CONSPIRACY MANIFESTO Editions du Seuil 57rue Gast on-Tess ier, Paris x1 xe ISBN 978-2-02-149567-6 Éditions du Seuil, January This digital document was produced by Nord Compo. I'll play it first and tell you what it is later. Miles Davis TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Copyright The "war on viruses" is a war waged against us 1. The world's blow 2. The conspiracy of the amputees 3. Clarities of terror Conspiracy is the name of the conscience that does not disarm 1. The anti-conspiracy conspiracy 2. As in 1914 3. "Everything conspires The unreality that we are experiencing is not that of a staggering catastrophe, but that of a scenario that is unfolding 1. Twenty years of preparedness 2. The city of the living dead The counter-revolution of responds2020 to the uprisings of 2019 1. The turning point of 2019 2. The recovery The Cold War never ended 1. The great awakening 2. The long Cold War 3. MK-Ultra for ever 4. Containment theory This world is dual, as are its technologies 1. The climate war 2. The domestic war 3. The world made by DARPA 4. The cool guy as extermination machine 5. French Dualities The nudge is a nudge 1. World Cup Method 2. Efforts to drive the other crazy 3. Dialectic of mystification The art of governing produces only monsters 1 The project to govern everything 2 Democratic design and environmental power 3 Architects and supernumeraries Life is nothing biological 1. "Life is our life's work" (Pfizer) 2. The biopolitical metropolis 3. The dictatorship of vulnerability 4. The Family of Man 5. The disease of health The present hell is only the realization of the old positivist project 1. Statistical monstrosity 2. The Rockefeller Foundation and the molecular vision of life 3. Permanence of positivism We will win because we are deeper 1. Society", a reactionary concept 2. The war on souls 3 The virus of secession and the ongoing schism 4 Conspire, therefore Credits and sources of illustrations We are conspiracy theorists, like all sensible people from now on. For the last two years that we have been taken for a ride and that we have been getting information, we have had all the necessary hindsight to distinguish "the truth from the falsehood". The ridiculous self-assessments that were supposed to make us fill in were indeed intended to make us consent to our own confinement and to make us our own jailers. Their creators are now congratulating themselves. The staging of a deadly global pandemic, "worse than the Spanish flu of 1918", was indeed a staging. The documents attesting to this have since been leaked, as we shall see below. All the terrifying models were wrong. The blackmail of the hospital-that-cracks was also a blackmail. The concomitant spectacle of the private clinics, almost idle and, above all, far removed from any requisition, was enough to attest to this. But the persistence, since then, in tearing apart hospitals and their personnel provides definitive proof. The furious determination to sweep away any treatment that did not involve experimenting with biotechnologies on entire populations, reduced to the state of guinea pigs, was somewhat suspicious. A vaccination campaign organized by the McKinsey firm and a "health pass" later, the brutalization of the public debate takes on its full meaning. This is probably the first deadly epidemic that people need to be convinced exists. The monster that has been advancing on us for the past two years is not, for the time being, a virus crowned with a protein, but a technological acceleration endowed with a power to tear calculated. Every day we witness the attempt to realize the insane transhumanist project of convergence of NBIC technologies (Nano-Bio- Info-Cognitive). This utopia of complete remaking of the world, this dream of optimal control of social, physical and mental processes does not even bother to hide anymore. One will have had no qualms about imposing as a remedy for a virus resulting from experiments to gain function within the framework of a "biodefense" program another biotechnological experiment conducted by a laboratory whose medical director prides himself on "hacking the software of life. "More of the same" seems to be the last, blind principle of a world that no longer has any. Recently, one of the journalists who populate the Parisian newsrooms asked a somewhat honest scientist about the origin of SARS-CoV-2. He had to admit that the grotesque fable of the pangolin was increasingly losing ground to the hypothesis of tampering by a certain P4 laboratory. And the journalist asked him if "this might not bring water to the mill of conspiracy theorists". The problem with the truth, from now on, is that it gives reason to the conspirators. That's where we are. It was high time to launch a commission of experts to put an end to this heresy. And to restore censorship. When all reason deserts the public space, when deafness increases, when propaganda hardens its ferrule in order to force general communion, it is necessary to take the field. This is what the conspirator does. To start from his intuitions and to launch himself into research. To try to understand how we got here, and how to get out of this small rut of civilizational proportions. To find accomplices and to confront each other. Not to resign ourselves to the tautology of the existing. Not to fear or hope, but to serenely look for new weapons. The fulmination of all the powers against the conspirators proves enough how much reality resists them. The invention of propaganda by the Holy See (the Congregatio de propaganda fide or Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith) in 1622 did not do the Counter-Reformation any good in the long run. The discredit of the yelpers eventually absorbed their yelping. The conception of life that the engineers of this society have is obviously so flat, so flawed, so erroneous that they can only fail. They will only succeed in devastating the world a little more. That is why it is in our vital interest to drive them out without waiting for them to fail. So we did what any other conspiracy theorist would do: we did the research. This is what we report. If we dare to publish it, it is because we believe that we have reached several conclusions that can shed a harsh and truthful light on the times. We have plunged into the past to elucidate the new, when all the current events tended to lock us in the labyrinth of its eternal present. It was necessary to tell the other side of contemporary history. At the beginning, it was a question of not letting ourselves be imposed by the firepower and panic of the reigning propaganda. To get used to the new regime of things constitutes then the main danger, which contains that to become the parrot of it. To fear the epithet of The "conspiracy theory" is one of them. The debate is not between conspiracy and anti-conspiracy, but within conspiracy. Our disagreement with the defenders of the existing order is not about the interpretation of the world, but about the world itself. We don't want the world they are building - they can keep their scaffolding to themselves, by the way. It's not a matter of opinion; it's a matter of incompatibility. We do not write to convince. It is far too late for that. We write to arm our side in a war that is waged on bodies with souls as its focus - a war that is certainly not between a virus and "humanity" as the spectacular dramaturgy would have it. We have therefore tried to make the truth "manageable as a weapon", according to the Brecht's advice. We have spared ourselves the demonstrative style, the footnotes, the slow progression from hypothesis to conclusion. We have stuck to the pieces and the ammunition. Consistent conspiracism, which does not serve as an ornament to impotence, concludes with the necessity to conspire, because what is facing us seems determined to crush us. At no moment we will allow ourselves to pronounce on the use that each one can, in such a time, make of his freedom. We will limit ourselves to plasticizing the most cumbersome mental fetters. We don't pretend that a book is enough to get rid of powerlessness, but we also remember that a few good books found on our way have saved us a lot of servitude. The last two years have been trying. They have been trying for all sensitive people, and sensitive to logic. Everything seemed to be done to make us crazy. It has been important to some solid friendships that we could share what we felt and what we thought - our amazement and our revolt. We endured these last years together, week after week. The research followed logically. This book is anonymous because it belongs to no one; it belongs to the movement of social dissociation that is underway. It accompanies what will happen - in six months, in one year or in ten. It would have been suspicious, in addition to being imprudent, if it had authorized itself with a name or several. Or that he should serve any kind of glory. "The difference between a true thought and a lie consists in the fact that the lie logically requires a thinker and not the true thought. No one is needed to conceive the true thought. [...] The only thoughts for which a thinker is absolutely necessary are lies." (Wilfred R. Bion, Attention and Interpretation, 1970) The "war on the virus" is a war that is led to us 1. The coup of the world. 2. The conspiracy of the amputees. 3. Clarities of the terror. 1. It was a worldly move. An offensive of all the devils, without limits, lightning, lateral. A drone strike on the world situation, under the midday sun, as the good people of Earth were about to eat. The declaration without warning of a new underlying state of affairs, lame, but ready to enter the scene. One half of the world's population is over - aninstant suspensionof all habits, all certainties, all life. Then a bombardment, a carpet of bombs of every moment - psychological, semantic, computer and informational. And that has not stopped. Communication has always been about war. It was born in this context, it has never been used for anything else, especially in "peacetime". Its truth never lies in what it says, but in the operations it carries out, which are as legible as a secret in the middle of the face. Too bad for those who can't see it. A world that proclaims, throughout series, novels, television games, manuals of know-how, the eminence of duplicity and the charms of deception wants us to take its word for it. This seems preposterous. But the grotesque is only maintained by terror. From then on, it was only a question of intimidation. This has not stopped either. As the perverts only keep their empire by pushing their abuses further, this offensive can only believe itself to be victorious if it continues to advance. "Evil must be done all at once, so that those to whom it is done do not have time to savor it," Machiavelli advised. In Colombia, the police went to execute opponents in their homes, directly, for the benefit of containment. In India, untouchable people are sprayed with bleach to make them "disinfect". In Sri Lanka, Muslims are forbidden to bury their dead "because of the coronavirus". And since there is no question of cremating them, they are suggested to bury them elsewhere. In Israel, it is the anti-terrorism department that tracks down "contact cases" and the Prime Minister calls the non-vaccinated "time bombs". In Australia, in mid-August 2021, a high-profile manhunt is launched by the police to find a "Covid fugitive", Anthony Karam, who is not at the address given for his 40s. He is also not quite white, not quite Anglo-Saxon, not quite Protestant. Finally, the police flush out the "enemy of health He 1is dragged in front of the cameras in a white suit, before being sent to prison in solitary confinement. He is dragged in front of the cameras in a white suit, before being sent to prison in isolation. In Italy, in response to the demonstrations against the green pass now required to work, the government has banned all demonstrations in city centers with the blessing of the trade union centres. People will be able to hold sit-ins in the suburbs, masked and one meter apart. In Hong Kong, Carrie Lam, the chief executive whose general revolt almost killed her, is taking 2019,revenge by organizing In the case of "ambushes" in working-class neighborhoods, the police cordon off the area and control everyone. In Singapore, after the Boston Dynamics robot dog that barked at passersby in May 2020 to respect the "social distance", it is now the Xavier robot that patrols the streets in pursuit of smokers, street vendors and those who dare to gather in more than five, health standard obliges. The French ministerial delegation "for security industries and the fight against cyber threats" is particularly interested in this experimentation. In France, in keeping with the local tradition of administrative inhumanity, we were forbidden to kiss our dying parents one last time before stuffing them, without care or ceremony, into body bags. No funerals. Pick up the ashes in two weeks. In the spring of 2020, an old friend - an old terrorist for sure - was spending the suspended time of confinement with some of her neighbors, reading poems of their taste, of their heart, from their respective windows. It wasn't long before they received a letter from the condo association telling them to stop this scandal: to have a good time "while others die"! This world no longer holds back when it comes to spitting out its rage against everything that still dares to breathe - the young, the poor, the dancing, the carefree, the irregular. Everywhere, the oppression that was not admitted as political is now displayed as biopolitical. It is the reign of the realized statistic. Everywhere, the rulers dream of China. They are the only ones to dream of it. All this terror is not serious. It is that of a finished world, but which does not want to finish. Which is only this empty will to last. Which is at the mercy of a burst of laughter too contagious. A world whose bankruptcy is exposed every day, between two advertisements for the company of the future and interstellar travel. The terror he deploys is the terror he feels. Shaky people have obviously decided to strike a blow. A big blow to restore their lost authority and declining margins. But nothing can sustainably restore the authority of media and governments, politics and culture, science and industry - of capital in all its forms: every authority burns and re-burns every summer in the planetary infernos. It drowns and is reborn in each unprecedented flood and each monsoon against the clock. It buries itself day after day under the torrent of lies that it has to utter in order to survive. Technology will offer no remedy for the damage of technology. This world will not be able to step over its own dead body. His big move is desperate. The fact that it met with almost no resistance is proof enough of how much nothing holds anymore. 2. Of course, there is a prestige of terror. There is an aura of power, which hypnotizes. The first pipsqueak to come out of the Attali Commission that we put him as president, looks like a sphinx, and his inconsistency like maestria. Stalin himself, on the cover of the Times, is no1939, longer the beaten-to- death child with webbed feet and a deformed arm that he remains. On the other side, Allen Dulles, the man of the American secret service under eight presidents, the director of the CIA whose head Kennedy had and who in return had Kennedy's head, is suddenly no longer the clubfoot he was as a child when he chased women. This is true for the least "chief", of a construction site or of a cabinet. The social hierarchy is that of mystification. It is also, consequently, that of sensitive amputation. For mystification to be king, blindness must be king. Not a second of this world would be possible, if one could exist in it and see what Kafka saw in it. "We all live as if we were despots. That makes us beggars. [...] The anguish of death is only the result of a life that is not fulfilled. It is the expression of a betrayal. [...] These great political meetings are on the level of the Café du Commerce. People talk a lot and very loudly, and this to say as little as possible. It is a deafening silence. The only thing in there that is true and interesting are the deals made behind the scenes, of which no one breathes a word." (Gustav Janouch, Conversations with Kafka, 1968) Since then, a century of devastation has sufficiently illustrated how right Kafka was in all things and almost alone. It is of the utmost importance that everyone keeps the access to what he nevertheless feels well barricaded. And we will be well inspired to support each other in this laudable propensity - which in no way forbids piloting one's existence according to the rumors that escape from the condemned basement. After all, amputation has never prevented the sensations coming from a phantom limb. The prevailing social order is more than ever this conjuration of amputees - an objective, structural, spontaneous, universal conjuration. A militancy of amputation runs even from the most obscure data scientists to Elon Musk. As if they absolutely had to spread their evil. An evil that comes from afar and whose evil breath could already be felt when, in 1933, the Chicago World's Fair entitled A Century of Progress adopted the slogan: "Science discovers, industry applies, man conforms." The raging impulse to trample on all sensibilities seems to form the secret engine of the technological acceleration underway. Financial speed and the desire to enslave are also part of it. Just listen to Lin Junyue, the Chinese theorist of the Sesame social credit system, when he explains that "if you had the social credit system, you would never have had the Yellow Vests". Just listen to Mark Zuckerberg, or Yuval Harari, or Bill Gates. Through them, it is the social imperative of deformity that the media slam celebrates. They are said to be brilliant, visionary, daring, but above all intelligent. Their success attests to this. But no: they are only clever. In fact, all their success has consisted in passing off their malignity as intelligence. It is too much to give them credit to paint them as new Satans, except to recognize that what characterizes the Devil is nothing fascinating: a banal disgrace, a simple deprivation of being. What gives them airs of extraterrestrials does not come from a superiority, but from an intimate defect. If they have to "increase the human being", it is because they know him only as an amputee, and to make this amputation final. If they activate themselves so much, it is because they believe their lack thus unsuspected, and in order to turn it into power. The emptiness that they have in their heart makes them insatiable. Nothing can give them the feeling of being really alive. Hence their obsession to rule the lives of others. They are insecure over-achievers, over-achievers who don't know where they stand. live - and one because of the other. They concede it willingly, in private. In this, their malignity has developed to the extent of their lack. All their obsession with the brain, cognition and neurons can do nothing about it: intelligence has its seat in the heart - this has always been known. Intelligence passes through the brain, as it passes through the belly, but its home is the heart. For the heart is the seat of participation in the world, of the disposition to be affected by it and to affect it in return. Their rage to destroy the world under the pretext of rebuilding it from top to bottom comes from there: from the amputation they have in their heart. It is not enough for them to have monopolized all wealth, they must also be revolted by the carelessness of those they have dispossessed. Their resentment towards the poor is infinite. That the poor still dare to live, to meet and even to feast is enough to spoil their possession of the world. It is not enough that they have surrounded themselves with personal security services: they still panic inwardly about an ever possible collapse - how will they, then, guard against their guards? Their dreams are only a long string of worst-case scenarios. They live in terror of their own crimes. They will never forgive us for what they did to us. As an exorcism, they multiply data for good projects and tech for good summits. They want to believe that they are there "for the good" and "for good", these wretches. If they did, they wouldn't have to display it like that - it would be obvious. At this point, it would be foolish to ask whether they are conspiring, the 1% who hold %48 of the world's wealth, who attend the same type of schools, places and people everywhere, who read the same newspapers, succumb to the same fashions, bathe in the same discourses and in the same sense of their hereditary superiority Of course they breathe the same air. Of course they conspire. They don't even have to plot for that. "Frankly, we believe that there can be nothing more dangerous than a society in which psychopaths dominate, define values, control the means of communication [...] They will turn us into patients. [They will make patients of us again. (Philip K. Dick, The Clans of the Alphane Moon, 1964) 3. The springs of the present, at bottom, are childish. To possess them completely, it is enough not to forget what we already know. Not to wait for confessions from the rulers to come authorize our perceptions. Any need for proof is infinite. It is bound to be unfulfilled. The proof of the proof is always missing, and so on. It is a relationship to the world that leaks, not a request addressed to it. That said, as we shall see, as for this world and its "arcane", everything is written. Everything is said. All you have to do is look in the right place and believe. The shock effect, the blast effect of the opposing offensive, the effect sought by terror is to cut us off from everything we know intimately. To make us lose the thread of any certainty. To make us lose our footing. This is the real great reset. In the years under the 1950,pretext of understanding how the As a result, the CIA embarked on a vast program to refine its psychological torture techniques, from how "communists" practice "brainwashing" and how they manage to make a Hungarian cardinal confess or turn American prisoners of the Korean War inside out. They came to the conclusion that there is something much better than genetics, and much better than LSD: there is the "DDD" syndrome for Debility, Dependency, Dread. It is enough to isolate the human subject, to suspend all his habits and to fill him with fear to make him lose all contact with himself, to depersonalize him and to make him malleable at will. This is the kind of technique that is generously lent to "sects", or that is practiced in "management by mental manipulation". "There is a widespread opinion that fascist terror was only a short-lived episode in modern history, now fortunately behind us. I cannot share this opinion. I believe that terror is deeply rooted in the very tendencies of modern civilization, and especially in the structure of the modern economy. [...] The modern system of terror is essentially the atomization of the individual. We tremble at the torture inflicted on men's bodies; but we should be no less horrified by the threat to men's minds. Terror accomplishes its work of dehumanization by the total integration of the population into communities; it aims at depriving men of the psychological means of direct communication between them in spite of the - or rather because of the - formidable apparatus of communications to which they are exposed. The individual in a situation of terror is never alone and always alone. He becomes numb and hardened not only to his neighbor, but to himself; fear robs him of his power of spontaneous emotional and mental reaction. Thinking becomes a stupid crime; it endangers his life. The inevitable consequence is that stupidity spreads like a contagious disease among the terrorized population. Human beings then live in a stupor - in a moral coma." (Leo Löwenthal, "The Atomization of Man by Terror," 1946) Portugal. "Don't be afraid to be afraid". #cascais-stay-at-home It seems that to see any connection between this description and what we are experiencing would be conspiratorial. But it is never a good idea to suppress a perfectly distinct perception. The pack of watchdogs can bark, jeer and foam. Not only do we know things they don't want to know, but we also know that "the world is complex" - as those who try to infantilize their interlocutors so much like to say, but who, by this hollow formula, only exempt themselves from any form of courage. The courage, for example, to take a clear position with regard to the operations in progress and the world they are shaping. There is not only an epistemology of methods; there is also an epistemology of virtues. Yes, the "relations of power are intentional and not subjective"; yes, there is an "implicit character of the great anonymous strategies, almost mute, which coordinate loquacious tactics"; yes, it is a question of detecting the "general line of force which crosses the local confrontations, and connects them"; and no, we do not imagine that we will one day be able to flush out the staff which presides over all the opposing strategies. But these few theses of Michel Foucault cannot serve as a vade mecum for sophisticated cowardice. A world as hostile as the one that is about to be created does not happen by itself. We have been made, we are being made more than ever, a world behind our backs. The very fact that there is one world and not several - and everywhere this same world, ever more barren, ever more frustrating and mediocre, ever more globalized and yet ever more narrow - is the result of a concerted effort. A lot of things happen by themselves, without the conscious will of those who take part in it, and naturally go in the direction of those who consciously want to make this world behind our backs. And this is indeed complex, but it does not detract from their existence or the malignity of their operations. Eric Schmidt, who moved from the chairmanship of Google to the chairmanship of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence, may well worry in February 2020 in the New York Times that Silicon Valley could lose the "technology war" against China because of the insufficient digitization of life in the United States. But that China's artificial intelligence is exploding thanks to the ocean of daily data delivered by the country's rampant cyberization remains only an argument for a settled power project. It is this project, and nothing else, that implies forcing us to live, as much as possible, online. As a report of May 2019 of the aforementioned commission finely observed: "Consumers switch to buying online when it is the only way to get what they want." Hence the usefulness, for example, of containment. Those who have a vested interest in locking us into their world and cutting us off are, in effect, our enemies. That is to say, people who work against us, people who certainly don't want us to do any good. This is the unseemly simplicity from which the swindlers of the It is a "complex world" - because it reveals the awful simplicity of their position. Like every historical break, the past two years have produced a kind of earthquake in our lives. They have redrawn the landscape. The social pressure, increased on purpose, made the friendships of circumstance give way. It also determined dissidences that we would not have suspected, and gave birth to more elementary complicities, deeper, without primers. If we think about it calmly, we will agree that none of this is so fortuitous. The distances that were accused there existed before. So-and-so was more concerned with looking smart than anything else, couldn't help but admire success, refer to the normal, want to be cool, freak out about his social credit. Everywhere, the gradient of stupidity follows the gradient of nihilism. The situation operates as a revelation of the inner cracks of the beings, just as this coronavirus serves as a revelation of the chronic diseases so proper to this civilization. The last two years have been described as a great confusion of minds. But there is a kind of confusion that immediately precedes enlightenment. For those who are willing to see, the past two years will have produced great clarity. For those who agree to clear the field, the field is free. Those who believe that those in power are doing their best despite their incompetence and the bureaucracy that surrounds them, Those who do not hear the abysmal cynicism that sneers behind all the loud proclamations of humanism and good feelings, Those who prefer to forget that eugenics, colonization, population training or the Rockefeller Foundation have never pursued anything other than "the good of humanity", Those who sincerely believe that we can "do good for others" without first imposing on them our definition of good and our otherness, Those who don't get a thrill out of seeing a photo of a Greek veterinarian turned Pfizer CEO wearing a black mask with "Science will win" printed on it, Those who believe, moreover, that "science" exists somewhere as a stern and benevolent daddy, and not as a battlefield where paradigms are continuously assaulted, challenged and finally overturned, Those who prefer to ignore, out of pride, comfort, daze or lightness, after a good century of refinement in propaganda and the art of communication, that the truth was already socially dead and buried in 1914, Those who are still debating, among sheep, whether the shepherd would not have some project for their head despite all the care he gives them, Those who are reluctant to lend their masters unmentionable intentions, for fear of seeing the little castle of lies that is their own social existence collapse in turn, Those who think they are so smart that they defiantly repeat the nonsense that government trolling has designed for them, Those who have allowed themselves to be won over by apathy and internal resignation in the face of the all-out offensive that the declaration of a "world pandemic" has set in motion, Those who sleep on their two ears while a president who has well studied his Machiavelli claims, under the guise of a "sanitary pass", to re-create a body politic to his liking - no, to govern is not to foresee, and it is not to serve either, it is certainly "to make believe", as Richelieu said, but above all "to govern is to put your subjects out of the state of harming you and even thinking about it" (Machiavelli, Discourse on the first decadence of Titus Livius) Those whose party is to take nothing to heart, to take nothing seriously, to act as if nothing had happened, Those who do not feel as a call for retaliation all the concentrated evil that has been inflicted on us in recent years, Those who quietly accept total control as a condition for "regaining freedom", Those who submit to all the invented norms of yesterday and nowhere in the hope of a "return to normal" which, for this very reason, will never happen, Those who not only obey humiliating obligations, but also theorize the need for them, Those who believe that there are brackets in the story as there are in the sentences and reassure themselves that this one will soon close with the "victory over the virus", We can't do anything for them. After all, wandering helps, too. The conspiracy is the name of the consciousness that does not disarm 1.Anticonspiracyonspiracy.2.As in1914. 3. "Everything conspires". 1. Pretending to fight against an epidemic, and tomorrow against the catastrophe ecological, by conditioning all social life to the presentation of a "The present power has taken a liking to this recurrent operation: to pose a e delirious reality, then to declare heretics those who refuse to subscribe to it. But we are not a heresy. We are a schism. There are not, at this moment, people who decide and others who protest. There are realities that diverge, perceptive continents that move apart, forms of life that become irreconcilable. It is a divergence that is far more massive and far more silent than anything that is manifested. This situation literally enrages those who need a single world to rule over, even on their own small scale. For those who need a single world to rule over, even if it is on a small scale, it is necessary by all means to reduce the outside world that escapes them. Whether it was Augustine facing Pelagianism or Pope Innocent III facing spiritual movements, the hunt for heretics always proceeded by a double movement of reintegration of the "diplomats" - those who accepted to live, etymologically, "folded in two" - and extermination of the diehards. Contemporary anti-conspiracism is akin to these kinds of cabals, although it also adds an additional twist. The inventor of the anti-conspiracy rhetoric is Karl Popper with The Open Society and its Enemies in1945 . Two years later, he founded with his friend Friedrich von Hayek, who had found him a position at the London School of Economics, the most successful conspiracy of the second half of the 20th century: the Mont Pelerin Society. In 1947, the Mont Pelerin Society started from a state of complete historical defeat of the liberal camp - almost the entire world had become Keynesian. To this, it opposed the ontological certainty of its cause - Hayek, Von Mises and Popper had already advanced epistemological refutations of socialism from which it had never recovered, and to which it had even ended up converting. The Mont-Pèlerin Society had a network of reliable friendships, nourished by close philosophical debate and discreet complicities woven in the administration as well as in the world of business through journalism - so there were not only economists there. It never displays its obsessive political purpose, never letting any of its strategies show, masking its tactical agenda in the conventional form of a high-level theoretical discussion. Through thirty years of methodical, obstinate, sometimes underground, sometimes public work, the Mont Pelerin Society has brought neoliberalism to the baptismal font. It has brought it to power in people's heads before it has been brought to power in the presidential palaces of Chile, France, the United Kingdom or the United States. It has made it the prevailing atmosphere in societies, the spontaneous language of governments, the implicit spring of most of the technologies in vogue. It has gained a foothold in all fields and has metastasized in the four corners of the world into a hundred university departments, think tanks, institutes, and pressure groups, which themselves have produced a thousand proposals, a thousand reports and analyses, and a thousand short-, medium- and long-term solutions. To the point that both the government and the governed often find themselves, borrowing from the zeitgeist, doing neoliberalism without knowing it. Not even the neural network technology at the basis of deep learning does not owe some unknown debt to Hayek & Co. Karl Popper and Friedrich von Hayek It took a singularly closed society to impose on everyone the The "open society". The anti-conspiracy rhetoric has, in fact, been used since its inception to cover up intense conspiracy activity. It is similar to the tactic of denial of climate change by the oil multinationals, who have known about it since the 1960s. It dries up the opponent, leaves him speechless, robs him of the common ground beneath his feet. The crudeness of the process is disarming because of the almost punk-like questioning of what is, however, a sensitive evidence, in addition to being an established fact. The one who draws it thus gains the time to complete the operations in progress, and the one to advise for the continuation. It shields this world from criticism, creates a smokescreen and prepares the ground for future operations. The accusation of conspiracy is the guardian of the shameless lie. In June2, protected2006, by an army of police officers, the socialist deputy mayor of Grenoble defended the contested opening of Minatec, a new research center of the Commissariat à l'énergie atomique devoted to nanotechnologies. To the demonstrators who found fault with this project, he said: "To make people believe that a totalitarian 'nanoworld' would be imposed on the population without prior debate is not only a matter of deceptive manipulation, but also of a well-known form of political paranoia, based on conspiracy theory and hatred of elites, elected officials, and leaders. The debate never took place, of course. And the nanoparticles from Minatec are now everywhere. If the debate never took place, it's because it was dismissed when it could have been decisive. At a time when there was still time to undo this new venture of the disaster-makers. Closer to home, on a beautiful morning in November 2016, Narendra Modi announced without a moment's hesitation the demonetization of the 500 and 1,000 rupee bills, representing 86% of the cash in circulation in India. The aim was of course to fight poverty and corruption, to allow all citizens to benefit from the country's development and to finally make them equal before the tax. Those who denounced the brutal move to end the anonymity of cash exchange and introduce social control through the digitization of all economic interactions were blamed as followers of "conspiracy theories. Three years later, the Indian government announced its "Cashless India" program, advised by the oligarch who had created the national biometric database in previous years. The country now boasts of having the most digitalized economy in the world - an unparalleled means, one guesses, to "fight the coronavirus". "What's the difference between the truth and a conspiracy theory? Eight to nine months" - this cynical joke has made the rounds at the World Health Organization (WHO). Because what matters is what you do in those eight to nine months, how you push your advantage then. The boss The director of Alcatel, a polytechnician from the Ponts et Chaussées, confided to one of his advisors: "Our people, even those who are educated and who think they are lords, do not know how to think. When they get involved, it is to trigger disasters. You have to think for them, occupy their minds. They just keep harping on it and turn everything into a routine. While they are trying to understand and justify the new things they are asked to believe in, we can work, make decisions and confront everyone with accomplished facts. (Marcel Bourgeois, Les Yeux pour pleurer. 50 ans chez les patrons, 2019) As an exergue to the book in which he first vilified "conspiracy theory," Popper placed this sentence from Walter Lippmann, the most influential American columnist of the early 20th century, the "creator" of neoliberalism: "The rout of liberal science is at the origin of the moral schism of the modern world that so tragically divides enlightened minds." Popper made little secret, for those who can read, of what he was up to. His argument against "conspiracy theories" can be summarized as follows: 1 - it is not because there are conspiracies that they are victorious;2 2 - everything is more complex than we imagine; 3 - there is a "logic of the situation" that escapes, like the market itself, all control. In short, we cannot say because we are not everywhere, and we cannot therefore be certain of anything. To try to produce a historical intelligibility of the course of events is a fatal presumption. Whoever says something about this world that it does not already say about itself is overstepping his epistemological rights. Moreover, there is nothing to say about this world. There is only to adapt to it. To every otherwise refutable statement about the state of things, the anti-spiracy rhetoric responds with an argumentative diversion about the statement itself, or even about the person making it - his cognitive biases, his lack of method, his erratic psyche, his paranoia. This is how it really protects this world - and this is its function -, by diverting the shots, by disserting on psychological flaws and "epistemological handicaps". While we talk about the world, the anti-conspiracy people only talk about of us. Popper, father of all trolls, leads to the famous "paranoid style in politics", so elegantly dismissed by Richard Hofstadter as1963 the expression of a simple apocalyptic anxiety in intellectually deprived subjects. The world, then, is this immense unquestionable positivity. The only possible wisdom is skeptical. If it is necessary To "keep the controversy open" on neonicotinoids, oil or nuclear power is just to tactically avoid the crystallization of some disadvantageous truth in the opinion - this is at least the opinion dripping with contempt of those who are on the side of the handle. "Doubt is our product", was the title of a 1969memo from one of the tobacco industry's executives. So much comfortable doubt goes so well with the axiom that only the market, being alone omniscient and omnipresent thanks to the price signal, can produce truths. Who can dare to argue that this world is steeped in relations of domination and must constantly be made to forget it, and a fortiori that it has had its day and must be overturned? The parade is unstoppable, at least formally. Historically, on the other hand, it is aberrant: if the most nefarious plots sometimes stumble, it is because opposing forces detected them in time and worked to combat them when they were still in embryo - at the time, therefore, when the good people, who stick to appearances, denied their very existence. "Hell is truth seen too late", reminded Philip Mirowski, the great historian of neoliberalism, by hijacking Hobbes. Popper's argument is only valid because there are conspiracy theorists, and they act accordingly. If there are conspiracists, it is simply because there are conspiracies. We are far from alone, epistemologically. In our support, we have many generous analytical minds. We must only regret their sudden silence since March The2020. historian of science Steven Shapin explained in December to 2019his colleagues at Harvard that if so many people no longer believe in "science", it is not only because of "lack of pedagogy" or mental retardation, but perhaps because, since the atomic bomb and the Manhattan project that gave birth to it, and since the enlistment of research in the service of capital, "science" has succeeded so well in this world that everyone knows it is too self-serving to be honest. It has served power so well that no one expects it to serve the truth as well. On the other hand, there is no shortage of left-wing scribblers trying to enlighten the good people in heavy volumes on this conspiracy that It "protects the system" and "harms the social struggle". We will refresh their memory, in terms of historical edification, with this little anecdote full of lessons. Following Popper, during the Cold War, when the confrontation between McCarthyism and Stalinism certainly did not help one to think freely, there was no shortage of liberal, even libertarian, intellectuals who tried to deconstruct conspiracy theories, their "diabolical causality" and to blame the way in which all political radicalism leads straight to the gas chambers. One of the first articles on what was then called "the police conception of history" appeared in the anti-totalitarian magazine Preuves in 1954 under the pen of Manès Sperber. Ten years later, the American magazine Ramparts provided proof that the magazine was unknowingly financed by the CIA. In a world of paranoids, it is the paranoids who are right. The anti-conspiracy rhetoric aims, for the owners of this world, to claim a monopoly on the ability to conspire. 2. In many respects, the rupture of is 2020sister to that of 1914. The same stifling, shameless, phoned-in but effective character of the propaganda. Same gaping betrayal from the left. The same desert that is suddenly formed around those who do not flinch. The same war declared to the enemy as an instrument to bring its own population to heel. The same prescription for lying, not only in newspapers but also in human relationships. The Council of State even invokes"exceptional circumstances" to complete the destruction of any legal principle. The same lightning restructuring of production methods and the sameinstantaneous revision of all social norms. The same submissive lassitude that wins, in the end, despite the mutinies. As in the most hilarious 1914,spectacle offered to us by all those radicals who cannot admit that they have passed into the governmental camp. In 1914, we had a good laugh at seeing the anarchist supporters of the "social war" converted in the moment to the war against the Boche. Today, yesterday's radicals are in favor of confinement, as long as it is self-managed. Against the "health pass" as long as everyone does not have it. For "vaccines", out of solidarity, but without really knowing what to think of what is inside or of those who produce them. There are even those who push the taste for paradox to the point of judging the vaccination obligation as infantile and consequently ask for "more pedagogy". Recently, some strange anarchists quoted Bakunin - "when it comes to boots, I refer to the authority of the cobblers" - in order to clear their political honour: they have never submitted to the State, in matters of health" restrictions; they only relied on the doctors, that's not the point. The rulers whom they were defying only yesterday, and who so skillfully caught them at their game, must be laughing at their dinners. But it is, in a general way, the whole left that has been giving its best for the last two years. It will have fallen into all the panels set up. It will have relayed all the same things produced by the governmental communication agencies and will not have balked at any emotional blackmail, at any paralogism, at any complicit mutism. It will have revealed itself for what it is: irrational by dint of rationalism, obscurantist by dint of scientism, insensitive by dint of sentimentality, morbid by hygienism, hateful by philanthropy, counter-revolutionary by progressivism, stupid for believing itself to be cultured and evil for wanting to belong to the camp of the Good. During these last two years, in all the countries of the world except perhaps Greece, the left, socialist as well as anarchist, moderate as well as ultra, ecologist as well as Stalinist, will have systematically supported the coup of the technocratic world. No confinement, no curfew, no vaccination, no censorship, no restriction, will have seemed extreme enough to revolt it. She was the voice of fear as long as fear reigned. To the point of letting freedom, democracy, alternative, revolution and even insurrection fall into the conceptual lap of the extreme right. It must be said that it has always embodied the party of biopolitics. Finally, the trendy Marxists of the Jacobin magazine will have hallucinated, from New York, the announcement of the socialism that comes in the wearing of the mask, while others went as far as to theorize the "vaccinal communism". Exciting discussions are to be held in the dustbin of history. New York City Subway. Stop Contamination. Put on a mask." It is obviously in its crusade against conspiracy that the Left will have given its full measure. All that it can count of approved intellectuals, of idle journalists and of small entrepreneurs in alternative media, all that it can conceal of narcissists inflated with the approval of the herd, will have hastened to pay their dues courageously. No one, or almost no one, to notice that all the great "left-wing" authors, all these monuments, all these references that look good in the libraries of never-opened books, are all uniformly conspiratorial. Foucault? He described, at the end of Surveiller et punir, the delinquency as a product of the prison institution itself, which aims by this to maintain in a perimeter under control the always threatening diffusion of illegalisms. He saw everywhere only strategies and counter-strategies, captures and escapes. He dared a "I am a materialist because I deny reality". Go and proclaim that in public today! Worse, he was not afraid, during one of his lectures at the Collège de France, to say: "This excess of biopower [over sovereign right] appears when the possibility is technically and politically given to man, not only
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