THE CYM. CORPORATION PAGE '1 OF 1 PAGES HAIN OETENTION CENTERS OISPOSAL REPORT DISP ADR. QTY QUARTER 08 8- 8-- Z TOTAL 1.02019 15 19 22 13 16 67 11.02019 30 25 16 20 26 121 111.02019 25 13 14 12 16 62 IV.02019 21 16 16 26 21 102 TOTAL 91 75 70 71 85 392 THE CYM. CORPORATION PAGE '1 OF 8 PAGES MAIN DETENTION CENTERS DISPOSAL REPORT SURNAME NAME OOB 'lTY OISPOSAL ('lT) INMATE 10 ADAMS KIRBY, X. 19.12.2012 l 1.02019 16420309 -0101 ADKINS MOANA, T. 25.01.2009 B 1•. 02019 16951008 -8108 ALFORD HILDA, S. 01.10.2011 B IV.02019 16190103 -1699 ALVARADO KANE 29.09.2013 B 11.02019 16100104 -6042 ALVAREl HENRY, N. 14.12.2008 0 111.02019 16811020 -1396 ALVAREl NOEL 26.02.2012 B- IlI.02019 16650630 .•. 3830 ALVARE.l SIGNE, Y. 10.11.2011 B- IV.02019 16640420 .•. 6283 ANDREWS GEMMA 21.11.2001 B Il.02019 16140129 -6186 ARMSTRONG DAPHNE, T. 12.01.2008 B.•..•. IV.02019 16660924 .•. 8692 ATKINSON JOLlE 23.05.2009 B.•. 1.02019 16191229 .•. 0135 AVILA MUFUTAU, O. 28.10.2009 B- IV.02019 16160609 ...1166 AYERS SARA 05.06.2008 B- IV.02019 16330309 -9281 BALDWIN NINA 10.04.2011 l 111.02019 16240214 -0525 BALLARD ALMA 12.12.2009 l 1.02019 16210302 -9252 BARR XANDER, H. 21.02.2009 l 11.02019 16931225 -5811 BARRETT DEVIN 05.06.2009 B 11.02019 16910415 -6139 BARRY JACK, H. 12.10.2012 B- 11.02019 16640125 -8109 BARTLETT JULIE, W. 10.06.2013 0 111.02019 16020223 -2583 BEASLEY RHIANNON, O. 16.01.2009 0 Il.02019 i6550912 -8541 BECK ILIANA 21.08.2010 B-- 111.02019 16921125 -1021 BENJAMIN JARED, Y. 02.04.2013 l 111.02019 16220924 -5691 BENTON BASIA, T. 24.10.2009 B-- 111.02019 16190310 -0449 BENTON KEELY, K. 16.06.2010 B-- 1.02019 16230414 -0696 BERRY SILAS, H. 02.09.2001 0 11.02019 16060116 -2633 BIRD DAPHNE, P. 12.11.2009 0 111.02019 16261111 -5559 BISHOP HAYES 19.12.2001 0 1.02019 16280515 -9466 BLACK URIEL 04.09.2010 B-- 11.02019 16140505 -9066 BLAIR ABRA 23.01.2011 B 1.02019 16340121 -1169 BOLTON ADRIAN, B. 21.12.2011 B-- 11.02019 16080512 -2405 BRAOFORD TALLULAH 18.10.2012 B 1.02019 16600826 -2616 BRADSHAW WILLA, A. 22.04.2011 0 IV.02019 16200823 -9188 BRADY llA 13.12.2013 B- 111.02019 16140512 -9662 BRIDGES URIEL 22.01.2013 0 11.02019 16210220 -9364 BRIGHT CEORIC, G. 05.09.2012 0 11.02019 16490920 -2295 BRYANT LEONARD, U. 13.10.2010 B- 11.02019 16491115 -6139 BUCKLEY JONAS, S. 02.04.2013 B- IV.02019 16300521 -1361 BUCKNER JUDITH 21.11.2009 B- 11.02019 16210909 -9495 BUCKNER TRAVIS 16.12.2009 0 IIl.02019 16141125 -3936 BURCH DEMETRIUS 09.05.2012 B IV.02019 16380410 -9266 BURGESS JAMAL, Y. 04.01.2008 B Il.02019 16260204 -5656 BURTON IVORY 30.12.2001 0 111.02019 16551101 -6118 BUSH ANGELICA, D. 23.01.2012 0 1.02019 16130119 -1549 BUSH BAXTER, W. 21.12.2012 l IlI.02019 16060901 -2910 BYRD MALACHit X. 24.12.2010 0 111.02019 16360514 -3191 CABRERA UMA, M. 30.04.2006 t: 11.02019 16340416 -2499 CALHOUN KEEFE, N. 10.10.2010 B 1.02019 16110419 -8101 CALLAHAN XANORA 21.06.2009 B-- IV.02019 16910625 -4431 CAMACHO TATE 22.08.2011 l 1.02019 16210122 -4811 CAMPBELL ROSALYN, C. 26.01.2012 B 11.02019 16060424 -4261 CANTRELL DEMETRIUS 10.03.2011 0 111.02019 16900109 -3561 CANTU JAMESON, N. 25.12.2009 0 1.02019 16960421 -4966 THE CYM. CORPORATI0N PAGE #2 OF 6 PAGES MAIN DETENTION CENTERS DISPOSAL REPORT SURNAME NAME DOB QTY DlSPOSAL (QT) INMATE 10 CAREY KATELL 24.04.2011 Z IV.02019 16950605 -1611 CARLSON CHRISTEN, L. 19.09 •.201.3 B- 111.02019 16670114 -5659 CARSON TATE 05.01.2007 B- IV.02019 16660425 -4626 CA SE KESSIE 01.04.2011 B- 11.02019 16111126 -1223 CASEY MAGEE, z. 05.12.2006 Z 1.02019 16651012 -2665 CASTANEDA CAMERON 27.01.2009 Z 1.02019 16960230 -2965 CASTILLO NEREA 04.01.2011 0 III.02019 16250504 -1976 CASTILLO SETH, C. 01 •. 2013 Z 06 •. 11.02019 16610204 -1280 CASTRO JUDAH, J. 21.07.2010 Z 11.02019 16291116 -6462 CERVANTES KAOEN 04.11.2011 0 IV.02019 16180120 -5316 CERVANTES KANE 15.02.2006 t: 111.02019 16120311 -1193 CHAN COBY, M. 24.11.2006 B 11.02019 16000719 -1636 CHANG RUDYARO, F. 25.05.2012 B IV.02019 16660406 -1511 CHAVEZ OLIVER, F. 15.04.2012 0 1.02019 16500505 -2393 CHAVEZ RINA 16.07.2012 B 11.02019 16400113 -0063 CHURCH MOLLY, A. 02.06.2001 B IV.02019 16391012 -8630 CLARKE JORDEN 20.11.2011 0 11.02019 16600219 -6351 CLAYTON CAESAR, B. 24.01.2009 B- 1.02019 16230313 -6436 CLEVELANO ALMA, N •. 17.02.2012 B- 1.02019 16560916 -2630 CLEVELANO KAREN 15.10.2012 B IV.02019 16661104 -9391 COCHRAN ALFREOA, V. 07.04.2010 B- 1.02019 16411123 -2460 COLE SIERRA, E. 24.12.2010 B-- 111.02019 16600226 -6651 CONNER GRETCHEN, F. 26.10.2009 0 1.02019 16860611 -1060 COOKE CIARAN, Q. 07.06.2006 B-- 11.02019 16401001 -6295 COTTON AROEN 11.01.2010 B- IV.02019 16130701 -8910 CRAIG MAYA, N. 05.01.2007 B III.02019 16060101 -1640 CURRY WYNNE, T. 0 IV.02019 16130302 -0862 DANIEL KASPER, z. 11.05.2007 B-- 1.02019 16171111 -8314 DEAN OOYSSEUS, F. 06.11.2012 B- 1.02019 16851224 -1509 OECKER MATTHEW, E. 06.11.2001 0 11.02019 16190524 -3616 OELANEY LARA, t; 24.01.2010 B-- 1.02019 166.30601 -3425 DICKSON AKEEM, R. 17.06.2009 0 1.02019 16441203 -2429 DICKSON KIBO, P •. 15.01.2012 B 11.02019 16520426 -6026 01LLARD CHRISTEN 16.06.2013 B-- IV.02019 16190524 -7159 OIXON CATHLEEN 12.10.2009 0 11.02019 16390527 -1106 OOMINGUEZ BROOY, P. 29.04.2011 0 111.02019 16110913 -4410 DOUGLAS BERT 26.04.2011 B- 1.02019 16510126 -1305 OUFFY ROSS 01.11.2009 Z 11.02019 16131124 -2299 OUKE GISELLE, A. 15.05.2001 B II 1.02019 16100121 -4556 DUNCAN TYLER 27.05.2009 0 11.02019 16141214 -3594 EATON TRAVIS, R. 29.08.2009 Z IV.02019 163008.30 -6654 EOWARDS CELESTE, Q. 16.09.2001 B- IV.02019 16630320 -2136 ELLIOTT HARLAN, A •. B 111.02019 16641030 -1009 EMERS ON HUNTER, Y. 31.10.2012 Z II.02019 16410601 -02.30 EMERSON PRESCOTT, A. 06.01.2006 0 IV.02019 166006.30 -3551 ESTES AZALIA 04.06.2013 B IV.02019 16230616 -4212 ESTRAOA JULIET 01.01.2011 B 1.02019 16151216 -4933 EWING GLORIA, G. 26.06.2011 Z 1.02019 16130219 -6512 FARLEY MAOELINE, N. 12.10.2009 B 11.02019 16160903 -1156 FARMER KAREN 22.03.2006 B- III.02019 16150409 -1021 FARRELL RINA, Q. 11.09.2013 B- 1.02019 16051029 -4164 THE CYM. CORPORATION PAGE #3 OF 8 PAGES MAIN OETENTION CENTERS OISPOSAl RE PORT SURNAME NAME OOB QTY OISPOSAL (QT) INMATE ID FERNANDEZ CLARK, N. 25.04.2009 B-- 11.02019 16440912 -1318 FERRElL ODETTE, X. 03.06.2009 B-- 11.02019 16410825 -9641 FITZGERAlO CLARE, B. 17.09.2010 0 IV.02019 16670111 -2461 FITZGERALD JOSHUA, P. 30.01.2010 B-- IV.02019 16·990511 -2541 FlOWERS lEN 05.02.2009 B 1.02019 16300112 -8048 FlOYO BRUCE 22.07.2011 0 111.02019 16390925 -1283 FlOYO OMAR, W. 06.11.2010 Z IV.02019 16210515 -5352 FOlEY ARETHA 04.05.2010 B- 11.02019 16121002 -6096 FOLEY PASCAlE, W. 18.04.2012 I 111.02019 16960111 -2563 FOREMAN HEIOI 28.08.2006 B-- IV.02019 16310814 -4005 FRANK JIN, K •. 02.11.2012 0 1.02019 16911230 -3135 FRANK SCARlET, I. 28.11.2010 0 111.02019 16320626 -1415 FROST CAMERON, Q. 11.12.2008 Z IV.02019 16810703 -1635 FULLER HAMILTON, o. 29.01.2012 B-- IV.02019 16010225 -5719 FULLER SAOE, Y. 16·.03.2001 B- 111.02019 16660120 -3446 GALLEGOS OAlE 16.09.2010 B 111.02019 16130416 -2635 GALLEGOS TRAVIS, F. 05.05.2009 I 111.02019 16121121 -2251 GARCIA FRANCIS, C. 01.07.2009 Z 1.02019 16361104 -5354 GARONER TANEK, Y. 09.03.2013 I 11.02019 16421111 -2061 GARRISON 10NA 01.11.2013 t: 11.02019 16320925 -9484 GATES NAYOA, S. 01.06.2001 0 IV.02019 16011112 -3611 GIBSON ARSENIO 17.07.2008 Z 111.02019 16201005 -4412 GIBSON JEROME, L. 16.06.2012 I 111.02019 16030316 -5714 GILMORE HOP, P. 25.10.2011 0 11.02019 16810119 -1123 GOLOEN HERMAN 21.09.2011 Z IV.02019 16690510 -4003 GOOOMAN MACKENSIE, H. 16.09.2012 0 111.02019 16000115 -6330 GOOOWIN EVE, M. 16.04.2013 I IV.02019 16300818 -1803 GOOOWIN llNOA 20.03 •. 2008 0 IV.02019 16010524 -9282 GOROON OAKOTA, I. 21.03.2008 I 11.02019 16511115 -4619 GOROON lANI, I. 26.11.2011 B IV.02019 16450901 -8950 GREENE INA, S. 10.12.2012 B 1.02019 16·660922 -5013 GREGORY KIAYAOA, A. 23.04.2009 0 1.02019 16830505 -3514 GRIMES RAPHAEl, P. 21.10.2013 t: 11.02019 16210320 -1312 GUERRA ELVIS, Y. 17.08.2009 B 1.02019 16·6606.23-0693 GUERRERO ROONEY 04.09.2010 0 111.02019 16200327 -5720 GUY RANDALl, B. 26.11.2012 I 11.02019 16960408 -1104 GUZMAN MOSES, H •. 04.01 •. 2011 B- IV.02019 16111016 -1611 HALEY BARRY, Q. 21.03.2009 B 11.02019 16140620 -7219 HALEY HILLARY 04.03.2013 B-- IV.02019 16550921 -3533 HALL EOWARO, B. 23.12.2009 0 111.02019 16461020 -0164 HANCOCK MANNIX, M. 06.10.2009 B-- 11.02019 16590210 -5656 HANSEN SEAN, G. 03.06.2008 B-- 111.02019 16191209 -2596 HANSEN WINIFREO, W. 22.04.2012 B 11.02019 16061022 -4222 HARDING SIMON, N. 18.08.2013 I 1.02019 16340901 -2921 HAROY MARVIN 01.03.2007 B- 11.02019 16800119 -2338 HARRIS EAGAN, Y. 25.01.2010 I IV.02019 16381213 -4306 HART MAN BARCLAY, F. 09.03.2011 .l IV.02019 16690513 -6151 HARVEY LEAH, O. 06.11.2011 B-- IV.02019 16491005 -9650 HAWKINS MAISIE, U. 19.06.2013 I 11.02019 16481213 -5830 HEBERT LEANDRA, K. 12.01.2012 0 111.02019 16100113 -0451 HENDERSON BAKER 01.03.2011 0 111.02019 16190209 -8688 THE CYM. CORPORATI0N PAGE j4 OF 8 PAGES MAIN DETENTI0N CENTERS DlSPOSAL REPORT SURNAME NAME DOB QTY DlSPOSAL (QT)INMATE 10 HENDERSON DEREK, J. 04.10.2009 B-- 111.02019 16320319 -7201 HERRING KATO 15.03.2007 0 111.02019 16180812 -2152 HICKS NAIDA 15.10.2013 B-- 11.02019 16930729 -4133 HOLDEN HANNAH 2·8.02.2010 B-- 1.02019 16380919 -4040 HOLDEN KENNAN 20.04.2012 l Il1.02019 16270930 -3503 HOLDEN ROTH 26.03.2008 B-- IV.02019 16680815 -4121 HOOD HAKEEM 23.11.2013 B-- IV.02019 16281123 -2863 HOOD PERRY, l. 25.03.2013 0 IV.02019 16060120 -8218 HOOPER YULl 29.06.2009 B-- IV.02019 16220403 -1021 HORNE MIA, A. 19.01.2012 t: 111.02019 16040726 -0421 HOUSE NADINE 11.04.2010 B 11.02019 16811029 -8646 HOWARD GRANT, Q. 20.07.2010 B- Il.02019 16250124 -2909 HOWARD XAVIERA 15.04.2010 0 II.02019 16840723 -3231 HOWE WllLOW, U. 24.05.2007 B IV.02019 16420717 -9724 HUBBARD DAPHNE, 1. 11.03.2010 B- II1.02019 16180726 -8287 HUBBARD GRIFFITH, V. 29.08.2011 0 11.02019 16400203 -6350 HUDSON ElRA 16·.06·.20110 1.02019 16031222 -1267 HUMPHREY JACOB, R. 28.01.2009 B-- 11.02019 16161112 -8693 HUTCHINSON JENA, L. 07.08.2010 B 1.02019 16830415 -1221 lRWIN KEELIE, Y. 02.01.2013 l 1.02019 16470829 -8759 JAMES COlETTE 11.12.2008 0 11.02019 16520923 -4789 JAMES FRANClS, R. 25.04.2007 B-- 11.02019 16250124 -9821 JAMES JORDEN 21.02.2012 B- 1.02019 16950820 -4378 JENNINGS CELESTE, M. 04.06.2009 B-- Il.02019 16840221 .-1521 JOHNS BURTON 26.10.2011 0 IV.02019 16920108 -1481 JOHNSON EMERALD 13.03.2010 l Il.02019 16310918 -2646 JOHNSON GRANT, K. 30.06.2013 B-- IV.02019 16281210 -7767 JOHNSON SIMONE, t: 18.03.2008 l 11.02019 16751113 -5282 JOYCE KIONA, F. 24.05.2011 B- 11.02019 16830201 -0445 JUAREl HEDWIG, W. 23.01.2009 B- 1.02019 16010507 -1807 JUSTICE JARED 09.11.2007 B- 1.02019 16290311 -0138 KANE NINA, L. 21.10.2011 B II.02019 16160316 -0043 KELLER HEDY 06.12.2010 B 1.02019 16990611 -9798 KIRBY VIELKA 22.03.2012 B-- IV.02019 16610710 -6517 KNAPP URSULA 25.05.2007 0 II.02019 16630603 -6317 KNOWLES CHARLES 09.02.2001 B-- 1.02019 16180327 -6987 KRAMER TAYLOR, V. 03.09.2011 t: II.02019 16280414 -2251 LAMB OREN, P. 25.08.2010 l 1.02019 16400626 -7449 LANDRY BEVlS 29.12.2011 B-- 1.02019 16050105 -9935 LANG CAMDEN, G. 27.08.2013 t: 1.02019 16271211 -4095 LARA HENRY, E. 07.07.2011 l 11.02019 16771030 -0547 LARSEN LUCY, O. 04.01.2013 B IV.02019 16700119 -1131 LARSON MOSES 20.07.2011 0 11.02019 16181120 -9988 LAWRENCE ARSENI0, W. 20.06.2011 t: 11.02019 16391217 -4061 LAWSON LYLE, L. 10.03.2008 0 1.02019 16711012 -7888 LE HANAE, U. 02.01.2007 B- IV.02019 16300611 -4999 LE JAMES 21.10.2009 B- 1.02019 16810225 -0803 LEE RAYA, C. 29.01.2009 B- 1.02019 16971227 -8978 LESTER AXEL, E. 13.08.2001 0 II.02019 16410414 -6545 LEST ER TANYA, Q. 22.11.2011 B II1.02019 16380702 -7978 LINDSAY NAYDA 09.09.2012 l 1.02019 16650905 -9785 lHE CYM. CORPORA110N PAGE #5 OF 6 PAGES MAIN OE1EN110N CEN1ERS OISPOSAL REPORl SURNAME NAME OOB Q1Y OISPOSAL (Ql) INMA1E 10 LINOSEY XENOS 26.06.2011 B-- 111.02019 16190111 -1264 LOGAN KllRA 16 •. 10.2009 B-- 11.02019 16381102 -6416 LONG IAN, Y. 01.03.2009 B 11.02019 16610901 -4216 LOPEl PASCALE 04.03.2009 B 111.02019 16010110 -5223 LOll F 11.lGERALO 08.11.2010 B-- IV.02019 16211216 -9020 LOll ROSS, V. 30.08.2008 0 II 1.02019 16600516 -6860 LUNA MARlENA, Y. 09.03.2012 B II 1.02019 16841015 -6213 LYONS BARCLAY 11.03.2008 l 1.02019 16251224 -1833 MACOONALO CECILIA, G. 06.09.2008 B-- IV.02019 16931005 -5636 MALONE MICHAEL 11.06.2006 B IV.02019 16100524 -4502 MANNING KENNE1H, V. 22.04.2008 B- III.02019 16410113 -8200 MARSHALL SlEWAR1, C. 30.04.2011 0 111.02019 16191106 -1192 MA1HEWS MIKAYLA, I. 02.11.2013 B-- II.02019 16040504 -6411 MAlHIS BEA1RICE, K. 31.01.2009 l 111.02019 16350626 -6349 MAlHIS ECHO 18.05.2001 0 11.02019 16110912 -7126 MAYER BENJAMIN 21.03.2011 l 111.02019 16160126 -9403 MAYER KANE, B. 05.01.2010 B- 111.02019 16220305 -5195 MCBRIOE ELLIOll, N. 13.06.2010 l IV.02019 16050919 -5036 MCCALL AIKO 16.05.2011 0 IV.02019 16280605 -0666 MCCAR1HY LEILANI, S. 01.10.2009 0 111.02019 16531021 -6430 MCCLAIN ANAS1ASIA, W. 01.09.2001 l III.02019 16890210 -8216 MCCLAIN GRAHAM 03.11.2009 B- 1.02019 16430613 -9686 MCCONNELL VERNON 21.05.2001 t: 1II.02019 16920312 -2552 MCCORMICK LA1IFAH, 1. 09.02.2013 t. 1.02019 16730325 -6191 MCOOWELL HEOLEY 29.10.2013 l IV.02019 16160429 -1902 MCIN1YRE MOANA 05.02.2006 0 1.02019 16411130 -2164 MCKENlIE NllA 16.02.2009 B 1.02019 16100402 -3196 MCKENlIE XAVIERA 11.05.2001 t. 1.02019 16540606 -4654 MCKNIGHl CA1HLEEN, Q. 01.04.2013 B- 1.02019 16690323 -4240 MCLEAN ANOREW 03.08.2006 0 111.02019 16150226 -1055 MCLEAN KEEFE, O. 23.11.2013 0 1.02019 16550526 -0355 MCMAHON BRYAR, V. 02.04.2009 t. 11.02019 16900919 -8624 MCMAHON ERIN, I. 01.01.2009 B 11.02019 16361013 -1348 MCMAHON LEWIS, R. 26.01.2008 B- IV.02019 16200101 -5359 MCMILLAN CLIO 28.02.2012 l IV.02019 16360213 -6511 MCNEIL CAMERON 21.01.2001 0 11.02019 16901206 -0555 MEL10N APHROOllE 20.12 •. 2001 B 111.02019 16560113 -1133 MERCER AORIAN 01.02.2001 l 11.02019 16841109 -9909 MEYERS CYN1HIA 14.02.2006 B•.•. 1.02019 16010922 -6161 MICHAEL ABRAHAM, 1. 25.12.2001 0 IV.02019 16220330 -0286 MICHAEL YURI, W. 10.04.2012 B-- 111.02019 16310112 -6203 MILES HAROING 05.02.2009 B-- 11.02019 16150603 -3206 MllCHELL HIROKO 03.11.2011 B- IV.02019 16841124 -3101 MOLINA EMERALO 02.04.2011 0 11.02019 16121113 -3622 MON1GOMERY HAKEEM 10.09.2001 B 1.02019 16230303 -4603 MORGAN EBONY 01.12.2006 0 11.02019 16610610 -8942 MORGAN RANDALL 16.10.2006 0 IV.02019 16011114 -0059 MORRISON SCOll 11.06.2010 B-- 11.02019 16930203 -2645 MORSE SlUAR1, V. 02.04.2006 l IV.02019 16111120 -1649 MOSLEY ORLI, P. 12.01.2013 B- 11.02019 16930222 -6965 MOSLEY lARIK, K. 10.12.2013 l III.02019 16030308 -1269 -- ------- lHE CYM. CORPORA1ION PAGE .6 OF 8 PAGES MAIN DE1EN1ION CEN1ERS DISPOSAL REPORl SURNAME NAME DOB Q1Y DISPOSAL (Ql)INMA1E 10 MULLEN lASHYA, C. 24.10.2008 .Z III.IJ2019 16520408 -3454 MURPHY HIROKO 02.11.2008 B-- I.IJ2019 16910303 -4485 NAVARRO YVEllE, 1. 19.03.2013 B I.IJ2019 16651008 -4558 NEAL CHAN1ALE, .Z. 16.04.2009 .Z II.IJ2019 16890313 -6474 NEAL SAGE, C. 08.11.2013 B- III.IJ2019 16571026 -6502 NGUYEN ALMA, S. 17.04.2010 B- III.IJ2019 16210323 -1924 NIELSEN SIMON 05.04.2013 B IV.IJ2019 16510228 -0115 NOBLE ZENIA 10.03.2009 0 I.IJ2019 16961001 -4180 NOLAN AMBER, F. 06.12.2009 .B~•• II.IJ2019 16480730 -0209 NORMAN AR1HUR 14.12.2008 B•.. IV.IJ2019 16390810 -3201 OBRIEN CULLEN 30.11.2001 Z II.IJ2019 16820909 -0292 OCONNOR SAMUEL, F. 14.08.2009 0 III.IJ2019 16631008 -1754 OLIVER DAVIS 22.03.2011 B••. II.IJ2019 16950115 -2099 OLSEN LARS, M. 03.11.2010 .Z IV.IJ2019 16281203 -8707 OSBORNE DIE1ER, O. 12.04.2013 0 II.IJ2019 16930114 -0126 OWEN VIC10RIA 05.07.2010 .Z I.IJ2019 16620316 -3861 OWENS ASPEN, S. 29.07.2011 Z II.IJ2019 16691021 -0605 PACE AMBER 29.03.2001 B- IV.IJ2019 16811224 -1982 PACHECO NOLAN, P. 10.03.2011 B••. 111.IJ2019 16·860609 -4293 PADILLA PHYLLIS 19.09.2009 B- I.IJ2019 16191005 ••. 0629 PADILLA SYBIL 11.02.2011 B••. II.IJ2019 16050506 -9096 PALMER SAMSON 24.03.2012 0 111.IJ2019 16321011 -6491 PARRISH GRE1CHEN 20.09.2009 B 111.IJ2019 16390624 ••. 0001 PARSONS HASHIM, Z. 31.10.2013 B II.IJ2019 16310304 -2325 PAlE ELMO 10.07.2010 B-- IV.IJ2019 16401125 -8102 PAlE MARI, G. 08.04.2008 B- IV.tl2019 16481102 -4381 PAllERSON FAITH 20.06.2008 B I.IJ2019 16161028 ••. 2321 PENNINGTON BUFFY 01.10.2008 Z IV.IJ2019 16641230 -1548 PERKINS TYLER 28.09.2009 B- IV.IJ2019 16000119 -6553 PETERS FLAVIA 22.04.2001 B IV.tl2019 16630409 -2191 PE1ERS OSCAR, Y. 10.10.2009 B-- II.tl2019 16800924 -8983 PETERSEN KELSIE 12.08.2007 B I.IJ2019 16311217 -8353 PE1ERSEN MANNIX 11.05.2009 0 IV.tl2019 16160115 ••. 1329 PHELPS VEDA 29.08.2008 B••. II.tl2019 16460921 ••. 9680 PHILLIPS AMIR, N. 13.05.2010 B••. IIl.tl2019 16100120 -2439 PHILLIPS KEVYN, G. 01.07.2012 0 IV.tl2019 16820629 -4517 PIT1MAN AQUILA 08.04.2001 B••.••. II.tl2019 16130105 -1699 PIllS EMILY, H. 25.06.2001 0 II.IJ2019 16161215 -8180 POWELL COBY, A. 25.08.2012 B••. II.IJ2019 16510320 -5869 PRATT BRUNO 27.08.2001 B- II.IJ2019 16690406 -3523 PRA1T KEATON 10.12.2012 B-••.IV.IJ2019 16161002 -1398 PRICE LA1IFAH, N. 14.01.2010 Z IV.IJ2019 16611126 ••. 2207 PUCKETT CHANDLER, J. 11.09.2008 0 II.tl2019 16310711 -6619 PUGH DEREK, L. 12.06·.2010 B I.IJ2019 16210612 -3546 RATLIFF BRIAR, Y. 28.11.2010 B II.tl2019 16120815 -5497 RAY JAMESON 09.02.2011 0 II1.1l2019 16900919 -0831 RAYMOND DAPHNE 01.09.2009 Z 111.1l2019 16561016 ••. 1120 REEVES WILLOW. 26.03.2011 0 1.1l2019 16011122 -2840 REID BRANDEN 23.03.2010 0 IV.tl2019 16410506 -4840 REYES DONNA, I. 16.12.2013 B-- III.1l2019 16370912 ••. 4469 RHODES EVELYN, M. 01.11.2009 B- I.IJ2019 16390230 -1088 THE CYM. CORPORATION PAGE 17 OF 8 PAGES MAIN OETENTION CENTERS OISPOSAL REPORT SURNAME NAME DOB QTY DISPOSAL (QT)INMATE ID RHODES VAUGHAN 05.07.2012 0 IV.02019 16·030809-9217 RICE MADESON 24.05.2013 l IV.02019 16561230 -2199 RICHARDSON JOSHUA 28.01.2013 B IV.02019 16530727 ••0529 RICHAROSON LAMAR 03.02.2011 B- 1•. 02019 16941101 -3212 RIVERA QUYN 20.10.2012 B-- IV.02019 16190911 -6937 ROACH INA, Y. ll.05.2008 B 111.02019 16·0l1113-4846 ROACH JUSTINA, V. 26·.01.2008 B-- 1.02019 16540805 -6298 ROACH UNITY, L. 03.01.l011 B- 11.02019 16760707 -8990 ROBERTS AVYE 24.03.2013 B- 111.02019 16710825 -8629 ROBERTS NORMAN 01.11.2011 B- 1.02019 16250826 -4211 ROBERTS REUBEN 15.09.2010 B 1.02019 16150704 -2602 ROBINSON ADAM 25.08.2007 B 111.02019 16790624 -9375 ROBINSON KELLY, Q. 04.03.2011 B-- IV.02019 16460916 -2450 ROBLES LAURA, O. 30.07.l013 B 111.02019 16030719 -8127 ROBLES VERONICA 12.08 •. l011 B-..• l.olO19 16670705 -6427 RODRIGUE.Z LOGAN, v. 03.1l.2007 B- 11.02019 16490709 -4652 RODRIQUE.Z BEAU 05.10.2010 B IV.02019 16360519 -3139 RUIl GRETCHEN 05.11.201l B-- IV.olO19 16301110 -0255 RUSH CHANCELLOR 01.03.2009 l 11.02019 16510713 -8809 RUSSELL INOIRA ll.02.2013 l 111.02019 16640725 -7994 RUTLEDGE ARISTOTLE, W. l5.08.2009 B- l.olO19 16570226 -0323 SALAZAR SACHA, G •. l6.04.2009 B- 111.olO19 16180814 -0210 SALINAS CURRAN, H. 30.05.2013 0 II.ol019 16500513 -8911 SAUNDERS HANNAH 19.12.2012 B-- IV.02019 160208ll. -3800 SAVAGE FULLER 26.12.2008 B-- 111.ol019 16510521 -9199 SAWYER BIANCA, E. 25.01.2012 B-- 111.02019 16490530 -0333 SCHWARTZ URIEL 16.06·.2012 Z l.olO19 16110827 -3869 SELLERS VELMA, Z. 28.05.2008 B-- 11.olO19 16171016 -3641 SERRANO AVYE, C. 10.11.2012 B-- IV.02019 16641026 -l623 SHARPE LILAH, F. 21.06.2009 Z II.olO19 16460710 -0664 SHARPE MIRA, J. 23.02.2010 B-- 111.02019 16310421 -6106 SHEPHERO GLENNA 11.ll •. 2012 0 III.ol019 16071019 -6668 SHEPHERD RACHEL, F. 15.03.2008 0 111.olO19 16400310 -1656 SHIELDS DEREK, D. 07.06.2012 0 II.olO19 16·400315 -4715 SHIELDS LEIGH, I. Ol.11.l012 B l.olO19 16451017 -3594 SIMMONS QUINLAN, P. 08.09.l009 l IV.olO19 16650305 -0335 SINGLETON NADINE 21.03.2012 B 111.02019 16640129 -8198 SKINNER FELIX, E. 24.09.2011 0 II.olO19 16110814 -0589 SKINNER JESSAMINE 22.02.2009 0 IV.olO19 16910730 -6582 SKINNER OPRAH 05.09.2011 B-- IV.ol019 16310314 -794l SLOAN SERENA, Q. 30.01.2006 Z II.olO19 16910908 -5887 SMITH LNOIRA, Q. l4 •. 11•. 2013 0 11.02019 16650329 -7837 SNIDER MINERVA 30.10.l006 B IV.02019 16120l1l ••5405 SNYDER FULTON, F. 10.10.2010 B IV.olO19 16350711 -1957 SNYDER SARAH, E. 08.05.201l B- IV.olO19 16890610 -567l SOLOMON COLLEEN ll.03.l013 .Z II.olO19 1607040l -7986 SOTO COLLEEN, H. 03.1l.2010 B-- 11.02019 16540310 -5595 SPARKS MARTENA, M. 09.1l.201l Z IV.olO19 -1093 16·6·306·04 STAFFORO XANDRA, J. 18.11.l007 Z IV.olO19 16670705 -5700 STEPHENSON LUKE, B. 30.10.2013 B- 11.02019 16971016 -3642 STONE ASHER 07.1l.l011 0 IV.olO19 161l05l9 -5536 THE CYM. CORPORATION PAGE j8 OF 8 PAGES MAIN DETENTION CENTERS DISPOSAL REPORT SURNAME NAME DOB QTY DISPOSAL (QT) INMATE 10 STONE PETRA 13.07.2009 I II 1.02019 16280828 -6823 STRICKLAND CATHLEEN 01.07.2007 0 IV.02019 16370603 -3366 SUAREI DAHLIA 05.08.2009 B 1.02019 16660425 -3515 SUAREI KEATON 29.06.2007 B II.02019 16410101 -7491 SULLIVAN ALVIN 31.03.2013 0 11.02019 16410430 -4346 SULLIVAN SHOSHANA 14.03.2008 I 11.02019 16630114 -9416 SUTTON SAGE 21.06.2007 0 11.02019 16541213 -5419 SWEENEY CYNTHIA 31.10.2011 0 IV.02019 16420406 -5169 SWEET CEDRIC, V. 02.02.2013 B- 1.02019 16431208 -0684 THOMPSON ILIANA, I. 23.02.2011 0 1.02019 16381209 -6059 TILLMAN BEVIS, V. 21.10.2011 I 11.02019 16500321 -0005 TILLMAN ROTH 15.05.2013 I IV.02019 16560803 -2861 TORRES IDOLA 10.05.2010 B-- 11.02019 16170527 -8818 TORRES SLADE, Y. 28.10.2008 B- 1.02019 16220928 -5440 TRUJILLO GRANT, x. 29.06.2013 0 IV.02019 16651102 -0643 TUCKER KIONA, R •. 25 •. 03 •. 2009 B IV.02019 16760923 -8402 TYSON ANTHONY, I. 21.12.2007 B- IV.02019 16451028 -5762 TYSON MACEY, C. 05.09.2013 B IV.02019 16080411 -1004 TYSON SALVADOR 05.01.2012 B-- 111.02019 16530311 -1792 VANCE BRENDA, Te 27.04.2012 B 11.02019 16520308 -2611 VARGAS DEREK 30.12.2012 B-- 1.02019 16300620 -8395 VEGA LIBERTY 29.03.2012 B- 11.02019 16200527 -7534 WALKER HAMMETT, J. 18.11.2013 B-- 1.02019 16440924 -1360 WALL .IACHERY 22.01.2009 B 11.02019 16650925 -1556 WALLACE ORSON, J •. 24.01.2009 B- 1.02019 16480627 -4512 WASHINGTON TANNER, D. 23.12.2013 B 11.02019 16020819 -3466 WATKINS GREGORY 25.03.2008 B-- IV.02019 16361226 -3362 WATTS KAITLIN, D. 09.08.2013 I 11.02019 16000825 -5572 WEBER JERRY 11.01.2009 B 11.02019 16350416 -5360 WEBSTER ODYSSEUS, x. 25.12.2009 B 11.02019 16150603 -7983 WEISS MEREDITH, W. 14.02.2008 B-- IV.02019 16820116 -2206 WELCH SAMSON 23.01.2010 I IV.02019 16970823 -1863 WHITEHEAD KASEEM, E. 06.10.2011 B 11.02019 16760611 -0729 WHITFIELD KAMAL 29.11.2013 B 11.02019 16230719 -3108 WILEY RAYMOND 13.02.2012 B- 11.02019 16861203 -2111 WILLIAMS LEROY 01.04.2007 0 111.02019 16560606 -0563 WISE INDIA 19.11.2012 B- 11.02019 16540205 -6690 WOLFE LARS, P. 08.09.2012 I IV.02019 16780102 -6316 WOODS ARIEL 06.01.2008 B-- 1.02019 16690128 -0203 WOODS LANA 10.05.2007 0 11.02019 16431001 -4933 WOODWARD MALACHI, P. 05.09.2010 B-- IV.02019 16850418 -7462 WOODWARD OLIVER 20.03.2011 0 11.02019 16450904 -4386 YORK REGINA, A•. 22.05.2010 I 1.02019 16170126 -1595 United States Army Confidential Page 1 of 8 Pages Special Medical Corps Personnel Performance Report DETENTION CENTER CONDUIT PERSONNEL (LAST) Center Name (Location) A A+ B C D E E- X Sum and Rank Camp Anza 1 2 2 5 2 3 6 21 0-9 1 1 0-8 1 0-7 1 0-5 1 0-3 1 1 0-2 1 W-5 1 W-4 2 2 W-2 1 1 E-9 1 3 E-8 1 2 E-6 2 E-5 1 1 E-4 1 E-3 1 1 E-I 1 1 Camp Callan 3 5 2 1 2 2 1 1 17 0-2 1 1 2 0-1 1 1 W-4 1 1 W-3 1 W-l 2 2 E-9 2 4 E-5 1 E-4 2 E-3 1 2 E-2 1 1 Camp Kearny 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 19 0-9 1 1 0-5 1 0-2 1 2 0-1 2 3 W-4 2 W-2 1 E-6 1 2 E-5 1 1 E-4 1 1 4 E-3 1 E-2 1 (2) Camp due to closure in 2020 (3) Camp due to closure in 2021 United States Army Confldential Page 3 of 8 Pages Special Medical Corps Personnel Performance Report DETENTION CENTER CONDIDT PERSONNEL (LAST) Center Name (Location) A A+ B C D E E- X Snm and Rank W-4 1 W-3 1 2 W-l 1 E-9 1 E-8 1 E-6 1 1 E-5 1 1 E-2 1 2 Camp Santa Anita 4 1 2 2 4 4 1 2 20 0-9 1 1 0-4 1 2 0-3 1 1 0-2 2 W-5 1 W-l 1 E-9 1 1 2 5 E-8 2 1 3 E-6 1 E-3 1 E-2 2 Camp Seeley 2 3 1 1 4 4 1 5 21 0-2 2 1 1 1 5 W-l 2 2 E-9 1 2 E-8 1 3 E-7 1 1 E-5 2 2 E-3 1 2 E-2 2 4 Camp Stoneman 2 3 1 2 3 3 14 0-7 1 1 0-5 1 0-1 1 W-2 2 W-l 1 E-8 1 1 E-6 1 1 E-4 1 2 E-2 1 1 E-l 2 3 Camp Young[3] 4 2 2 1 1 2 5 4 21 (2) Camp due to closure in 2020 (3) Camp due to closure in 2021 United States Army Confidential Page 4 of 8 Pages Special Medical Corps Personnel Performance Report DETENTION CENTER CONDIDT PERSONNEL (LAST) Center Name (Location) A A+ B C D E E- X Sum and Rank 0-10 1 0-9 1 0-7 1 1 2 0-6 1 1 0-5 1 1 0-3 1 2 W-3 1 2 3 W-l 1 1 2 E-9 1 2 E-6 1 E-7 1 1 E-5 1 1 E-4 2 2 E-l 1 1 Desert Training Center 3 1 3 3 1 4 1 4 20 0-6 1 1 0-4 1 0-3 1 3 0-2 1 1 W-4 1 3 W-3 1 E-9 3 E-8 2 E-7 1 2 E-5 1 E-3 1 1 E-2 1 Fort Baker 2 3 3 3 2 1 4 4 22 0-5 1 1 1 3 0-4 1 1 0-3 2 0-2 1 2 3 0-1 1 1 W-4 1 W-3 1 W-2 1 1 W-l 1 1 2 E-9 1 1 1 1 6 E-7 1 1 Fort Humboldt ,I 1 3 5 3 4 1 4 20 1 0-6 0-5 2 (2) Camp due to closure in 2020 (3) Camp due to closure in 2021 United States Army Confidential Page 5 of 8 Pages Special Medical Corps Personnel Performance Report DETENTION CENTER CONDUIT PERSONNEL (LAST) Center Name (Location) A A+ B C D E E- X Sum and Rank 0-4 1 1 W-3 2 3 W-2 1 W-l 1 1 E-9 1 3 E-8 1 1 1 4 E-4 1 1 4 Fort MacArthur 1 1 7 4 1 3 17 0-8 1 1 0-7 1 1 0-6 1 0-5 1 0-4 1 0-2 2 2 0-1 1 1 1 3 W-2 1 1 E-9 1 1 E-8 1 2 E-7 1 1 E-2 1 2 Fort Mason 0-9 L"-~_~ 1 1 4 4 1 2 2 4 22 ~,,~ 1 0-8 1 0-5 1 2 0-4 1 1 W-4 2 2 W-2 2 W-1 2 E-9 2 E-6 1 E-7 1 2 E-5 1 3 E-4 1 2 E-3 1 Fort Ord 2 2 3 1 3 2 3 3 19 0-7 1 1 2 0-6 1 0-5 1 2 0-4 1 1 0-3 1 0-2 1 0-1 1 (2) Camp due to closure in 2020 (3) Camp due to closure in 2021 United States Army Confidential Page 7 of 8 Pages Special Medical Corps Personnel Performance Report DETENTION CENTER CONDUIT PERSONNEL (LAST) Center Name (Location) A A+ B C D E E- X Sum and Rank E-I FortYuma 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 12 0-10 1 1 0-7 1 0-5 1 1 0-1 I W-3 1 3 E-8 1 E-5 1 E-2 1 E-l 1 2 Oakland Army Base 2 1 2 1 2 1 9 0-1 1 1 W-5 I W-3 2 2 W-2 2 E-9 1 E-6 1 E-4 1 Presidio of San Francisco 2 2 2 1 2 2 5 1 17 0-4 2 0-3 1 1 W-5 1 W-3 1 I W-2 1 1 E-9 1 2 E-8 1 2 E-6 1 E-7 1 E-5 1 E-4 1 1 E-3 1 E-2 1 E-1 1 Sacramento Army Depot 2 2 5 1 5 3 3 21 0-8 1 I 0-6 1 1 0-5 1 2 0-1 1 W-5 2 (2) Camp due to closure in 2020 (3) Camp due to closure in 2021 United States Army Confidential Page 8 of 8 Pages Special Medical Corps Personnel Performance Report DETENTION CENTER CONDUIT PERSONNEL (LAST) Center Name (Location) A A+ B C D E E- X Sum and Rank E-9 1 1 3 E-8 1 1 1 3 E-6 1 2 E-7 1 E-2 1 1 1 4 E-1 1 Sum 56 45 64 50 55 55 60 438 (2) Camp due to closure in 2020 (3) Camp due to closure in 2021 I OH HO~~" .•H','e- I - HO d- o ADREN ~ THE CYM. CARING CORP CARING 15 YOUTH. YOUTH 15 MONEY. MONEY 15 FREEDOM. NOTE OF PROMOTION Service Number: 10312453-0 Current Rank: W-1 Full Name: Walls, Lance R. Date Of Birth: 9/24/86 Last Conduct Note: B Location: Camp Callan Or . Number: 739783#7035 Job description Warden, Senior Warden or Leading Warden; assigned to CYM. Corp. (N.Y.); Warden in (category): Adrenochrome Harvesting Site (AHS); or legal counsel in similar ranks; or technician in similar ranks; or office personnel in similar ranks Not included: CYM. Corp. private contractors (i.e. nurses, undertakers) Job description (specific): Photograph in plain clothes: Please note that the next recommendation should be made five years after this employee was actually promoted. Suggest these to Mrs. Hillary Notar (phone (831) 242-7184) 1759 Lewis Road, Suite 210 IMWE-POM Monterey, CA 93944 With best regards, (signed) John Halstead, (HR) The CYM. Corporation HQ: 725 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022, United States Of America, Office 292 Deliveries: 200 Forbes St #200, Annapolis, MD 21401, United States Of America CYM.® is a Registered Trademark, Register No.: 5475570 OH j HO~~, HO I -4 - -4H'-4e- o:CO-eo:cQ o "" OH \ 0 "" OH \ n ADREN CHROME ~ THE CYM. CARING CORP CARING IS YOUTH. YOUTH IS MONEY. MONEY IS FREEDOM. NOTE OF PROMOTION Service Number: 10046260-5 Current Rank: 0-6 Full Name: Dau hert , Hilary Date Of Birth: 8 30 96 Last Conduct Note: A Location: Desert Trainin Center Or . Number: 403343-9938 Job description Warden, Senior Warden or Leading Warden; assigned to CYM. Corp. (N.Y.); Warden in (category): Adrenochrome Harvesting Site (AHS); or legal counsel in similar ranks; or technician in similar ranks; or office personnel in similar ranks Not included: CYM. Corp. private contractors (i.e. nurses, undertakers) Job description s ecific): Photograph in plain clothes: Please note that the next recommendation should be made five years after this employee was actually promoted. Suggest these to Mrs. Hillary Notar (phone (831) 242-7184) 1759 Lewis Road, Suite 210 IMWE-POM Monterey, CA 93944 With best regards, (signed) John Halstead, (HR) The CYM. Corporation HQ: 725 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022, United States Of America, Office 292 Deliveries: 200 Forbes St #200, Annapolis, MD 21401, United States Of America CYM.® is a Registered Trademark, Register No.: 5475570 HO~N' HO . I '-: A' OH H ..•.. -4H - ._ - 4e °:cQ_eO~ j o OH \ 0 OH \ o ADREN CHROME ~ THE CYM. CARING CORP CARING IS YOUTH. YOUTH 15 MONEY. MONEY IS FREEDOM. NOTE OF PROMOTION Service Number: 10350240-3 Current Rank: W-3 Full Name: Mathews, Barrett Date Of Birth: 10 12 93 Last Conduct Note: E- Location: Camp Youn [3] Or . Number: 806192 6393 Job description Warden, Senior Warden or Leading Warden; assigned to CYM. Corp. (N.Y.); Warden in (category): Adrenochrome Harvesting Site (AHS); or legal counsel in similar ranks; or technician in similar ranks; or office personnel in similar ranks Not included: CYM. Corp. rivate contractors (Le. nurses, undertakers Job description s ecific): Photograph in plain clothes: Please note that the next recommendation should be made five years after this employee was actually promoted. Suggest these to Mrs. Hillary Notar (phone (831) 242-7184) 1759 Lewis Road, Suite 210 IMWE-POM Monterey, CA 93944 With best regards, (signed) John Halstead, (HR) The CYM. Corporation HQ: 725 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022, United 5tates Of America, Office 292 Deliveries: 200 Forbes st #200, Annapolis, MD 21401, United 5tates Of America CYM.® is a Registered Trademark, Register No.: 5475570 OH OH OH j HO~~, HO I d - -4H'-4.- )))-e~\ \ n ADREN CHROME (~ ~. THE CYM. CARING CORP CARING 15 YOUTH. YOUTH 15 MONEY. MONEY 15 FREEDOM. NOTE OF PROMOTION Service Number: 10449086-7 Current Rank: 0-4 Full Name: Sar ent, Debra Date Of Birth: 28870 Last Conduct Note: A+ Location: Camp Santa Anita Or . Number: 088480#2380 Job description Warden, Senior Warden or Leading Warden; assigned to CYM. Corp. (N.Y.); Warden in (category): Adrenochrome Harvesting Site (AHS); or legal counsel in similar ranks; or technician in similar ranks; or office personnel in similar ranks Not included: CYM. Corp. private contractors (i.e. nurses, undertakers) Job description (specific): Photograph in plain clothes: Please note that the next recommendation should be made five years after this employee was actually promoted. Suggest these to Mrs. Hillary Notar (phone (831) 242-7184) 1759 Lewis Road, Suite 210 IMWE-POM Monterey, CA 93944 With best regards, (signed) John Halstead, (HR) The CYM. Corporation HQ: 725 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022, United States Of America, Office 292 Deliveries: 200 Forbes st #200, Annapolis, MD 21401, United States Of America CYM.® is a Registered Trademark, Register No.: 5475570 HO~OH HO.d' I .." H N" .4H'· ~ 4.- om - eox:::Q 0.." OH \ 0.." OH ] \ o ADREN CHROME ~~ THE CYM. CARING CORP CARING IS YOUTH. YOUTH 15 MONEY. MONEY IS FREEDOM. NOTE OF PROMOTION Service Number: 10483044-7 Current Rank: 0-2 Full Name: Roth, Georae Salomon Date Of Birth: 23358 Last Conduct Note: A+ Location: Camp Callan ora, Number: 682988-5596 Job description Warden, Senior Warden or Leading Warden; asslgned to CYM. Corp. (N.Y.); Warden in (category): Adrenochrome Harvesting Site (AHS); or legal counsel in sirnllar ranks; or technician in similar ranks; or office personnel in similar ranks Not included: CYM. Corp. private contractors (i.e. nurses, undertakers) Please note that the next recommendation should be made five years after this employee was actually promoted. Suggest these to Mrs. Hillary Notar (phone (831) 242-7184) 1759 Lewis Road, Suite 210 IMWE-POM Monterey, CA 93944 With best regards, (signed) John Halstead, (HR) The CYM. Corporation HQ: 725 5th Ave, NewYork, NY 10022, United States Of America, Office 292 Deliveries: 200 Forbes St #200, Annapolis, MD 21401, United States Of America CYM.® is a Registered Trademark, Register No.: 5475570 OH HO~~'- HO Iom -eo:cQ N - -4H'-4e- o "" OH \ 0 "" OH ] \ n ADREN CHROME ~ THE CYM. CARING CORP CARINGISYOUTH. YOUTH 15 MONEY. MONEY 15 fREEOOM. NOTE OF PROMOTION Service Number: 10934232-7 Current Rank: E-5 Full Name: Lopez, Erica Date Of Birth: 8/15/90 Last Conduct Note: A Location: Camp Callan Or . Number: 122049-2647 Job description Warden, Senior Warden or Leading Warden; asslgned to CYM. Corp. (N.Y.); Warden in (category): Adrenochrome Harvesting Site (AHS); or legal counsel in similar ranks; or technician in similar ranks; or office personnel in similar ranks Not included: CYM. Corp. private contractors (i.e. nurses, undertakers) Job description (specific): Photograph in plain clothes: Please note that the next recommendation should be made five years after this employee was actually promoted. Suggest these to Mrs. Hillary Notar (phone (831) 242-7184) 1759 Lewis Road, Suite 210 IMWE-POM Monterey, CA 93944 With best regards, (signed) John Halstead, (HR) The CYM. Corporation HQ: 725 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022, United States Of America, Office 292 Deliveries: 200 Forbes St #200, Annapolis, MD 21401, United States Of America CYM.® is a Registered Trademark, Register No.: 5475570 om-e::cQ o "" OH 0 "" OH j \ \ o ADREN CHROME ~ THE CYM. CARING CORP CARING ISYOUTH. YOUTH 15 MONEY. MONEY 15 FREEDOM. NOTE OF PROMOTION Service Number: 10976503-1 Current Rank: W-5 Full Name: Evans, Donovan Date Of Birth: 4 15 68 Last Conduct Note: E Location: Sacramento Army Depot Or . Number: 298321-8393 Job description Warden, Senior Warden or Leading Warden; asslgnec to CYM. Corp. (N.Y.); Warden in (category): Adrenochrome Harvesting Site (AHS); or legal counsel in similar ranks; or technician in similar ranks: or office personnel in similar ranks Not included: CYM. Cor. rivate contractors (Le. nurses, undertakers) Job description (specific): Photograph in plain clothes: Piease note that the next recommendation should be made five years after this employee was actually promoted. Suggest these to Mrs. Hillary Notar (phone (831) 242-7184) 1759 Lewis Road, Suite 210 IMWE-POM Monterey, CA 93944 With best regards, (signed) John Halstead, (HR) The CYM. Corporation HQ: 725 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022, United States Of America, Office 292 Deliveries: 200 Forbes St #200, Annapolis, MD 21401, United States Of America CYM.® is a Registered Trademark, Register No.: 5475570 :x:Q-e~ OH \ OH ] \ o ADREN CHROME ~ THE CYM. CARING CORP CARINGISYOUTH. YOUTH IS MONEY. MONEY IS FREEDOM. NOTE OF PROMOTION Service Number: 11054071-K Current Rank: E-9 Full Name: Hooper, Darryl E. Date Of Birth: 11/12/68 Last Conduct Note: B Location: Sacramento Arm Depot Or . Number: 845629#2187 Job description Warden, Senior Warden or Leading Warden; assigned to CYM. Corp. (N.Y.); Warden in (category): Adrenochrome Harvesting Site (AHS); or legal counsel in similar ranks; or technician in similar ranks; or office personnel in similar ranks Not included: CYM. Corp. private contractors (i.e. nurses, undertakers) Job description (specific): Photograph in plain clothes: Please note that the next recommendation should be made five years after this employee was actually promoted. Suggest these to Mrs. Hillary Notar (phone (831) 242-7184) 1759 Lewis Road, Suite 210 IMWE-POM Monterey, CA 93944 With best regards, (slgned) John Halstead, (HR) The CYM. Corporation HQ: 725 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022, United States Of America, Office 292 Deliveries: 200 Forbes St #200, Annapolis, MD 21401, United States Of America CYM.® is a Registered Trademark, Register No.: 5475570 ---------~----- --------- • HO~OH HO I ~ -9 H N" - -4H<-4e- o o :co -ex:::Q j ~ OH \ 0 0 ~ OH \ o ADREN CHROME ~ THE CYM. CARING CORP CARINGIS YOUTH. YOUTH 15 MONEY. MONEY IS fREEDOM. NOTE OF PROMOTION Service Number: 11065617-3 Current Rank: 0-5 Full Name: Dalton, Lee Date Of Birth: 7/27/78 Last Conduct Note: C Location: Fort Humboldt Ora. Number: 954988#0962 Job description Warden, Senior Warden or Leading Warden; asslgned to CYM. Corp. (N.Y.); Warden in (category): Adrenochrome Harvesting Site (AHS); or legal counsel in similar ranks; or technician in similar ranks; or office personnel in similar ranks Not included: CYM. Corp. private contractors (i.e. nurses, undertakers) Job description (specific): Photograph in plain clothes: Piease note that the next recommendation should be made five years after this employee was actually promoted. Suggest these to Mrs. Hillary Notar (phone (831) 242-7184) 1759 Lewis Road, Suite 210 IMWE-POM Monterey, CA 93944 With best regards, (slgned) John Halstead, (HR) The CYM. Corporation HQ: 725 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022, United States Of America, Office 292 Deliveries: 200 Forbes st #200, Annapolis, MD 21401, United States Of America CYM.® is a Registered Trademark, Register No.: 5475570 j :n)-e:~ OH OH OH HO~~" "4H'.4e- HO I .0 - \ \ (C:""~~.~~~ o ADREN CHROME ~~ THE CYM. CARING CORP CARING15 YOUTH. YOUTH 15 MONEY. MONEY IS FREEDOM. NOTE OF PROMOTION Service Number: 11171331-6 Current Rank: 0-2 Full Name: Owen, Raven Date Of Birth: 12/09/68 Last Conduct Note: x Location: Desert Trainin Center Or . Number: 415089-0269 Job description Warden, Senior Warden or Leading Warden; assigned to CYM. Corp. (N.Y.); Warden in (category): Adrenochrome Harvesting Site (AHS); or legal counsel in similar ranks; or technician in similar ranks; or office personnel in similar ranks Not included: CYM. Corp. private contractors (i.e. nurses, undertakers Job description (specific): Photograph in plain clothes: Please note that the next recommendation should be made five years after this employee was actually promoted. Suggest these to Mrs. Hillary Notar (phone (831) 242-7184) 1759 Lewis Road, Suite 210 IMWE-POM Monterey, CA 93944 With best regards, (slgned) John Halstead, (HR) The CYM. Corporation HQ: 725 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022, United States Of America, Office 292 Deliveries: 200 Forbes St #200, Annapolis, MD 21401, United States Of America CYM.® is a Registered Trademark, Register No.: 5475570 ------ --~ -~ -- -------~ OH H~"" H :cQ--e~ I ß ~".4H" -- .4e- o o "" OH \ 0 0 "" OH ! \ o ADREN CHROME ~ THE CYM. CARING CORP CARING IS YOUTH. YOUTH IS MONEY. MONEY IS FREEDOM. NOTE OF PROMOTION Service Number: 11258439-0 Current Rank: E-4 Full Name: Medina, Tanya Date Of Birth: 3 09/94 Last Conduct Note: E- Location: Fort Ord Or . Number: 946560#0287 Job description Warden, Senior Warden or Leading Warden; assigned to CYM. Corp. (N.Y.); Warden in (category): Adrenochrome Harvesting Site (AHS); or legal counsel in similar ranks; or technician in similar ranks; or office personnel in similar ranks Not included: CYM. Corp. private contractors (l.e, nurses, undertakers) Please note that the next recommendation should be made five years after this ernployee was actually promoted. Suggest these to Mrs. Hillary Notar (phone (831) 242-7184) 1759 Lewis Road, Suite 210 IMWE-POM Monterey, CA 93944 With best regards, (signed) John Halstead, (HR) The CYM. Corporation HQ: 725 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022, United States Of America, Office 292 Deliveries: 200 Forbes St #200, Annapolis, MD 21401, United States Of America CYM.® is a Reglstered Trademark, Register No.: 5475570 j HO~~, HO I n OH - -4H"-4e- m-e~ OH \ OH \ o ADREN CHROME ~ THE CYM. CARING CORP CARING 15 YOUTH. YOUTH 15 MONEY. MONEY 15 FREEDOM. NOTE OF PROMOTION Service Number: 11378482-2 Current Rank: W-4 Full Name: Blankenship, Madaline Date Of Birth: 24808 Last Conduct Note: C Location: Camp Stoneman Or . Number: 415919#1537 Job description Warden, Senior Warden or Leading Warden; assigned to CYM. Corp. (N.Y.); Warden in (category): Adrenochrome Harvesting Site (AHS); or legal counsel in similar ranks; or technician in similar ranks; or office personnel in similar ranks Not included: CYM. Corp. private contractors (i.e, nurses, undertakers) Please note that the next recommendation should be made five years after this employee was actually promoted. Suggest these to Mrs. Hillary Notar (phone (831) 242-7184) 1759 Lewis Road, Suite 210 IMWE-POM Monterey, CA 93944 With best regards, (signed) John Halstead, (HR) The CYM. Corporation HQ: 725 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022, United States Of America, Office 292 Deliveries: 200 Forbes St #200, Annapolis, MD 21401, United States Of America CYM.® is a Registered Trademark, Register No.: 5475570 HO~~, I OH - -4H' -4e- oo:cO-eo~ ~ OH 0 ~ OH 1 HO b \ \ o ADREN CHROME ~ THE CYM. CARING CORP CARING IS YOUTH. YOUTH IS MONEY. MONEY IS FREEDOM. NOTE OF PROMOTION Service Number: 11396117-1 Current Rank: 0-2 Full Name: Gilmore, Joe Date Of Birth: 22173 Last Conduct Note: A Location: Fort Baker Or . Number: 026570-4460 Job description Warden, Senior Warden or Leading Warden; assigned to CYM. Corp. (N.Y.); Warden in (category): Adrenochrome Harvesting Site (AHS); or legal counsel in similar ranks; or technician in similar ranks; or office personnel in similar ranks Not included: CYM. Corp. private contractors (i.e. nurses, undertakers) Job description (specific): Photograph in plain clothes: Please note that the next recommendation should be made five years after this employee was actually promoted. Suggest these to Mrs. Hillary Notar (phone (831) 242-7184) 1759 Lewis Road, Suite 210 IMWE-POM Monterey, CA 93944 With best regards, (signed) John Halstead, (HR) The CYM. Corporation HQ: 725 5th Ave, NewYork, NY 10022, United States Of America, Office 292 Deliveries: 200 Forbes St #200, Annapolis, MD 21401, United States Of America CYM.® is a Registered Trademark, Register No.: 5475570 °m_eO~ o OH \ 0 OH \ 1 o ADREN CHROME ~ THE CYM. CARING CORP CARING IS YOUTH. YOUTH IS MONEY. MONEY IS FREEDOM. NOTE OF PROMOTION Service Number: 11657173-0 Current Rank: E-1 Full Name: Booker, Ahmed R. Date Of Birth: 1 25 93 Last Conduct Note: C Location: Fort Yuma Or . Number: 636155-2307 Job description Warden, Senior Warden or Leading Warden; asslgned to CYM. Corp. (N.Y.); Warden in (category): Adrenochrome Harvesting Site (AHS); or legal counsel in similar ranks; or technician in similar ranks; or office personnel in similar ranks Not included: CYM. Corp. private contractors (i.e. nurses, undertakers) Please note that the next recommendation should be made five years after this employee was actually promoted. Suggest these to Mrs. Hillary Notar (phone (831) 242-7184) 1759 Lewis Road, Suite 210 IMWE-POM Monterey, CA 93944 With best regards, (signed) John Halstead, (HR) The CYM. Corporation HQ: 725 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022, United States Of America, Office 292 Deliveries: 200 Forbes st #200, Annapolis, MD 21401, United 5tates Of America CYM.® is a Registered Trademark, Register No.: 5475570 OH HOxr~' -4H' -4e- HOI # - o ADREN ~ THE CYM. CARING CORP CARING IS YOUTH. YOUTH IS MONEY. MONEY IS FREEDOM. NOTE OF PROMOTION Service Number: 11680914-1 Current Rank: E-9 Full Name: Huffman, John Date Of Birth: 31430 Last Conduct Note: A+ Location: Oakland Arm Base Or . Number: 246651#7121 Job description Warden, Senior Warden or Leading Warden; assigned to CYM. Corp. (N.Y.); Warden in (category): Adrenochrome Harvesting Site (AHS); or legal counsel in similar ranks; or technician in similar ranks; or office personnel in similar ranks Not included: CYM. Corp. rivate contractors (i.e. nurses, undertakers) Job description specific): Photograph in plain clothes: Please note that the next recommendation should be made five years after this ernployee was actually promoted. Suggest these to Mrs. Hillary Notar (phone (831) 242-7184) 1759 Lewis Road, Suite 210 IMWE-POM Monterey, CA 93944 With best regards, (signed) John Halstead, (HR) The CYM. Corporation HQ: 725 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022, United States Of America, Office 292 Deliveries: 200 Forbes St #200, Annapolis, MD 21401, United States Of America CYM.® is a Registered Trademark, Register No.: 5475570 0X)j _ e0x:::Q 1 OH OH OH HO~~,- -4H' -4e- I - HO A o \ ° \ o ADREN CHROME ~~ THE CYM. CARING CORP CARING IS YOUTH. YOUTH 15 MONEY. MONEY IS FREEDOM. NOTE OF PROMOTION Service Number: 11750710-6 Current Rank: W-4 Full Name: Castaneda, William Date Of Birth: 32203 Last Conduct Note: E Location: Fort Point Or . Number: 716251#1500 Job description Warden, Senior Warden or Leading Warden; assigned to CYM. Corp. (N.Y.); Warden in (category): Adrenochrome Harvesting Site (AHS); or legal counsel in similar ranks; or technician in similar ranks; or office personnel in similar ranks Not included: CYM. Corp. private contractors (i.e. nurses, undertakers) Job description (specific): Photograph in plain clothes: Please note that the next recommendation should be made five years after this employee was actually promoted. Suggest these to Mrs. Hillary Notar (phone (831) 242-7184) 1759 Lewis Road, Suite 210 IMWE-POM Monterey, CA 93944 With best regards, (signed) John Halstead, (HR) The CYM. Corporation HQ: 725 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022, United States Of America, Office 292 Deliveries: 200 Forbes St #200, Annapolis, MD 21401, United States Of America CYM.® is a Registered Trademark, Register No.: 5475570 HO~~,- HO I .9 OH - -4W-4e- :m-e:~OH \ OH \ 1 o ADREN CHROME ~ THE CYM. CARING CORP CARING ISYOUTH. YOUTH IS MONEY. MONEY IS FREEDOM. NOTE OF PROMOTION Service Number: 11750942-7 Current Rank: E-8 Full Name: Simpson, Noel Date Of Birth: 32774 Last Conduct Note: A Location: Fort Yuma Or . Number: 983023-6924 Job description Warden, Senior Warden or Leading Warden; essigneo to CYM. Corp. (N.Y.); Warden in (category): Adrenochrome Harvesting Site (AHS); or legal counsel in similar ranks; or technician in similar ranks; or office personnel in similar ranks Not included: CYM. Corp. private contractors (i.e. nurses, undertakers) Job description specific): Photograph in plain clothes: Please note that the next recommendation should be made five years after this employee was actually promoted. Suggest these to Mrs. Hillary Notar (phone (831) 242-7184) 1759 Lewis Road, Suite 210 IMWE-POM Monterey, CA 93944 With best regards, (signed) John Halstead, (HR) The CYM. Corporation HQ: 725 5th Ave, NewYork, NY 10022, United States Of America, Office 292 Deliveries: 200 Forbes St #200, Annapolis, MD 21401, United States Of America CYM.® is a Registered Trademark, Register No.: 5475570 ---- ------------------------~------------------------------------------------------- HO~~,- HO I .& OH - -4H' -4e- °:cO_eO~ o OH \ 0 OH ~ \ o ADREN CHROME ~ THE CYM. CARING CORP CARING 15 YOUTH. YOUTH 15 MONEY. MONEY IS FREEDOM. NOTE OF PROMOTION Service Number: 11751816-7 Current Rank: E-8 Full Name: Vas uez, Ma Date Of Birth: 33961 Last Conduct Note: C Location: Fort Point Or . Number: 317132 8952 Job description Warden, Senior Warden or Leading Warden; assigned to CYM. Corp. (N.Y.); Warden in (category): Adrenochrome Harvesting Site (AHS); or legal counsel in similar ranks; or technician in similar ranks; or office personnel in similar ranks Not included: CYM. Corp. private contractors l.e, nurses, undertakers) Please note that the next recommendation should be made five years after this employee was actually promoted. Suggest these to Mrs. Hillary Notar (phone (831) 242-7184) 1759 Lewis Road, Suite 210 IMWE-POM Monterey, CA 93944 With best regards, (signed) John Halstead, (HR) The CYM. Corporation HQ: 725 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022, United States Of America, Office 292 Deliveries: 200 Forbes St #200, Annapolis, MD 21401, United States Of America CYM.® is a Registered Trademark, Register No.: 5475570 HO~~, OH -4H'.4e- °X)j~eO~ OH OH 1 HO I .0 - o \ 0 \ cC:: ~-~ o ADREN CHROME ~~ THE CYM. CARING CORP CARING 15 YOUTH. YOUTH 15 MONEY. MONEY 15 FREEDOM. NOTE OF PROMOTION Service Number: 12084711-2 Current Rank: E-7 Full Name: Ballard, Declan Date Of Birth: 32937 Last Conduct Note: A Location: Fort Ord Or . Number: 663838#0763 Job description Warden, Senior Warden or Leading Warden; assigned to CYM. Corp. (N.Y.); Warden in (category): Adrenochrome Harvesting Site (AHS); or legal counsel in similar ranks; or technician in similar ranks; or office personnel in similar ranks Not included: CYM. Cor . private contractors (i.e. nurses, undertakers) Job description (specific): Photograph in plain clothes: Please note that the next recommendation should be made five years after this employee was actually promoted. Suggest these to Mrs. Hillary Notar (phone (831) 242-7184) 1759 Lewis Road, Suite 210 IMWE-POM Monterey, CA 93944 With best regards, (signed) John Halstead, (HR) The CYM. Corporation HQ: 725 5th Ave, NewYork, NY 10022, United 8tates Of America, Office 292 Deliveries: 200 Forbes st #200, Annapolis, MD 21401, United 8tates Of America CYM.® is a Registered Trademark, Register No.: 5475570 D ADREN ~ THE CYM. CARING CORP CARING 15 YOUTH. YOUTH 15 MONEY. MONEY 15 FREEDOM. NOTE OF PROMOTION Service Number: 12445575-8 Current Rank: 0-3 Full Name: Pope, Geor e Date Of Birth: 31474 Last Conduct Note: x Location: Desert Trainin Center Or . Number: 984198-9578 Job description Warden, Senior Warden or Leading Warden; asslgned to CYM. Corp. (N.Y.); Warden in (category): Adrenochrome Harvesting Site (AHS); or legal counsel in similar ranks; or technician in similar ranks; or office personnel in similar ranks Not lncluded: CYM. Corp. private contractors (i.e. nurses, undertakers) Job description (specific): Photograph in plain clothes: Piease note that the next recommendation should be made five years after this employee was actually promoted. Suggest these to Mrs. Hillary Notar (phone (831) 242-7184) 1759 Lewis Road, Suite 210 IMWE-POM Monterey, CA 93944 With best regards, (signed) John Halstead, (HR) The CYM. Corporation HQ: 725 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022, United States Of America, Office 292 Deliveries: 200 Forbes St #200, Annapolis, MD 21401, United States Of America CYM.® is a Registered Trademark, Register No.: 5475570 HO~~, HO IA' OH ~ l o~ 0 ~j OH \ __ o~ e~rr 0 OH \ j o ADRENOCHROME ~ THE CYM. CARING CORP CARING 15 YOUTH. YOUTH 15 MONEY. MONEY IS FREEDOM. NOTE OF PROMOTION Service Number: 12455007-6 Current Rank: W-2 Full Name: Simon, Paul Date Of Birth: 4 29/71 Last Conduct Note: D Location: Fort Point Or . Number: 765712#6038 Job description Warden, Senior Warden or Leading Warden; asslgned to CYM. Corp. (N.Y.); Warden in (category): Adrenochrome Harvesting Site (AHS); or legal counsel in slmilar ranks; or technician in similar ranks; or office personnel in similar ranks Not included: CYM. Cor . rivate contractors i.e. nurses, undertakers) Job description (specific): Photograph in plain clothes: Please note that the next recommendation should be made five years after this employee was actually promoted. Suggest these to Mrs. Hillary Notar (phone (831) 242-7184) 1759 Lewis Road, Suite 210 IMWE-POM Monterey, CA 93944 With best regards, (signed) John Halstead, (HR) The CYM. Corporation HQ: 725 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022, United 5tates Of America, Office 292 Deliveries: 200 Forbes st #200, Annapolis, MD 21401, United 5tates Of America CYM.® is a Registered Trademark, Register No.: 5475570 OH 1 HO~~"- HO I d - .4H'.4e- °:cQ~eO~ o OH \ 0 OH \ n ADREN CHROME .(~ ~. THE CYM. CARING CORP CARINGIS YOUTH. YOUTH 15 MONEY. MONEY 15 FREEOOM. NOTE OF PROMOTION Service Number: 12582550-8 Current Rank: 0-1 Full Name: Clay, Joshua Date Of Birth: 34808 Last Conduct Note: D Location: Camp Lockett Or . Number: 892446-5639 Job description Warden, Senior Warden or Leading Warden; assigned to CYM. Corp. (N.Y.); Warden in (category): Adrenochrome Harvesting Site (AHS); or legal counsel in similar ranks; or technician in similar ranks; or office personnel in similar ranks Not included: CYM. Corp. private contractors (i.e. nurses, undertakers) Job description (specific): Photograph in plain clothes: Please note that the next recommendation should be made five years after this employee was actually promoted. Suggest these to Mrs. Hillary Notar (phone (831) 242-7184) 1759 Lewis Road, Suite 210 IMWE-POM Monterey, CA 93944 With best regards, (signed) John Halstead, (HR) The CYM. Corporation HQ: 725 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022, United States Of America, Office 292 Deliveries: 200 Forbes St #200, Annapolis, MD 21401, United States Of America CYM.® is a Registered Trademark, Register No.: 5475570 The CYM. Corporation Confidential Personal Data! Page 1 of 8 Pages Main Detention Centers Personnel Report Service Surname Name Initial Rank Date Of Birth Location Conduct Org, 10046260-5 Daugherty Hilary 0-6 30.08.1996 Desert Training Center A 403343-9938 10312453-0 Walls Lance R. W-l 24.09.1986 Camp Callan B 739783#7035 10350240-3 Mathews Barrett W-3 10.12.1993 Camp Young[3] E- 806192/6393 10449086-7 sargent Debra 0-4 15.01.1979 Camp Santa Anita A+ 088480#2380 10483044-7 Roth George Salomon 0-2 13.12.1963 Camp Callan A+ 682988-5596 10934232-7 Lopez Erica E-5 15.08.1990 Camp Callan A 122049-2647 10976503-1 Evans Donovan W-5 15.04.1968 Sacramento Army Depot E 298321-8393 11054071-K Hooper Darryl E. E-9 11.12.1968 Sacramento Army Depot B 845629#2187 11065617-3 Dalton Lee 0-5 27.07.1978 Fort Humboldt C 954988#0962 11171331-6 Owen Raven 0-2 12.09.1968 Desert Training Center X 415089-0269 11191424-9 Howe Brenda W-3 04.01.1978 Fort Humboldt X 478682/9400 11258439-0 Medina Tanya E-4 03.09.1994 Fort Ord E- 946560#0287 11378482-2 Blankenship Madaline W-4 02.12.1967 Camp Stoneman C 415919#1537 11396117-1 Gilmore Joe 0-2 14.09.1960 Fort Baker A 026570-4460 11657173-0 Booker Ahmed R. E-l 25.01.1993 FortYuma C 636155-2307 11680914-1 Huffman John E-9 18.01.1986 Oakland Army Base A+ 246651#7121 11750710-6 Castaneda William W-4 01.03.1988 Fort Point E 716251#1500 11750942-7 Simpson Noel E-8 23.09.1989 FortYuma A 983023-6924 11751816-7 Vasquez Mary E-8 23.12.1992 Fort Point C 317132/8952 12084711-2 Ballard Declan E-7 05.03.1990 Fort Ord A 663838#0763 12445575-8 Pope George 0-3 03.03.1986 Desert Training Center X 984198-9578 12455007-6 Simon Paul W-2 29.04.1971 Fort Point D 765712#6038 12582550-8 Clay Joshua 0-1 19.04.1995 Camp Lockett D 892446-5639 12690254-9 Townsend Melyssa E-7 15.03.1984 Fort Tejon X 672527/7021 12769126-6 Stout Kelly J. E-9 26.09.1964 Camp Santa Anita C 587750-0503 12823697-K Pope Aidan W-5 30.12.1996 Oakland Army Base X 837709-6584 12916077-2 Morrison Zachery W-5 05.06.1970 Camp KOhler[2] C 203130/9020 13147292-7 West Naomi E-7 20.08.1983 Fort Mason E- 996991/0976 13181091-1 Downs Joshua 0-4 15.03.2000 Fort Baker E- 937288/9288 13292921-1 Guerrero Riley E-l 24.12.1985 Camp Anza C 517053#4076 13297982-0 Beach Mannix W-3 01.11.1966 Presidio of San Francisco E- 749128#1544 13321959-5 Hines Odessa 0-5 01.05.1998 Camp Lawrence J. Hearn C 723994/6408 13482470-0 Jacobson Helen O. E-l 27.07.1981 Sacramento Army Depot X 448020#0130 13646456-6 Armstrong Demetrius L. 0-3 14.03.1973 Fort Ord D 202371/4138 13740277-7 Ferguson Sandra E-4 08.04.1986 Fort Mason E 225546-8262 13903165-2 Henderson Kristen E-4 01.06.1993 Presidio of San Francisco X 972663-0537 14006599-4 Russo Jessamine I. W-3 22.06.1983 Fort Winfield Scott C 804038#3559 14146803-0 Kirby Deborah E-8 24.08.1965 Sacramento Army Depot A+ 924896/1527 14571297-1 Raymond lgor V. E-5 09.06.1979 Fort Ord A+ 154074/4503 14649441-2 Avery Alec E. 0-1 24.11.1979 Camp Callan E- 037961/7376 14863991-4 Hull Alvin E-9 20.06.1983 Fort Tejon E 638953#5722 14873116-0 Potts Wing W-2 12.07.1983 Presidio of San Francisco E- 758823-3945 15030037-1 Reilly Ciara 0-4 01.02.1983 Fort Point E 335029#5501 15036635-6 Weaver Vivien E-6 15.08.2001 Fort Tejon A+ 203793/2643 15309439-K Huffman Madeline E-9 22.12.1976 Fort Tejon B 526934#5616 15353656-2 Klein Craig W-2 22.04.1977 Fort Winfield Scott B 052797#1097 15382693-5 Byrd Violet 0-9 27.05.1995 Camp Young[3] A+ 014416#9638 15586643-8 Estes Mariko 0-2 21.03.1971 Camp Santa Anita D 617779/1750 15729998-0 Ayers Veronica E-l 10.09.1964 Presidio of San Francisco E 247636-5891 15867163-8 Riddle Amery E-2 22.07.1978 Desert Training Center C 269364-7873 15886714-1 Benson Shad E-8 17.01.1983 Camp Santa Anita X 739307/6828 15916720-8 Barr Plato E-9 24.02.1979 Fort Baker C 308123/6204 15955702-2 Cole Cassidy E-8 08.02.1993 Sacramento Army Depot A 964450/3816 16152689-4 Hansen Fleur W-4 18.02.1989 Camp McQuaide A+ 583120#0323 16200974-5 Skinner Nasim . F. W-l 20.11.1990 Camp Santa Anita E- 813102-2900 16375871-7 Langley Avram 0-5 06.06.2000 Fort Point A 149617-2873 16376338-9 Reed Serina E-2 24.08.1987 Camp Seeley X 988254-5412 16391466-2 Powers Cyrus E-6 18.03.1978 Camp Kearny D 343283-7908
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