Character creation At the end of a long rest, you may check to see if each of your wounds will heal by one step with a Constitution Everyone gets a free feat at level 1. check. The difficulty depends on the severity of the wound. Everyone gets a free minor magical item at level 1. Closing a wound with magic requires a spell level befitting Leveling up the wounds' severity: minor (lvl1), medium (lvl2), major When rolling for hit points, reroll 1s. (lvl3). You may also use healing potions: Common, Greater Instead of a +2 ASI or a feat; you get +1 ASI and a feat. or Superior. You do not regain health this way. Natural 20's Survival A Crit on Initiative gives you one free action. Thirst: You need to drink one waterskin worth of liquid a A Crit on an attack maximizes the weapon dice. This does day or become thirsty, lowering your attack rolls, ability not count for the additional damage dice. checks and saving throws using WIS, INT or CHA by 1. A Crit on a saving throw results in you taking no damage, After a second day you are parched, lowering them by 2. even if the spell would normally do half damage. After a third day you are dehydrated, lowering them by 3. A Crit on an ability check allows you to add your proficiency on top of the skill proficiency you already have. Hunger: You need to eat a ration worth of food a day or become hungry, lowering your attack rolls, ability checks Checks & Saves and saving throws using STR, DEX or CON by 1. You can only use the help action on skill checks if you are After a second day you are ravenous, lowering them by 2. proficient in that skill. After a third day you are starving, lowering them by 3. Death saves are rolled in secret by the player or DM. Combat Once after Initiative is rolled and before combat is started, you may lower your Initiative to a value of your choosing. Flanking no longer gives advantage, instead you add half When doing an ability check and take 10 minutes to do so, your proficiency (rounded up) to the attack roll. you can't roll lower than 10 + your skill proficiency. Creatures can give partial cover to other creatures. A You may re-attempt a failed skill check by pushing it. This creature of same size gives half-cover; one size larger raises the DC and the consequences if you fail again. gives 3/4 cover; more than one size larger gives full cover. If you succeed at an attack roll, saving throw or ability Being hit by a Crit adds a notch to your armor, lowering check by 10 or more it's considered an extreme success; if AC by 1 for each notch. Notches can be repaired by smiths you fail by 10 or more it's considered an extreme failure. or characters with relevant tool proficiencies. An extreme success or failure will carry some minor effect Resting determined in the moment by the DM. You can't regain health after a rest until someone expends Conditions & Injuries a use of a healer's kit to treat your wounds. Bloodied: Dropping below half your hit points. You get When resting in jungle, mountains or other such disadvantage on ability checks relying on STR, DEX or wilderness, you only get the benefit of a Short Rest unless CON. You can no longer use the dash action. you spend the entire day resting without travel. Beaten: Dropping below a quarter of your hit points. You Encumberance can no longer use your reaction. Standing up from prone Items are taking up inventory slots based on their size. costs all your movement. Size Slots Description Dying: Dropping to 0 hit points adds one level of systemic shock upon becoming stable. When you drop to 0 hit Tiny 0.1 Very small, can carry multiple in a hand. points again, each level of shock counts as an automatic Small 1 Short length, held easily with one hand. death save failure. You lose all levels of shock after a long Medium 2 Medium length, held with one hand. rest or restoring at least half your maximum hit points. Large 3 Long length, requires two hands to hold. Wounds: When you are critically hit or drop to 0 hit points, you gain a wound. Roll on the Wounds table to see You can carry a backpack (10 slots + STR Mod) and two which part of your body was wounded. If you roll a pouches (2 slots + STR Mod), as well as a ration box (1 duplicate result, your current injury worsens by one step. slot, 1 day of food), a waterskin (1 slot, 1 day of water) and a coin purse (1 slot, 100 coins). d6 Area Minor(DC10) Medium(DC15) Major(DC20) Your weapons are worn in sheathes or slung over your 1 Arms -2 STR -4 STR -6 STR shoulder; the same counts for shields and quivers carrying 2 Legs -2 DEX -4 DEX -6 DEX up to 20 pieces of ammunition. 3 Torso -2 CON -4 CON -6 CON You may increase your inventory slots through magic help 4 Head -2 INT -4 INT -6 INT or aquiring pack animals. A portable hole has 15 slots, a bag of holding 20 slots, a handy haversack 25; while a 5 Eyes -2 WIS -4 WIS -6 WIS pack horse with saddle bags has 40 slots. 6 Face -2 CHA -4 CHA -6 CHA Items Combat Actions Bandolier: A mundane item that carries items up to your Take Cover: If you are in cover, you make use your bonus proficiency bonus, which can be potions, poisons, flasks, action to increase your cover bonus by one step. Half scrolls, etc. If these items require an action to be used, cover becomes 3/4 cover; 3/4 covers becomes full cover. they instead require a bonus action. It takes an action to Charge: When you use the dash action, you may use your add a new item to the bandolier. bonus action to make a single melee weapon attack. Potion of Vigor: Takes an action to use. Roll a number of Shield Bash: While wearing a shield you may replace one hit dice up to your CON Mod + 1 to heal yourself. of your melee weapon attacks with a shield bash. The target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or take 1 Tides of Luck + Str Mod bludgeoning damage and the next attack Good luck: Add a luck token to the game on the players against the target has advantage. side. At any time in the game a player may give the token Heroic Save: As a Reaction, when an ally within 5 feet of to the DM to force a reroll of an attack, saving throw or you is hit with an attack or fails a Dexterity saving throw, ability check they made, unless they rolled a 1. you may throw yourself in front of them. The attack misses them, automatically hitting you. In addition to the Bad luck: At any time in the game the DM may give the damage you roll once on the Wounds Table. token back to the players to force a reroll of an attack, Sunder: You may choose to attack a weapon, shield or saving throw or ability check, unless they rolled a 20. armor an opponent is wearing. On a hit, you deal damage to the item; if it drops to 0 hit points it is sundered. A Spellcasting sundered weapon has its damage die reduced one size; a sundered shield or armor has its AC reduced by 2. Counterspells: When a spell is countered, the initial Most weapons and shields have 3d6 hit points; while caster rolls on the wild magic surge table. If a counterspell metal armor has 1d8 hit points for each AC above 10. is counterspelled, both casters roll on the wild magic Magical items are immune to being sundered. surge table. Resurrection: If a spell is used to restore life, roll a d20 Party Actions and add your spellcasting ability modifier. The DC is 10 + Party actions are declared by the entire party and/or DM at 1 for each previous successful resurrection the character the top of a combat round. Both need to agree on the action. has undergone. On a failure the spell has no effect and increases any future Resurrection checks' DC by 1. Tactical Retreat: The Heroes decide that this fight isn't going their way and set up a staged retreat. Incapacitated Force of Will characters can be carried by an ally within 5ft of them. The party makes a group skill check using athletics or Once at any time on your turn, you can give yourself a acrobatics against a DC based on the highest CR of the point of Exhaustion to push yourself beyond your normal enemy. On a success they fled unharmed; on a fail they limits and gain an additional action. fled while taking damage equal to the combined CR of the remaining creatures. The party can allocate this damage Knowledge Checks however they like. You can use your passive ability scores to determine what Overwhelm: The DM can announce that the end of this you know about a general creature when you first fight is now a foregone conclusion. The party makes a encounter it. The DM will give you general information group skill check using their weapon or spellcasting about the creature based on your proficiencies. attack modifiers against a DC based on the highest CR of Proficiency Creature Type the enemy. On a success the remaining enemies die. If the Arcana Aberrations, Constructs, Dragons, Oozes group fails the check then the enemy can choose from the following options: History Humanoids, Giants, Monstrosities (1) Flight. Between one and half of the enemy units Nature Beasts, Elementals, Fey, Plants escape, the rest dies. Religion Celestials, Fiends, Undead (2) Fight. The enemy deals damage per CR equal to the You can use the same knowledge scores to learn more combined CR of the remaining creatures, then dies. The about NPCs' class abilities and spells at the DMs DM can allocate this damage however they like. discretion. (3) Freeze. The enemy lays down weapons and surrender. Proficiency Class Type Arcana Artificiers, Wizards, Sorcerers Talent Trees History Fighters, Rogues, Bards, Monks Learn a new talent based on your skill proficincies with every level up. See the attached Talent_Tree.pdf for the Nature Druids, Rangers, Barbarians selection of talents. Religion Paladins, Clerics, Warlocks
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