1. WELCOME TO ELEVEN GOLD 4 2. ELEVEN GOLD PROJECT OVERVIEW 5 3. WORLD PROBLEMS 6 4. SOLUTIONS 8 5. ELGD TOKENOMICS 10 6. ROADMAPS 11 7. C O N TA C T U S 13 8. CONCLUSIONS 14 Eleven Gold($ELGD)is a charity token, available on ethereum network, created to bring about the change that the world currently requires. ELGDisable to donate to the charity causes, as well as to create the charity campaigns to have a direct impact on the lives of those in need. ELGDprovidesflexibility that allows the public to decide and influence charity campaigns to help people on Earth. Diversifyingways to raise funds and not relying solely on generated taxes are the USPof Eleven Gold. The whitepaper outlines the purpose and the roadmap of ELGDtoken. ELGD’sgoalis to use the power of cryptocurrencies and many other amazing ideas to help people and make a difference, not only by helping temporarily but changing the lives of people and families permanently and helping them build their own futures. The CEOof ELGD,DanielLaudzinski, is a philanthropist based in New York, striving to make an impact on the world. You can check more information regarding the subject on: Elevengoldtoken.com People in the world are facing many problems such as poverty, famine, wars and natural disasters. They lack the time and knowledge to help directly those in need, even if they intend to. There are many websites and other means of philanthropy, but they are not transparent enough to assure the investor that the help is actually reaching those in need. There are many charity projects in the cryptocurrency environment, but most of them are limited to one specific activity or campaign, making it difficult to help people in different parts of the world facing different problems. Non-cryptocurrency charities are doing their best to help people, but most of them face challenges and roadblocks from the governments and bureaucracies, which results in delays and therefore most often people don’t get the necessery help on time, which is crucial. Another problem is that large organizations are often unable to reach smaller towns and parts of the world that the media doesn’t pay attention to. This is one of the reasons why most people in need never get help, even when massive funds flow into charities. According to „Pennies for Charities” report released in 2017,33%of funds raised for charity end up going to fundraisers rather than the charity they are intended to. Another major problem is the direct dependence on „free food or clothing.” Helping people in an emergency is important but giving them free food every day is impossible and makes people dependent on charity for life. The world views profit organizations as villains if their work is based on charity. People who work in charitable organizations must also support their families. A person who dedicates their life to charity cannot „make a life for themselves”, which keeps most professionals from pursuing full time charity work. ELGD’ssolutionstartswith educating the crypto community and society at large about the issues the world is facing and how they can help. Videos,on-the-ground outreach campaigns and events will be part of regular awareness raising activities. Transparency is the key to gaining the trust of the investors and donors. All information will be available on the website and updated on a regular basis. ELGDhas a „Direct Donations” section where someone who wants to help people without buying a token can do so and also be featured on the website. ELGDwillcreate awesome „Golden Angels” NFTsand will sell them to generate funds. In the future ELGDwillhave a dedicated NFT platform. Until then the NFTswill be available at Opensea. Another section of ELGD,isthe „Top 11Donations.” Various cryptocurrency projects will be able to purchase ELGDs,for the sole purpose of charitable giving, and will be placed in this section on the website for the world and their holders to see. ELGDholdersand those wishing to support the campaign will be encouraged to donate items to the project. There These items will be auctioned off on eBay and information will be posted on the website. ELGDalso has a Lucky Draw section. Everymonth three investors will be rewarded with different items and tokens. The winners will be announced on social media and on the website. ELGDwillfocus on creating income opportunities for those in need. Ultimately, an online job portal is to be developed in the future, which will help to ensure that this is not just a temporary support for those in need. ELGDwillwork towards creating new workplaces. Creating small businesses to provide jobs for more people in the poor countries is just one of the ideas the CEOwill work on. Setting up stores and other small businesses and using the resulting funds to reach more people in need will also help people find jobs. Therefore,the project can generate more funds for future charitable campaigns. ELGDwillbe able to build a strong project with the way tokenomics is designed. Name : Eleven Gold Ticker : ELGD Contract : 0x3030A49A6Bc1Fc819a4 88cA208ddb719f2cFa24B Chain : Ethereum Blockchain (ERC20) To t a l S t a r t i n g t o k e n s : 15Quad LP Locked: O n e Ye a r Buy/Sell/Transfer Ta x : 11 % Buy/Hold Limit : 2.5% of Max supply per wallet 2%of all transactions will be given to ELGDholders in the form of rewards. This will incentivize investors for their loyalty to the project and will encourage more cryptocurrency investors to purchase more cryptocurrencies. This will help ELGDraisemore funds for the charitable aspect of the project. 2%of all trades will be added to liquidity. This will help us strengthen the trade and reduce the impact of sales on price as the price increases. 2%of all transactions will be transferred to the donation wallet which will be used to help people and change the world for better. 1%of all transactions will be burned. This will help to raise the price of the token by automatically reducing the circulating supply as the tokens will be traded. 4% on all deals will be allocated to the marketing and development. These funds will be used to work with influencers and develop various tools to help attract more investors. PHASE I PHASE II PHASE III to be announced C R E AT E A M E TA M A S K O R T R U S T WALLET ADD ETH TO YOUR WALLET OPEN UNISWAP AND CONNECT YOUR WALLET FOLLOW THESE STEPS TO ADD TOKEN PA S T E T H E $ E L G D CONTRACT ADDRESS AND CLICK IMPORT S E T T H E S L I P PA G E T O 11 - 1 3 % CHOOSE THE AMOUNT YOU WANT TO EXCHANGE CLICKSWAP TO COMPLETE THE TRANSACTION ELGDteam is available 24x7 on all social media platforms. Reach us if you have an idea for charity, any information of people in need, any query or if you need help buying $ELGD. Committed to charity, we are here to bring about the change to the entire crypto-charity space for good. ELGDisbased in the US,but we aim to serve the entire globe equally. ELGDteam will strive to help people, not just once but to bring a positive change in their lives and make them self-dependent. All this, while being completely transparent.
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