ENZO VIGNOLO ELECTRONIC ENGINEER/ DEVELOPER HTTPS://ENZOVIGNOLO.GITHUB.IO ABOUT ME EXPERIENCE Always focused on carry out my Global Eagle, Raisting DE, Teleport Engieneer goals and improve my technical JUN 2018 - CURRENTLY and professional skills. Responsable of satellite communication infrastructure's I am a fast and perseverant link. Installation, configuration and documentation of RF learner, capable to adapt to links. different work environments. Global Eagle, Parana AR, Delivery RF Operator JUN 2017 - JUN 2018 Remote support to client side satellite links installations. CONTACT Configuration and measurements of remote links +49 160 534 8341 COMYTEL, Corrientes AR, Intern MAR 2017 - JUN 2017 [email protected] Fieldwork, installation and migration of satellite links. linkedin.com/in/enzo-enrique-vignolo SKILLS EDUCATION Node Electronic Engineer Universidad Nacional del Nordeste Python MAR 2010 - MAY 2017 MongoDB COURSES SQL 100 Days Python Bootcamp HTML/CSS ON GOING , UDEMY , DR ANGELA YU Javascript The complete SQL Bootcamp 2021 APR 2021 , UDEMY , JOSE PORTILLA LANGUAGES NodeJS, Express & MongoDB Bootcamp SEPT 2020, UDEMY , JONAS SCHEMDTMANN Spanish: Native Web Development Bootcamp English : Proficient AUG 2020, UDEMY , DR ANGELA YU CCNA 2015-2017 , CISCO NETWORK ACADEMY
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