SALMON COUNTRY NEWS (From Renous to Boiestown) October 2020 (DEADLINE FOR NOVEMBER 2020 EDITION: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28TH) If you have a photo you’d like to see “headline” the Salmon Country News, if you have articles for publication, or if you’d just like some general information about advertising rates, coverage or publication dates, please call 506-365-1105 or email [email protected] VILLAGE OF DOAKTOWN GARBAGE PICK-UP SCHEDULE OCTOBER 2020 Monday, October 5 - Regular Garbage Monday, October 12 - Blue Bin MONDAY, OCTOBER 19 – FALL CLEAN-UP DAY Monday, October 26 – Blue Bin WHITE GOODS AND FALL CLEAN-UP MONDAY, OCTOBER 19 CURBSIDE COLLECTION What We’ll Take: Fridges, stoves, furniture, bed rails, washers, dryers, hot water tanks, and cans of dried paint. Remember: All items should be bagged, boxed or tied. What We Won’t: Sand, gravel, rocks, bricks, manure, dead animals, car or snowmobile parts, propane tanks, trees, lumber, oil, construction materials, hazardous waste or items heavier than 50 pounds. For further information, please contact Joe’s Garbage Pick-Up Limited at 506-622-8021. NOTE: Paint and batteries can be dropped off at Betts’ Home Hardware while clothing, dishes and toys can be taken to Central NB Self-Help at 7 Miramichi Street. RETIREMENT CELEBRATIONS GAIL ROSS, LIBRARY MANAGER UPPER MIRAMICHI COMMUNITY LIBRARY The Board and staff of the Upper Miramichi Community Library are plan- ning a celebration in honour of the fabulous Gail Ross who will be retir- ing at the end of October and who has been our first and only library manager. While the pandemic will prohibit us from hosting a large “'open house,”' we want to provide an opportunity for members of the community, li- brary patrons, students and teachers (past and present) to send good wishes, notes of appreciation, fond memories, etc. These can be in the form of written notes or short videos to be made into a video presentation for Gail. Please send them to [email protected] no later than Thursday, October 15. We know that some patrons would prefer to send in or drop off a card so, during the entire month of October, if you would like to drop off a card to Gail while you are visiting the library, we have placed a “keepsake box” at the door for your convenience. Our mailing address is Upper Miramichi Community Library, 7263 Route 8 – Unit 1, New Bandon, NB E9C 2A7. We hope you will join with us to make Gail’s retirement celebration truly memorable. If additional infor- mation is needed, please contact us at 506-365-2096. The family of the late ANN STOREY would like to thank the family, friends and neighbours for the cards and thoughts of condolence, food, calls and visits during our difficult time. We are forever grateful for your kindness. ~ Washburn, Cheryl and Chris In Loving Memory of SHAUN HOVEY W h o P a s s e d Aw a y O n October 1, 2013 No length of time will take away VILLAGE OF DOAKTOWN Our thoughts of you from day to day; Unfortunately, owing to COVID-19 con- And when good time we often recall That’s when we miss you most of all. cerns, door-to-door trick or treat- ing will not be permitted this year. M i s s e d a n d a l w a ys r e m e m b e r e d b y Instead, the Village of Doaktown will Darrell, Marina and Family be holding a TRUNK OR TREAT EVENT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31 Th e B a tt l e for t he M i nd (time to be announced) a n d t h e Fr e ed om i n C h ri st Across from the Prospect Place Arena that is yours. F o r a n a p p o i n t me n t , We are awaiting further advice from c a l l We n d y a t officials of the Department of Health so that we can make sure this Hallow- (506)365-7105 een is a safe one for everyone. o r e ma i l e n d y o n @ n b .s ymp a t i c o .c a . C o n fi d en ti al it y is m y #1 pr ior it y. Darlene Munn (506) 457-0102 [email protected] Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Bank Reconciliations Financial Statements Payroll, HST and Receiver General Remittances "Dedicated to Customer Satisfaction" KIMBERLY DAWN (PARKER) PRICE The family of the late Kimberly Dawn Price would like to thank each and every one for all your prayers and support after her accident, and for all the prayers, phone calls, food, cards and money brought to our house after her passing. Thanks to Pastor Carroll and Rev. Ralph Fowler for the lovely service, and to Everett Munn and Becky Fowler for their beautiful songs. All the kindness and support will not be forgotten WHERE: Atlantic Salmon Museum ~ Husband Chris, Parents Jack and Donna McKeil, 263 Main Street, Doaktown Sisters Dina and Jenny, In-Laws Ruth and James Parker WHEN: Thursday, October 1 God Bless 11:30 am – 2:00 pm WHAT: Vera Robichaud’s absolutely wonderful, totally tummy-warming, hugely delicious corn chowder OR her equally satisfying, downright delightful turkey soup, both topped off with one In Loving Memory of her home-made rolls and her very special lem- on cake for dessert. Hungry yet?? PRICE: $10.00 PRE-ORDERS ONLY (because we sell out so quickly). Call: Salmon Museum (365-7787); Daphne Nippard (365-7994) or Vera Robichaud (365-4654). * Some deliveries available – please ask about them when placing your order. TAKE-OUT ONLY S H AU N M . H O V E Y W h o P a s s e d Aw a y 7 Y e a r s Ag o On October 1, 2013 This day is remembered And quietly kept; No words are needed, We shall never forget. For those we love don ’t go away, “Unseen and unheard ” but always near. So loved, so missed And so very dear. M i s s e d a n d l o v e d f o r e v e r a n d a l w a ys . ~ Love from Mom and Dad Monday - Wednesday 8am-5pm (Brenda and Melvin) Thursday 8am-4pm W M L Accounting Inc. NEW OFFICE. SAME LOCATION. Bookkeeping, HST & Payroll Remittances Corporate and Personal Taxes Seniors Discount Cash Refunds (Confidentiality is My #1 Priority) For an appointment, call Wendy Lyons 365-7105 THE LATE MELVIN [email protected] “MANNY” MUNN [email protected] Words cannot express the gratitude that we have for our neighbours in the community and the surrounding are- “Know Where You Stand” as! The cards, phone calls, messages, visits, and heartfelt condolences were truly overwhelming. Dad was never a person who liked anyone making a fuss over him, but we know he would be so incredibly grateful as well. We cannot begin to name everyone who has helped us over the last few weeks for fear of forgetting even one. But we will send a huge thank you to the Upper Miramichi Lions Club for the ben- efit breakfast and to all who donated, attended, or helped in any way! This has been a tough journey for us all. While the sickness and suffering were short, the worrying and grief was and will be long, and we appreciate everyone who has been there to help and support us along the way. Dad was a big part of many peoples’ lives and it is a huge loss to everyone! A special thank you to all his current and former co-workers for your visits while Dad was at home. He genuinely enjoyed all of them, as one of his favourite things was to talk about the woods and the machines. Dad’s work and work fami- ly was a huge part of his life. Once again, thank you, thank you, thank you for everything! You will never know how much your generosity and support mean to us. ~ Susan, Sarah and Family Proudly serving the rural communities of The Saint Thomas United Church the Nashwaak & Miramichi Valleys Women will be hosting a Food and Rummage Sale at the United Church Hall (367 Main Street, Doaktown) on F R I D AY , O C T O B E R 2 ( 1 0 AM – 3 P M ) and on S AT U R D AY , O C T O B E R 3 ( 9 AM – N O O N ) 3 6 5- 7 7 8 7 FAL L AN D W I N T E R HOURS Our summer season will officially end on Saturday, October 10 but fear not: be- ginning on Wednesday, Octo- ber 14, we’ll be starting a new winter schedule that will see us open for business SAVE ROOM FOR THE FISHCAKES! Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday WHERE: Atlantic Salmon Museum 10 AM – 4 PM 263 Main Street, Doaktown We’ll be getting some new items for our Gift Shop to help WHEN: Wednesday, October 28 with your Christmas shopping; tickets for Chase the Ace 11:30 am – 2:00 pm and our Salmon Museum and Friends lottery will continue WHAT: It’s that time of year again! to be on sale; we’ll definitely be raffling off some more of Vera’s fishcakes, baked beans and Daphne’s “special” baskets over the coming weeks; and homemade dinner roll plus dessert our River Room will always be available for reservations. – just the thing to make a Wednesday lunch in late October perfect. Thank you to everyone who have faithfully supported us over this “summer of change.” We’ve enjoyed your PRICE: $14.00 visits and hope that we’ll continue to see you from time to PRE-ORDERS ONLY (because we time over the coming months. sell out so quickly). Call: Salmon Museum (365-7787); Daphne Nip- pard (365-7994) or Vera Robichaud (365-4654). * Some deliveries available – please ask about them when placing your order. T AK E - O U T O N L Y N E X T D R AW : F R I D AY, O C TO B E R 2 J AC K P O T S TA R T S AT: $ 3 , 9 9 1 T i c k e t s o n s a l e a t t h e At l a n t i c S a l m o n M u s e u m Monday – Saturday (9 am – 5 pm) Sunday (Noon – 5 pm) Only two more weeks to go before our license expires – remember that on Friday, October 9, we will be drawing until we find a winner so make sure YOU’RE a player “in good standing.” DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Our community partner until October 9 is the ENDS Central NB Nursing Home and their van project. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1 Help us to help them! (Set your clocks back one hour) Monday, October 12 Sunday, November 15th, TAKE OUT ONLY! CENTRAL NB WOODMEN’S MUSEUM 6342 Route 8 Boiestown, NB Includes: Broiled Salmon with “Vin’s Secret Sauce” Farm Fresh Potatoes (mashed) - Farm Fresh Carrots, Fiddleheads Dessert: Blueberry Lemon Cake with Lemon Sauce (NB Blueberries) $20.00 Per plate MUST BE Pre-booked and Paid in Advance. Call the Museum at 506-369-7214 to place your order (leave a message as we are now closed for the season and someone will call you back). Payment Options: VISA ǀ MASTERCARD ǀ CASH ǀ or E-TRANSFER to: [email protected] Choose your Pick-up time: 12 noon - 12:30 - 1 - 1:30 - 2 pm FOR PICK-UP, ENTER THE FRONT DOOR, PICK-UP AT KITCHEN WINDOW, EXIT BACK DOOR! CALL 506-369-7214 THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING YOUR COMMUNITY MUSEUM! Doaktown Community-School Library 430 Main Street, Doaktown, N.B. Phone: 506-365-2018 We are currently operating on reduced hours due to Covid-19: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: 9:30am – 11:30pm and 2:30pm – 5pm Thursday: 2:30pm – 5pm and 6pm – 8pm Follow us on Facebook for up-to-date information on programs and services NOTE: Masks are mandatory while entering and exiting the library. They may be removed while in the library as long as social distancing is maintained. “VIRTUAL” ALZHEIMER’S WALK – THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29. Pledge sheets can be picked up at the library. Call Belva (365- 7868), Myra (365-7748) or the Library (365-2018) for questions/details, and have your Pledge sheets/donations returned to the library by Tuesday, November 10. Looking for something creative to do? Stop into the library and pick up one of our ORIGAMI ACTIVITY KITS! During the week of October 18 – 24, 2020, APLA is sponsoring Games at the Library! All participants during APLA's Games at the Library Week are eligible to enter their names in the grand prize draw on Monday, November 16. Participants can enter once for each type of game they play. There will be one grand prize for all of Atlantic Canada. This year, the grand prize for the Games at the Library draw will be an online gift card of $175 for EB Games which can be used in- store or on their website shop. Stop in and play a game with your “bubble” family or check out one of our many games to play at home! Call the library for more details! We want to send a HUGE thank you to the following two organizations for their recent support -- we are certainly overwhelmed with gratitude! Central Miramichi Wellness Network for their $100 Donation towards the supplies for our Nature Rock Painting Kits! Rocky Brook Camp (International Paper) for their generous $1,000 donation towards our programs! UPPER MIRAMICHI COMMUNITY LIBRARY 7263 Route 8 – Unit 1, New Bandon, NB E9C 2A7 Phone 506-365-2096 FAX 506-365-2052 Email [email protected] NEW LIBRARY HOURS are now in place to accommodate our school students as well as the COVID-19 restrictions: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: 9:00 – 11:00 am / 12:30 – 2:30 pm Tuesday: 12:30 – 2:30 pm / 6:00 – 8:00 pm TAKE HOME DIY KITS FREE! FREE! FREE! Stop by the library to pick up your free TAKE HOME KITS – we have an assortment of kits which include all the supplies required to make or complete your kit at home. Since we can’t have large groups in the library to make home décor projects or healthcare sessions or children’s activities, we are preparing kits so you can continue to do these in your home (we miss you!). TAKE HOME KITS change regularly so stop in often to pick up the newest ones. Our local ADDRESS BOOKS are now available for $6. These books are a great way of “keeping in touch” with friends in the community. NOTE: If you know of any changes that should be included, please let us know. BOOKS ON WHEELS DELIVERY PROGRAM This free monthly service provides delivery of library materials to seniors and shut- ins. If you wish to take advantage of this special program, or know someone who might, please contact the library. NOTE: We have Daisy players and a great selection of talking books available to loan to our visually impaired patrons. WELCOME WAGON ~ The Library is delivering Welcome Wagon packages for new residents of the Rural Community of Upper Miramichi. In order to continue this endeavor, we will require assistance from community members, businesses and organizations to: (1) notify us of newcomers and their contact information if available; and (2) provide items for our welcome package such as promotional material for your organization or business, hours of operation, small “welcome” gifts, information about the area – anything that would make a newcomer feel welcome and informed. Please contact the Library at 365-2096 for more information or to offer assistance with this program. PLEASE VISIT OUR FACEBOOK PAGE FOR NEW & UPCOMING HAPPENINGS! Upper Miramichi Community Library BOIESTOWN / DOAKTOWN MINOR HOCKEY The Boiestown / Doaktown Minor Hockey Association and Prospect Place are excited to have our players back on the ice! We will be hosting mandatory parent information sessions on Wednesday, October 7 at Prospect Place – one at 6:30 pm, the other at 7:45 pm. Because of the circumstances surrounding this season, one parent or guardian from each family must be in attendance (please wear a mask). Our association and the Village of Doaktown are working together to ensure our young players have a fun hockey-filled season. This year has created some unique challenges, but we are up to it and feel we will be able to offer a safe hockey experience for our young players. Thank you and we look forward to our hockey season with you all! REGISTRATION DATES Date: Wednesday, October 7 Date: Wednesday, October 14 (During the Parent Information Sessions) Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm Time: 6:30pm – 8:00pm Location: Inside the Boiestown Rink – Location: Prospect Place (Doaktown) Community Park We are pleased to announce that our registration rates for this season will remain the same and that NO ADDITIONAL COSTS will be added. REGISTRATION RATES 2020 / 2021 U7/Initiation - $300 U9/Novice $305 U11/Atom $330 U13/Peewee $340 U15/Bantam $350 U18/Midget $375 First year player U7 only $150 Family Rate: Oldest child pays full amount, second child $225, third child $195. We are very excited about the upcoming season and appreciate all of your patience! If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact: Chelsie O’Donnell at [email protected]. TO PHILLIP MUNN - Your dedication and direction has put a fire under our Association. You have inspired your fellow board members and the many players you have coached! You have guided us through meetings, practices, games and even a pandemic! As our Minor Hockey Association President, you have impacted more young players, parents/guardians and Board members than the average person does in a lifetime, and our community will be forever grateful for your years as our president! Although you are stepping down as President, we are thankful to keep you as a voting board member and coaching staff to continue to share your knowledge and love of the game!! BOARD MEMBERS President - Warren Porter Vice President – Vanessa Betts Secretary/Treasurer – Chelsie O’Donnell Voting Board Members – Phillip Munn, Adam O’Donnell, Jennifer Porter, Steven Pond, Lyn Munn, Misty Porter, Peter Arbeau, Natasha Robichaud, Shelbi Dugalici, Dan Quinn, Mary O’Donnell
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