My Name 1 Imaginary Land, Imagination XX 12345 • (XXX) XXX-XXXX • [email protected] • EXPERIENCE Startup Company Location 1 Machine Learning Engineer September 2018 - Present ● Developed the first neural network in production that extracted patient characteristics from medical abstracts using Pytorch ● Lead the entire project lifecycle to create a neural network that detected specific key words in medical texts ● Optimized and deployed ML models in production to efficiently process millions of PubMed abstracts using distributed AWS instances ● Updated and maintained the Research Department's ML pipeline workflow and framework using AWS, Python, Pytorch Lightning, Docker, and AllenNLP ● Responsible for developing the data structure and annotation standard for every ML project in the research department ● Took the initiative to build the company's first in-house annotation tool using Python, Javascript, Node.js, and Flask ● Implemented automated tools to simplify the annotation process and monitor annotation quality, increasing annotation quality by about 50% ● Managed a team of 7-10 freelance annotators and interns ● Interfaced with clients to ensure that the company delivers the desired data College Location 2 Remote Laboratory and Research Support June 2018 - August 2018 ● Created a working, low-cost vision system that can locate the electric vehicle’s charging door and identify if it is open or closed with an accuracy exceeding 90% ● Implemented an original algorithm that used both object detection neural networks and image processing techniques to extract key features of the charging door College Location 3 Research Assistant May 2016 - May 2018 ● Developed an original, intelligent algorithm that reduced parking search times by 50% in Java for Ford Motor Company under Dr. Bert Bras ● Implemented an automated software testing system that can quickly evaluate algorithm performance Research Company Location 4 Mechanical and Mechatronics Systems Laboratory Research Intern May 2017 - August 2017 ● Developed a machine vision algorithm that classifies surfaces by roughness using decision trees in scikit-learn and neural networks in Keras ● Created the front-end and back-end of an application that is able to classify surfaces in real time ● Sped up training data collection by over 20x by implementing a K-means clustering algorithm in MATLAB to pick high-quality training data SKILLS Programming: Python, Javascript, C/C++, Bash (Linux Shell Scripting) Frameworks/Packages: NumPy, Pandas, scikit-learn, Pytorch, Pytorch Lightning, AWS Web Services, MySQL, Docker, MATLAB, Tensorflow, Node.js, Flask, Git, Jupyter, Weights and Biases PUBLICATIONS List of 4 publications in APA format (completely removed to conceal privacy) EDUCATION College Location Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering January 2016 - May 2018 ● GPA: 4.00/4.00 ● Major Area: Control Systems & Mechatronics ● Minor Area: Computational Science & Engineering Bachelor of Science in Nuclear and Radiological Engineering August 2013 - May 2017 ● GPA: 3.85/4.00
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