Call Flow Guide Opening : Thank you for calling Intoxalock! You are speaking with/to (Pseudo name) . May I have your First and Last name please? After the Customer tells you his/her name Thank you, could you also let me know if any of your contact information has changed since the last time you called us? Probe : Thank you. How May I Help you today? Restate the customers' query : So, you are calling about .......... is this correct? (Hold Procedure : Use "Hold" when researching.) Hold - May I place you on hold for a minute or two while I research this issue? (Wait for the Customer to say ok) Refresh Hold: Thank you for Waiting, I am still researching, may I place you on hold for a little longer? (Wait for the Customer to say ok) Release Hold : Thank you for holding Restate what you did for the customer : Today we helped you with ..................... (Example: Today we helped you with setting up an appointment with your service center) Pre Closure : Is there anything else I can help you with? Closing : Thank you for calling Intoxalock! Before you hang-up, please stay on the line for a quick touch dial survey. It will only take 30 seconds. Have a great day!