Neal Kramer 835 East St.Chatsworth, GA 30705 (+1) 678-945-3015 | [email protected] Education LAFAYETTE COLLEGE Easton, PA B.S. iN COMPUTER ENGiNEERiNG AND MATHEMATiCS ‑ EXPECTED August. 2018 ‑ May. 2022 • GPA 4.0 / 4.0 scale Coursework: • Introduction to Computer Systems • Data Structures and Algorithms • Applied Linear Algebra • Microprocessor Systems • Digital Circuits and Systems • Multivariate Calculus • Microelectronic Circuits • Linear Circuit Theory • Mechanics I Skills Programming Python, Java, C/C++, MATLAB, HTML, CSS Technology ROS, Android Studio, LaTeX, Raspberry Pi Operating System Windows, Linux Languages Fluent in English, Intermediate in French Experience RESEARCH LAB Lafayette College, Easton, PA RESEARCH ASSiSTANT January. 2019 ‑ Present • Developed an experimental setup to test implementation of haptic feedback on a user‑controlled hexapod • Led a study which alters haptic feedback to find the threshold for acceptable haptic feedback error in robot‑assisted minimally invasive surgery [RMIS] ENGiNEERiNG DEPARTMENT Lafayete College, Easton, PA TEACHiNG ASSiSTANT January. 2020 ‑ Present • Conduct weekly workshops to help students troubleshoot problems • Provide detailed feedback to students and work with Professors to facilitate a better learning environment Projects HEXAPOD GAiT SiMULATiON • Designed a simulation of gait locomotion for a hexapod using the Geomagic Touch haptic device as input • Incorporated communication between Windows and Linux, and mapped gait trajectories to the haptic device motion FORCE FEEDBACK EVALUATiON ON RMIS • Simulated a tissue as a deformable object and systematically degraded force feedback to the user • Evaluated, through a preliminary user study, acceptable degree of error in magnitude and orientation of force in RMIS FiREFiGHTiNG ROBOT • Built a autonomous firefighting robot to participate in a Firefighting Contest Leadership INSTiTUTE OF ELECTRiCAL AND ELECTRONiCS ENGiNEERS ROBOTiCS AND AUTOMATiON SOCiETY Lafayette College, Easton, PA PRESiDENT August. 2019 ‑ Present • Volunteer in events that promote STEM education in women and encourage robotics in high‑school environment • Hold various industry panels to expose students to job opportunities after graduation COMPUTER SCiENCE CLUB Lafayette College, Easton, PA TREASURER September. 2020 ‑ Present • Run workshops every week that exposes students to aspects of CS programming, like HTML and CSS • Coordinate efforts to retains students in the CS department Honors & Awards 2018‑2019 Deans’ Scholar, Lafayette College Easton, PA 2018‑2020 Faculty Honors, Lafayette College Easton, PA 2019 Davis Scholar, Lafayette College Easton, PA Selected Publications (Random for anonymity) [2] R. C. O. Locke and R. V. Patel, ”Optimal Remote Center‑of‑Motion Location for Robotics‑Assisted Minimally‑Invasive Surgery,” Pro‑ ceedings 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Roma, 2007, pp. 1900‑1905 [1] J. Antonio Estrada et al., ”RF‑Harvesting Tightly Coupled Rectenna Array Tee‑Shirt With Greater Than Octave Bandwidth,” in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 68, no. 9, pp. 3908‑3919, Sept. 2020, doi: 10.1109/TMTT.2020.2988688. OCTOBER 30, 2020 NEAL KRAMER · RESUME
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