Fight or Flights (of fancy?) Things are off-the-hook in Rip City right now, but the 26th is gonna be here in a flash/bang. And the world will be watching. We are going to lose hard every time we try and gang-up against these well- organized ‘Merikans with their police-enforced contingency plans. We’re gonna lose every time, UNLESS, we plan ahead. We don’t need contingency plans, we need to stop scurrying and start collaborating. Ahead of time. Also, we need to outsmart these asshats with our amazingly powerful creativity, because we are not gonna out-weaponize the fascy crew. We activists have a major challenge; Gandhi called it mobocracy. Meaning, our unwillingness to follow leaders or big ideas because they’re not perfect. It is going to leave us with very few options. Chuds are loading their trucks out in Wyoming and down in Arizona, right now, so they can make it here on the 26th. Other scumbags are booking flights and renting trucks so that they can come fuck with us. Not only are they packing heat, they’re bringing extra clips. They already know they’ll have police protection. We better get our shit together! We better come up with way-better plans than what we currently have. Trash-can-shields and exhausted volunteer medics is a bad battle plan. Besides, street fighting emboldens Potus Chump’s re-election bid. If you don’t believe in magic, it doesn’t happen for you. IF we could harness the element of surprise it would be the most powerful weapon in our whole arsenal. Clever people have flipped media narrative before! Can you imagine Portland surprising the whole world with our luscious creativity?
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