TWP Representatives Code of Conduct 1 The Woodfield Project Code of Conduct We know our c ommunity to be supportive of TWP and each other , and n o one likes to be told how to behave. For the avoidance of doubt, however, we set out our expectations below. In this code of conduct: • ‘TWP’ mean s The Woodfield Project (registered charity number 1158644) • This C ode of C onduct applies to all ‘ R epresentatives ’ of TWP : to Trustees, Employees and V olunteers acting on behalf of the charity • a member of the public , or ‘user’, includes anyone v isiting the Woodfield Pavilion, or taking part in TWP activities , or otherwise coming in contact with TWP Representatives. • ‘ the M anager’ means the Woodfield Project Manager who is appointed by the TWP trustees to run the Woodfield Pavilion and the activities based there TWP is set up for the benefit and welfare of the public at large, especially local communit ies in the boroughs of Lambeth and Wandsworth. TWP expect s all Representatives to act in the best interests of th e charity and its charitable objectives which are to provide facilities for recreation and leisure - time activities and to promote the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment of the pavilion. General Code of Conduct • Please be kind and respectful towards all U sers of Woodfield and its Representatives • Please act according to the responsibility you may be given to represent Woodfield • Remember that acting responsibly also means speaking responsibly. • Please t ake concern s about the behaviour of a Representative or U ser to the TWP Manager or, if more appropriate, to the Chair of the Board of Trustees Your Manager may be notified in person or via email: The Chair of TWP may be notified via email: thewoodfieldchair @ • Communication needs to be clear . I f you are delivering a session o r have committed to volunteer you must notify the Manager or the Voluntary L eader of your activity immediately of any change in availability. • Do not accept any gifts, money or other offers of reward from any members of the public. • Tell the Manager, the Leader of your activity, or if more appropriate, the Chair of the Board of Trustees of any conflict of interest with staff or members of the pu blic you work with. TWP Representatives Code of Conduct 2 • If you a r e engaged in work that concerns children (anyone under the age of 18) or vulnerable adults, e nsure you have read TWP’s safeguarding policy , which may be found on our website. • It is your legal duty to r eport any disclosure or concern of abuse of a child or vulnerable adult to the Safeguarding Officer (the TWP Manager) immediately If that is not possible, inform the Chair of the Board of Trustees. • If you are managing an activity or often engaged in TW P work, ensure that you have read and understood TWP’s health and safety policy, which may be found o n our website. If a TWP Representative breaches the codes of conduct set out below in the course of TWP business or activity, they may be given a warning and chance to improve their behaviour. Where the Representative repeatedly fails to follow this Code or commits a serious bre ach of conduct, they will no longer be permitted to work with or for the charity. If there is evidence of criminal behaviour, TWP may also need to report that to the police. Thank you. Chair of Trustees for the Board of Trustees 4 May 2021 Remember th e two main lines of contact: With the Manager and Management Teams, With the Chair and Board of Trustees ,