selected works___Cristina Ferreira Still life long durational performance, 2020 Municipal Gallery Arsenal, Poznań When I grow up I wanna be a firefighter Mixing art history and autobiography, I wanted to think about embodied pathos, drama and emotion, and how the individual experience relates to timeless “bigger than life naarratives”. Through the relation between historical art pieces and the medium of live performance the work ex- plores the dichotomies: subject – object; activity – passivity; productivity – free time; pathos – apathy; micro – macro. Are such binary divisions possible on the work of art? At what cost does the piece feed from life? What can one body in the sea of time? fot. J. Krzyzanowski Still Life , stage version, 30min. (Re)union Biennal of Performative Arts, Lisbon 2020, fot. Alipio Padilha A Foreign Body performance, aprox. 20min, 2019 Duzy Pokoj, Galeria Sandra, Malta Festival, Muzeum Sztuki w Lodzi, Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw A performative lecture about the meaning of (inter)national identity, the role of adaptation, interpretation, routine and mimicry in the everyday life of an immigrant, as well as the interrelations between the body and language in a suprana- tional context. What is the body’s response to the host country’s surround- ings? When is the guest assimilated to the extent of becom- ing a hybrid? How should the foreign body be touched? The performance mixes medical definitions, statistical data, interviews to immigrants, news and original poetry with club- bing music, dance and audience interaction. It presents the different perspectives of the guest and the host country, both in tension and co-dependence. fot. M. Zakrzewski for Generator Malta / Malta Festival, Poznań 2019 and HaWa for Galeria WY/Muzeum Sztuki w Lodzi, 2020 ( excerpt) Sick and tired of them as they are of me; rejecting the foreign body the alien object; having an extra plate at the table doesn’t always mean much. Wanna call home wanna call me a new one go ahead I can handle it I can take it I’m not as young and new as they wanna make it seem or sound I’ve been here long enough to know how to be never be boring never be dated never be obsolete I’m the newest version the most-recent update your hardware isn’t even ready for this software bitch dick snap out of it! “to translate is to betray” Translations are sometimes called the second life of a work. second life second life second life life alive left alive laugh a while on your own in your own language quoting to feel as the cited but knowing you are slowly loosing the quality of your mother tongue loosing the quality loosing quality loosing loose Room in motion (Pokój w ruchu) with artist Martyna Hadyńska installation, audio and workshops Fundacja Salony, Zielona Góra, 2019 curated by Tomek Pawłowski, Aleksandra Polerowicz Peace is not given to us unconditionally. If you try to understand it as a relation between the people and groups in a society, deprived of negative and destructive tensions, it requires continuous work on tolerance and acceptance of our dissimilarities and diversity. You still need to make peace and fight against nationalistic games. It requires the gestures and negotiations of the principles. It needs to exercise the empathy, stretch the relations, like the dance of political bodies. (curatorial text) F.B.G.C (Foreign Body Giant Cell) , mural Liczba postepowan dotyczacych przestepstw z nienawisci – dane Prokuratury Krajowej: 2013 (835), 2014 (1365), 2015 (1548), 2016 (1632) , installation (picture bellow) Eurodance – workshops for migrants living in Zielona Góra accompanying audio>>> On the way home with artist Ana Barata Martins interactive installation and audio, 2018 Result of one month artistic residence at the Municipal Gallery BWA Bydgoszcz The installation consists of an interactive floor piece and an accompanying audio piece. To activate the installation, the viewer should follow the instructions in the audio.The exer- cises and movements motivate reflection on identity, body, visibility, displacement, the “other” and on it’s imposed cho- reographies. The project connected participatory and process-based work with the main subjects on Poland’s immigration today: identity, status, safety, cultural shock, language, adaptation, assimilation, labor, and other. audio: catalogue: suu_final During the one-month residence we organized open workshops on the main topic of multicultural- ity through different key-words: movement, body, home, urban space, choreography. We wanted to give foreigners an active/participa- tory experiences of culture spaces, while explor- ing the art institution’s potential for visibility and dialogue of minorities with the local native com- munity. On the opening there was a one time performance by the workshop participants. Tales of a small town site-specific installation and performance, 2018 within residence at Teatr Fredry in Gniezno The piece focuses on an outdoor gym at the small Pol- ish town of Gniezno, taking as it’s protagonists an ama- teur self-organized workout group based on the spot. The work process included collecting footage and in- terviews, informal meetings and workshops. The result was composed of three videos showcased at the park, an audio piece available through wireless headphones and a performance by the younger elements of the group. It revolves around the concepts of local comunity, the plasticity of the self and it’s image/body, hardship, am- bition, narrative, social problems, urban underdevelop- ment, among other. Performance by young elements of the group with participation by the audience. Workshop with young elements of the streetworkout group. Alternative Language Classes three lecture-performances, each around 30 min, 2017 This piece was developed under the theme of awareness towards immigrant minorities (project Sasiedctwo , Poznan, Poland). To- gether with three non-Poles we developed classes of their mother tongues -Tibetan, Punjabi and Georgian. The classes use atypical methods and exercises to play with the strangeness and alienation experienced when encountering a new culture, language or alphabet. The resulting “lectures”, delivered by the teachers-performers, subvert school pedagogy and offer both a peek into these unno- ticed minorities and a taste of what it feels like to be lost in a new national context. fot. M. Zakrzewski for Centrum Rezydencji Teatralnej SCENA ROBOCZA BIO Cristina Ferreira (1990, Lisbon, Portugal) lives and works in Poznań, Poland B.A in painting by the Faculty of Fine Arts of Lisbon (2012) and M.F.A in Painting by the University of Fine Arts of Poznań (2015) Co-starter of the Portuguese-Polish residency program ‘Unsolicited Works’ (Warsaw, 2017), past artist-in-residence at Galeria Miejska BWA Bydgoszcz (2018) and part of Galeria Sandra. Performer in both theater and museum context. Current artist-in-residence and grant holder at Kvost - Kunstverein Ost (Berlin, 2020/2021). SELECTED EXHIBITIONS LOVE AIDS Riot Sex III at Projektraum, Kunstquartier Bethanien (Berlin 2014); Poznan’s 5th Mediations Biennale (2016); Sasiedz- two: Granice Bliszkosci, (Poznań 2017); Magical Circles (Gniezno 2018); On the way home , BWA Bydgoszcz (2018); Room in Motion , Fundacja Salony (Zielona Góra 2019); Grupa Sprostowanie , Malta Festival (Poznań 2019); Empatia , Four Culture Festival Lodz (2019); Tymczas , exhibition in-process, Municipal Gallery Arsenal/Galeria Sandra (Poznań 2020). AS PERFORMER play Dziewczyny opisuja swiat (dir. Aleksandra Jakubczak, Scena Robocza, 2018); A Foreign Body , solo performance (2019/2020, Duzy Pokoj, Galeria Sandra, Malta Festival Poznań, Muzeum Sztuki w Lodzi, MOMA Warsaw); The Cleaner , retrospective exhibition of artist Marina Abramovic (CSW Torun, 2019). Still Life (2020), solo performance (Municipal Gallery Arsenal Poznań, (Re)union Biennial of Performative Arts, Lisbon, 2020). ARTIST STATEMENT My work exists in the encounter and tensions between the visual arts and the performing arts. My pieces often take the shape of performances, installations and vid- eos. I engage in processual projects, with strong partic- ipatory, performative and site-specific ramifications. The result works frequently encompass different mediums. During research and creation I recur to methodologies both from the visual as the performative arts: interviews and conversation recording; drawing and sketching; im- provisation and composition; writting; and hybrid mixes of these. Recurring themes are the ones of: displacement; allien- ation; drama; body; History; pathos and emotion; the micro vs. macro; biography and autobiography; text and narrative. My practice is guided by the principles of empathy, openness, collaboration, active listening, intimacy and embodyment.