Rishav Ghosh Backend Developer and Cloud Enthusiast Codechef (Student Club), VIT University, Vellore +91 8777278059 [email protected] SKILLS ● Python Programming ● ReactJS ● NodeJS ● ASP.NET ● Docker ● ML and Data Analysis COURSES & CERTIFICATES ● Introduction to Web Development Credential URL: https://www.coursera.org/account/accomplishments/verify/7VCKY28R3XG4 ● AWS FUNDAMENTALS: GOING CLOUD NATIVE Credential URL: https://www.coursera.org/account/accomplishments/verify/7QWYU5KYEBHZ ● MACHINE LEARNING Credential URL: https://www.coursera.org/account/accomplishments/verify/NS7WJ77AL8LH ● Neural Networks and Deep Learning Credential URL: https://www.coursera.org/account/accomplishments/certificate/93TAQKE6PXMQ PROJECTS ● PhotoBucket A cloud-based website that uses AWS services. ● DEVSOC Website A site to provide information on DEVSOC and Codechef to the participants ● ChatCat A chat application using node.js. ● LBRY – Notifier Sends me an email after scraping info about LBC bitcoin worth only if it has increased by 0.0.1. ● VJ Controller A virtual emulator for games LINKS TO MY SOCIAL PROFILES GitHub: https://github.com/rishavghosh605 LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/rishavghosh605
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