Special Report 2022 INFERTILITY REPORT An integrative perspective on infertility The Bigger Picture In the typical treatment of infertility, the root causes are not being properly addressed. The most common approach is to look only at hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle while missing the background functions that control those. This approach misses the Step 1 - Know the “Why” in ammation that is commonly behind infertility. Recent Understanding the underlying mechanisms is the rst step to a research points to truly successful treatment strategy. Clinical research has revealed in ammation playing a role in that treating symptoms for too long makes recovery even more nearly all infertility cases. di cult. But why you ask? Egg Damage By not properly addressing root cause(s), the real problem worsens. What’s more so, is the issue that treatment of symptoms The issue with not identifying with medications and the wrong supplements have their own side the type and cause of a ects while altering labs which then makes true discovery of in ammation is that while its the real problem more di cult for an untrained individual to disrupting function in the body reveal. To let you in on a little secret, its never just one problem. is it also damaging the egg quality and diminishing ovarian reserve. This worsens fertility rates and damages the future health of the unborn children. Ovulation LH, which triggers ovulation is disrupted by poor sleep, stress, vitamin D de ciency and in ammation.. 1 ff fl fl fl ffi fl fi ffi fi Special Report 2022 The Role of Insulin The rst place to begin looking is insulin resistance, now you may be saying to yourself ”of course, I knew that insulin was important.” But what you didn’t know is what insulin actually does. Insulin’s role in the body is to conserve energy. Too little insulin causes the body break down, known as catabolism. Too much insulin suppresses thyroid hormone and growth hormone. These are key to hormone balance and fertility. Fatigue after Nutrient Dense Food meals, or getting “hangry” between meals are often symptoms of disrupted insulin levels. Most standard testing isn’t thorough How did we all get so nutrient enough to catch these issues. de cient? That actually has to do with 3 major factors with food Essential = Necessary consumption. Next steps are identifying nutrient de ciencies and 1. Commercially available foods supplementing to get them optimized. It's estimated that 74% of are grown in soils depleted of the U.S. is below the requirements for necessary vitamin D naturally occurring nutrients. intake. This is an essential vitamin, and that means it’s necessary 2. The foods we eat on a regular in order for a normal functioning body. Vitamin D de ciency has basis is limited in variety and been show to cause a disruption in ovulation, implantation and therefore limited in the fertility. Even more so is that it has been linked to miscarriage. diversity of nutrients. This is only one of many essential nutrients. Once de ciencies have been identi ed and addressed, follow up testing is important 3. Our digestive systems are weakened from numerous to be sure that correction has been achieved. causes and cannot properly absorb the already limited nutrients in our foods. As you can imagine, nding truly nutrient dense food to satiate our body and minds is just hard to come by and most of us don’t know the difference. Not surprisingly though, choosing the wrong foods out of frustration actually worsens the problems. So what to do? The rst is to buy organic and shop local farmers markets when possible. The next step, nd out what nutrients you are missing and supplement with just those that you need. 2 fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi
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