www.certfun.com PDF Developer Professional 1 Useful Study Guide & Exam Questions to Pass the UiADP Exam UiPath Exam Certfun.com www.certfun.com PDF Developer Professional 1 How to Earn the UiADP UiPath Certified Professional Automation Developer Professional (UiADP) Certification on Your First Attempt? Earning the UiPath UiADP certification is a dream for many candidates. But, the preparation journey feels difficult to many of them. Here we have gathered all the necessary details like the syllabus and essential UiADP sample questions to get to the UiPath Certified Professional Automation Developer Professional (UiADP) certification on the first attempt. www.certfun.com PDF Developer Professional 2 UiADP Developer Professional Summary: Exam Name UiPath Certified Professional Automation Developer Professional (UiADP) Exam Code UiADP Exam Price $300 (USD) Duration 120 mins Number of Questions 60 Passing Score 70% Books / Training Automation Developer Professional Learning Plan Schedule Exam Pearson VUE Sample Questions UiPath UiADP Sample Questions Practice Exam UiPath UiADP Certification Practice Exam Let ’ s Explore the UiPath UiADP Exam Syllabus in Detail: Topic Details Advanced Data Manipulation - Use LINQ for Lists and DataTables. - Perform DateTime manipulation to parse dates, add or subtract time and convert to and from string type. - Use Invoke Method and Invoke Code in projects. Debugging - Perform remote Debugging when building automation projects. Advanced UI Automation - Use AI Computer Vision features in projects. - Automate virtual environments using Remote Runtime. - Build UI Automation using Web Driver. Advanced Control Flow - Describe the components of State Machines and when they should be used in projects. - Build projects using State Machines. REFramework - Explain the use of the REFramework and the Dispatcher and Performer / Producer and Consumer model. - Describe the mechanisms of the REFramework template. - Use Custom Log Fields in REFramework projects. - Build a REFramework project with Orchestrator queues. - Build a REFramework transactional project with tabular data. - Adapt a REFramework project to a linear process. - Test a REFramework projects with and without Orchestrator queues. Orchestrator - Use Tenant Entities (Webhooks, Alerts) and Folder Entities (Triggers, Credential Stores). - Use features for unattended automations (use of folders and job priorities, separation between background and foreground processes, license allocation per machine). - Use Orchestrator monitoring features. www.certfun.com PDF Developer Professional 3 RPA Testing - Create and use basic and data-driven RPA test cases. - Use the Test Explorer Panel to group tests together, perform debugging, or analyze activity coverage. - Use Mock Testing. Advanced Topics in Automation - Topics covered in the Automation Developer Associate Exam in more depth Experience the Actual Exam Structure with UiPath UiADP Sample Questions: Before jumping into the actual exam, it is crucial to get familiar with the exam structure. For this purpose, we have designed real exam-like sample questions. Solving these questions is highly beneficial to getting an idea about the exam structure and question patterns. For more understanding of your preparation level, go through the UiADP practice test questions. Find out the beneficial sample questions below - Answers for UiPath UiADP Sample Questions 01. What is the name of the state(s) where the TransactionItem variable is used, in the context of a Performer process that uses the Robotic Enterprise Framework template and Orchestrator queues? a) Get Transaction Data and Process Transaction. b) Process Transaction. c) Initialization and Get Transaction Data. d) Process Transaction and End Process. e) Initialization and End Process. Answer: a 02. In UiPath Orchestrator Monitoring, which feature allows you to centrally analyze the performance and efficiency of your automation processes across multiple components, such as Robots, Machines, Queues, and Jobs? a) Execution Logs b) Asset Management c) Version Control d) Insights Dashboard Answer: d www.certfun.com PDF Developer Professional 4 03. Which Log Levels will be displayed if a user of UiPath Orchestrator filters the severity to Error for UiPath Robots' logs? a) Error and Fatal. b) Info, Warn, and Error. c) Warn and Error. d) Error only. Answer: a 04. How can the Invoke Code activity be used to execute vb.net code with an input argument and an output argument in a UiPath project? a) Create a sequence, add an Invoke Code activity, use the Edit Code button to define input and output arguments, and add the vb.net code using an Assign activity. b) Create a sequence, add an Invoke Code activity, add the vb.net code using the Edit Code button, and use the Edit Arguments button to define input and output arguments. c) Create a sequence, add an Invoke Code activity, add the vb.net code in the Arguments property of the activity, and use the Edit Arguments button to define input and output arguments. d) Create a sequence, add an Invoke Code activity, add an Assign activity to define input and output arguments, and use the Edit Code button to edit the vb.net code. Answer: b 0 5 What LINQ query can be used to filter a list of DataTables based on a specific column's value in C#? a) myDataTables.GroupBy(dt => dt.AsEnumerable().All(row => row["ColumnName"].ToString() == "Value")) b) myDataTables.Select(dt => dt.AsEnumerable().Where(row => row["ColumnName"].ToString() == "Value")) c) myDataTables.OrderBy(dt => dt.AsEnumerable().Any(row => row["ColumnName"].ToString() == "Value")) d) myDataTables.Where(dt => dt.AsEnumerable().Any(row => row["ColumnName"].ToString() == "Value")) Answer: d www.certfun.com PDF Developer Professional 5 0 6 In a UiPath State Machine, what are the three sections found within a Transition activity when it's expanded? a) Entry, Exit, and Transition(s). b) Trigger, Condition, and Exit. c) Trigger, Condition, and Action. d) Entry, Condition, and Action. Answer: c 07. How do you properly configure UiPath Remote Runtime for use with Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops? a) Install the Remote Runtime component on Citrix Application servers and the corresponding UiPath extension on the client machine b) Install the Remote Runtime component on the Citrix Application server and configure a direct connection to the UiPath Studio c) Install the Remote Runtime component on both the Citrix Application servers and the client machine d) Install the Remote Runtime component only on the client machine Answer: a 08. Based on the UiPath best practices, when a Business Rule Exception occurs while processing an item from an Orchestrator queue, what is the transaction item status that should be set to that particular Queue Item? a) In Progress b) Verified c) Business Exception d) Failed e) Fatal Answer: d 09. When iterating through multiple digital PDF invoice files with the same structure, what action should be taken to retrieve the "Total Value" based on best practices? a) Use OCR activities to extract the "Total Value" from all invoices. b) Use the Find Image and Get Text activities. c) Validate selectors for all invoices. d) Copy the total values using Hotkeys. Answer: c www.certfun.com PDF Developer Professional 6 10 After installing UiPath Remote Runtime, what automatically happens at every user login on the remote server? a) The UiPathRemoteRuntime.exe process automatically configures the remote server for optimal automation performance. b) A task in the Task Scheduler starts the UiPathRemoteRuntime.exe process for every user logged in. c) The UiPathRemoteRuntime.exe process launches a dedicated UiPath Studio instance for each user. d) The UiPathRemoteRuntime.exe process verifies the compatibility of installed extensions on the remote server and updates them if necessary. Answer: b