CONTAM iNATION CIRCLE CITY FAILURE PROTOCOL 001 #BECAUSE #OF #YOU “They go I sooth and we flow & make no sound here or there take it in Not noticed, but I walk right through Here or there, can you feel me?” Once upon a time, there was a place of golden mountains and strawberry clouds. 10/30/2019 HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=DPLQ4WBL0AM HASHTAGS VIDEO DESCRIPTION (11/26/2019) #Because #of #you Can anyone please introduce the alpha-line, per line, always cued excitedly?1 FIRST LINE CODE • Capitalplace1 Every day takes me further and further away from you, yet I know there is still more time for us together. Do you remember that NAVAJO CODE time with the screw-gun? Actually it was probably about 100 time I absolutely love it when haha.A you guys give love to • Erik Why are you still waiting around? I’ll be coming for you when I’m ready anyways.a REVERSE AUDIO • Audio reversed sings: My time to shine, “On my own, I blow the the sound will help with the view. ashes” #Because #of #you. • COORDINATES “Tkin tse-nill toish-jeh klesh ne-ahs-jah nash-doie-tso no-da-ih 0:14 Timestamp than-zie ah-nah dibeh-yazzie tsah-as-zih dibeh-yazzie a-kha 39.705870, -86.153725 a-keh-di-glini dzeh a-chi than-zie gloe-ih cha dzeh tsah tsah-as- (Capital Place zih ne-ahs-jah no-da-ih jeha no-da-ih tsah-as-zih klesh jeha a-chi a-keh-di-glini ah-nah dibeh-yazzie tlo-chin a-keh-di-glini dzeh than-zie a-kha dzeh gah yeh-hes klizzie-yazzie.” #Not #The #Deputy “Twilight Racer II: Final Cargo 39.704568 -86.14891” ...and it was as Treacherous as it was Beautiful. 11/04/2019 HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=DGXQFE9INAW FIRST LINE CODE VIDEO DESCRIPTION (11/26/2019) JPSCHNATTER1 Just Please Say Cheese? Hope Never Acquiesces To Those Escaping Reality1 NAVAJO CODE • WE DON’T KNOW IF There was that one time when those kids got in my way, so I scooted HE WAS HERE TO quick to dodge. I ended up getting stung by the scorpion and my TOW IT BECAUSE OF back hurt for weeks. You said it could be worse.B A PASS, IF IT WAS ARE • POSSESSION OR IF IT Something’s fishy is going on here.b WAS BROKEN DOWN • AND THEY CALLED “Gloe-ih Ah-jah Chindi A-kha Nesh-chee’d-ah Jad-ho-loni A-chin HIM HERE TO HAVE IT Ne-ahs-jah Gloe-ih A-chi Chuo Lin Ah-jah Gloe-ih Be-la-sana Dibeh TOWED. Tse-gah Ah-nah Dah-nes-tsa Ah-jah Than-zie Ne-ahs-jah D-ah Ne-ahs-jah Gloe-ih A-chi A-woh Shush Dzeh Ba-goshi Wol-la-chee FLASHING LINK Shi-da Klesh Dzeh A-kha Chuo Tse-nill Bi-so-dih Be-la-sana Klesh Link hidden in flashes in Klesh, A-chi Ma-e A-chi D-ah Gloe-ih Tse-nill Klesh Wol-la-chee Dah- two parts. nes-tsa Ah-jah Bi-so-dih Ne-ahs-jah Dibeh Dibeh Ah-jah Dibeh Klesh A-chi Ne-ahs-jah Tsah Tlo-chin Dah-nes-tsa A-chi Chuo Yeh-hes COORDINATES Than-zie Gloe-ih Tse-nill Dibeh Shush Dah-nes-tsa Ne-ahs-jah Jad- 0:10 Timestamp ho-loni Ah-jah Nesh-chee Chindi Tlo-chin Gloe-ih A-chin Be-la-sana 39.704568, -86.14891 Tsah Be D-ah Lin Ah-nah Tsah-as-zih Ba-goshi Be-la-sana Ah-jad Ah- (Coordinates point to an jad Ah-jah Chindi Lin A-chi Be-tas-tni Cha Dzeh Gah Ah-nah A-woh intersection adjacent to Ne-ahs-jah Tse-gah Be-la-sana A-keh-di-glini Ah-nah Yeh-hes A-woh Pizza Hut.) A-woh A-kha Gloe-ih Dzeh Lha-cha-eh.”#not #the #deputy investigators-believe-murder
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