7U.'17/% POLYGONE ) IEA?6@L?T N i , . 1 ? 8 g g L t lbis 1',''(t tnagr,dy - as rnuch thr budrvorm's donrairr a6thc{fu'and spruce woods - thernore thephrasa 8/arA l*u Bnp's, n'rct came to Eynboliro thc vcry mmd ud face of theNeryBnurswick. cts *.ernselv€s. Thctc urashsrdly r penon i en. cornterd *'bo h8dno!bcen afiected bl' tic br,dwcrrn infpstalion axi che S years''nar of chcmicdSpraylng ::!athas trid to keep the:nsaedown. Icsrenrsihat tl* buowanroutbreak wrverscly perJet\lated rath€i fhail eradicatcd by thesgray, hasfucUed a sinrilar outbreak of sahi dirax, in thehuman populadon Since Confed' eratiori -.rnaybe eatlier - Man:in:- ms haveculuvareri a cyr,rcai nsrdi. irss inthefaccof rhepowen-ftst-be, a skeptical atutruh roruard grluical andcorTcatcendsrhatl'n wcllac. PL-]L'r'EU\E ) 7EE"6LfrLN1 and a teanrof researcherg at Dal- housieUnrverrityin Nova Scdia havc vcrifitd. wrth blood san:plcr fromacn:alReye's palients, t]ratthe sprdromcis rparkedby a ural.er. hancing dfcct whichrheyhadprevi. ously linked to thc pctrochemical emulsificrc ugedin the spray (scc page 50i, The last child to die of Reycb syndrome in Nc*' Bnurswick - th. lastcnedirgl|os€.i andrepon- ed',iilrt is - w:s lirnmy Singteton wno diedon thc Cayaftcr l',istenth birthday, Jrma FJ, 199, I wantto *e hisparentr, Junec and Jcln Singlaon,at tlierr farnhouse rear the nonhcmmiltlorvn ol New' Castle, at fte mouth of theMirunichi River.lt $'aE oncof thoseper(ectly ,ilearlndran sumflrcr daysthatsttnr ovcrbwdened wi& nostalgia - in this i l t . 1 7 E &ome, whir:hprogresgsso raPtdb rhatdroslicactron, irrcludin8 cuniry openFpoiiapso{ theskuU !o reU?vc the swclliirgof thc brain, hes to be uken. The Sirgletans rumamber everysuspcdcd cauee: it mighthrve bccnan aller$c raction to the pre scri['on thcirdoctorhad alady giv' enJimm)'for hisstonrach, lIaCJoan (orgrrtcnto tell thedoctors sornrcru' cra!pan of her sonbrnedical history? Near the end, wre of the Mqncrcn d rtors askcdson:cthing thal tmk tnc singlerons complctelyby sur. prise:'Drdt}teY spnYin Your areal 'l just looked at himendhel6l<ed a! mc,' Joan remembrrs. 'l didn't knowwlut theyweretrlkirgabout ' Shcrnd her husband dirln'l find ou unril three wceks after limmy's lur.eral, whcntheyreadthc causc of hie deathon thc front pr8e of fic Mswon T*16It s hardo believe, considerlng ttrearnount of ink andin' dignrtionltnt has Ocwedover dre spreyfrogramin the ;nst 3il ycars, but tnatwastheliot tirrre Jamcs and JoanSingleton had hearcl of Reye's syndrome, NorlrcrnNar Bruswick, the absolute heartof the prwincc's forestandpr.rlp andpepcrrndusries, is even "blackefthrn thc rcat, Oour**r* *o FRovNctAL pulp arxl paper conrpanies have been spraying !o controtbudwonnin the New Brunsc'ick forestssirce 1952. Thc onlythingthethas changcd frcn yerr.to ycar is ure imecticide.Frorn 1952 rrntil1966 DDTwasthcchcmi' cal used;when its lo:tg'tcrm&lc' teriouseflccts m tie errvironrncnt beclme clearin ttrr mid-i960s, anor' ganopbosPhate comPound crlled phosphanridon wu ptusedin. lt'*as the predonrinatc spnay for Utenext decade, thenit trrcrrasreplaced by a suppogedly saler orgarrophosphate spiiy rnlhd fenitrothion, Fenioo- thionrs now tht chemical of choice although Metacii(a carbamarel was rrsod on a e/idescalein 1979whcn fenitrothionlemporar:,ly fell hon favor.rr while the New Bnnswick govemm€nt ordetedhealtJt icsts oil it, Liks il or not,New Brun$vickers art caughtup rn r ticlce gameaf clre;:rical chaits. 'Ihe namcsbl,.rrand are hard to pronourlce, but onetlringto remen' ber Lq thot bothtypes oi spraytused since 1968 (Orc crgano'phosphetes andrhccarbamatesl aremwotorins. 'l'hey bloct the enryrne cholinestcr' l0u*udnttg!44 I I I Nwrtluend, olu oflittwtty Singhtut b defafi ashpd hisfurmbtlu aitalWation: WdWWay I ! ,l n ! inWrard ryaimcd within ny own comnuniry, just 30 mrht awayfrornthe Ne* Bruruwiclt border. But I found that desfnh, arulety,nrislr:standfcar ct',ta wideswalh tlroughtheNew tsrurswtck tryc}tc.And itwesnot on' ly rnoivUuals whotud ben bruslrd by thewings of thesprEy, butwhoh connlr:nrrics oat cxhibited a deep. $randsetof uoubled emotitrrs. tro*r* A'ou' rHEsPnucE i:ud'*'orn spraypro5anr ucutlly be- gin wirhthcdan0' o( children andrt ts qre is goingo be no cxception, But otitr slories playe<l or thesuspicic,n, te libliW,. therthefatalchildren's disease Reyel synCrome wasllnlreri to tlr aenalsprayint,and askctlif srrch a risk slroukl be conlet]lplatecl. "llris onc ixgins from :i)€ c€rtsinty tlu.t rh€ lirrkexisrs, llr, ltcn l(rrzut: cas€not just rcnrernbrance of past tirr,rsbul of lossstiUsuffcred It had all started witha mildflu that gaveJirnmyt gtre slomachwi0in fB harrshisEymptcnrs hadesshted through ncus(4confuston, delirium, eonwlsions and comauncr) he dieC tlrn lo massiwintncranialpra$sure, Hadhenunage"d to survive ht would 'uve becn sErerell urain-damaged. Tlr Singletons remernber cveryde" tri! of the ilhess.including the last mad rr,sh 140 ktlometrcslo the Moncton liospiul at twoin thernorn- iog,'iheir son'g connr)gions wcr€so slrong thalJamer lud to askfor ltdp ro holdhim;Jarnes rsa big tuan, ov€t sixfrct allad heanly nrulclcd fr'om hislrbouring job at theBoisc Crscaclt 'riillinNewcastlc. Farly diaqnosis iscrucial io tht suc. c!'ssl'r,l lrc'atnlenloI lteyc's syrt' t I b t f r ? , t i , lfu'l?lEE la:3! PCLYCTONE ) t?S,Z?1W)L?t ENEiIY (lrn,Fw3 ase,'vhichls esscntblio thc trans' r,rision of ntrvc impulses iv:all o'- ganisms, lrom irpcctsto mrn, They work on the budumrm b1'kntking rhebreoeolf the rees - cnce on rhc groutdtheyuc unaHe togetbtck to tle b..rds and ncw growth,so they sanre.Tl: sprays also"knock dot'n" bees,wasps,spij€rBand birds anrl other natut"l predatocof the bud' wsnn.Research onhuman beingscx. pasrd to chrpniclow lcvelsof tlece Un& oi insecticiCes shows iharthey srffer r higherthan normallowl of nsvor^Er disordta anda greatcrincl- Cerreof leukopcnb (lowwhitebloul cell co'lrOwhldr mekes thernmorc ersceprrble to in(ectious dlscass No gcrrnl heaithstudyof the provincc has everbeen dongbut tneveryleasi thet can bc saidis that Ncw Bruns' wickrs area poguhtion at risk, In l98l alonc, 1.5 miltion poundrof tcnitrothbn(not countingthe other chemical compofienLq of tlrc spray, the solvengand emulsrrrc,.:\ werc spraytdover 7.0(,10 qrrarc rnile.'of the provir.ce. A one-rnilc setbal\ airne(since modified co t,C00feet) from hurnanhabiution was e.stal> lrshod in 1977, but ichardty provides adequate protecion when a "goorl" sprayis corrsidered onern whichhaU of Urc chcmlcal arriresontarsct,Thc otherhalf dnfts in the wind-and ha.c bear tbundi,r rain,,fatcr 50 miles fiom the nearGtspraybh.rh,The bestavailable tlata,ndicaced thirtas littleasthretpercent a,r:C sometinres rurore than a doubleclose txr:, :and wrthinthe targctarea OpmtiotwUy&e rsc r'l thi pt\t;c1its u (hnafultr thacmmlo.l'srtt*tlnd. uurn trutstlp. dncrilvd u inwitmg brW tor* srd edu&W igq1?anrc, Theaetwt r,lnnttnut pmgram is soatmpb utd el,adictirct.e.tu"vtl nl tirc mtdaslse ie we lnw n.nbtnti. &Ceaf hrru nwh ynay uill acu&lly rmch llv spruft hwluttrn or u;h;rpt lhc taruitkr uill kxlsen,ny giu'n clrmtrm. '- Parrck l'tcTaggart-Cowan, Chrtrr rnon of the1977 envrronmental study cf fenrtrolhion cond.Lctecj by thc Na' ticflalRlsearirh Counci.ol Gnada Crrcnr 1976, tHEuEBAlEolitlu eifkiiinry o: the :udwonnspray pro *'am andits rcssible envi:'onnental nndhaalth eflec:s q'as basrcrlly enin- sldeni' argumcrt between $+'g camps pronroting competing rnterpreta- d3 t:ARROTSMITH trons of ''good" forcstmanflgement. The corporate rnodel,which wa.c spo;rsortd andqtawned bybig busi' ress,lovernment andtheCanad:an ForestryScrvice, belii't'edthal thc forcst was a ;arnr and sliouldbt treated assuclr, L.\rl it in thecheag' cstarrd quickest waypossiblc (dear' cut with brgmachinesl, plantit (us. ing herbicides :o heep oiit theweed rar:eties and pesticides lo kccp in- sectsawsy), let it grow for its 40 y€fft to B:aturi$'and thEn goin and han'est. Startagain 'lte ochermodc!.calledsilrnarl- turc,wastupported by provirrcec that wcrcn't alrcady leked intoyeatsof a sprayprogram Qikcliova Scotiat, or thosefor whonrlorcstrywasn'tblg busines0ikehince Edward lsland) lc callodfor sclective cuttingoI ma- N D .1 ? g DA3 sfter yearof stoJrgap spraying. and ever.irrcrcasin8 arcasof budwonrr infestetion. Until 1976 the lrlew Brurswrck people werefairlyacquiescent aboul spreying; the industryand govem. mentcouldiake careof the industry bccarsc, after all, the Lndustry took care of Nen' Brunwicken. Ever with thefcrestirrdusr'y in its present slump (1982 is s)uping upasa drs.rs' trous yrar fcr New Brr.rnsu'ick wich colsiruction Cown andrccession up). provincial Mirrister of Natun! Re. sgLrrces Bud Bird says;'The:'eare 15.00C jobs qirectly ir.volved, rurd an' olhcr20,0tJt1 indircctly. The fuest ir,- dustrycontriburos alnrost $t billiona yearto our prcrvircial ecorortrlr in a rrcrmal year.lt represenB nore than twuthirds o( oln cxporLiin forergir [wc treQs andplanling to getthe for- estbackintoa healthy semblance of its pre-?Dth cenlw self. lt '.lnsls' bourintensirc - prone to thechain- saw rallEr than the ctrenrica! ap' prm.ch to "conlrol.'ln otherwords. to silviculturists thc forest hadto be trcated like a fu'est(.tec pagc 40) Even the corporatcwoodsmcrr agrcedrhat th€ obiectof spraying wesr:'tto get riri of the sprucebud' worm. Thredidn'tseenr cobea way to wipetheinsect out,sirucc spraying seemed to keepfheinsect at penna- nentscmi.epidemic levels bypreseru- ing lhe maturerees for its fmd np ply. The budwormwould neuer smrve, Butwirhtheanitude thatthc trces werea cropthattheforestry in. dustryhad a righr to harves|, g5q crophadto be protected: thusyerr nrerkets, affcctiuguubalnnc,e of pa1'- ments. lt is a vetl critical foun. dationr€tour;t to the rrellbeirtg of Neq'tsrunsrryick.' But irr 1976severaleveutscoti- spiredtc give binh rc the first enti- sprayprorest rrorJpin New Brun.s' wickandtltc lirstcitizers'irss;rul( orr, lhcstitlu$quo. 'l'hefirststtrdies rrfthc Dalhotxicrcscarch tean:.establish' ing wlrat w?rs tlren only a prolmble hnk betwcen R:ye's s.rrndrorr.€ enc ths spralr, becanupublickno*4cdge in thespring of'76,sparfting thc tirst intensire public scnrtiny of thebuo worm $?r. Nova Ssohahad rcl'er sprayed andhadweethcred t*'o pre' vlots bttds'ormepider:ictir'.thecen' tu'y,butwatunderextr(rlle ptlGstlrc flun the forestindustryto tpray lo control anepidemicthen raging in the 18,":Tiff- 1.: J2 P0L'r€CINE+ 1.?5?76&ti'