Saturday Evening Mass 6:00 pm Sunday Masses 8:00 am,11:00 am, & 7:30 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday - by appointment Saturday 4:00 - 5:00 pm ONLINE GIVING WEBSITE: 612 East 18th Street • Odessa, Texas 79761 • (432) 332-5334 Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time WORSHIP Mass Intentions Monday : September 7, 2020 Fr. Bernard 11:00 AM Communion Service Tuesday : September 8th, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 11:00 AM Communion Service Wednesday : September 9th, St. Peter Claver A Day to Remember 11:00 AM Communion Service Thursday : September 10, 2020 There is no better way for me to find peace for my 11:00 AM Communion Service soul than to spend time with God. I will attend a Friday : September 11, 2020 Spiritual Retreat on September 7 – 11 at Christ the 10:00 AM Communion Service King Retreat Center in San Angelo. What makes this Saturday : September 12, 2020 retreat very special to my priesthood is that I will be 6:00 PM Mass: In Thanksgiving of Leandra Bernard able to renew my priestly vow at the Chrism Mass. By: Abila Family Sunday : September 13, 2020 This is very unique for me because this Chrism Mass 8:00 AM Mass: +Suzie Mansanales will be celebrated on a Thursday outside the season By: Leroy & Solia & Family of Lent. This is a day that I will always remember. 11:00 AM Mass: Members of the Parish *********************************** Praises of Mary by Legion of Mary Everything through Mary. This is the authentic interpre- Readings for the Week tation of the presence of the Mother of God in the Mys- tery of Christ and the Church, as proclaimed by the Mon. 1 Corinthians 5:1-8, Ps 5:5-7,12, Luke 6:6-11 Chapter VIII of the constitution Lumen Gentium. This Tues. Micah 5:1-4a, Ps 13:6, Matthew 1:1-16,18-23 interpretation corresponds to the tradition of the saints, such as Bernard of Clairvaux, Greignion de Montfort and Wed. 1 Corinthians 7:25-31, Ps 11-12,14-17, Luke 6:20-26 Maximilian Kolbe. Thur. 1 Corinthians 8:1b-7,11-13, Ps 139:1b-3,13-14ab,23-24, Luke John Paul II Fri. 1 Corinthians 9:16-19,22b-27, Ps 84:3-6,12, Luke 6:39-42 Prayer Request for the Sick Sat. 1 Corinthians 10:14-22, Ps 116:112-13,17-18, Luke 6:43-49 Please pray for the following individuals, that they may be healed by the Grace of God: Sun. Sirach 27:30—28:9, Ps 103:1-4,9-12, Romans 14:7-9, Mat- Imelda Sandate, Diane Galindo Salinas, thew 18:21-35 Mary Diane Rios, Michelle Rodriguez, Charlie & Dora Carrasco, David H. Alvarez, Mercy Fierro, Andrew Capen WEEKLY TITHING Offering Envelopes: $ 3,253.00 Ministry Schedule Loose Plates : $ 0,000.00 Online Giving : $ 1,051.00 *There will be no Lectors or Eucharistic Ministers Children’s Basket : $ 00.00 scheduling at this time due to Covid-19.* Total Offerings : $ 4,304.00 Please Note: Kindly use the weekly Offering Envelopes provided so that proper account can be furnished Thank you & God bless you! Income & Expenses August 2020 Income……………………………...… $ 33,504.06 Expenses……………………………….$ 20,202.94 Net Income: $ 13,301.12 View this bulletin online at St. Mary’s Church RELIGIOUS EDUCATION YOUTH Due to Covid-19, all Youth functions will be cancelled until further notice. Youth 2000 We the youth ministry here at St. Stephen’s Announcements from Sr. Marites will be hosting the Youth 2000! We pray ♥ We regret to inform you dear parents that there you, your youth, and volunteers can come will be no in-person or face to face contact for Re- and participate with us. Please keep an eye ligious Education this year (2020-2021). All clas- out sometime in September for registration ses will be conducted through virtual/online and forms. through home based catechesis. When: January 15-17, 2021 ♥ We want to protect you and your children from Where: St. Stephen’s in Midland, TX this pandemic but we will ask for your support to Who: 7th Grade & up facilitate the session at home for both models of More information to come soon via email. Please instruction this year: keep and eye out. Any questions contact: Crystal 1. Online/virtual by catechists who can conduct it Villareal 432-520-7394 or using lessons from the books, suggested activities [email protected] for family with themes. 2. Home-based Catechesis using a packet of pre- pared thematic lessons by our catechists includes: simple celebrations/prayers by family activities for the whole family (Rosary, Thanksgiving, Ad- vent, Christmas, Lent, and others) Sacramental Preparation, topics relevant for faith development. ♥ Registration for Religious Education class for pre- vious students is still open. Please call the office. ♥ Catechists were gathered for their meeting for the discussion of the New Normal Model of teaching. ♥ Meeting of all the parents will be called between September 7-11, 2020. ♥ Start of classes will be First week of October 2020 ♥ Raffle tickets and payment/donations shall be for- warded before October 18, 2020. (Draw Date) For questions or inquires, please call Sister Marites, OND View this bulletin online at St. Mary’s Church ST. MARY’S SCHOOL SERVICE Sacrament of Baptism for 2020 is: Baptism Class Sept. 12, 2020 Sacrament of Baptism Sept. 19, 2020 *Please keep in mind that classes and baptisms might be cancelled or moved when needed. Thank you for your understanding.* Parents must be registered members of St. Mary’s Church. Godparents must have current certificates of the Sacra- ments of Baptism, Confirmation and Marriage in the Catholic Church (if married). If Godparents are from out of town, members of another Catholic Church or attended classes at any other Catholic Church, they must present a letter from their respective pastor stat- ing their membership and class attendance. 2020 Pontifical Good Friday Collection Please Follow SMCCS At the request of Pope Francis the 2020 Pontifical Good Friday Collection is to be Online Giving: taken up September 13, 2020. Remittance Deadline: December 31, 2020. Diocese are requested to remit the funds payable to: Facebook: Commissariat of the Holy Land St. Mary’s Central Catholic School Official 1400 Quincy Street, NE Washington, D.C. 20017 Website: 202-526-6800 KofC Retirement Planning Knights of Columbus Council #3203 invites all parishioners to join them Wednesday September 16, 2020 at 7:00 PM for a virtual Zoom Meeting on Retirement Planning. Guest Speaker is David McKnight, Author, The Power of Zero. For more infor- mation on how to register, contact Joe Jacobo at [email protected] or Greg Dutchover at [email protected]. No Daily Mass There will not be daily Mass, it will be a communion service the week of Sep- tember 7-11, 2020 due to Father going on a retreat in San Angelo. Daily Mass will resume the following week starting September 14, 2020. Please keep Father Bernard in your thoughts and prayers. View this bulletin online at St. Mary’s Church September 6, 2020 SERVICE SERVICE Help for Lebanon Weekend Mass Our brothers and sisters in Lebanon No reservation needed to attend Mass. are suffering after the explosion in the The Mass times are Saturday at 6 pm & capital of Beirut that has caused much Sunday at 8 am & 11 am. For those that death and destruction. Please pray for don't want to attend Mass, you may view Lebanon and her people, asking for it on our Youtube on Saturday at 6 pm & the intercession of Our Lady of Lebanon, patroness Sunday at 11 am. For more information, you may of the country, as well as St. Sharbel, her native Son, give the parish office a call at 432-334-5334. to help preserve the people of that great land. The Maronite Catholic Church is distributing charitable 2020 Diocesan Conference Day assistance to those in need through Caritas Lebanon The annual Diocesan Conference and the St. Vincent de Paul Societies, which are lo- Day will be held October 17, 2020. cated all over Lebanon. Donations can be made by This year it will be a Virtual Confer- check, payable to the Eparchy of Saint Maron of ence. The theme of the day is Nurtur- Brooklyn and mailed to 109 Remsen Street, Brooklyn, ing Families in the Church Today. NY, 11201, or on their website The keynote speaker is Paul E. Jarzembowski, Assis- can-help. tant Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry of Marriage Jubilee 2020 the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. All couples who are celebrating their Secretariat of Laity, church wedding anniversaries of 25, Marriage, Family Life and Youth. This day will fea- 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, and above in the ture keynote presentation and breakout sessions. calendar year of 2020 are invited to Conference Registration with payment the Diocesan Marriage Jubilee bilin- $20.00 before October 2, 2020 gual celebration on Sunday, October 11, 2020 at 2:30 $30.00 after October 2, 2020 P.M. in the Sacred Heart Cathedral in San Angelo. For more information and registration contact the Of- Renewal of their commitment will take place within fice of Evangelization and Catechesis at 325-651- the Mass. Space is limited. Livestreaming will be 7500 or evangelizationcatech- available to those unable to attend in person. For reg- [email protected]. istration information, please contact your pastor. The deadline to register for this celebration is Monday, Act of Spiritual Communion September 29, 2020. My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sac- rament. Holy Cross Catholic HS Crusader Classic I love You above all things, and I desire to receive Join us for the Crusader Classic Golf Tournament You into my soul. benefiting Holy Cross Catholic High School at Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramen- Ranchland Hills Golf Club on October 2. tally, come at least spiritually into my heart. Now registering teams. Sponsorship opportunities I embrace You as if You were already there also available. Register at and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen. -EWTN Upcoming Special Collections September 13th: Building Fund September 27th: Diocesan Seminarian Education October 4th: Peters Pence View this bulletin online at View Our Parish Supporters at For Advertising Information CALL 1-800-633-1122 TRUCK ACCESSORIES est. 1991 A Divison of The originAl DenT shop For Booking inFo Bert: 559-6797 Teresa: 559-2134 Office: 381-9378 • W. University & 1936 FM, Ste. 170 www.far Bert & Teresa Jimenez, Owners/Parishioners 12200 W. I-20 E. Online at Office:563-2266 Request Line: 617-1013 Jose B. Benigno Medical Clinic, P.A. Pediatrics and Internal Medicine 432•367•4817 Jose B. Benigno, M.D. 115 W 42nd St. Odessa, TX 79764 5121 © 2020 DIOCESAN
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