are to circle f r o m the f o u r In this test you words on the right the one you think has the closest association with the word i n capitals. The word will not necessarily mean the same he opposite of the key w o r d b u t will relate to it. Give yourself any reasonable time to complete the test. Do not use aids to memory. W h a t we are here trying to gauge |S your feel for words. The test should be completed in one s i n g l e s e t t i n g . The a n s w e r s are on page 127. 1. A C R I M O N Y abuse taxation accounting chess 2. A C U M E N brain thought j u d g e m e n t examination 3. TRANSVERT level smooth revert turn 4. MAYHEM sex offend injure soften 5. BRUSQUE curt sensitive confident e g o t i s t i c 6. VILIFY slight s i g h t r i g h t m i g h t 7. POIGNANT sickness illness grief animal 8. GREGARIAN alone one mob s c e n e r y 9. SORORICIDE sisterhood b r o t h e r h o o d w o m a n h o o d d e a t h 10. SOCIOGENY science f i g h t s o c i e t y p i c t u r e 122 in . E M E R a a i , . »« . TREPIDATION b e t t e r m e n t t o r p e d o tremble trick _ HALLOW tighten simplify levy raise _ ERGONOMICS place work fish time . SPIFFLICATE lecture run claim crush . ARROGATE= arrogant think usurp plunder . SPUMESCENT whales wales wails foam . KLAXON sound angel ribbon wind . RETICULE fence grid gate cog . CONCIERGE wife child mother manageress . BROUHAHA hubbub job dance fire . PROVOST lead sun drink drunk - . COMBE tree comb hair valley . MAMMOPLASTY bed tank foot restoration . PSYCHEDELIC drug mind addiction a n c i e n t . PALAEONTOLOGY leg intestine t h r o a t bones . ABNEGATE abjure size paint level . ANADONIA s t r e n g t h speed feeling cleverness DEHORTATION _ rhyme rhythm speech redness 2 9 . POLLICITATION seek policeman find promise 30. ENNUI jobber weakness weariness disinterest 31. PHENGITE kerchief beard boot metal 32. ANOESIS consciousness game song garden 123 MERKIN | wig club door eye _ANODYNAL tallness harmless sickness feeling _ TELENOMY telescope tallow purpose telegraph _ STILLAGE | owl cup frame orange -COMPLANATE boss hang level smooth . RUNIC foreign up down single -CONCYCLIC | circumference point edge epicycle _ ECBOLIC | parturition slavery economics econometrics _ REMONSTRATE expostulate charge simplify score _ DISCULPATE knob insult gain blame _ - B U C C I N A L hornish bookish blackish silly _ DEREQUISITION : crime cities property starvation . MYSOPHOBIA dirt shift shirt left _PANDICULATION trace callow stretch lift . MYOSIS contraction binding change sleep _ MORIOPLASTY loss sighting pitch sharing . PRAETOR science book head tail . INFIBULATION hair clasp dart head . RICTUS crater moon grin grind . EMICTION : urination watering salting eating . KWASHIORKOR track steal s i n k food . ALNASCHARISM | dreams habit living friendship 124 . ZETETIC ~?S*-_ zodiac slee p time enquiry . F O L I A _ i f t turnbuckle m u s i c linoleum . GIPPO SOUP Scoop troop hoop . TABULA-RASA experience effort space wilderness . TRIDE speed hardness sickly astronomer . FIBONACC order priesthood sainthood church 61. FULGID full bright childhood flow 62. RECIDIVIST _? __. Charity crime hospitals income DYSRHYTHMIA tail insects pilot bate o4 MACERATE fat lean heighten encourage 65. PLEBICOLIST a c o u r t s h i p f i g h t e r stranger maid 66. O N E I R O L O G Y . interpretation linguist w o r d s littoral 67. BURD | bird female gate diction PTERYGIA . toe finger skin nail ___ 69. ANTITHEMATIC standard forest systematization longing 70. ANTISTASIS| reverse hand s o r r o w hangover S S R Note: Tests 1 . a n2d have been specifically compiled for this book, so an actual lO rating cannot be given. Test 3 1 . abuse, 2 . judgement, 3 . turn, 4 , injure, S . curt, G. slight, 7 . grief, 8 . mob, 9 . death, 1 0 . society, 1 1 . tremble, 1 2 , raise, 1 3 . work, 1 4 . crush, 1 5 . usurp, 1 6 . foam, - 1 7 . sound, 1 8 . g r i d , 19. manageress, 2 0 . hubbub, 2 1 . lead, 2 2 . valley, 2 3 . restoration, 2 4 . mind, 2 5 . bones, 2 6 . abjure, 2 7 . feeling, 2 8 . speech, 29. p r o m i s e , 3 0 . weariness, 3 1 . metal, ? 32. consciousness, 3 3 . wig, 3 4 . harmless, 35. p u r p o s e , 3 G . frame, 3 7 . level, 38. foreign, 3 9 . circumference, 4 0 . parturition, 4 1 . expostulate, 4 2 , blame, - 4&3. hornish, 4 4 . property, 4 5 . dirt, 4 6 . stretch, 4 7 . contraction, 4 8 . loss, 4 9 . head. 5 0 . clasp. 5 1 . grin, 3 2 . urination, 5 3 . food, 5 4 . dreams, 3 5 . enquiry, 5 G . music, 5 7 . soup, 3 8 . experience, 5 9 . speed, GO. order, 6 1 . b r i g h t , G 2 . c r i m e , 6 3 . p i l o t , G 4 . lean, 6 5 . courtship, 6 G . interpretation, 6 7 . female, 6 8 . skin, G 9 . standard, 7 0 . sorrow. See page 128 for an assessment rating for test 3. ) Ta The table is for the generat dduit population only . Source: I.S.P.E. selection WITH ?14 Top 50- *4 5 - "1602-45 17 _ 40 1802 -StC«O 19 _ 30 20 - 25 21 - 20 2 - 5 nr 4 OC - t « * 0 0 2 - 8 2 - 7 27 - 6 29 - 5 30 - 4 32 - 3 35 - 2 3 9 0 - 1 40 ~ of 7 . 8 4 2 . 7 44 - Of6 44 - 0.5 45 ~ 0.4 46 ~_ 0.3. 48 -~ 0.2 52 = 0.1 53 = 0.08 54 - 9.07 55 - 005 56 - 0.03 58 - 02 6 - 001 81 - 0.006 62 - 0.004 Highestk n o w n SCore = § Te S * average op 0.0004%, 70 = t e s t Ceilin g
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