Yonker‘ Free Pre‘‘ THURSDAY MARCH 12, 2020 - BRIAN HARROD PUBLISHER Dr. Ammir Rabadi say that over the last two weeks he has encountered many patients with concerns they may have been exposed to CoVID19 and so far St Johns and St Josephs Hospital has not had one positive case. What To Do If breath? Keep in contact with your pri- 4. Are you immune compromised mary health care provider or call St You Are Exposed (low immune system from medica- Johns Hospital’s Corona Virus Team tions or diseases that lower you de- at 914-964-4706. To CoVID-19 fense system)? Do Not Go To The Emergency Dr. Rabadi has explained that Room! By BRIAN HARROD over the last two weeks he has en- "I have been able to speak to the countered many patients with con- patients keep them home and talk to cerns they may have been exposed to them multiple times daily to reassure Noted and respected Yonkers CoVID19 and so far St Johns and St them," Dr Rabbadi said. Physician Dr. Ammir Rabadi says Josephs Hospital has not had one pos- "While quarantined if the symp- you should not go to the emergency itive case. toms of fever, cough, shortness of room, but instead should call your “We have had several suspected breath and headache increases that health care provider immediately if cases however, they have been mostly patient is brought into the office for you think that you may have been ex- other viral syndromes such as In- a nasal swab screening." posed to the coronavirus. fluenza A and B, Parainfluenza and The screening tool is a nasal swab He says your health care provider respiratory Syncyctial Viruses,” Dr that checks for multiple viruses and should be already familiar with the Rabadi added. the CoVID19. You should call your questioner on how to evaluate pa- Dr. Rabadi also went over the primary health care provider prior to tients with possible CoVid19. guidelines for patients that feel they arrange a private isolated room so 1. Have you been traveling re- have the CoVID19 you are not in the waiting room with cently? (China, Iran, Italy, Korea) “If you have been exposed to other patients and possibly infected The countries have increased daily. someone with the virus or if you trav- them. 2. Has anyone with a positive eled to the suspected countries you If the symptoms worsen then you CoVid19 diagnosis exposed to you? should quarantine yourself. are directed to the emergency room 3. Have you had fevers, That means stay home and away to a private isolated room for workup headaches, cough with shortness of from your family. and treatment. Yonkers Free Press THURSDAY MARCH 12, 2020 - BRIAN HARROD PUBLISHER 2 All of these actions should be done provider call St Johns Hospital’s cri- If you see someone with symptoms in coordination with your primary sis Corona team at 914-964-4706. report them. physician. Dr. Rabadi also states, “ it is Lastly Dr Rabadi added, “Please So, in summary call your doctor! inevitable that over the next several take this seriously, the CoVID19 is They are trained on how to deal days there will be a positive case in not like the Flu because the Flu has with this. Yonkers.” Prevention is Important a Vaccine, CoVID19 does not” Do not go to the emergency room Hand sanitizing If you have any questions Dr. until you speak to your health care Clean all surfaces Rabadi’s clinic is located at 656 provider. Avoid Hand to face contact Yonkers Avenue in Yonkers and the If you do not have a health care Avoid large crowdsmeetings phone number is (914) 476-8855
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