7. SUSPENSIONS EFFICIENCY To compare different suspension setups: ❑ road irregularities absorption; ❑ response to concentrated obstacle (VDV, pitching behaviour); ❑ stroke usage on different road typology (unevenness, Belgian, etc. ). A L L T H E S E R V I C E S M AY I N C L U D E : ❑ VEHICLE RENTING MOTORCYCLE ❑ V E H I C L E I N S T R U M E N TAT I O N ❑ SENSORS CHARACTERIZATION: ❑ TESTING RIDER 8. BENCHMARKING ❑ PROVING GROUND Tur n -key s er vices 1. GEOMETRY To compare different vehicles by means of: 2. STATIC CUSTOM SOLUTIONS ARE ALSO ❑ ergonomics analysis; AVA I L A B L E . P L E A S E C O N TA C T U S 3. ERGONOMICS ❑ longitudinal dynamic characterization; F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N . 4. LONGITUDINAL DYNAMICS ❑ lateral dynamic characterization; 5. LATERAL DYNAMICS ❑ stability analysis; 6. STABILITY ❑ on-road test in daily riding condition (urban, extra-urban, off-road scenarios). 7. SUSPENSIONS EFFICIENCY 8. BENCHMARKING 1. GEOMETRY 3. ERGONOMICS 5. LATERAL DYNAMICS To measure vehicle body key parameters as: To evaluate human/vehicle interaction: To perform lateral dynamic maneuvers: ❑ human interface; ❑ steering pad; ❑ front trail; ❑ rider and passenger position; ❑ turn-in ability; ❑ wheelbase; ❑ engine vibrations exposure; ❑ turn-2-turn transient behavior; ❑ caster angle; ❑ acoustic exposure; ❑ low velocity agility; ❑ clearance; ❑ thermal comfort; ❑ lane change. ❑ seat height. ❑ aerodynamic protection. 2. STATIC 4. LONGITUDINAL DYNAMICS 6. STABILITY To statically characterize vehicle about: To perform long. dynamics maneuvers: To perform stability identification via: ❑ static suspension setup (ground reduced ❑ coast down for power loss (speed- ❑ weave step speed; stiffness and non-linear cinematic); dependent resistance identification); ❑ wobble transient rms. ❑ COG longitudinal and vertical position in ❑ full brake front: max performance, load different payload conditions (unloaded, + transfer and rear wheeling limit; rider, +passenger, +bags); ❑ full brake rear: max performance, load ❑ frontal area and aerodynamics forces transfer; estimation through in house developed ❑ WOT: max performance, load transfer and image processing algorithm; front wheeling limit. ❑ tire radial stiffness.
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