PUNDAK AND MOTI, CURRENTLY IN FIRST PLACE PUNDAK: You must reach the ancient Obuda Square and get up close and personal with one of the lively inventions of the Hungarians: the soda siphon. RON SHAHAR: The teams must now experience first-hand an acquaintance with one of the lively inventions of the Hungarians: the soda siphon. ROUTE INFO: HUNGARIAN SODA SIPHON TRANSLITERATOR’S NOTE: This might be some mistranslation somewhere, but the soda siphon is not actually a Hungarian invention. Soda water is, though, and I think that’s what they were going for here. RON SHAHAR: The couple must now stand facing each other and fill a glass of soda using the soda siphon. While one holds the glass over their head the other will try to fill it using a wet spray of soda. RON SHAHAR: Whenever he runs out of a soda siphon bottle he will have to down a glass of soda before getting a new one. Only when the couple manages to fill the glass up to the marked line will the seller of the soda give them the next hint. PUNDAK: Do you want a taxi or do you want a... MOTI: In a taxi, a taxi, probably a taxi. You want to get there first, you want to catch a gap, right? PUNDAK: If today we finish first, everyone will open their eyes to us. C-PUNDAK: We're the fastest couple out there, unquestionably. MOTI: You, either you are first or you are not first, have nothing to do. C-MOTI: No points for second place, No, no, second place does not interest anyone. Interesting is first place. MOTI: Okay, let’s go, let’s go, you are the king. You are the king, you are! ANAELLE AND AKIVA, CURRENTLY IN SECOND PLACE AKIVA: You must reach the ancient Obuda Square. AKIVA: Onwards, onwards, onwards. ANAELLE: Come on. C-ANAELLE: This race, all day we have miracles. Because, as if the Blessed One is walking with us. Akiva and I go and he's between us, that's how it goes. Just, G-d, I'm just dying for him. ANAELLE: I'm still shocked by the U-turn. AKIVA: Me too. That no one put us there. I was sure we were getting this U-Turn. ALON AND OREN, CURRENTLY IN THIRD PLACE ALON: You must reach the ancient Obuda Square. TOM AND ADELE, CURRENTLY IN FOURTH PLACE ADELE: And get up close and personal with one of the lively inventions of the Hungarians: the soda siphon. TOM: I don’t know what a soda siphon is, what does it mean, soda siphon? ADELE: You'll see there, what? English skip C-TOM: We are not suckers, we ask people and do not see with the eyes. English skip C-ADELE: I think we're going to take this race. And I think we'll take this race. C-TOM: With God's help. TOM: Look at them, mami, delay them. Check. Here you will see them, delay them, you see? TOM: Look at them, think they will delay us. TOM: Now we'll see who comes before whom. HEN: What a bad thing. What malice, really. OREN-ALON: We played it with the U-Turn, no one put it to us. Hughh, what fools. What? OREN: What do you mean, don’t call them dumb? (???) ALON: No, like, why.....? C-ALON: Knowing you are getting a U-Turn is another task, it costs mentally, it costs physically. There is an endpoint to the day, and whoever makes a U-Turn can just fly home. A couple can die from it. Die. HEN-ALON: Shuyo. ALON: Bar and Inna, Idan and Moti, Alon and Oren, Tom and Adele. HEN: No, I just do not believe. I'm just in... I want to cry. C-HEN: I, when I realized I was detained I broke down. I had a really hard time. HEN: Tom and Adele. Alon and Oren. Bar and Inna. Idan and Moti. HEN: Deal with us. ALON: No, mami, there's nothing to do. Hen. Not considering. We are not considering Tom and Adele, we are not considering anyone. And let's go, you know what everyone else is doing. HEN: Let's go start doing the task. ALON: Come on, come on, Hen. Do not lose it, come on. C?-HEN: One of you must learn to walk on a rope and the other must learn to stand on a cylinder. ALON: You the rope, I the wheel? HEN: Come on, shut up. ALON: Let’s go. C-ALON: I was all very nervous. I tried to put my nerves aside and Hen went into a frenzy. C-HEN: I just broke down. C-ALON: Hen was broken. C-HEN: You have no strength, physical, mental, you have none. So you just see it as a sword over your world. Sword. Completely. ALON: Good. It’s not as easy as it seems. Hen, how are you doing? HEN: Leave, do not ask. ALON: Stop thinking how long it will take, concentrate on crossing the rope. HEN: You know how hard it is! ALON: You'll do it, you'll do it, Hen. You can do it, you can do it, Hen. HEN: Say, do I look like Nadia Comaneci? I do not understand, really. PUNDAK AND MOTI, CURRENTLY IN FIRST PLACE R for reading R-MOTI: You must stand facing each other, one with the siphon and the other with a glass, on the head, using the spray to fill the empty glass with soda. MOTI: Stand there, bro. Take one cup. R-PUNDAK: Once a bottle is finished the shooter will be forced to drink a glass of soda. PUNDAK: Why are you the one using it on me? PUNDAK: I'm going to catch a cold.... MOTI: I'm kicking here. C-PUNDAK: I had a glass on my head, Moti had to shoot into the glass, on the way to disassemble me. PUNDAK: You're just squirting on me right now, stop! ANAELLE AND AKIVA, CURRENTLY IN SECOND PLACE ANAELLE: Come on, you dead. C?AKIVA: We arrived, we saw Moti there.. C?ANAELLE: And Idan. C?AKIVA: And Pundak. ANAELLE: Lord have mercy. C-ANAELLE: At first you're kind of looking at the mission, you say, wow, what's the problem? You do it, it's not such a big distance. ANAELLE: Did I fill it, Shoshi? Shoshi. AKIVA: On Yom Kippur it is permissible to drink this, it is not even "a full sip". ANAELLE: I need compliments...Shoshi will encourage me... AKIVA: You are excellent, you are excellent. ANAELLE: Shoshi, sorry you're the victim, but... AKIVA: What, would it have been better otherwise? PUNDAK: I hate you! ALON: We're first, take a look. OREN: Not sure. ALON: After Akiva. OREN: Akiva here, what.... ALON: Look. ANAELLE: Shoshi, what are you doing? AKIVA: I have to warm up, baby, I'm freezing. ALON: Oh, there's also what’s-their-names. ALON AND OREN, CURRENTLY IN THIRD PLACE MOTI?: Next, war, friends, war. ALON: What I think is to create height. Someone has to be tall. If you're standing, think you're on top of me… OREN: But…a second, Alon, wait a second. ALON: You're at height. C-OREN: This is a classic task for Alon, who is a man of organization and order, he determined how we manage this task. ALON: If you do not create this angle, it will not happen. And see that it comes to me. ALON: Not coming, stop... yes. OREN: I understand the method, it does not... ALON: Do you understand the method? I with a bottle of soda on my head. Cherry flavored. AKIVA: Shosha, look how he hits. ANAELLE: Because he bends a little, you're 192 centimeters (?), what to do? PUNDAK: First time it's good that I'm a dwarf, you say. TOM: Is this the Obuda Square? DRIVER: Yes. TOM: Bye. TOM AND ADELE, CURRENTLY IN FOURTH PLACE ADELE: I'm squirting over you. No way, I have a face. I'll squirt on you. TOM: Wait a second, think about it, come on. ADELE: No, no thinking about it. You, you're standing there with the bathing suit, there's no way I'm ruining my face. ALON: Give height, height! OREN: The glass is spilled. ALON: So give height, you give me height! OREN: Finished. ALON: I understand your fault, Mister. OREN: What? ALON: Drink another glass. ALON: You're like creating me low, you have to create height for me, you can create height. The feeling that there is less pressure because you, it seems to me there is no pressure, it is not true. You're doing the wrong angle! OREN: Take a step back. ALON: Right. OREN: The first squirt is strong so... ALON: Right, you're right. Another insight. TOM: Give in the height direction, I asked. ADELE: Okay, fine. TOM: Come on, come on, come on. TOM: Hey ... wait! Wait! ADELE: What, what do you end up with in a minute, what is it? ALON: Well done. You have made good progress. HEN-ALON: Come on, Hen. I have. ALON: Easy. HEN: I'm falling right now, though. ALON: But why do you think so? C-HEN: I could not. I said what I'm doing, I'm like ... with a clown suit, and I'm trying like a moron to walk on some rope I know I will not succeed. I will not succeed. ALON: Hen. ALON: You are willing to concentrate and not think about everyone! CHANTING: Beautiful, beautiful. Beautiful, beautiful. C-HEN: And I see everyone looking at me like that and everyone is happy and cheerful and... I look at the rope and I do not know how I do it. CHANTING: Beautiful, beautiful. Beautiful, beautiful. ALON: You okay? ALON: Are you alright? HEN: Yes. C-HEN: After the first fall from the rope I realized we were going to get stuck in this U-Turn for a long time. And there is a situation that it could even cost us in the loss of the race. C-ALON: But this is the game, Hen. C-HEN: There's nothing to do. C-ALON: It’s the game. This is the game. These are the rules. C-HEN: It kills, it just…takes you downstairs, to the floor. ALON: Henchuk, do not think about it. ALON: Can you hear me? Do not think about it. HEN: Okay, okay. ALON: Enough, darling. I love you. Enough. ALON: You were a champion, you almost arrived. NITZAN AND FIFI, CURRENTLY IN NINTH PLACE FIFI: Mother! NITZAN: Hold it here! Fifi. Listen to me, look at me. FIFI: A moment, just wait a moment. NITZAN: We'll lose the competition because of you. Give him them. BAR: Here's the farm, we've finally arrived. And here are the pigs! BAR AND INNA, CURRENTLY IN LAST PLACE BAR: We are last. BAR: Piglets! I’m coming! NITZAN: He’s getting tired, he’s getting tired. NITZAN: Give him a bite in the ear. C-NITZAN: It was like walking on pig shit. C-FIFI: That was pig shit? C-NITZAN: No, of course not, they have a toilet, private, and each one comes in to do his needs and returns back to the pen. NITZAN: Oh, that's something. NITZAN AND FIFI, CURRENTLY IN NINTH PLACE NITZAN: Circus? FIFI: Sure. NITZAN: Circus. NITZAN: Come on. Fifi. FIFI: Where? It's not here? I do not understand you, we don’t do it here? NITZAN: Do you see a circus here? Do you see Waltz here? FIFI: So I asked a question, answer! NITZAN: I answered you. INNA: Pick it up, yes. C-BAR: I'm dying to say goodbye to this pressure, of the last place. C-INNA: Me too. INNA: Ugh! BAR: Hold… INNA: Mother! C-BAR: The goal is to lead, not to integrate, and every time you feel that... C-INNA: We are taking another step and another step and another step and lulling runners and we are as if in the process of ants. Something is wrong with our progression. INNA: Come on, we're last! C-BAR: From a young age anything to do with living animals makes me laugh. I see hamsters, it's funny to me. I see whistlers, it's funny to me. I see antelopes, it makes me laugh. I'm devastated by it. C-BAR: When I see a person like Inna interacting with an animal like a pig, it destroys me. INNA: Quiet. INNA: Bar! C-BAR: Soon it was not full time, I fainted with laughter at that moment. INNA: Bar… BAR: Thank you. BAR AND INNA, CURRENTLY IN LAST PLACE BAR: Detour. UNISON: Circus or Waltz. BAR: Wait! INNA: Circus. CARMIT?: Come on, come on, come on, here’s a taxi. OSNAT?: Immediately a taxi. FIRASS: Here’s a taxi, come on. SHIRA: The question is whether it is empty. FIRASS: Come on, come on. OSNAT: Hi, Shofi. The car fell apart. R-SHIRA: You must reach the exposure board. TAL: We are in a marathon race. We want to win. R-TAL: You must reach the exposure board, there the next hint will be waiting for you. MOR: Fast, fast, fast. I am stressed. TAL: I... I'm going to the pharmacy right away. I'm buying you eight tons of pills. SHIRA: The delay is a terrible thing, it’s what I’m scared of. OSNAT: We have to go back to doing the circus mission, if we are delayed. Walking on a rope and standing up on a cylinder. C-OSNAT: Can I stand on a rope or is she going on a roll? Never. HEN: I can not. ALON: But you will succeed in the end. C-OSNAT: In your mother, would you go? C-CARMIT: You're on the rope. C-OSNAT: You barely walk straight on the sidewalk. How will we go on a rope? OREN-ALON: Oren, I’m not moving. Aim. ALON: Well, I hear it filling up. PUNDAK: Akiva, talk to the lord, have him let me finish it. I'm suffering, bro. TOM: Just finish, be a second madman in mind, get into your prey. ALON: Well, then drink already! C-OREN: I sprayed 15 full syphons’ worth. Any syphon that comes up, if you can not fill the glass, you have to drink a glass of soda. AKIVA: Shosha, what a cannon you are. ANAELLE: That's it, I can no longer drink. ALON: There really is not much more. PUNDAK: We... we're on our way to finishing. ADELE: Wow. ALON: I want to succeed. PUNDAK: Yes, yes, yes! Yes! PUNDAK: Thank you very much. PUNDAK AND MOTI, CURRENTLY IN FIRST PLACE ALON: Yes!!!! AKIVA: Wow, you filled the glass. OREN: Thank you sir. ALON AND OREN, CURRENTLY IN SECOND PLACE ANAELLE: Thank you. AKIVA: Thank you. ANAELLE AND AKIVA, CURRENTLY IN THIRD PLACE TOM: No, you did not shoot well. Come on, finish, finish. TOM: Like this, like that, crazy. Can't wait like that just, I'm cold, I'm getting sick. AKIVA: Route Info. ALON: You have to take a taxi to… PUNDAK: Astra Filmstudios, the studio of Houdini’s stunts. RON SHAHAR: The couples must now arrive at Astra Film Studio, the stunt studios named after Houdini, the Hungarian rescue artist who stunned the world with his magic shows. Before they set out, the crews will now have to wear a straitjacket. One of the accessories most associated with Houdini's shows. With their hands close to their bodies the couples will have to prove that they can move around the city, get in a taxi and find the destination they need with tied hands. RON SHAHAR: Only when they get to the studios, wearing the straitjackets, will they find the next clue. AKIVA: A mad suit on us. Take the Route Info, put it like this, so that it can be pulled out to the driver. AKIVA: Shosha, Shosha, give it to me. ANAELLE: How do you do that? C-ANAELLE: A suit that you are completely tied to, simply can no longer be used with hands. It is very very difficult because one has to also hold the hint and show it to the taxi driver. ANAELLE: Taxi! MOTI: Idan, give me a "uh" if you want me to stop. ALON: Run! AKIVA: Taxi, taxi. Stop, stop, stop! MOTI: Taxi! PUNDAK: Taxi! MOTI: Taxi! Taxi, taxi, taxi! AKIVA: People do not want to stop for me with a crazy suit. C-AKIVA: I do this to him with the lunatic's suit. C-ANAELLE: And I... C-AKIVA: He does this to me... English skip ALON: Beautiful. OREN: Yes. ALON: Look. OREN: Really nice. ALON: Well done. INNA: Bar, here, it looks like the circus, Bar, here’s the circus. BAR?: Come on, come on fast. BAR AND INNA, CURRENTLY IN NINTH PLACE INNA: Mother. BAR: Inna, look. NITZAN AND FIFI: Hi. NITZAN AND FIFI, CURRENTLY IN LAST PLACE NITZAN: Yes, ma'am, yes, ma'am, haida, ma'am. Smile, well. Smile, ah, that's something. I'll make you a drink, it's a waste of time. ALON: Hen. Are you willing to concentrate and not think about everyone? HEN: I do not think of everyone. ALON: So come on, do not think of anything. HEN: Okay, okay, again. ATTEMPT #4 ALON: Hen, do not despair. ALON: Beautiful, beautiful, Hen, beautiful. Beautiful. C-INNA: When we saw Hen fall off the rope ... we realized it was a little more problematic than we thought. C-BAR: No borderline funny at all, not a funny joke. BAR?: *inaudible* Okay. NITZAN: Soul, let's see you selling boraks at the bakery. Even about me here. INNA: Bar. BAR: Shit. INNA: How's it going? BAR: It is difficult. INNA: Bar, you do not understand. C-BAR: We chose that I would do the rope because I in life themselves all the ground has more stability and balance for Inna. The task that the rope was difficult ... really and the second was very difficult. NITZAN: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Fifi! The boss's daughter. Come on, ma'am, come on, come on. Come on, ma'am, come on, come on. FIFI: I can not, but I can not, can not. Do not want, come on, do not drive me crazy. You said you wanted to walk the rope, right? NITZAN: Do you want to relax? HEN: There are things I can not do. NITZAN: Fifi, it's not allowed to arrive last, well. FIFI: I can not, come on, can not. Do not drive me crazy, okay? NITZAN: Fifi. FIFI: Let's go up, we'll see you do it. FIFI: Circus. C-NITZAN: Being called Nitzan does not mean I'm a clown. (it rhymes) C-NITZAN: I'm always determined. If I want something, nothing will stop me. As long as it's up to me. FIFI: How easy is that?! TAL: Together. MOR: Woo! TAL: Yes! MOR: We're not making another round. TAL: Yes! MOR: Yo. What luck. TAL AND MOR, CURRENTLY IN FIFTH PLACE SINGING C-HEN: I did not have air anymore. ALON: Come on. Do not think of anything. C-HEN: This place that you know everyone there is already looking at and seeing that... they have the green and we got the red. And you stand there and you hear it all ... I'm one more time ... starting to cry. OSNAT: Woo! Woo! ALON: Face forward, hands up, bet it and let's get out of here already. ATTEMPT #5 C-HEN: You feel the most ridiculous in the world, with a stupid clown suit, you try to hold yourself and not break and ... you can not, it's hard because you hear the people outside as well. Like, how much is possible? OSNAT: We’re on the map! OSNAT AND CARMIT, CURRENTLY IN SIXTH PLACE OSNAT & CARMIT: He who believes does not exaggerate the belief in losing. ALON: Excellent. Excellent. ????: Hoppa, hoppa, hoppa. C-HEN: There it ended. Finished. I had a really hard time getting back up. ALON: Enough, Mami, enough. It's over, I'm promising it's over. FIRASS AND SHIRA: Yes! Yes! Yes! FIRASS AND SHIRA, CURRENTLY IN SEVENTH PLACE FIRASS: You have to get to Obuda Square. NITZAN: Until I do that I will not relax. C-BAR: It was difficult for me. I had a nightmare. It was a walking hell. ATTEMPT #6 ALON: Excellent. Excellent. Excellent. Great. Great. What a champion! ALON: What a champion! ALON: You see? HEN: It was difficult. C-HEN: At one point, after I fell and got stuck they were on a rope and I almost fell to the floor, I took my powers I know, I have no idea where they actually came from, I was just thinking about my dog. I said, I'm doing this. I went upstairs, recovered on myself, reset my brain, did not look to the sides at all, I just said "enough, once", and that's it. C-ALON: And we were very proud of her. But she was broken. HEN: Thank you very much. ALON: Thank you. ALON AND HEN, CURRENTLY IN EIGHTH PLACE ALON: Route Info. ALON: Hen, come on. ALON: You know how to get to Obuda Square? Long English sections with a few Hebrew bits: AKIVA: Anaelle and this, come on, come on. MOTI?: Come on, come on, get around them. PUNDAK: He helps them. Come on, he's helping them, I'm shocked. MOTI: What a basa, ya al-Allah. AKIVA: What a righteous man, how he helps us. ANAELLE: Yes, thank you. AKIVA: You are a true righteous man. In Hebrew we say, it's something very good. CHAOS END MOTI: Dude, I'm Houdini. ANAELLE & AKIVA: Our driver is a guy, he'll take us to the studio! AKIVA: We put on a crazy suit... ANAELLE: We... AKIVA: And here it comes out, it justifies itself. OREN: I tell you as a bystander, it looks like we've delivered a lifetime, I know how much? C-ALON: I'm wet from the soda, tired. I was already exhausted, tied up in the cab, unaware. Go on, yes, go on, go on. More, more. More, more. ALON AND OREN, CURRENTLY IN FIRST PLACE ALON: Roadblock. Who is ready for a breathtaking experience? RON SHAHAR: A Roadblock task is a task that only one person can perform. Team members should equally share the Roadblock missions throughout the race. ROADBLOCK: HOUDINI-STYLE RESCUE RON SHAHAR: At this checkpoint, a Houdini-style experience awaits couples. The partner will first be tied with his hands and feet using iron chains. Then, stand on a surface that will slowly descend into a tank full of water. RON SHAHAR: To be free he will have to find out of twenty-five keys one key that will free his hands and a second key that will free his legs. The problem is that he has to do it before he is completely covered in water without being able to breathe. Only after the partner manages to break free from the chains just like Houdini will the team get the next hint. OREN: I imagine it's something in the water. Do you want to perform? ALON: I would love to. ALON: Where are you taking me? Look what a fear. C-ALON: A huge hangar, such an aquarium with bubbles and a bluish-blue color. Everything is black, as if it were some kind of feeling, of the atmosphere of the environment, very stressful. OREN: Alon, it's small on you, really it's small on you. C-ALON: Standing on this net, an unpleasant net, it's a cutting net, I did not understand at all what was wanted from me, chains...I was so stressed... that it was hard for me to describe in words. OREN: Houdini died from this trick, by the way. ALON: Well, really. Oren. OREN: I was told we were first here though. HAT MAN: Are you ready? ALON: Yes. C-ALON: As soon as I say "okay" I get the keychain from the same wizard and I have to try and open the lock. C-ALON: This platform goes down into water, and you're feeling like it's an hourglass, it's an hourglass, it's something that closes in on you. English skip ANAELLE AND AKIVA, CURRENTLY IN SECOND PLACE PUNDAK AND MOTI, CURRENTLY IN THIRD PLACE MOTI: Come on, onwards. ANAELLE: Come on. MOTI: Hoppa! ANAELLE AND AKIVA: Roadblock./Roadblock… PUNDAK: Who is ready for a breathtaking experience? MOTI: I'm doing this, come on. PUNDAK: Come on, Moti Lahav! ANAELLE: You do it. AKIVA: Okay. C-AKIVA: I said, wait a moment, Houdini... Houdini, how did he die? Houdini died because he was holding his breath inside some box he had locked himself in. OREN: You have a lot until the head goes. C-ALON: The keys, as if ... went in, went out. It was clear to me that I was missing a key, that I was not doing it thoroughly enough. This situation stressed me out and was there ... Familiar with the phrase of a dropping pin, does anyone hear it? The silence of death, I have no other words. C-MOTI: I went into a cage where I was tied up with my hands, feet, locks. Now you are hunched over, you first of all start from such a point that you are also tied to the floor are the hands. Short English skip ANAELLE: This is a terribly scary task, Shoshi. Slowly, Shoshi, you're fine. C-AKIVA: There is no way to mark which keys you have already passed. During the first round of twenty-five keys, you should be able to open both your arms and your legs. You do not have time to do more than one round. ALON: Beautiful. Inhuman. C-ALON: The whole environment is this Houdini, who is a human being, it is his occupation, stunts, underwater, locks. Just the word "ambulance", that there is an ambulance here, I saw oxygen balloons, under this story, I said, where do I go? AKIVA: In the end it will be last, like Murphy. (‘s law?) ANAELLE: Do not worry, Shoshi, you're fine. ANAELLE: Oh, how I worry. C-ANAELLE: I, as a viewer, had a very hard time seeing him because I was really scared of him, that suddenly they would not notice that he was asking to go out or ... or that suddenly, I do not know, it terribly stressed me out. C-MOTI: The truth is it was very very scary, it was very scary because at some point the water got me already here. You know, you're actually starting to drown, really and you have to... C-PUNDAK: And the whole hall is dark. And was scary. OREN?: Do not kill yourself, you can stop. C-ALON: I do not trust anyone, I only trust myself. I really had, like, that they would not take me out, that ... my life depends on someone else, I do not, do not give it up, it's not something he… OREN: Say stop. Or shake your head if you want to stop. C-AKIVA: The water was starting to cover me, I could no longer really see my feet. AKIVA: Stop. ALON: Stop. WIZARD: Up. C-ALON: So I did "no" and took them a second and a half, it does not exactly appeal to you. C-OREN: What, you wanted it to be a bounce? C-ALON: Yes, I wanted the water to fall down. Yes. Does not interest me. Related. Think about it, it was caught there, I was dead. ADELE: Mami, I did not know it was like that, HaMerotz LaMillion. I did not know it was so psychic. TOM: My poor baby. TOM: You're a real cannonball. ADELE: Yo,yo. TOM: I adore you. HEN: Thank you very much. ALON AND HEN, CURRENTLY IN FIFTH PLACE ALON: These Adele and Tom are dirty. TOM: Here came another couple, Alon and Hen. I do not have the strength to see them. HEN: I want to curse their mother now, it's a waste of time. ALON: I know. C-HEN: I'm going to change tactics with Tom and Adele. ALON: Go. (?) C-HEN: The elbows came out. And where it is necessary and when it is necessary, the mouth will also begin to speak and do what is necessary. C-HEN: Because not only will they fail, I will do the same for them and I am good at it because when I want to ... it’s a poor person who enters my frame. Poor. ALON: Come on. TOM: You're a tiger, squirt, kill me, it does not matter at all. Pretty. Yes. Yes. Ya, baby, ya. OSNAT AND CARMIT, CURRENTLY IN SIXTH PLACE ?????: No no, the zodiac signs have arrived. C-CARMIT: When we got to the mission of the soda and suddenly I catch Hen, I was in complete shock. C-CARMIT: We knew they were the couple who were delayed in the Detour mission and despite that they managed to close the gap. They are a threatening couple, there is no zero, and for that they are detained. CARMIT: God save us. God save us. CARMIT: God save us, aim, aim! CARMIT: Holy…holy.. (?????) CARMIT: Are you normal? CARMIT: What is this? I do not see anything, it catches my eye. C-OSNAT: I enjoyed levels that would not be highlighted. OSNAT: Come on, come on! C-OSNAT: I enjoyed squirting soda cause. Straight I said, wow what a beauty, how delicious it would be, we would drink it. C-CARMIT: With raspberries. C-OSNAT: By now my mom has it at home, in the warehouse she has a soda siphon. OSNAT: Cheers! To life, baby. With the help of the name in your covenant. Invite us, we'll have some soda. TOM: Give it to me. excellent. Accurate, a waste of time. OSNAT: Whoever believes is not afraid CARMIT: Yes! HEN: Oh, my love. TOM: Finished! Come on, go! ADELE: This is it, go, go, go. Tom, go. ALON: Thank you very much. OSNAT?: Thank you, give you a kiss! ALTERNATING READ: In homage to the renowned magician you will make your way to the studios when you are forced, with the madman's shirt on your body. OSNAT: Crazy? You? OSNAT: Crazy, crazy, aoawoaoowoawoaoowooaoowoaooao ALON AND HEN, CURRENTLY IN FOURTH PLACE TOM AND ADELE, CURRENTLY IN FIFTH PLACE OSNAT AND CARMIT, CURRENTLY IN SIXTH PLACE TOM: The taxi driver will think we're two retards. He will not understand where we fell for him. HEN: Abarbanel, we're coming! CARMIT: It’s a lot. Boobs? Boobs. English skip ATTEMPT #2 C-ALON: The second time I already understood, I saw. It's not so bad. I needed to be more relaxed, and that only raised my stress level because I just did not understand how I was going to crack this task. OREN: How many keys are you in? ALON: Already in twenty-eight keys. OREN: Some? ALON: Twenty eight. OREN: You made a mistake in the story. ATTEMPT #2 ANAELLE: Slowly, Shoshi. C-AKIVA: Fiddler I tried a few keys on my feet and I push a key and push a key and I see that from this arrangement will no longer work. C-ALON: I did not see the light at the end of the tunnel, I think. I have not seen how I do it. I was so scared I would fail at it again, the water goes down and the pressure gauge goes up more and more. C-ALON: I was so stressed, I got into my own stress. C-ALON: I did not want to do this thing. C-MOTI: I was very lucky there with the keys because by chance I first got there pretty quickly, after about seven, eight keys. C-AKIVA: I had already tried a few keys on my feet and so in frustration, as if I felt like I was talking to God. C-AKIVA: I took one of the keys, just from the bundle, pushed in, boom, there was a click. C-AKIVA: I did not believe it was happening. ANAELLE: Well done. AKIVA: Shosha, I want to tell you something. ANAELLE: What? AKIVA: I did not go in order, but I said: "in his name, my lips will open" I took one and it opened. AKIVA: You get it? AKIVA: I have chills all over my body. ANAELLE: I am shocked. C-AKIVA: It was just chilling, I felt chills all over my body when it happened. C-ANAELLE: It was a miracle. ANAELLE: Wow. C-AKIVA: It will not make me more or less religious overall, but it does make you think. AKIVA: I am Houdini. ANAELLE: He’s the best, he’s my man. C-AKIVA: I do not have as a kippah wearer more assisted dashmia from another person or more miracles from another person. But there is such a thing that the more you give Gd a place.... C-ANAELLE: True. C-AKIVA: In your heart, there He will enter. C-ANAELLE: There He will enter. C-AKIVA: And I felt completely empty. In that second I felt completely empty. C-ANAELLE: You gave him a lot of space. C-AKIVA: I felt like a boom, he has the whole place, he totally came in, and it was worth it. MOTI: Yes! C-MOTI: I am Moti “Houdini” Lahav. PUNDAK AND MOTI: Thank you very much. ANAELLE AND AKIVA, CURRENTLY IN FIRST PLACE PUNDAK AND MOTI, CURRENTLY IN SECOND PLACE AKIVA: Route Info. PUNDAK: You have to take a taxi… AKIVA: To the second end point! RON SHAHAR: The couples must now take the Hungarian cube with them and solve one of its sides that makes up a nap of the "Szechenyi Baths". These baths are known to all Hungarians thanks to the hot springs above their healing properties. Every Hungarian must visit here at least once in his life. The final stage of this part of the race. The couple who come here last may find themselves out of the race. Short English skip ANAELLE: Oh, shit, Shoshi. C-ANAELLE: We have no idea of these cubes. C-AKIVA: We, we have no experience with Hungarian cubes. I tried once and after ten minutes I gave up. C-ANAELLE: So as if we said, what, it's going to hold us back. MOTI: Only when you can put the picture together will you know where to find the end point. What I hate is the Hungarian cube, bro. C-MOTI: If there's one thing we're not into, it's the Hungarian cube. Now we were under hysterical pressure because we knew Akiva and Anaelle were right behind us. And I said to the era of today, and whatever, we come first. No matter what. AKIVA: Say verses as you go. Verses, verses. MOTI: Dude, it's just play with it a lot. Short English skip C-TOM: The man called his daughter, she started yelling at me on the phone, "What are you doing to my father", "Where are you going with my father"? TOM: The hand is ... how do I say related? C-TOM: I'm with my great English. C-ADELE: Yes, we really are.... C-TOM: I explained to her "you can be calm, you can be relaxed. Everything is okay, everything is fine." TOM: How frightened he is, his daughter asks me why your hands are tied. chorus of okays TOM: My love, always when you do not understand, just say okay. OSNAT: Crazy, crazy. I'm crazy. I'm crazy. C-OSNAT: I'm crazy, I love it. OSNAT: Here, there’s an ant, there’s an ant on you! Ant on you! C-OSNAT: I have scratches. C-OSNAT: We were in a madhouse. The driver who had to take us another minute would get out of the taxi and into the wind. ATTEMPT #8 C-INNA: Every time she was on the rope I just could not look at her. I looked down and prayed, like a follower in Jerusalem on the highest mountain. I kind of could not just look at her. Looking at the floor and like, praying we'll finish it already. As if I saw the end. I saw myself on a plane home. I did not want to be in this place. INNA: Wow, Bar. ATTEMPT #8 NITZAN: I'm not getting out of here until I finish it. Even if the race ends two weeks ago. Until I do that I will not relax. BAR: He's much better than me, I can't stand like that at all. FIFI: Yo, Nitzan, settle down. Yo, yo, settle down, settle down. FIFI: Yo, yo, yo, yo! FIFI: Come on. NITZAN: Yes! Yes! FIFI: Come on, come on, come on. INNA: Come on, let's come too. Even if we are last, it does not matter, we must finish. NITZAN: Thank you. FIFI: Thank you. NITZAN AND FIFI, CURRENTLY IN NINTH PLACE NITZAN: You must reach the ancient Obuda Square. C-BAR: Fifi and Nitzan are our tail and we are theirs, and I know the competition is like this, it is like this and it becomes like this and it is like this, and he finished. The second he finishes I tell myself I will not succeed and I am going to succeed and will not help what, I get into this rope. INNA: Indescribable. C-INNA: She really went into a kind of trance like, she ... does not interest her, she does not stop until she is now successful. She went up, went down, went up, went down, went up, went down. C-BAR: I went up, I went down, I went up, I went down, and it hurts too. BAR?: Come to me. INNA: You are a queen. Give me a hug. BAR: Thank you. INNA: How great, how great. C-BAR: It's hysterical relief. I did not see it over. C-INNA: It was like a shot of renewed energy. BAR?: Thank you so much. BAR AND INNA, CURRENTLY IN LAST PLACE C-INNA: We took a lot of air, flew away as if. We knew we had another way to go and saw the light at the end of the tunnel. TAL: Go, Mor, go, go, go, go, go, go. TAL AND MOR, CURRENTLY IN SEVENTH PLACE SHIRA: Go, mami, go. FIRASS AND SHIRA, CURRENTLY IN EIGHTH PLACE MOR: Do not just do, try to aim. Concentrate! TAL: Do you find it so easy? FIRASS: No, do not move. SHIRA: Oh, I'm not allowed to move. Okay, okay, okay. Sorry. TAL: I ran out. Need to drink. C-TAL: A kind of carbonated kind, something simple... C-MOR: A kind of food coloring. C-TAL: Food coloring. C-MOR: With a lot of chemicals. C-TAL: Sulfur, vibrant. C-MOR: Something like that. C-TAL: Toxins. TAL: I’m not into drinking this. MOR: My mother. TAL: Wait. MOR: Talk to me, how did you feel? MOR: Fuck. TAL: I can not see it. I want to puke. MOR: My mother, what's happening? I'm worried about you. TAL: I do not put such toxins into the body, I can not. I feel bad. MOR: My mother, do you want us to stop? My mother? Listen to me for a moment. TAL: Quiet. TAL: I’m okay. I’m okay. Wait, another second. It's not easy for me, Mor. MOR: I know it's not easy for you. TAL: It's poison for me. MOR: That's why I say, I'm asking if you want to quit. TAL: It's poison for me. C-TAL: The body just took out all the toxins, I vomited my soul. MOR: Oh my god. SHIRA: What a misery, wow. I feel sorry for her. C-SHIRA: It really hurts me about mom. I see her suffering, I see the daughter crying over her mother. TAL: It poisons me. MOR: You do not communicate with me, talk to me. I ask if you want to make it. TAL: I'm fine, Mor. MOR: I do not want to see you vomit like that. TAL: Oh god. MOR: My mother. Listen to your body. TAL: Quiet, quiet. Mor, focus. C-TAL: On the one hand I said, I'm sorry for what I look like, that I have to vomit, and on the other hand, at the back of my mind I say, body, you're wonderful that you do not get toxins no matter what. You take it out. You say, so far. MOR: My mother, you will faint. TAL: Quiet. I will be fine. Immediately. C-TAL: And from the pins I'm glad he does not get it, it held me so tightly and I told Mor, it's okay. TAL: Mor! Keep going, keep going. C-MOR: She did not give up. C-TAL: I did not give up. C-MOR: She did not give up. C-TAL: These are tasks I do not give up. C-MOR: Right. C-TAL: The body will take out, I will put in. The body will take out I will do. I'll squirt, she's going to be wet. We do not give up, until the end. TAL: Some? MOR: My mother, a little more. A little more, great. FIFI: What a shame, I'm still with the red on my cheeks. NITZAN: You are beautiful in any situation, my soul. The swan. NITZAN AND FIFI, CURRENTLY IN NINTH PLACE C-NITZAN: We arrived and we have a cyclops? Cyclops? Do not know. C-FIFI: Cyclops. (mispronounciation of ciphlox….I think) FIFI: Ah, it's nice, it's something. Nitzan, well! C-NITZAN: Every time I run out on this syllable, a cik... C-FIFI: Cyclops. C-NITZAN: Cyclops. As I use up the cyclops, I have to drink a glass. And in the meantime I used some six, seven, so I drink six, seven glasses. SHIRA: We're literally almost done, Mami. Another one, two of those same cannon, okay? C-MOR: Both Firass and Shira, and also Fifi and Nitzan ticked off the task, and I look and I get frustrated and I say, this, no, this, we’re screwed. We’re screwed now, we will not succeed. C-TAL: No screwed. There is no such thing. C-MOR: But you were a cannon... C-TAL: After frustration, come on... C-MOR: She did not give up. C-TAL: None. C-MOR: Even when she felt bad. C-TAL: Nothing. It’s nothing. MOR: Concentrate. NITZAN: Oh that's something. This is something. FIRASS: This. Full. FIFI: Beautiful, beautiful. NITZAN???: Come on, we're done. NITZAN: Who is beautiful? How nice. Come on, go, go. SHIRA: Well done, mami. Well done. Did she succeed? Did she succeed? TAL: Come on, we’re close. MOR: That's it, we'm done. TAL: I'm already dead, I can not, I'm insanely poisonous. MOR: Here. SHIRA: Thank you, thank you in Hungarian. FIRASS AND SHIRA, CURRENTLY IN SEVENTH PLACE FIFI: Thank you. NITZAN AND FIFI, CURRENTLY IN EIGHTH PLACE MOR: Thank you. TAL AND MOR, CURRENTLY IN NINTH PLACE SHIRA: In homage to the renowned magician you will make your way to the studios while handcuffed in a crazy suit. R-MOR: One of the accessories most identified with Houdini's shows. NITZAN: Shema Israel. C-NITZAN: Crazy shirt is the thing. Too bad for time. This is the new style, this is the trend. The look. Finish. C-FIFI: Location. C-NITZAN: What do you mean location? Location is a location. ANAELLE: I'm not getting along right now, nothing. AKIVA: We're going to arrive and arrive on time. You'll see. Short English skip C-MOTI: The only thing that separated us from this end point was actually the Hungarian cube. So we just had no choice, we had to ask for help from the people on the street. AKIVA: Shosha, it's us in front of them now on the cube, you know? ANAELLE: Okay, what will I do? AKIVA: They also probably will not succeed. ANAELLE: No, they're pretty smart, what are you underestimating. C-AKIVA: In this game all the time things go back and forth. You can lose the first place terribly easily and gain it very quickly. MOTI?: No, do not despair. Do not despair. Come on. Short English skip C-PUNDAK: Then we went into the restaurant and there was a meeting, they closed the restaurant to a meeting of the Hungarian mafia. C-PUNDAK: Suddenly one comes, we tell him, can you help us? C-PUNDAK: No cameras, go outside. C-PUNDAK: Well, he comes to Moti, grabs his cube. Moti tells him no, no, no! He begins to disassemble the cube. C-MOTI: Fracture, he did to me, disassembled it into cubes for me. C-PUNDAK: One horse like that. C-MOTI: I come to take part, he grabs my hand, makes me not touch. I'm doing it now. I'm like that, feel free, bro. C-MOTI: We realized it was ... for this stupid cube we're going to be murdered. Mafia meeting. C-PUNDAK: And all the mobsters are sitting there kicking ass, and we realize there might be a live murder here. So we said that with all due respect to the cube… C-MOTI: We'll wait for him to finish and... C-PUNDAK: Wait for him to finish. C-MOTI: After that he finished. C-PUNDAK: Then we tell him, wow, he says wow, shhh! AKIVA: Said Rabbi Elazar: "Everything is in the power of Sumin until God comes and opens their eyes." AKIVA: Wow. ANAELLE: Wow. AKIVA: Okay. ANAELLE: Okay, run. AKIVA: Run. ANAELLE: Okay, go. ANAELLE: Yes, what a helper Dashmia, insane. MOTI: Well, that was a segment... come on, let's get a little farther. I'm scared, bro. Let's get away. PUNDAK: Let's run, we must not stop running. PUNDAK?: Here, here I see it. Come on. ANAELLE: Come on, enough. Alas, what is this place? What is? Move. AKIVA: A bathhouse. ANAELLE: Lord have mercy. AKIVA: I'll keep my eyes peeled now. AKIVA: Hello. GREETER: Welcome to Budapest. RON SHAHAR: Anaelle, Akiva. You came in first place again. ANAELLE AND AKIVA, FIRST PLACE C-ANAELLE: He told us we were first place ... we were… C-AKIVA: Anaelle as if looking at me, doing to me, wrong. What did he just say? RON SHAHAR: Tell me how your day went. ANAELLE: It was the hardest day we had. AKIVA: Long? Grueling. Really? ANAELLE: A really hard day. AKIVA: And the tasks were difficult, too. C-AKIVA: Such a long day, make no mistake, wish everyone. RON SHAHAR: Because you worked hard today and because you arrived first, then when you return to Israel, a pampering vacation in Israel awaits you as a gift: SPONSOR ANAELLE: We won something. AKIVA: Yes! ANAELLE: Wow, that was worth it. So you can go. ????: Run already. GREETER: Welcome to Budapest. MOTI: Hi~ Stunning. RON SHAHAR: Pundak. Moti. MOTI: Yes? RON SHAHAR: You arrived in second. PUNDAK AND MOTI, SECOND PLACE C-PUNDAK: Not bad, we will be second and in the final we will be first. C-MOTI: Everything will be ok. C-PUNDAK: With God's help. C-MOTI: All is well. With the help of the name he will help us and not Akiva. C-MOTI: What comforted us that day was that we at least learned how to dance the waltz. Understandable skip BAR AND INNA, CURRENTLY IN ABSOLUTE DEAD LAST PLACE BAR: Inna, ready more, ready as low as you can if you want us to do it and not be ousted today maybe. INNA: Like this? BAR: Yes. C-INNA: The time was critical, it was late. Fatigue, hunger, thirst, all together. INNA: Bar, we already have some. BAR: Okay, it's dead.. it's more... more... INNA: I've never suffered like this in my life. C-INNA: I saw this soda already melting all over my body and my eyes just darkened. INNA: What did I do wrong? INNA: He's like he's throwing me coins. INNA: Can you do this elsewhere? INNA: Bar, we're almost half over, be strong. BAR: Yes, yes, yes, yes, like this, the way you are. Show me how much more there is. INNA: Half stamp. It's two more glasses, Bar, be strong. Barbie, my Barbie, be strong. ALON: Go. ALON AND HEN, CURRENTLY IN FOURTH PLACE ALON: Hen, who is ready for a breathtaking experience? HEN: Are you? ALON: Come on, me. C-ALON: A dark and huge hangar that has nothing there except some stressful one that explains the instructions to you. C-HEN: Wow, what a stressful man. HEN: Mami, it's stressing me out here this whole story. C-ALON: Then he looks at me, "Are you ready?" WIZARD: Are you ready? Are you ready? TRANSLITERATOR’S NOTE: I’ve stopped differentiating between the Alons because it should be obvious by now. ATTEMPT #3 OREN: Now you're doing it. C-ALON: I counted, I was once at seventeen, once at nineteen, it was clear to me that I was missing a key, that I was not doing it thoroughly enough. C-HEN: Alon does not think about anything, he is just so competitive that he has no fears and no worries and he has... nothing. Just move on. Even if he dies and he has to drown, he will drown and he will pass. ALON: 17. OREN: You're doing all twenty-five now. ALON: At this point you can no longer see. OREN: Put your head in the water. HEN: Take air, take air. Take air. C-ALON: I realize I succeeded, I just wanted to jump out of the tank on Hen, and nothing. I just screamed. A stressful situation on other levels. C-HEN: But he made her as great. ALON: Thank you very much. ALON AND HEN, CURRENTLY IN THIRD PLACE ALON: You must take a taxi to the second end point in a race around the world. OREN: Do it. ALON: Stop. C-ALON: It was a trauma for me, this story, for me the mission there was impassable, in my personal sense. C-ALON: It was a section where I was really broken, I did not see the end, I went out. ALON: I'm not able to do that. OREN: Go stand by the stove. ALON: Oren I can not do that. C-ALON: And I had tears in my eyes, I was done. Finished out of the story that this story I'm not going to do and it might cost us in the race. C-OREN: I also had a hard time, I also tried by means I know how to do. C-ALON: In the means at his disposal, which are not some broad, limited basket of emotions, two acts. C-OREN: I made sure he was warm, had a towel, wrapped around him as much as possible. C-ALON: Thank you, thank you, thank you. C-OREN: Cover his head with a towel as much as possible. Allow him privacy in this very small space. ALON: It’s hard Oren. OREN: It’s okay. OREN: No pressure, no pressure, you are not able to do it, so what, not terrible, nothing will happen. ALON: I'm not there. OREN: What do you mean? ALON: Not there. OREN: What’s not there? ALON: In my ability to do that. OREN: It's right at the top of this thing. That is, there is no doubt that you can do it. Why do you think not? ALON: Because I, mentally occupied, well what? OREN: Tell yourself you're doing this, what do you mean? This is something he really confronts you with yourself, do. At least try another three, four times. WIZARD: Are you ready? OREN: Come on, now you're doing it. ATTEMPT #4 ALON: Three, four, five. OREN: You can do it, there is no inability here. C-ALON: The fourth time I went on this mission I said to myself that I ... that's it, I'm finishing this thing, I'm relaxing for a moment. ALON: Nine. OREN: Onwards. Count. ALON: Three. OREN: Great are you, come on, what a human being you are. ALON: Five. OREN: King of the World.
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