretenses used to invade Iraq, a government that controls or otherwise manipulates the mainstream media can not only get their way in the world, but they can make facts from fiction and vice-versa. Today we call it “fake news”, but 70 years ago they had another name for it “propaganda” and the U.S. War Department had over 300 full-time military personnel staffing that creative effort. A most recent example of how effective such propaganda can be in the Douma gas attacks in Syria as well explained by the superb reporting here at TheIntercept.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7J1sn7sJbhA Technology today, and even more so tomorrow will have you watching “news” that is Chapter 21 The Colonel 436 custom made to suit the political needs and convenience of our leaders who can just as easily make adversarial leaders provoke the American public to support, an otherwise unpopular war. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLoI9hAX9dw. Back in 2001, the former U.S. Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neil was writing his book “The Price Of Loyalty”, which documents what he and every other Cabinet member knew and directly heard from George W. Bush less than 90 days after he was “elected” (actually appointed by the Supreme Court). Specifically, Bush told all of his lieutenants to “Find me an excuse to invade Iraq”. This was music to the ears of our shadow government and Secretary of Defense Rumsfield, Cheney, and the good folks at Haliburton who would later win dozens of no-bid contracts that would earn them $39 Billion in profits from the 10 year adventure and the many “no-bid contracts” their former CEO (Cheney) arranged for them. More than $60 Billion in commercial profits were garnished from the Iraq invasion. (Ironically, the oil Bush planned and tried to steal is now being purchased by the Chinese.) One by one the actors took the public stage with the New York Times, Reuters, AP, UPI, and all the other major newsies in the audience. One by one the actors played their roles quite well and spoon fed the public a tale spun from horrific lies and scary fabrications including... 1. Saddam was responsible for 911 (George W. Bush) 2. Saddam was buying enriched uranium in Africa 3. Saddam had accumulated weapons of mass destruction 4. Saddam was a unpredictable lunatic 5. Saddam would attack Israel to provoke a war or retaliate Even Colin Powell, the most credible, reputable, and honest person of the Bush regime was duped into joining their choir. The song they sang in perfect harmony scared the 437 hell out of America. Thanks only to George Wilson of the CIA and other honest insiders, the truth was eventually leaked out, that all of the above was totally fabricated bullshit to justify a multi-billion dollar oil grab. But by the time the truth became known, over 1,500 American soldiers and over 150,000 Iraqi civilians had already been killed. To me at least, all the people who deliberately told these lies are war criminals, .since they knew full well that their lies would directly result in deaths of thousands and plunge America into the biggest national debt in U.S. history. Today more than 12 years later, no weapons of mass destruction have been found and 7 of 10 Iraqis insist life was much better when Saddam was around. Baghdad, once a modern and thriving city still is rubble and $23 Billion in cash that Bush bragged about sending to Iraq to rebuild the city has simply vanished with American Paul Bremer the last one to sign for the money. How could $23 Billion just disappear? And Congress is not even looking for this money. First we Americans were fooled by our leaders and then robbed by them. Not one of them have been prosecuted. Why? If you ask Sargent Major Thomas Lovette, a veteran Army intelligence investigator who insists multiple “suicides” of soldiers in Irag were actually staged murders of witnesses to crimes of corruption, he can enlighten you on this subject, since I personally did not have the time nor money to research it further myself. Regarding other war crimes,both George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were convicted in Malaysia of war crimes. https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/news/a35397/bushcheney-war- crimes/ Not surprisingly, W. was caught in 935 blatant lies in the eight years he was President and you can read them here; https://publicintegrity.org/inside-publici/finding-the-truth-in-935-lies-about-warwith- iraq/ On a similar but much smaller scale, some whistleblowers and other disclosure threats are targeted with lies, that when done correctly, are quite believable. We saw with the Iran Contragate scandal how everyone who told the truth was discounted as a 438 convicted drug dealer, or a Cuban refugee, or some other unsavory title to make them appear less believable. When the truth cannot be hidden, or disproved, our government spin masters resort to attacking, smearing, or discrediting the messenger bearing the truth. It is called “launching an ad hominem attack” or more commonly, a smear campaign. While jailed at MCC Miami, I met Lloyd the accountant/auditor who could prove the Nugan Hand bank of Australia was one of many owned by the United States via proxy through CIA fronts. They made Lloyd into drunkard who could not be believed. He even told me how one night before he was to give an interview he “had an accident” 15 minutes before his arrival at the hotel where he was to meet a BBC reporter for a 1 hour initial interview. A man pretending to be drunk bumped into him in the hallway of the hotel and spilled a full glass of pure gin onto his person and then offered profuse apologies. He did not think the “accident” was part of any scheme at the time, but he later learned why the BBC never ran with the story. The reporter was sent a fake medical report claiming Lloyd was in rehab for acute alcoholism during the time he claimed to be auditing banking transactions related to the Nugan Hand Bank. It was not true of course and because Lloyd wreaked of gin the night of the interview, the reporter never questioned the source of the report. Only nine months later did Lloyd ever learn about his fabricated “drinking problem.” It takes creative and brilliant minds to scheme like this and there is no shortage of them within the U.S. Bureau of Prisons who will routinely tell reporters that an inmate who alleges prison or government corruption is a drug addict, homosexual, or suffers from mental disorders. In my case, three reporters tried to visit me but only one succeeded. The prison staff made sure I would not be able to talk with her however. (See chapter 19) 439 Lake Butner in North Carolina is a special medical facilities prison for those in federal custody and many prisoners especially those alleging government crimes are sent here to be officially certified as “mentally impaired & dysfunctional” aka crazy. Because the prison is rumored to be especially comfortable with cable TV and plenty of recreational facilities, many inmates gladly go there not knowing what awaits them. Of course the vast majority of prisoners jailed there are truly in need of medical treatments like dialysis, surgeries, cancer treatment etc. But those most dangerous political prisoners are scheduled for a “psychiatric evaluation”, the first step in becoming certified as a nut case. Lake Butner serves a very useful and convenient purpose for government officials who have crimes to conceal. While I was touring the country on the magic bus, I met a man known only as “The Colonel”. He never told anyone his name. I recall that he was almost six feet tall with brown but graying hair, hazel eyes and a full mustache. He was a bit eccentric when he spoke, but that was not often. He seemed to speak only to disagree about something or to make a request. He was not one to engage in a social group conversation, but if addressed he would politely reply. In speaking with him, it became obvious to me (from my own military training) by his vocabulary and mannerisms that he was a military man of high rank. For example, he would always refer to the toilet area as “The latrine” and when talking about the food at Lake Butner, he called the cafeteria “the mess hall, and often spoke of “the enlisted men: and “grunts”. After spending five days with the Colonel he finally confided in me that he was assigned to the U.S. Army’s Medical Corp. for eleven years and was on active duty for almost twenty years. He said he was assigned to a special research unit at Fort Dietrich in Maryland where he was responsible for “researching” strains of viruses and bacteria. He claimed he was third in command of a special “classified” project that lasted five years, and served as an observer, and “senior data analyst” on three similar teams. He claimed that aside 440 from basic training, of his years in the Army were spent in bio-chem warfare research. One of his statements was quite profound... “Germ warfare is far more deadly but less predictable than the atomic bomb.” I reflected upon this comment often and have to conclude that he is right. The Colonel was the only person ever met who could recite the Constitution and Bill of Rights verbatim. At times that he was sort of quietly mumbling to himself, when I thought he was praying, he was actually saying the “Pledge of Allegiance” or reciting the two other historic documents. He was a patriot to the core after years of service and apparently still felt some responsibility and a duty to maintain secrecy about his “classified” work for the Army. Only after I had convinced him I was a federal agent and an airtraffic controller who also had a security clearance did he start talking more freely and eventually let slip that his group was working to weaponize certain viruses and bacteria. But every eight hours he was forced to take “medication” prescribed to him while he was at Lake Butner for his “psych evaluation”. Once that medication kicked in, he became quite introverted, non-conversive and only wanted to draw pictures. One of the pictures he drew will haunt me forever. It was a pencil sketch of soldiers in Vietnam invading a village and rounding up all the women. The men were all shot dead and laying on the ground and grief ridden children were crying in the background. But the “rifles’ they carried by the American intruders were not rifles at all, but rather elongated hypodermic needles. I asked the colonel what the drawing was supposed to be and he just replied “nothing you could understand nor should know about.” was his cryptic answer. When I asked him to try me with an explanation he just shook his head and waved me off. I would have to wait approximately six hours for the meds to wear off and take advantage of that two-hour window of clarity before the next dosage would be given. I only had about seven such sessions before we were finally separated. When I had asked him why he was arrested in the first place, he said he was not allowed to discuss 441 it. But this did not make a lot of sense to me because the Army has their own criminal justice and prison. Why was he in the U.S. Bureau of Prisons system? He had to have been charged with some Federal crime but all he would say was they waited for him to retire, and then “rail-roaded” him with a kangaroo court and his public defender played along with the ruse. He did manage to tell me his name, rank and service number which I had scribbled down on a paper towel when we made a “piss stop” at a gas station. He finally fessed up that he had resigned as a form of protest regarding three projects and then arguments ensued about his pension benefits. Supposedly they had him working under a social security number that wasn’t his, and the Social Security Administration was unable to properly process his benefits. Because of his daily rants and threats by telephone to Army admin staffers, he was probably perceived as a hostile witness and disclosure threat. After resigning he would have to be charged as a civilian. The usual catch-all charges are either “conspiracy” or “tax evasion” and the Colonel said he was charged with both. When I asked if I could read his indictment and legal papers, he said they were taken from while he was at the Atlanta stop of the bus tour. He never did tell me all of the projects he was protesting about, but I would get a clue in an unusual gift he would give me later. This man was a walking encyclopedia on cell and micro-biology and explained to me in unbelievable details how his team was developing a self-mutating virus that could never be tracked to its source (because of its continuous mutation). He said they were instructed to develop a virus that could be sexually transmitted, undetectable, and would debilitate those infected within three to six months. He claimed they had developed three such viruses but none of them worked within the desired time frame. One of them that he described to me, I would later learn when I became a certified AIDS counselor after my release from prison was suspiciously similar to the HTLV virus being researched in France at the Pasteur Institute. We in America would later 442 learn about the HIV virus the hard way. Was it the same virus? I cannot be certain and it would be irresponsible for me to say “yes”. But in some of his most lucid periods the Colonel told me that they had tested the virus at various veteran hospitals around the country on 300 test subjects and they had no doubts that a single active hooker could ultimately cause the infection of over 3,000 men within a year. This man was clearly a knowledgeable, highly experienced, and educated scientist. He said he was originally from Michigan and graduated from Duke University but also had post graduate studies at Virginia or Georgia Tech (I cannot recall at this time). He claimed his unit was responsible for developing and/or weaponizing 27 different biological weapons including a super-strain of malaria that was so powerful they had to kill the project because no vaccine was strong enough to prevent the spread to friendly troops in the battle theater. The Dengue fever was one of their great successes, as was something he referred to as SF-5 or the “Crown Flu Virus” which he described as a “super flu” to be used for “population control”. Because it would infect thousands, disable battlefield soldiers, but only kill off the weakest victims with degraded immune systems, all while appearing to be just a bad cold or flu with identical symptoms, his boss claimed it was ideal to control population explosion in Africa. The Colonel claimed his boss was racist and a closet supremacist who even claimed to have developed a super strength strain of sickle-cell anemia, but which has never been proven and sold to a foreign government. That strain and their malaria project were tested extensively in Liberia, a tiny country on Africa’s West coast. According to the Colonel all except three of the diseases they had designed as weapons spread the fastest in hot tropical climates, and he dreaded a threemonth assignment to Monrovia related to the Malaria and testing of another virus that would originate with birds but I cannot recall the details. They had planned to send him to Guyana as well, but he protested and another colleague was sent. It became obvious to me that although the development of these killer viruses were created in the U.S., they were often tested in foreign poor countries where poor hygiene could be blamed if 443 something went wrong and infection rates became a news item. A Nazi German doctor who worked with the infamous Dr. Mengele was allegedly his boss’s mentor, and the Colonel was frequently derided for his inter-racial marriage with a Philippine wife, that his boss occasionally referred to as a “mongrel half-breed” which once caused the Colonel to hurl his coffee cup against the wall. This incident was probably the beginning of his career’s inevitable end. He said his boss had inherited another suspended project from another Colonel who was the Team Leader 20 or 30 years previous in Puerto Rico where they were experimenting with accelerating the spread of cancer cells, but the Colonel had a both a conscience and a problem with that project, maybe because his own wife suffered and died prematurely from cancer. He told me that following an argument with his boss while forced to work overtime, he removed and burned over a hundred key pages of the old cancer research project that would make it virtually impossible for the project to be resumed. Back then he said they didn’t have shredders but he used the “burn box”. Since nobody was yet actively assigned to that old project, the missing test results and summary would not be noticed for some time. The colonel’s comments about the “old Puerto Rico project” gave me a flash-back to a sad part of my life when I was stationed in Puerto Rico with the Coast Guard in San Juan and later in Aguadilla. As the security officer at the Aguadilla air station, I always had week-ends off but in San Juan as a rescue boat cosxswain I was always on call like most firemen, or jet fighter pilots. So while in San Juan from 1974-1975 I did not have a social life. But I did manage to meet a beautiful young Puerto Rican girl, I will call Angela here and we had a brief conversation when she came to pick up her father at the Plaza of Old San Juan where all the Public Cars wait for passengers bound for distant suburbs and other cities. It was not uncommon for Puerto Ricans from the countryside to 444 commute 50 miles to San Juan for wages that were double than in their home towns in agricultural regions. At home they might collect 500 coconuts or milk 80 cows for $10 a day. In San Juan they could paint or work on the docks loading ships for $20 a day. Anyway, we had made some small talk about the huge Ceiba tree that gave shade to over 150 people in the plaza from the blistering summer sun, and she invited me to visit her hometown of Fajardo which was about fifty miles to the East of San Juan on the Northeast tip of Puerto Rico, where the U.S. Navy had a huge base called Roosevelt Roads, which was the weapons testing center for the Atlantic fleet. Angela also offered to give me a tour of the famous El Yunque rain forest and some free Spanish lessons, noting that my Spanish was just a little better than awful (at that time). It looked to be the beginning of a great new friendship. She had a face like an angel, with dimpled smile I will never forget. Geographically Puerto Rico is a relatively small island only 100 miles long by 35 miles wide but with mostly 2 or 4 lane roads clogged by overloaded sugar cane trucks trudging along at 20mph (on a good day) traveling by car was generally a pain in the ass, and close to masochistic if you did not have air conditioning in your public car (a taxi that never departs with less than 6 passengers in it.). Just imagine the aroma of 5 laborers and you stuffed in a Chevy Impala with no air conditioning on a summer day when temperatures normally hover in the mid 80s. And since rice and beans is a popular and tasty dish on the island, one or two passengers inevitably have gas attacks. If you think it could not be any worse, almost every driver were chain smokers! Long story short, I bought a Honda 250 Elsinore cross country motorcycle so I would not have to deal with the horrific traffic nor the stench of the public cars in order to visit with Angela on our first date which would be El Yunque rain forest. Since I would be spending at least three years in Puerto Rico, I figured the motorcycle was a good investment although I would also end up buy a 1955 Ford Crown Victoria in mint condition the following year, once I realized it rains quite often in the tropics. I met Angela for our first date at the bus stop nearest El Yunque and from there we road my motorcycle to the entrance and paid our $20 admission fee. Angela had 445 brought a back pack stuffed with fruit, snacks ,and bottled water and saved us a small fortune from the gougers who exploited the many eco-tourists coming from abroad to explore this genuine Garden of Eden paradise. Angela was even more beautiful than I remembered and we hit it off quite well as we explored the amazing flora, tree frogs, and scenic waterfalls where she took my hand in hers and thanked me for flirting with here under the Ceiba tree, and I thanked her for letting me! We had our little picnic under an enormous tree fern. Then suddenly it began pouring rain with no advance warning and we were soaked to the bone in less than two minutes, but it was a welcome relief from the 90 degree heat of the rain forest. We made our way down the mountain back to where the tourist paths split off into different directions. Although we were lost we really didn’t care because any path that went downwards would eventually hit Route No. 2 where I parked my motorcycle. The rain stopped as suddenly as it started and surrounded us in a strange steamy fog that was eerily romantic. I wanted to steal a kiss but it was our first date, and I was told “Never try to kiss a Puerto Rican girl on a first date or they will think you are a playboy”. I restrained myself, but it wasn’t easy. By the time we reached my motorcycle our T-shirts and shorts were already dry and instead of making Angela take the bus home, I offered to ride her on my motorcycle and she thoroughly enjoyed her first motorcycle ride. We arrived in about 45 minutes just as her mom was serving dinner of a fired fish plate called escaveche or in some parts called pescaveche. It smelled delicious and I did not have to be asked twice to stay for dinner! I met the entire Delgado family including her two younger sisters and an elder brother and her mom and dad. That latter of whom spoke a little English because he worked as a civilian at the Navy Base as a welder. The conversation was lively and Angela’s father was trying to impress me with his English vocabulary which was not bad actually. It seemed all was going well until the mother, a woman in her late 40s asked me where I was born and when I told her Ohio, she asked me where that country was located. When I told her Ohio was part of America, she seemed displeased, rosefrom the table and scurried off never to be seen again. I asked if something was wrong but Angela quietly told me to just finish eating and she would explain later. By the time we finished our meal it was dark and I had to 446 be headed back to San Juan and hopefully find a gas station that still open to fill up my gas tank. Angela walked me out to my motorcycle and apologized for here mother being upset but she wid not tell me why. When I started to ask looked to see if anyone was watching and quickly pecked me on the cheek with a kiss and said “I had a fun time today and hope we can spend more time together”. I told her I wanted to do exactly that and would call her once I knew my schedule for the following week. Apparently are feelings were mutual and I drove home that night wondering if this girl would become someone very special in my life. At this point I was hoping that would be the case. The following week I called Angela as soon as our new duty schedule was posted and as soon as she answered the phone, I could sense something was wrong. Her ususal bubbly personality was gone and her solemn voice was direct as she bluntly told me... I am sorry Bruce, but I cannot see you any more. I was shocked and instantly saddened with this news. When I began asking why she cut me off and said. I want to see you again, but mother won’t allow me to spend time with you. I asked why, and she started to explain that her mom asked her if she “had special feelings for the Gringo American” and when Angela replied “yes” her mom forbid her see or even talk with me again. I said I didn’t understand and Angela began crying as I tried to calm her down. In a few minutes she explained... My mom’s mother died of cancer that was deliberately given to her by some Army Colonel in a secret experiment that they didn’t know about for many years. The Army Colonel was a doctor named Cornelius Rhoades and that the Army finally admitted he did experiments on human beings without their permission and he told her grandmother that she was getting a vaccine Dr.Conelius Rhoads 447 injection when it was really cancer cells. Angela said her grandmother died a very painful death before she was born and her mother has hated Americans ever since. I swore I never even heard about this man and was in the Coast Guard, not the Army. I protested this wasn’t fair. Angela agreed with me but said she could not sway her mother and even her father had tried but no luck. Angela ended the conversation in tears and wished me well in my career I was devastated by this call because I was quite smitten with Angela and I decided I would visit her mom and plead me own case. I arrived unexpectedly and unannounced the following weekend with a bouquet of flowers and a framed serenity prayer in Spanish. Angela heard my motorcycle and came running out to see me. Although she seemed happy to see me she was equally worried about what might happen. It did not take long to find out. Her mother came screaming at me out of her house in Spanish “Yankee devil murderers are not welcome here, go to hell and burn with your evil ancestors!” Clearly she was not in a mood to hear my plea for mercy and compassion. I was forced to leave my flowers and framed prayer with Angela and took off before a scene with all the neighbors would surely develop. Although I carefully wrote a long 12 page letter to Angela and her mom professing my honorable and sincere intentions for Angela and my expressing my sympathy for the loss of grandmother. I would never see Angela again and promised myself that I would investigate and expose this evil Army doctor wherever he was. Oddly I could not find out anything about the man until Alex Maldonado, the Editor of El Mundo newspaper in San Juan published one of my editorials in his new newspaper El Reporter called me to encourage me to write a weekly column. I took that opportunity to ask Alex if he every heard about this cancer experiment he he admitted it was a major scandal in Puerto Rico “long ago” and it is not talked about any more because it caused a lot of “hateful tensions” and there were still Puerto Ricans who would kill Dr. Cornelius Rhoades if they knew where he was at. The next and last time I would hear about this man was from the Colonel on my magic bus ride. But today in the age of the internet and instant knowledge, I found in less than 3 seconds that Dr. Cornelius Rhoades instead of being prosecuted for his human cancer experiments in Puerto Rico, became the first Director of the Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute and his days in Puerto Rico are glossed over with his scandal being referred to as a “cultural 448 misunderstanding”. I have never heard of attempted murder ever expressed in such misleading and innocuous terms before. The rage that burns with the heart of Angela’s mother is well-justified as I myself would track down and slay anyone who did something similar to my family members. The Colonel also claimed that there was some special project that was run by the State Department that was part of an elite global effort to cap world population growth but only targeting certain races or climate zones, but he was not privy to anything other than their request for an innocuous virus capable of becoming a national epidemic and able to be contained when required. He said their unit received a commendation for the Crown Flu Virus project, which had two strains with one being super lethal and the other that could be used to cause a panic or reduce battlefield strength of opposing troops (ie. Sick soldiers can’t fight with high fevers and depleted energy levels). The Colonel claimed that the more he inquired about the purpose of global population control, the more he was distanced and then totally removed from the project and a woman from the CDC took his place on that special team. He said the “population control project” was getting millions of dollars from the Rockefeller Foundation and the “Microsoft guy” (Bill Gates). Yet another success story was a similar virus that could spread to humans from farm animals including chickens and pigs that was more lethal, and thus would be too suspicious, unless the infections started only in rural areas, and then spread to the battlefield by delivering infected poultry and pork to feed the troops. I had noted the name of this virus as well, but it was in the notes taken from me. I recall only that the name of the virus began with the letter “S”. This was one of three projects the Colonel protested about because he said the virus could easily become a 449 pandemic if any of the infected farm animals or byproducts became exports products that would seep into the global food chain undetected. He said his protests always fell onto deaf ears and eventually his boss would openly castigate, ridicule, and humiliate him in front of superiors while he was forced to “bite my tongue”. To avoid the frequent embarrassment he became passively silent when “the top brass” visited the lab. While lucid he often complained about many administrative deficiencies and what he called “Not even a semblance of concern about those affected by failed projects, neither the staff, public nor the patients” He made some reference to “The Bug Farm in New York” which he said was “located too damn close to major population centers.” When I asked him about this “Bug Farm” he just said it was run by a German doctor for the Department of Defense and he was sent there in the late 1960s to be an observer and do “random evaluations” of infections made by “carriers insects” that would be air- dropped upon the enemy and ideally make them so sick within a month, they would be unable to do battle, and each victim would require costly medical attention. He said these bugs were infected with a variety of blood-borne diseases that were seldom if ever found in a natural state, but could easily be blamed on transmission by rodents and other mammals. He said that careless handling and accounting of specimens led to mislabeling that caused over 1,000,000 of the infected insects being released and when he brought it to the attention of the Director he was assured that most would be eaten by birds, bats, frogs, and lizards. And since they were on a remote island, there was no real danger to humans. I asked the Colonel if that was true and he only said, “I never saw a single lizard or frog on the island, and deer know how to swim. Birds and bats 450 eat mostly flying insects. But the island was fairly remote.” I took his answer as just a big “maybe”. He said that duty station was where nobody wanted to work because the staff was having a high rate of infection and it was on an isolated island where all they did was work and sleep and occasionally went fishing. He said his stay there was brief – less than a year, and he was quite happy to leave after he too was bitten a couple of times by “those nasty blood- sucking critters”. But he said he was getting preventative treatment against the infection so he only had to endure itchy tick and flea bites. I asked him for the names of the diseases they were trying to spread, and although he told me, I have forgotten and as I mentioned before, much of my notes were taken from me when I was released. But after meeting a friend of mine at a local Miami gym in 1985, I noticed red circles on his back with dark spots in the center, while in the locker room. I was curious enough to ask what happened to him because I never saw any rash like that before in my life. He told me it was something called “Lyme Disease” that only people in New York and Connecticut were getting from ticks. When I asked how the ticks got infected he admitted that nobody was sure, but that the doctor told him that the ticks must have sucked the blood of an infected deer or pig. Ten years later I heard this strange disease was spreading around the world at an alarming rate and two of my good friends were debilitated by it. Then suddenly it was reported that 6% of Americans had Lyme disease. Since the disease takes its toll over several years and is not immediately fatal in the short term, not many in the medical industry bothered to pursue a cure. Even in China, those Chinese who were wealthy enough to study abroad were coming home from the American northeast with Lyme in growing numbers. Finally, 451 years later, I read a book called “LAB 257” (by author Michael Carroll) and realized the German doctor the Colonel had referred to was a “Dr. Erik/Erich Traub” recruited through the famous “Project Paperclip” following World War II. (Insert link to Project Paperclip) The following day the Colonel had even more clarity because someone in the medical unit forgot to dose him on the weekend shift, and he shared some details with me about his boss who he truly despised, mostly because he did not like taking orders from “civilians” and his racist remarks about his wife. His boss was a Dr. Robert Gallo, who he referred to as “Dr. Death”, an expert in virology and weaponizing molds, bacteria and viruses. Apparently after WWII the American military realized that the German inventory of bio-chemical warfare weapons was not only double that of America’s but of a much greater variety, and quality. As a result of this revelation, the American Field Generals were suddenly overzealous in their desire to catch up as they worried the Russians may have captured huge portions of the German inventory and growing their own strains, even more potent. Dr. Gallo, Dr. Traub, and more than 200 lab technicians and researchers at top universities were recruited to expand America’s arsenal of bio-chem weapons, and Fort Dietrich was the most visible, but not the only development lab operated by the Department of Defense, (formerly the War Department). According to the Colonel, Dr. Gallo’s claim to fame was developing what was thought to be the best killer virus guaranteed to disable the enemy but, also turned out to be the greatest and most expensive failure, since the death cycle was five to ten years. It was designed to be spread by 452 prostitutes and would viciously destroy the immune system of everyone infected so they would be super vulnerable to pneumonia, liver disease, and any infectious disease that required white blood cell defense to survive and recover. They had covertly tested this virus on numerous in- patient veterans mostly abandoned by their loved ones after becoming disfigured, burned severely, or shell-shocked from the war. They gave it a numbered designation, but the French would later call it the HTLV virus. In 1979, the American public would hear about this new strange fatal virus labeled by the CDC as “HIV”. As his new mystery disease spread like wild fire, first in the housing projects off large cities, and then to suburbia, President Reagan managed to calm the public by telling us all we had nothing to worry about if we were not gay. The government propaganda peddlers succeeded in planting numerous magazine and newspaper articles insisting and spewing “indisputable evidence from top experts” that HIV was “a gay man’s disease”. Eventually Magic Johnson, Arthur Ashe and a young Florida boy named Ryan White, would blow the lid off that lie. I helped with that by making an appearance on a televised debate on WPLG Channel 10 where I publicly accused CDC Director Anthony Fauci of falsifying the real AIDS epidemic by repeatedly changing the T cell counts required to distinguish HIV patients from AIDS patients. At that time in the early 80s HIV was 100% fatal and the CDC was denying that one of the seven strains (known at that time) were self-mutating, and thus unable to cure or vaccinate against. I then went on to become a volunteer AIDS counselor (certified by HRS and Dr. Robert Moon) and learned even more than I wanted to know. I started the American AIDS Alert Association, (a grass-roots volunteer group that made guest appearances on radio talk shows and handed out flyers at local Miami Universities). and then began working for 453 an autologous blood bank called National Health Guard which I felt compelled to do after my volunteer work at the Red Cross blood bank in Miami, led me to alert Florida surgeons, the FDA, and CBS 60 minutes about the HIV tainted blood inventories of the American Red Cross. (See my Chapter “Bad Blood” and the 60 Minutes segment by the same name circa 1990-1991) We at National Health Guard also became the first and only private clinic in America to offer low-cost ANONYMOUS HIV/AIDS testing to keep people off of CDC databases, since they were seriously considering setting up “Quarantine Centers” at the time. Although we took a lot of heat from State and Federal agencies, the ACLU came to our defense and government officials surprisingly backed-off, perhaps wanting to avoid even more publicity, but they did try to smear me with this local news article in Miami: https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/man-of-letters-6364306 Although the Colonel seemed to be a super ethical guy, I could not understand how he reconciled his work with his moral standards since he hinted that although he favored population control, he was firmly against random deaths and especially those of children. Somehow he claimed that only the weakest of our species could be eliminated leaving strong “breeding stock” unaffected. When I asked him to explain, he said I wouldn’t understand unless I was a major in genetics. He was right I didn’t understand his theorem on programming a virus to specifically target certain people while leaving others in the same city untouched. He also claimed that Gallo was very close to perfecting a virus that would sterilize women of all age groups with a virus that had a life cycle of less than a 3 months but had the ability to spread to millions of women in that same time frame. Somehow it would prevent a woman’s body of generating her monthly period. I cannot recall the specifics but I was truly amazed how 454 they could modify viruses, mold, and bacteria, to obtain desired effects. He did admit that the micro bio-engineering was often a matter of trial and error. Yes, at times the Colonel seemed to be a man of contradictions, and indeed I could not understand his ability to embrace population culling yet be opposed to random murder with bio-chemical weapons. Only a few months after I went free I came to understand him better when I read what I seem to recall was an article in either Harper’s New Yorker, or the Atlantic about the imminent population explosion and yet another on Natural Selection and Nature’s way of culling the weak and unproductive from our society. Looking back in history, some plague, drought, famine or Wars always seemed to keep our world in a healthy balance that all of us always seem to take for granted. But back in the 1940’s the average human lifespan was only 60 years old. Today however, people are living an average of 25 years longer while our depletion rate of world resources have almost doubled. So some scholars and academics suddenly woke up in the 70’s almost in alarm as “sustainability” became the buzzword of the day. We are all told to be green, but did not really grasp the big picture beyond the simple thoughts of recycling and global warming. Bit the elite and their bankers were far more focused on the costs and liabilities of aging populations who tax revenues would stop and their consumption of expensive social services would grow, while all the old geezers no longer served any useful purpose in their eyes. It simply was an economic burden to have a population with more than 10% of th