Article I: Name of the Organization • The name of the organization is the St. Aloysius Gonzaga Athletic Association. • The address of the organization is: c/o St. Aloysius Gonzaga Church 4366 Bridgetown Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45211 Article II: Purpose • The purpose of this organization is the promotion and advancement of the welfare of the children through athletics. Those we sponsor are: o The members of the St. Aloysius Gonzaga Parish, o Families with children enrolled in St. Aloysius Gonzaga School, o Area families with children eligible for St. Aloysius Athletics teams through payment of membership dues, approved when necessary by the Athletics Board. • We achieve this purpose through sponsorship and support of athletic teams and by encouraging participation in supervised leagues so that the principles of good sportsmanship are instilled and incorporated into the character of these children. Article III: Membership in St. Aloysius Gonzaga Athletics Association • Membership is granted to families upon payment of the required dues for any sport sponsored by St. Aloysius Gonzaga Athletic Association. o Financial hardship cases may be approved by the Athletics Board. • No annual membership fee will be required beyond the dues for a single sport for an individual child. • Members are encouraged to participate in St. Aloysius Gonzaga Athletic Association monthly general membership meetings and are eligible to vote on pending resolutions. Article IV: Government • The organization is governed by the Athletics Board, which includes: o President o Vice President o Past-President o Secretary o Treasurer o Girls’ Western Athletic Conference (GWAC) Representative o Communications Trustee o Events Trustee o the Pastor or his delegate • No person holds more than one position on the Board. • Each Board member shall have one vote. • The president chairs the meetings, with the Vice President, Past President, Secretary and Treasurer acting in the President’s absence, in the order named. • In an emergency, declared by at least five members of the Board, the Board may take any action to put into effect its decisions prior to the general meeting at which the decision is announced. • The Board appoints a chairperson for all committees, a commissioner for every sport, and representatives to all parish organizations. They all serve at the pleasure of the Board and may be removed at any time by a majority vote of the Board. • The Board rules as a body in determining whether any violations of the by-laws have occurred and assesses whatever penalty it deems proper. The violation must be sustained and any penalty agreed upon by a majority vote of the Board members. o The person(s) accused of such violation will be given written notice of the alleged violation and a time, place, and date of a hearing on the violation at least one (1) week prior to the hearing. o The person(s) accused may be represented by counsel, at his/her/their own expense, and permitted to fully and fairly test the credibility and sufficiency of the general membership. The decision may be overruled or modified by a majority vote of the members attending the general meeting at which the decision is reported. If not overruled or modified, the decision becomes final. • The Board may remove any Board member upon a vote of five (5) members of the Board. The procedure shall be the same as outlined above. Any board member removed is replaced by majority vote of the remaining Board members. • No members of the Organization nor member of the Board may take action as a representative of the Organization without specific authority to do so. • The Athletics Board will be the final arbiter in matters involving any interpretation of the by-laws of this organization, by majority vote. If the Board is unable to reach a decision due to a tie vote, the specific interpretation under the consideration will be determined at the general meeting, by majority vote. • The Membership shall review and approve the budgets of all commissioners for each sport or activity, by majority vote. • The Membership is responsible for providing nominees for Board members each year at the May general assembly meeting when the election is held. o The offices for which the nominations will be accepted are Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Trustee and Events Trustee. o The Vice President succeeds to the Presidency. o Any vacancy occurring in any office shall be filled by a majority vote of the Board. • Athletics Board, sports commissioner and coaches roles in Sections I-IV at the end of this document. Article V: Meetings • Board Meetings: The Athletics Board shall meet regularly at an agreed upon time by the majority of the Board. o Five members of the Board constitute a quorum. o Special meetings may be called by the President or any four members of the Board by giving at least five days actual notice to the Board members. o Board meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order. o The Pastor holds veto power over decisions of the Board. • General Assembly meetings shall be held on the third Thursday of each month. o The General Assembly meeting date may be changed by majority vote at any membership meeting. o The attendance of five members of the organization, exclusive of Board members, constitutes a quorum at a general or special assembly meeting. o All decisions shall be determined by a majority vote of all members present. o The General Assembly meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order. • Special membership meetings may be held as directed by the President upon notice via email, social media or parish bulletin at least three days in advance of the special meeting. Article VI: Finances • The fees associated with each sport shall be set by the Athletics Board in consultation with sports commissioners. • The Association may conduct any event for the purpose of raising funds. • The Association may accept donations, gifts, and bequests for a specific purpose or for the general use in carrying out its programs. • The funds of the Organization may be expended only for such purposes and activities and in such amounts as have been previously approved by majority vote at a General Membership meeting, either regular or special. • Head coaches or managers with approval of the sport commissioner may spend up to $100 dollars in an emergency. • The Association shall not be liable for any expenses incurred by any participant, coach, manager, or spectator in any contest, event or practice sponsored by the Association due to illness or injury resulting from said contest, event, or practice. • Donations to organizations or activities exceeding $500 must be approved by a majority vote during a general meeting. • The Board may spend up to and including $500 with a majority vote of the entire Board without approval of the general membership. o This expenditure must be reported in the next general meeting. Article VII: Amendments • These by-laws are presented as a complete replacement of all prior constitutions and by- laws previously enacted and shall be adopted by the membership by majority vote on December 16, 2021. • These by-laws may be amended by the Athletics Association upon completion of all of the following: o Presentation of amendment in writing to the President; o Motion made and seconded at a general assembly meeting to consider amendment; o Reading of proposed amendment at three successive regular general assembly meetings; o A majority vote approval at a regular general assembly meeting after the third reading of the proposed amendment. Article VIII: Non-Discrimination • No child shall be denied the opportunity to participate in any sport or activity sponsored by this Athletics Association solely on the basis of race, creed, color, religion or sex. Section 1: Duty of Athletics Board Members • The President shall preside at all meetings of the Athletics Association, perform all specific duties given in the by-laws and perform all functions usually associated with the office. • The Vice President shall perform all duties of the President in the absence of the President. The Vice President shall ascend to the Presidency upon the decease, resignation or removal of the President. The role of Vice President is nominated and voted on at the May General Assembly to begin a three-year role July 1, moving from Vice President to President to Past President. • The Past President serves as a member of the Athletics Board for one year after the termination of his or her term as President and shall perform the duties of the President should the President and Vice President be unavailable. The Past-President will also be responsible for working with the school and helping maintain the upkeep of the gym. • The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings and maintain an accurate record. At the completion of their term, they shall transfer all minutes and files to their successor. The Secretary position is a two-year term, July 1 to June 30. • The Treasurer shall be custodian of all funds belonging to the Athletics Association. He or she shall co-sign all checks with the President or Past President or Vice President for disbursement of funds upon approval of the Board or a majority vote of the members at a general assembly meeting. o He or she shall deposit all funds in a bank or savings and loan which is federally insured and make a report at each meeting of all financial transactions since the last meeting. o He or she shall make an annual report at the end of each year. o He or she shall keep financial records readily available for inspection by the Board at any time and shall transfer the records to his or her successor at the end of the term of office. o The Treasurer position is a two-year term, July 1 to June 30. o As an ongoing policy, all monies received by the Treasurer should be accompanied with documentation indicating the individual submitting the deposit to the Treasurer, along with at minimum, the total of the monies turned over, the purpose of the monies, and be signed and dated by this individual submitting the money. The individual submitting the money should retain a record of any such deposits turned over to the Treasurer. o Anyone submitting deposits in the form of cash must provide written documentation on the amount of cash presented to the Treasurer. A copy of that documentation must also be supplied to another Board member, preferably, the current President or Vice President. o For security purposes, any payment from the Athletic Association’s operating funds should be in the form of a check or bank-certified check. The Treasurer, at the request of the Board, should match documentation with the appropriate deposit ticket, and the appropriate deposit ticket to the deposit shown on the Association’s monthly bank statements whether requested randomly or in totality. Deposits will not be considered completed until they are reflected on a bank statement or on a deposit ticket/voucher supplied by the bank. o The inability to completely verify any payments made on behalf of the Athletic Association with appropriate supporting documentation, and/or the inability to verify the amount or completeness of any deposit, will be subject to immediate review by the Athletic Association Board, or its delegates. o The Treasurer will be subject to an internal audit as directed by the majority of the Board. An Audit at minimum must adhere to the following guidelines: ▪ The Audit team will consist of at least three people, two of which must be board members. ▪ The current Treasurer may participate on this team. ▪ The Audit team must be approved by a majority vote of the entire Board. ▪ The audit must verify all deposits made to the Organization’s bank accounts. ▪ The verification of payments made on behalf of the Athletic Association will consist of reviewing randomly or in totality all checks written from the general operating funds. ▪ The Treasurer will supply all supporting documentation that justifies the amount, payee, and timeliness of checks written. ▪ Upon completion of all audits, a written document must be created with findings of the audit. This document must be dated and signed by all of the audit members and the original note retained by the Secretary of the Board. This document must be read at the next general meeting after completion of the audit. If, at the opinion of a majority of the entire Board, financial discrepancy(ies) requires further review, the Treasurer may be temporarily or permanently removed from their duties. These duties will be shifted to one of the current Board members serving a one-year term until the discrepancy(ies) are resolved, and either the Treasurer is returned to their duties, or actions under Article IV are taken. ▪ Should any discrepancy reveal the misappropriation of Association’s funds, a majority of the entire Board can elect to have an audit performed by an outside accounting firm. If illegal activity is found after an outside audit is complete, the Treasurer will be removed from Office and may be prosecuted at the fullest extent of the law. Prosecution requires a majority vote of all present at either the next general assembly or a special meeting as described within the Associations’ by-laws. • Girls’ Western Athletic Conference (GWAC) Representative shall represent the St. Aloysius Athletics Association as a member of the GWAC. The GWAC Rep shall attend meetings and vote as the Association’s representative. He or she shall attend Athletics Board meetings and general assembly meetings to provide updates from the GWAC. He or she shall participate in discussion and debate, and vote upon all matters placed before the Athletics Board. The GWAC Representative position is a two-year term, July 1 to June 30. • The Communications Trustee shall maintain all communication on behalf of the St. Aloysius Athletic Association, including to all membership, and serve as liaison to St. Al’s School, the PTO, the parish office and to the parish in general. He or she shall maintain the St. Al’s Athletic Association social media presence. He or she shall maintain the outdoor marquee/sign, which is the property of the St. Aloysius Athletic Association, according the membership-approved guidelines. The Communications Trustee shall serve on the Board and attend Board meetings, participate in discussion and debate, and vote upon all matters placed before the Board. The Communications Trustee position is a one- year term, July 1 to June 30. • The Events Trustee shall plan and coordinate events sponsored by the St. Aloysius Athletic Association and work in tandem with the Communications Trustee on publicity and with the Treasurer in regard to budget. He or she shall work with the Board to maintain adequate supply of refreshments for all Association events. The Events Trustee shall serve on the Board and attend Board meetings, participate in discussion and debate, and vote upon all matters placed before the Board. The Events Trustee position is a one- year term, July 1 to June 30. Section 2: Committees • Committees shall be appointed by the Athletics Board as it deems necessary from time to time and appoint appropriate chairpersons for each such committee. Section 3: Sports Commissioners The duties of the commissioners shall include the following: • Attend general assembly meetings for the purpose of updating the membership on each particular sport. • Organize annual sports sign-ups. • When necessary, present a recommendation to the Board to either accept or reject the request of non-member individuals who have signed up for a particular sport prior to the start of the non-members’ first practice session. • Ensure a sufficient number of teams in each age classification to accommodate all those who desire to participate. o When necessary, find another organization for each member signed up for the particular sport when St. Al’s cannot field a team in that member’s age or grade group. • Obtain sufficient coaches and submit a list of coaches to the Board prior to the first practice, and if necessary, replace coaches for good cause, with approval of the Board. • Confirm that all coaches have complied with the rules of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati prior to participating in practices, games or meetings of that particular sport or event. • Attend various league meetings at which St. Al’s teams require representation and arrange for payment of required league fees. • Organize the scheduling of suitable practice times and fields/gyms for each team. • When necessary, purchase new uniforms for that particular sport and make certain they align with current parish and association branding guidelines. • Organize the disbursement of uniforms and equipment to each team and coordinate the return of uniforms and equipment at the end of the playing season. • Arrange for payment of all umpire/referee fees for all games. • Recommend improvements for a designated sport to the Board and general membership. • Organize and coordinate the entrance of St. Al’s in tournament play. o No team may be entered in more than three tournaments per playing season unless approval of the Board is obtained. o Tournaments conducted by schools where St Al’s children would be attending higher grades will not be counted as part of the three (3) permissible tournaments. For example, tournaments at La Salle High School or Elder High School. • Prepare a written budget to be given to the Board for presentation to and approval by the general membership. • Supervise all coaches to ensure compliance with the association’s by-laws, league rules, and parish by-laws and regulations. • Report any infraction or serious misconduct of any coach to the Board for possible disciplinary action. • In an emergency situation when major or serious infraction has occurred, commissioners may suspend the offending coach for a period of two weeks pending a hearing before the Board concerning disciplinary action. In such cases, the Board must be given notice of the alleged violations within 24 hours of the suspension. • Person(s) accused of alleged violations are subject to procedures outlined in Article IV. • Organize and coordinate tryouts for teams in leagues in which competition is applicable. The commissioner or his or her designate will set the date and time of tryouts. A list of coaches for competitive teams must be submitted to the board meeting prior to the tryout date. • Organize and coordinate setting up and cleanup of any and all parish facilities used by a commissioner’s managers, coaches or representative. Setup and cleanup must follow the prescribed rules and guidelines for that facility. • Organize and coordinate workers to manage the concession stand when needed. Section 4: Coaches The duties of all coaches shall include the following: • Above all, instill good sportsmanship and Christian behavior into the character of the participants, teach the fundamentals and rules of each sport or activity, develop an appreciation for one’s self-worth and ability, and develop an appreciation for and understanding of the concept of teamwork. • Winning of games, while not to be ignored or disregarded, shall always be secondary in importance to achieving the primary goals listed above. • All coaches have the responsibility to ensure that all members of their teams participate in each game. • All coaches of in-season sports must attend or send a team delegate to general assembly meetings. • All coaches shall conduct themselves in a proper Christian manner at all times in their capacity and shall abide by all league and organization rules. • No coaches shall conduct practices, whether conditioning or otherwise, nor hold any official or unofficial team meetings earlier than six weeks prior to the start of the team’s schedule, nor later than the last regular scheduled league or tournament game except for an after-season team party. • No coach shall engage nor cause or permit team members to engage in fundraising activities of any type, including sale of admission tickets, to fund non-league activities. • Ensure that any girl or boy participating on a St. Al’s sponsored team, and provided a St. Al’s uniform, must wear that provided uniform during regulation games, whether pre- season, regular season, or post-season. o Anyone not wearing the provided uniform will not be permitted to play. • No commissioner, coach, or assistant coach should require, permit, or encourage team member or members to wear another uniform or part of a uniform (e.g. shirt). o Uniform is defined as a minimum of shirt, and pants or shorts. • Coaches are responsible for supervision of their teams in the accordance to the rules set by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. o There must be, at all times, at least two AoC compliant individuals at every practice and game. • Scheduled practices and game times, as well as their locations, should be well communicated in advance in order to assure proper supervision is available. • Any violation of these rules, or any other rules or regulations contained in the by-laws, will subject coaches and managers to disciplinary action in accordance with Article IV.
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