Shijiazhuan g Keqi n Tradin g Co. , Ltd MSDS for Foot Pad **** MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET **** Foot Pad **** SECTION 1 - CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION **** MSDS Name: Dr. Entre's Turmeric & Ginger Detox Foot Pads Company Identification : Shijiazhuang Keqin Trading Co., Ltd. Huaian East Road 161, Yuhua District, shijiazhuang ,Hebei China. Tel: +86 - 13733841975 Email: **** SECTION 2 - COMPOSITION, INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS **** COMPOSITION CAS NO. WEIGHT % Bamboo/wood vinegar powder 8030 - 97 - 5 /64 - 19 - 7 70% Tourmaline 1317 - 93 - 7 3% Menthol(peppermint) 84082 - 70 - 2 3% Vitamine E 2074 - 53 - 5 2% Bamboo charcoal 1333 - 86 - 4 5% Platycodon 9004 - 34 - 6 2% Ginger powder 97660 - 01 - 0/8007 - 01 - 0 15% **** SECTION 3 - HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION **** EMERGENCY OVERVIEW This product is a manufactured article, not a substance or preparation. Under normal condition, this product is not considered to be hazardous. The packing paper is flammable when contact with high temperature, open fire. Potential Health Effects Eye: When packing paper broken, the dust may causes irritation and mechanical injure to eye. Skin: When packing paper broken, the dust may causes skin irritation. Ingestion: Shijiazhuan g Keqi n Tradin g Co. , Ltd Under normal condition, ingestion seems to be impossible. When ingestion, may cause gastroi ntestinal irritation with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Low hazardous for usual industrial handling. Inhalation: Under normal condition, Inhalation seems to be impossible. When packing paper broken, the dust may cause respiratory tract irritation. Low haz ardous for usual industrial handling. Chronic: No information found. **** SECTION 4 - FIRST AID MEASURES **** Eyes: Flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids. Get medical aid. Skin: Get medica l aid. Flush skin with plenty of soap and water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Ingestion: Get medical aid. Wash mouth out with water. Inhalation: Remove from exposure to fresh air immediately. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Notes to Physician: **** SECTION 5 - FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES **** Specific hazards: Packing paper is flammable when contact with high temperature, open fire. Auto - lgnition Temperature: N.A. Flash point: N.A. Explosive Limits: N.A. Hazardous decomposition materials (under fire condition): Carbon Monoxide, Carbon dioxide including sodium oxide Suitable extinguishing media: Foam, water spray, dry chemical powder, carbon dioxide, Specific methods: Fire - extinguishing work is done from the windward and the suitable fire - extinguishing method according to the surrounding situation is used. Uninvolved persons should evacuate to a safe p lace. In case of fire in the surroundings: Remove movable containers if safe to do so. Shijiazhuan g Keqi n Tradin g Co. , Ltd Special protective equipment for firefighters: Proper protective equipment including breathing apparatus must be worn when approaching a fire in a confined space. **** S ECTION 6 - ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES **** Avoid contact with spilled or released material. For guidance on selection of personal protective equipment see Chapter 8 of this Material Safety Data Sheet. See Chapter 13 for information on disposal. Observe th e relevant local and international regulations. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures: Use extra personal protective equipment. Keep people away from and upwind of spill/leak. Ensure adequate ventilation. Entry to noninvolved personnel should be controlled around the leakage area by roping off, etc. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Environmental precautions: Use appropriate containment to avoid environmental contamination. Prev ent from spreading or entering drains, ditches or rivers. Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up: Gather them carefully. Avoid generating dust. Sweep up in a chemical waste container. Flush residual area with copious amounts of water. Additi onal Advice: Fire - extinguishing devices should be prepared in case of a fire. Local authorities should be advised if significant spillages cannot be contained. **** SECTION 7 - HANDLING and STORAGE **** Handling: Avoid breathing dust, vapor, mist, or gas. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Storage: Store in a cool, dry place. Store in a tightly closed container. **** SECTION 8 - EXPOSURE CONTROLS, PERSONAL PROTECTION **** Engineering Controls: Shijiazhuan g Keqi n Tradin g Co. , Ltd No special requirements. Exposure limits: No data available Personal Protective Equipment Eyes/face protection: Safety glasses. Skin and body protection: Appropriate protective clothing, gloves and shoes. Hand protection: Rubber or other chemically resistant gloves. Respirators protection: Respirator for protection against particles. **** SECTION 9 - PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES **** Physical appearance(20 °C ): Gary or grayish - brown, powder Odor Sour Odor threshold No data available Ph No data available Boiling point/range No data available Melting point/range No data available Flash Point Explosion Limits No data available Lower No data available Upper No data available Ignition Temperature No data available Vapour Pressure No data available Vapour Density No data available Density No data available Solubility Soluble in water. **** SECTION 10 - STABILITY AND REACTIVITY **** Chemical Stability: Stable under normal temperatures and pressures. Conditions to Avoid: Excess heat, ignition sources, incompatible materials. Incompatible materials: Strong oxidizing agents, strong reducing agents, strong acids, strong bases. Shijiazhuan g Keqi n Tradin g Co. , Ltd Hazardous Decomposition Products: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide. Hazardous Polymerization: Will no t occur. **** SECTION 11 - TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION **** Acute Toxicity No data available Skin corrosion/irritation Expected to be slightly irritating. Serious eye damage/irritation Expected to be slightly irritating. Respiratory irritation Inhalation of vapours or mists may cause irritation. Respiratory or skin sensitization Not expected to be a skin sensitizer. Aspiration Hazard No data available Germ cell mutagenicity No data available Carcinogenicity No data available IARC = No data available NTP = No data available Reproductive toxicity No data available **** SECTION 12 - ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION **** Ecotoxicity No data available Persistence/degradability No data available Bioaccumulative potential(BCF) No data available Mobility in soil No data available **** SECTION 13 - DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS **** Dispose of in a manner consistent with federal, state, and local regulations. **** SECTION 14 - TRANSPORT INFORMATION **** IATA Not regulated as a hazardous material. IMDG Not regulated as a hazardous material. RID/ADR Not regulated as a hazardous material. DOT(US) Not regulated as a hazardous material. Shijiazhuan g Keqi n Tradin g Co. , Ltd **** SECTION 15 - REGULATORY INFORMATION **** European/International Regulations European Labeling in Accordance with EC Directives Hazard Symbols: Not applicable Risk Ph rases: R 36 Irritating to eyes. Safety Phrases: S 25 Avoid contact with eyes. Shijiazhuang Keqin Trading Co., Ltd. **** SECTION 16 - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION **** MSDS Creation Date: Aug 9 th , 20 2 1 The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, we make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express o r implied, with respect to such information, and we assume no liability resulting from its use. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for their particular purposes. In no way shall the company be liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any third party or for lost profits or any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, howsoever arising, even if the company has been advised of the possibility of such damages.