EASY COVID 19 TREATMENT ... "I haven't sent my patients to intensive care for months" DR.ORHAN KARA Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Specialist Twitter @orhan34441 Translated in english by @Orion26393508 ADVICE FOR COVID-19 PATIENTS-1 ; Things to pay attention to after you have been diagnosed with COVID 19 : Severe-Covid 19 is a medical complication that arises from the gastrointestinal system. It should be treated immediately with similar methods as in cases of acute diarrhea. Prolonged constipation and intestinal gas is a life-threatening problem and must be treated immediately. If you cannot relieve your constipation and intestinal gas problem with food and other alternative measures, your doctor should prescribe laxative and other appropriate drugs. At the end of the week, you may encounter breathing issues due to lymph fluid accumulation in your lungs. This vital condition is called pneumonia. It occurs when the right treatment is not applied at the beginning of the disease. Drink Liquids ; Start drinking all kinds of liquids as quickly as possible. Never shy away from normal drinking water or mineral water. The number one reason why seniors are so vulnerable is that they don't drink enough due to fear of frequent urination. Another reason seniors are vulnerable is the decreased regeneration capacity of intestinal cells. Try to overcome this with natural nutrition. Yogurt, if your blood pressure is normal, should be consumed with a bit of salt. Ayran, a Turkish drink made with water and yogurt, is also advised. Kefir, yellow apricot compote, thyme +lemon tea, mint +lemon tea, all kind of soup ( especially made from bones, rumen, offal ) should be consumed. Don't ever drink ready-made fruit juices. Don't drink liquids after 18:00 if possible. If you continue drinking liquids late at night, it may cause you cronic coughing which leads to sleep deprivation. All of this reduces your overall strength while you are already in a fighting of disease. Physiological saline solution administration ; At least 1000 cc daily for 5 days is advised for everyone. Go to nearest medical center or have it at your home if possible.No pre condition is required to start the intake of solution . Ventilation ; Thinking that you have already contracted the disease and therefore neglect the need to get fresh air , is a big mistake. You continuously exhail the virus in your room and reinhail it. This is a self-infection process you may not be aware of. Your condition will aggravate day after day. This is the foremost reason why mild symptoms turn into heavy ones. Patients mustn't neglect to ventilate properly their quarters. Fresh air is the most important precaution to not re-infect yourself. All windows of the house should be open as much as possible. The windows should be left open two-finger wide when you sleep at night. Paranasal Sinus Cleaning; You should clean your nasal sinus 5-6 times with lots of clean water, during the day and especially at night before you sleep ; Blow out your nose strongly and drain it. The virus finds its way to your body breathing in and out via your nose and mouth. At first, the virus dwells in your sinus cavity and then reproduces in the secretions that reside there. Blowing your nose out expels these secretions that are infected with the virus in your sinuses. Otherwise, during the day and especially at night when you swallow as a reflex, your infected secretion is sent to your stomach and intestine. As a result, your condition aggravates. Physical activity; Physical activity is an indispensable part of treatment. Be in constant motion. Have a regular job or activity that keeps you busy day long. Do some light head, neck, shoulder, arm, and whole-body exercises every hour. Keep doing it till you have fully recovered. Sleep; Don't sleep daytime. Sleep at 23:00 if possible. Don't sleep on your back. Sleep lying face down and try to have a good sleep as much as possible. Sleep position is a part of your treatment. Laying face down facilitates infected lymphatic secretion in your lung to be cleaned and expelled, thus accelerates recovery. A normal daily sleep pattern keeps your hormonal balance in check, helps to heal. Constipation and Intestinal gases; Constipation in the beginning is a sign of a bad underlying health condition that could lead to loss of life. It shows up after a hardly noticed diarrhea. It's a high probability that you recognize a bit late that you have an on- going constipation condition. Don't ever think that it's because of your loss of appetite and therefore you don't need to go to the toilet. Try to be aware of your possible constipation . Take some precautions against constipation; Consume mixing a dish of yogurt + apricot jam + a spoonful of black cumin day and night. Consume plenty of yellow apricot compote. Keep yourself busy and be active. Activity protects against constipation. Inactivity promotes it. If you can't get over constipation by yourself, you might need to start using Lactulose and other anti intestinal gas medicine prescribed by your doctor as soon as possible. Having too many gastrointestinal gas issues might indicate hidden constipation. Demand anti-gas medicine from your doctor if you have such discomfort. Otherwise, the rising gas pressure in the intestines might lead you to have breathing difficulties. Nutrition; Avoid foods like bread, rice, nuts, fresh milk that might cause excessive intestinal gas problems. Consume salad with cider vinegar. Last words ; Severe -Covid 19 is a medical complication that starts from the stomach – intestinal axis in the human body. You might start to have breathing difficulties within a week of illness time. Pneumonia is a complication, not an illness itself. If the illness is controlled early, no pneumonia develops afterward. Give attention above mentioned bits of advice starting from day one.
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