TRIBES OF KORASH (Rules for v0.03) Table of Contents 1. Resources...........................................................................................................................................2 2. Decks & Zones..................................................................................................................................3 Player-specific Decks & Zones........................................................................................................4 Player-Agnostic Decks & Zones......................................................................................................5 3. Players’ Turns....................................................................................................................................5 The Turn's Phases.............................................................................................................................5 4. Tactics & Stockpiles..........................................................................................................................6 Using Tactics.....................................................................................................................................6 When can I use a Tactic Card?..........................................................................................................6 Interrupts...........................................................................................................................................6 Burning Tactics.................................................................................................................................7 5. Territories..........................................................................................................................................7 Face-Down Territories......................................................................................................................7 Shallows, Depths & Players' Map Edges..........................................................................................7 Enduring...........................................................................................................................................7 Territories' Abilities..........................................................................................................................8 6. Tiles...................................................................................................................................................8 Adjacent............................................................................................................................................8 7. Abilities.............................................................................................................................................8 Targeting...........................................................................................................................................9 Resolving Ability Effects..................................................................................................................9 8. Keywords.........................................................................................................................................10 9. Units................................................................................................................................................10 Unit Symbols..................................................................................................................................10 Friendly & Enemy..........................................................................................................................10 Deploying.......................................................................................................................................10 Units & Abilities.............................................................................................................................10 Exhausted........................................................................................................................................11 Tap, Untap & Paying X...................................................................................................................11 Basic Abilities.................................................................................................................................11 10. Movement......................................................................................................................................11 11. Combat..........................................................................................................................................12 Combat Steps..................................................................................................................................12 Platforms & Combat.......................................................................................................................12 12. Damage & Destruction..................................................................................................................13 13. Platforms.......................................................................................................................................13 Bay-Adjacent..................................................................................................................................13 Attacking a platform's tile...............................................................................................................13 Boarding & Aboard........................................................................................................................13 Boarding Attacks............................................................................................................................13 Lockdown.......................................................................................................................................13 Sabotage..........................................................................................................................................14 Reward............................................................................................................................................14 Supply.............................................................................................................................................14 Carrying..........................................................................................................................................14 14. Setup..............................................................................................................................................15 Setting up the Map..........................................................................................................................15 Choose Factions..............................................................................................................................15 Determine Turn Order....................................................................................................................15 Choose & Place Platforms..............................................................................................................15 Draw Opening Inventories..............................................................................................................15 15. Multiplayer....................................................................................................................................15 Map Size in Multiplayer.................................................................................................................16 Platform Placement in Multiplayer.................................................................................................16 Team Games...................................................................................................................................16 Welcome to Korash, traveler. Tribes of Korash ('ToK') is a strategy card game by Eskalat (me!) for 2-6 players (although more players could be supported with a few modifications to the rules – see the 'Multiplayer' section) Within it, players take the roles of warlords and sandship captains within their chosen tribe, competing to explore and control a section of the sweeping Korashi desert, searching for the natural resources, ancient sites of power, and lost technological wonders that lie hidden within. While the game is won by accumulating 3 'influence', there are many ways to accomplish this goal, ranging from assaulting your enemy's 'platform' (their base, and main unit) with a headlong attack or boarding maneuver, to more peaceable means such as uncovering and controlling locations of fame and myth from Korash's long past, or gaining the favor of the auspicious figures the dwell there to this day. Everything you need to 'print and play' this game can be found at, as well as extensive lore and fiction from the Korash universe (it's always being updated and expanded, so be sure to check back from time-to-time!). If you have questions, comments, or just want to say hi, email me at [email protected]. Enjoy! And stay tuned for further updates... 1. Resources • ' = Industry. Gained by drawing from the industry deck (and returned to it when spent). Costs for tactics, units, and many abilities are paid with industry. 1 = 1 industry. • ' = Influence. Gained by drawing from the influence deck. Acquire 3 or more influence to win. 1 = 1 influence. • ' = Tactics. Gained by drawing from your 'stockpile' (tactic deck), placing the tactic card in your 'inventory' (hand). 1 = 1 tactic. 2. Decks & Zones The follow is a diagram of all the decks & zones in a 2 player game: NOTE: Industry & Influence cards gained by a player are not placed in any particular deck or zone – that player simply places them in an area convenient to them. Player-specific Decks & Zones (ie. Those specific to each player) 1. Stockpile (tactics) = Your deck of tactics. 2. Inventory (tactics) = Your hand of tactics. 'Use' a tactic in your inventory by paying its cost. There is no limit to the number of cards you may have in your inventory. 3. Screen (tactics) = Your active tactics. When you use a tactic, place it on your screen; when its effects end, place it in your discard pile. 4. Discard Pile (tactics) = Your pile of discarded tactics. When a tactic's effects end, it goes to its owner's discard pile. 5. Destroyed Zone (units) = Your destroyed units are placed here. 6. Quarters* (units) = Your (non-platform) units start the game here, undeployed. • Units here can't use abilities. • Deploy a unit here by paying its cost. 7. Bay* (units) = When you deploy a unit, place it here (on any of these tiles). • Your bay and platform count as ‘adjacent’ to each other (so your units may move, or attack, from one to the other). • Moving from your bay to your platform costs 0 (0 movement points) (moving from platform to bay costs 1 as normal). • Enemy units can't be placed in your bay. • Platforms can't be placed in your bay. *Your Quarters & Bay each consist of 'tiles' (more on these later). Think of these zones as inside your platform. Player-Agnostic Decks & Zones (ie. Those shared by all players) 8. The Map (units & territories) = At game-start, place 24 territory cards (6 cards wide, 4 cards deep) face-down on this zone. Map edges closest to each player are known as ‘player’s map edges’. • Place territories from 'the shallows' along these edges, and territories from 'the depths' at all other spaces on the map (see more on 'Horizons' below). • Territories are always placed on the map face-down (showing the word 'desert'). • Whenever a territory is removed from the map, its replaced by a new one from the appropriate horizon (ie. from the shallows if along a player’s map edge, from the depths if not). 9. Horizon (territories) = One of 2 territory decks: one for 'the shallows', one for 'the depths'. 10. Buried Pile (territories) = A pile of ‘buried’ (ie. discarded) territories. Both the shallows & the depths have their own buried piles. If either horizon runs out of cards, its buried pile is shuffled back into it. NOTE: discarded territories go to their respective buried pile ('discard piles' are for tactics only). 3. Players’ Turns Players take their turns one at a time, progressing through each of the turn’s ‘phases’ (see below). NOTE: During each player's turn, their units also take turns. Except where specified otherwise, assume the word 'turn' refers to a player's turn (and not a unit's). The Turn's Phases Start of Turn A. Planning Phase (these steps occur in the following order): 1. Your units ‘untap’ (see 'Units' for more on tapping/untapping). 2. Gain resources from ‘supply’ (see 'Platforms' for more on supply). 3. Your platform takes its turn. B. Main Phase (you may perform these steps in any order): 1. Your non-platform units take their turns (in any order you choose). 2. You may deploy a single unit. C. Storm Phase All revealed, unoccupied* territories on the map are buried (except those with enduring - see 'Territories' for more on enduring) (*an unoccupied territory is one with no units on it). End of Turn 4. Tactics & Stockpiles Each player starts the game with a stockpile of 30 tactics (specific to their chosen faction). • If your stockpile is empty, you can't gain tactics. Using Tactics • 'Use' tactics in your hand by paying their cost. • Once 'used', a tactic goes to your screen. • Once its effects have ended, it goes to your discard pile. When can I use a Tactic Card? As specified on that card (towards the top, just below its name): • [orders] may be used at any time in your main phase. • [plans] may be used at any time in your planning phase. • [combat] may be used in the 'engage' step of any combat (in any player’s turn). • [interrupts] may be used at any time (during any player’s turn), including to ‘interrupt’ another card or ability entering play. Interrupts When one thing ‘interrupts’ another, its immediate effects* resolve immediately before the interrupted thing does (*for more on 'immediate effects', see 'Resolving Ability Effects' under the 'Abilities' section). Consider the following two examples - Example 1: • Player A uses the 'attack' ability of one of his units, paying that ability's cost (which is 1) (1 movement point). • Player B doesn’t want this to occur! They use the ‘Ensnare’ tactic (which is an [interrupt]) in response to Player A's attack. It reads as follows: “Target a unit - it’s immobile until end of turn (immobile units can’t use basic abilities, such as move, attack or explore).” They declare the target to be Player A’s attacking unit. • 'Ensnare' resolves before the unit's 'attack' does - and because it's now immobile, it can't attack! The 1 spent is wasted, and the 'attack' does not resolve. Example 2: • Player A uses the ‘Breach’ tactic, which reads as follows: “Target a platform - deal it 1 dmg.” They declare the target to be Player B’s platform. • In response, Player B, uses the ‘Durable Materials’ tactic (which is an [interrupt]). It reads: “Target a friendly unit - prevent 1 dmg being dealt to it.” They declare the target to be their platform. • Player A’s ‘Breach’ resolves, but the 1 damage it deals is prevented! NOTE: Once something has been interrupted, it is too late to change its targets or choices. Burning Tactics At any time (including to interrupt any effect entering play), you may ‘burn’ any number of tactics in your inventory to gain 1 per tactic burned. Burning a tactic discards it. NOTE: Burning a card does not count as using an ability. 5. Territories Territory cards are also known as 'territories'. Face-Down Territories Face-down territories are called ‘deserts’. Certain effects (such as the 'explore' ability) can ‘reveal’ them, turning them face-up. - NOTE: The term 'reveal' only applies to cards on the map (not those on top of a deck). Shallows, Depths & Players' Map Edges The map edge closest to each player's starting position is called a 'player’s map edge'. - Territories placed along a player’s map edge are drawn from 'the shallows' horizon. - All other territories are drawn from 'the depths' horizon. Enduring Territories with 'enduring' aren't buried by the storm phase (see the 'Players' Turns’ section for more on the storm phase). Territories' Abilities To use a territory's 'costed abilities', one of your units must occupy* that territory & pay the ability's cost. • For example, if a territory has an ability whose cost is "pay X, 3 industry", a unit occupying* it would need to pay X, and its controller pay 3 industry, to use it (see the 'Units' section for more on 'paying X'). To pay a cost of “pay X with 2 units,” you must have 2 units occupy* that territory, which pay X simultaneously. *Units 'occupy' a territory if they occupy one of its tiles (see the 'Tiles' section). If an ability is printed along the left or right edge of a territory card, its effects are specific to the territory's tile on that side only. Some territories have 'walls' indicated along some of their edges. Walls block all effects (movement, attacks etc) across that edge. Units with CABLES may ignore walls, however, moving/attacking etc across them normally. 6. Tiles Tile are spaces which units may 'occupy'. • A unit on a tile (and not merely moving through it on the way to somewhere else) ‘occupies’ it. • Each territory on the map has 2 tiles (indicated by the faint grey squares on their left & right halves). • No more than 1 unit may occupy each tile (platforms provide an exception - 2 units can occupy the same tile if one is aboard the other). Adjacent Adjacent means ‘next to’. Things are 'adjacent' if they are up, down, left or right from each other ('full- adjacent' includes diagonals). NOTE: Only tiles, and things on tiles, and territory cards on the map, can count as adjacent. 7. Abilities Text printed on a unit, tactic or territory is an ability (the exceptions being its name, keywords & cost). • Abilities are either 'costed' (meaning a cost must be paid to 'use'* them), or 'passive' (they have no cost). • Abilities may be used* no more than once per turn each (unless they're [unlimited]). • Abilities are used* one-at-a-time (they can’t be used simultaneously). • Some abilities have names, printed in bold text. • Bold text either indicates the name of an ability, or a unit with that ability (a platform, for example, is a unit with the platform ability). NOTE: 'Use' means specifically 'to activate a tactic, or a costed ability, by paying its cost'. Passive abilities (ie. those without a cost to use them) never count as 'used'. Targeting An ability may cause you to 'target' something, which is to choose something on the map, or in your bay. • If it's not on the map, or in your bay, you cannot target it). • NOTE: A unit still counts as on the map if it's aboard a platform that's on the map. Resolving Ability Effects When an ability comes into play, its 'immediate effects'* resolve (meaning that they occur in-game). – *Immediate effects are those that occur as soon as the ability comes into play. Unless an effect specifies a time at which it occurs, it is assumed to be an immediate effect. – For example, the tactic 'Reckless Assault' reads as follows: “Target a friendly combatant. It gets +9. At end of combat, it's dealt 1 dmg.” – The 'target' and '+9' effects are immediate, as the time when they occur isn't specified. – The 'it's dealt 1 dmg' effect, however, is stated as occurring 'at end of combat', and so is not an immediate effect. NOTE: Once an ability comes into play, no other abilities can come into play until all of its immediate effects resolve. • Other abilities that would come into play instead do so immediately afterwards, in the order in which they occurred. • 'Interrupts' provide an exception to this rule (see 'interrupts', under the 'Tactics' section). NOTE: If an effect that would come into play cannot occur, it still counts as resolving (it just resolves without having done anything). • To continue the example above, if the 'Reckless Assault' assault tactic was used, but there where no friendly combatants available to be targeted by it, its effects would resolve - but would do nothing (as there is no target to gain the +9, or later to take the 1 dmg). 8. Keywords Keywords are printed in capital letters on units, territories or tactics (such as TROOP, or WEATHER). • Sometimes keywords describe a thing with that keyword (for example, an ENGINE is something with the ENGINE keyword). • NOTE: Keywords themselves have no effect (having the RANGED keyword, for example, doesn't on its own give a unit any special abilities). 9. Units Units are represented by 'unit stands' (a card folded into an A-frame). They do not count as cards. Unit Symbols Units have several symbols printed on them, as follows: • ' = Strength (abbreviated to 'str'). This value determines if a unit will win combat. • ' = Protection (abbreviated to 'prot'). This value determines if a unit will withstand the effects of certain abilities (such as deadly rains of glass, or being fired at from a distance). • ' = Life. This is the amount of damage that a unit can withstand before it is destroyed. Each damage reduces a unit’s life by 1. Once it reaches 0 (ie. 0 life), that unit is destroyed. • ' = Movement points (abbreviated to 'mp'). This is the number of movement points that a unit has to spend each turn (abilities such as move and attack cost 1). Friendly & Enemy A 'friendly' unit is one you control. An 'enemy' unit is one an opponent controls. Deploying During your main phase, you may 'deploy' a unit from your quarters by paying its cost. • On doing so, place it on any tile in your bay. • You can't deploy more than one unit per turn. Units & Abilities Units may use any costed ability printed on themselves, or on a territory whose tile they occupy. • Each ability may be used no more than once per turn* (this doesn't effect the use of other abilities of the same name, however - each printed instance of an ability counts as a separate ability). • Units using an ability are 'exhausted' (see below).* *[unlimited] abilities, however (such as 'move'), are not limited to use once per turn and do not exhaust the unit using them. Exhausted When a unit is ‘exhausted’, its turn ends (ie. it must wait until its next turn to use any abilities). Tap, Untap & Paying X An ability cost of ‘X’ is paid by ‘tapping’ the unit using it. • ‘Tapping’ is turning a unit 45 degrees (indicating that it's tapped). • A tapped unit may not pay X. • ‘Untapping’ is turning it back to its original facing (it's no longer tapped). NOTE: Platforms can't tap or untap (being unable to tap means they cant pay X). Basic Abilities Basic abilities are costed abilities that all units have. The basic abilities are 'move', 'attack' & 'explore'. • “Move [unlimited]* – Pay 1: Moves to an adjacent tile (it may move through a tile occupied by a friendly unit, so long as it does not end its movement there).” (see the 'Movement' section for more). • “Attack – Pay 1: Attacks an adjacent tile. Combat begins.” • “Explore – Pay X on a face-down territory: Reveals that territory (turn it face-up).” *[unlimited] abilities aren't limited to use 1/turn, and don't exhaust the using unit. NOTE: Immobile units can't use their basic abilities. 10. Movement • Units may use the 'move' ability to move from their tile to an adjacent one. • A unit can't move to a tile if it's occupied by a unit (unless the occupier is friendly and they are merely moving through its tile - see below - or the occupier is a platform that they can board). • Units may move through tiles occupied by friendly units (but cannot end their movement there, unless the occupier is a platform they can board). NOTE: If an effect causes a unit's movement to end on an illegal tile (eg. a tile it cannot occupy, and it is not merely passing through through that tile) place the unit back at the last tile it occupied. 11. Combat Combat occurs whenever a unit attacks (ie. uses the ‘attack’ ability). • It counts as the 'attacker' in that combat. The unit on the attacked tile is the 'defender'. • The attacker & defender count as 'combatants'. • Cards & abilities can't be used during combat (unless they have [combat] or [interrupt]). Combat Steps 1. 'Engage': Each player may use [combat] or [interrupt] tactics. • Once players have no more tactics they wish to use, compare the attacker & defender’s strength values. The unit with higher strength wins that combat (the attacker wins ties). 2. 'Outcome': The winner deals the loser 1 dmg. • If no units remain on the attacked tile (eg. if the defending unit was destroyed), the attacker may choose to ‘advance’ to that tile ('advancing' is automatically moving to a tile). • Combat then ends. NOTE: If a unit attacks a tile without an enemy unit on it, the resulting combat doesn't have a winner or loser. Platforms & Combat When a platform’s tile is attacked, the platform (and NOT the unit aboard it) is the defender. • The exception to this is if the attacker is performing a ‘boarding attack’ (see ‘Boarding Attacks’ under the ‘Platforms’ section). In this case, the unit aboard the platform is the defender (and NOT the platform itself). 12. Damage & Destruction Some effects cause units to be dealt damage (aka. dmg). Each dmg is represented by a dmg token placed on that unit. • Each dmg a unit has gives it -221 (ie. -2 strength, -2 protection, and -1 life). • Once a unit reaches 0, it is destroyed. • Your destroyed units go to your destroyed zone (and are effectively out of the game). 13. Platforms Platforms are units with the platform ability, and have properties as described below. Bay-Adjacent Each tile in your bay counts as adjacent to your platform (and vice-versa). • Units in your bay may pay 0 (rather than 1) to move onto your platform. Attacking a platform's tile When a platform’s tile is attacked, the platform is the defender (and not the unit aboard it). • The exception to this is if the attacker declares a ‘boarding attack’ (see below). Boarding & Aboard A unit on a platform is ‘aboard’ it. • A unit being placed on a platform, or ‘attacking onto’ it (see below) counts as ‘boarding’ that platform. • Units may board friendly platforms, but not enemy platforms (unless that unit is a strider). • Platforms can't board. Boarding Attacks To perform a boarding attack, a unit that's able to board that platform attacks the platform’s tile as normal, except that the unit’s controller declares it as a ‘boarding attack’. • The attacker counts as attacking 'onto' that platform: A unit on that platform (and NOT the platform itself) is the defender. • If the attacker ‘advances’ (see the 'Combat' section), it may do so onto that platform. Lockdown A platform can't be boarded until after its controller's first turn. Sabotage While a unit is aboard an enemy platform, it gains the 'sabotage' ability, which reads as follows: • “Sabotage – Pay X: Deals 1 dmg* to the platform it's aboard.” • Each platform can't be dealt damage by sabotage more than once per turn. *Your unit counts as the thing dealing this damage, which causes you to gain 1 (see the 'Reward' section, below). Reward For every dmg you* deal to an enemy platform, gain 1 (1 influence). • NOTE: *‘You’ includes things you control, such as tactics & units. • NOTE: If the source of damage isn't specified, you don't count as the one dealing it. ◦ For example, if a tactic you use reads “Target a unit - deal it 1 dmg”, it has specified that you are the one dealing the damage. ◦ If, however, it reads "Target a unit - it is dealt 1 dmg", it has not specified a source for that dmg, and you would not count as the one dealing it. Supply During each of your planning phases, you gain resources as indicated by your platform’s ‘supply’ ability. • For example, if your platform has “Supply ((+21))”, you would gain 2 (2 industry) & 1 (1 tactic) in each of your planning phases. Carrying Platforms count as ‘carriers’, and may 'carry' other units. • Whenever a platform is placed on a tile, units aboard it are placed on the same tile. • When it moves to a tile, its controller may choose to leave any friendly units on it behind (NOTE that you cannot choose to leave enemy units behind in this way). • It may 'pick-up' a friendly unit (placing it on itself) by moving to occupy that unit's tile, so long as there is room on it to place that unit (ie. there is not already a unit aboard it). NOTE: As the destroyed zone does not have tiles, platforms do not carry units along with them to the destroyed zone when they are destroyed. 14. Setup Setting up the Map Place territories face-down on the map in a rectangle 6 cards ‘wide’ and 4 cards ‘deep’ (‘wide’ is to the players' left and right, ‘deep’ is away from them). • This configuration is known as '6x4'. At 5 or more players, the recommended map size changes (see the 'Multiplayer' section). Choose Factions Each player chooses a faction, placing that faction’s units in their quarters, and takes that faction's stockpile as their own. Determine Turn Order Players either decide the turn order amongst themselves, or do as follows: • Each player shows the top card of their stockpile. The player whose shown card has the highest cost goes first. • Ties are resolved by drawing the next top card, and so on. • Each player then shuffles their stockpile. Turns proceed clockwise. Choose & Place Platforms Each player chooses a platform. It is recommended newer players choose the "Korashi Stronghold". • Then, in turn order, each player places their platform on a tile of their choice along their map edge. • NOTE: See the 'multiplayer' section for platform placement in games with 3+ players. Draw Opening Inventories Each player then draws tactics from their stockpile: 2 tactics if they're to take the first turn, 3 if not. These form the inventories each player starts the game with. 15. Multiplayer 'Multiplayer' games are those with 3+ players. • Maps in multiplayer are likely to have more than 2 'player's map edges' (any map edge on which a platform starts is a 'player's map edge'). ◦ Replace all 'depths' territories on those edges with 'shallows'. NOTE: The following rules for map size & platform placement in multiplayer are optional (merely recommended). If all players agree, platform placement & map size can be whatever seems fair or interesting. Map Size in Multiplayer At more than 4 players, map size increases (the following is map width x depth): - 5 player: 7x4 - 6 player: 7x5 Platform Placement in Multiplayer When choosing starting platform locations, each player beyond the first must place their platform a specific number of tiles away from the last platform placed (see below), counting only tiles along the map's edges, in a clockwise direction. - 3 Player: 8 tiles away - 4 player: 6 tiles away - 5 player: 5 tiles away - 6 player: 5 tiles away • For example: A 3 player game is being set up. The 1st player chooses a tile along their map edge (ie. the edge closest to themselves) to place their platform. • The 2nd player then counts 8 tiles along the map's edge, clockwise from the first player's platform, to place their own. • The 3rd player does the same, 8 tiles away clockwise from the 2nd player's platform. Team Games In a team game, players are arranged before the game into multiple teams. • When one player wins, their whole team wins. • Players on your team are your ‘allies’ (they are not opponents). Things they control are 'allied'. NOTE: ‘allied’ things do not count as 'friendly', or as 'enemies'.
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