DRAFT Food Response Model Purpose of the Model As Manchester has a dense and ageing population with existing health issues, Covid - 19 is expected to hit the city region particularly hard. Add to this the high levels of poverty and deprivation with families already struggling with food poverty there will be extremely high levels of need in terms of the provision of food, especially to those who have to self - isolate, who are in financial hardship or simply cannot access the provision they need to live Existing food banks, food clubs/pantries and meal providers are already noticing an increase in requests for supplies and whilst overall food stocks are not an issue at present, the ongoing supply of food is not guaranteed so this could become an issue. Whilst food is provided at no charge currently if free stocks diminish there is the possibility that further supplies could be bought in order to ensure service continuity. In terms of getting food to residents this is becoming more problematic for a ran ge of reasons. • Many use community venues which are closing • Social distancing means that drop in sessions are no longer appropriate • Changing community needs mean that there is a lack of clarity as to the areas on which to focus mobile deliveries. • Volunteer / staff numbers reducing due to fear or self isolation, which impacts on the ability to distribute food and open community facilities • Distribution models may be more resource intensive (vehicles and volunteers) As the severity of the situation is developing, a multitude of stakeholders have responded in a variety of different ways in order to ensure the most vulnerable are supported. These responses have been invaluable, but a more strategic and coordinated response could help to maximise the impac t of increasing limited resources. Overarching Principles • Hub and Spoke model working across GM (3 levels - GM, LA and Neighbourhoods) • Partnership approach • Strategic local coordination with MCC as lead (cross service task force established) • Builds on existing food bank infrastructure in terms of both supply and demand • Agile to respond to changing needs across the city • Supports upscaling in response to demand • Supports with attraction and deployment of resources The Model It is essential that the model does not duplicate existing resources and builds on the current and well established infrastructure. The needs of the system will vary and therefore roles required will likely change over time. A Hub and Spoke Model could however add value in the following areas: GM 1. Provide a basic quality assurance system for food providers - co - ordinate communications to VCSE and food providers around food safety, food preparation principles 2. Liaise with DEFRA/NHS and national charities (Fareshare, Trussell Trust, Red Cross) and other as per emerging government guidance see 21/3/2020 3. Provide support to LA resilience teams to manage supply and demand of food/meals and identify unmet need 4. Provide a basic quality assurance system of food providers 5. M anage a shared register of resources Local Authority Level 1. Co - ordination of offers of support from local the business community and support with the management of a shared register of resources (incl. suitable storage / prep space) 2. Attraction, screening and deployment of volunteers 3. Supporting Food Safety 4. Develop clear ref erral pathways into food provision as part of welfare support 5. Providing intelligence to support the identification of the most in need 6. Support with the management of supply and demand of food/meals and identify unmet need 7. Coordinate communications to VCSE and food providers around food safety, food preparation principles 8. Development of a funding model to support increase in supply as required LA solutions LA solutions may vary depending on alignment with existing infrastructure and resources av ailable. For Manchester this could look like: 1. Co - ordination of local offers of support from local the business community and support with the management of a shared register of resources (incl. suitable storage / prep space) • Establishment of a web form to sit on the website in Covid related pages • Business support to oversee a central resource log • Offers to be communicated through sharing platform to ‘approved’ food response organisations • Brokerage to take place • E HO support in terms of verification of suitability of donations, premises, vehicles Manchester Central already identified. Potential to also access Etihad facilities and School catering facilities? 2 Attraction, screening and deployment of volunteers • Deploym ent of suitably skilled council staff to be prioritised due to concerns about volunteer verification and training • Volunteer safeguarding protocols in place • Link to the MACC GM volunteer platform • Flexible workforce availability to be communicated to ‘approv ed’ food response organisations • Brokerage to take place 3. Supporting Food Safety • COVID Food standards in development • EHO approval required • Comms to roll out across all organisations involved and commitment to adhere sought before support is accepted. 4. Develop clear referral pathways into food provision as part of welfare support • Link to community offer and Free school Meals provision • Centralised referral model / single contact number • Orders to be made by community support organisations not individuals • Daily orders to be forwarded to appropriate providers based on intelligence (linked to management of supply and demand across LA area) ** need to identify trusted triage organisations - R Ps, Housing Solutions, etc etc. 5. Providing intelligence to support the identification of the most in need • Population level data to build on referral intelligence and community insight • Housing Providers phone triage intelligence • Analysis to be updated wee kly • Ward level data distributed to key stakeholders • Forecasting data to inform supply and demand (number 6) 6. Support with the management of supply and demand of food/meals and identify unmet need • Central order system - orders sent daily to providers (Gro ceries / Meals / Mixed) • Referral volumes and intelligence used to inform estimated demand and prioritisation of need • Communication channel established with food response organisations • Immediate escalation into Covid governance as required 7. Coordinate communications to VCSE and food providers around food safety, food preparation principles • Comms campaign developed with EHO and neighbourhood insight 8. Development of a funding model to support increase in supply as required • Funding requirement s to be informed by demand needs • External funding opportunities maximized • L inks to Free school meals provision / vouchers explored • Request for internal funding to be made available if required. Next Steps • S eek approval to progress • Analysis of GM Poverty Action Survey at a local level • Communication with partners to help inform which support is immediately required • Volunteer safeguarding advice to be sought • Trusted triage organisations list to be drawn up (requires input from neighbou rhoods) • Order Spec to be agreed • Food Response Leads to speak to co - opted officers and ask them to work up relevant area - pulling together single action plan • Establishment of a central email address - food.response@ borough .gov.uk (?) and phone number • GDPR / data sharing considered • Email Bulletin group set up • Comms messaging and sharing platforms to be put in place • Open Manchester and Manchester Central to pilot upscaling of cook, chill, distribute meal o ffer and other large scale mass catering facilities