OCTOBER 1996 CONTENTS 5 Bits & Pieces Welcome to Our Nightmare : HUSTLER ' s Horror Movies Edited by Aaron Lee 11 Feedback Mail Bonding 15 Erotic Entertainment Legal Teen Tease Tapes Hit the Home Screen Edited by Evan Wright 24 Summer and Chuck: Ring Masters Photography by Clive McL ean 32 Hot Letters Crip for Treats 36 Un Festival du Sin France 's Hot Video Magazine Honors the Legends of the Adult Screen 45 Sex Play Caverject: The Late t Boost in Phallus Phannacopoeia by Alice Joanou 48 Brielle: Land Ho! Photography by Matti Klatt 56 Streets of War Deadly Mass Riots Sear the Dark ights of Seoul Eyewitness to Gn/nsurrection by Sky Takahashi 60 Ruby: Lonely at the Top Photography by James Baes 70 Kathleen: Savage Heart Cente/fold Photography by Clive McLean 80 HUSTLER Humor Edited by Evan Wright 82 The Unkindest Cut Prostate-Cancer Patients Under the Knife Report by David Feller 86 Cloe and Suzanne: Beautiful Music Photography by Matti Klatt 107 Beaver Hunt There 's No Puss Like Home Puss VOLUME 23 NUMBER 4 SCRIBE NOW! HUSTLER LARRY FLYNT editor and publisher JIM KOHLS president DONNA HAHNER corporate vice-president ALLAN MacDONELL executive editor W.T. NELSON art director AARON LEE bits & pieces editor EVAN WRIGHT entertainment editor DYLAN FORD, DAVID GORDON associat e editors DWAINE TINSLEY cartoon editor RACHEL STRATTON research director S. l. FARBER, copy chief M. R. SMITH, copy editor JANET GINSBURG. editorial assistant COMPUTER GRAPHICS ANDREA LANDRUM. network systems manager BRANDON S. PHILUPS, network systems administrator SHERMAN JORDAN. MARIE B. QUIROS network systems operators PHOTOGRAPHY EUZABETH BERRIOS. talent coordinator JAMES BAES, MATTI KLATT, CUVE McLEAN, LADI VON JANSKY, photographers KENNETH DeMARTINES, production designer LAURA CODON, photo/talent assistant JAYNE CATES, studio director CAMILLE GARCIA, photo editor PRODUCTION KRISTINA ETCHISON. production manager MICHELLE JEWORSKI, production coordinator ARICIA LEE, production assistant BURKE ANDERSON, record keeper/film archivist ADVERTISING ALLEN MAINE. national advertising director (213) 951-7907 M AGGIE CHUN. advertising production director GINA J. LEE, advertising production coordinator SUBSCRIPTIONS TRISH HAMM, subscriptions director subscriptions customer service (815) 734-1142 THOMAS CANDY, executive vice-president PERRY GRAYSON, vice-president, advertising FRANC ESCA SCALPI. vice-president, multimedia systems --- DAVID WOUNSKY, vice-president, finance HUSTLER (lSSN·0149·46351, Vol. 23, No. 4, October 1996. The U.S. edi· tion of HUSTLER is published monthly with one exception, twice a month in YES! Augus~ by l.F.P. , Inc. at 8484 Wilshire Boulevard, Suoe 900, Beverly Hills, CA Start my 12-issue HUSTLER subscription for only $39.95, and 90211. Copyright ® 1996 LF.P" Inc. All rights reserved. Nothing may be repro- duced in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher. Return send my copy of THE BEST OF HUSTLER #30 , FREE! postage must accompany aU manuscripts, photos, drawings, etc., if they are to be returned, and no responsibility can be assumed for unsolicited material. l etters sent to HUSTlER will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publica- tion and copyright purposes and as subject to HUSTlER's right to edit and com- ment editorially. Any similarity between persons and places depicted in the fic- Name tion sections of this magazine and actual persons or places is purely coinciden- tal. All photos posed by professional models except as otherwise noted. Neither said photos nor words used to describe them are meant to depict models' actu· Address al conduct.. statements or personalities. Information concerning models who appear in this publication is located at 8484 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverty Hills, California 00211 , under the supervision of Burke Anderson. City/StatelZip SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION: For subscription customer service, call 18151 734-1142. U.S. subscriptions: $39.95 for one year (12 issues). Foreign subscrip- o Payment Enclosed Charge My 0 VISA 0 Me tions: Add StO.OO U.S. funds per year. Single copy. U.S. Edition: S5.99; International Edition: $6.99 (add SI postage per copy); Special Edition: $6.99. Credit Card # Exp. These prices represent HUSTLER's standard subscription rate and should not be confused with special subsc ription offers sometimes advertised. Change of address: Allow six weeks' advance notice and send in both your old and new Signature address. POSTMASTER: Send change of address to: HUSTlER, P.O. Box 474, Mt Morris, IL 61054. Periodicals postage paid at Beverly Hills, CA. and at addi- MONEY BACK ON UNUSED PORTIONS OF SUBSCRIPTIONS IF NOT SATISFIED! Foreign add StO per year. You must be 18 years of tional mailing offices. Printed in the USA. HUSTLER is registered in the U.S. age or older to order. Basic subscription rate: $39.95. Your first issue will arrive in 6 to B weeks. Where applicable, sales tax is included in Patent and Trademark Office. stated price. All nude models are 18 years of age or older. Offer expires December 30, 1996 M6000 Cove r photo by Ladi von Jansky HUSTLER, P.O. Box 474, Mt. Morris, IL 61054 o ASSHOLE OF THE MONTH When an enflamed hemorrhoid head defend our First Amendment rights slouches uninvited in to our front agai nst foreign th reats, an out-of- yard, pokes his anus-grubbing snout to uch Congressman is at home into ou r bus in ess, tau nts several decid in g which magazine s the thousand of our most stalwart troops are forbidden to read . friends with his open sph incters and HU STLERis among the top-seil- dumps a recta l payload on our front ing peri odicals in every branch of porch, then that sh it-ring supreme, the service. The magazine's popular- particu lar ly if his name is Bob ity indicates that a large segment of Dornan, becomes HUSTLER Asshole the military commun ity is quite com- of the Month for October 1996. fortab le with HUSTLER. Most GJ Robert Dornan, the 62-year-old reader s feel not at all degraded Republican Congressman from after leafing through an issue. Their Orange County, California, is the enjoyment cannot be proscr ibed kind of turd who stinks worse the because of election-year posturing closer he gets, and he has slithered by a Ca lifornia extremi st flitting far too goddamn close. about in Washington, D.C. As a member of the House of The proponents of the HUSTLER Representati ves' Arm ed Se rvices ban qui bble that their bi ll does not Comm ittee, Dornan influ ences all violate the Constitution because the leg islation that effects the United Cong ress has regul atory power over States mil itary . The honorable military installations. HUSTLER will Asshole from California is involved fight th is assault on a free press and in shap ing laws that determine free speech in America's military. everythi ng from selection of arms in united battle and cast off vile HUSTLER-type pornograp hy" We are also fighting the increas- weapons systems to levels of wage the yoke of nonresponsive govern- would be hooted off Capitol Hill, ing inc idence of HU STLER being increases for enlisted men. mental tyrants. except that the crafty Orange banned from prisons and jails. If his In hi s oat h of office, Robe rt Robert Oornan has strayed from County sph incter buried his foul - basic rights can be taken away from Dornan swore on a Bible to uphold the spirit of 1776. He does not know scented dictate deep within a huge the least powerfu l American , then the princ ipl es of the U.S Con - what freedom means. In Robert appropriations bill. The part cannot no man's freedom is secure. stitut ion . From his sea t on the Dornan's ve rsion of a "f ree" be excised without damagi ng the Dornan warns that "we are hav- Armed Services Comm ittee, Dornan America, HU STLER is ill egal. act as a whole. in g a cul tura l me ltd own" in our admin iste rs to the most powe rful Wrapped within the House' s Dorn an cla im s that ski n maga - country. He blames "the filth on the peace-keeping apparatus the world $267-bill ion defense-auth orizati on zines are part of a "cu lture of degra- soap operas and the fil th on all the has ever known: a network of sol- bill for 1997 is a wee measure titled dation" in the military. "Our society situational comedies" for a state of diers and hi gh bras s who have the Military Honor and Decency Act. has been pounded down by t he moral decay. The real rot takes pledged the ir very lives to protect Written primari Iy by Robert Dornan, pornography left," he rants. "They're place when public servants sworn to America's cherished ideals of life, the "decency" rider would ban the corrupting our co untry, and the uphold our nation's Con stitution liberty and the pursuit of happiness. sa le of HUSTLE R on all United sleaze has slopped over into the mil- look upon that document as a mere Our Founding Fathers, more than States military bases. itary, a place of decency and honor." formality. 200 years ago, felt so strongly about The notion of forbidding PXs to How about havi ng the decency to Dornan cla ims his favorite book the inal iena ble right to make their stock Amer ica 's Magazin e is too honor the judgment of adu lt men is the Bible. He put his hand on one own choices as equal men that they ludicrous to be debated on its own. and women? While our soldiers are when he was swo rn into offi ce . put their differences as ide, took up Dornan's "opposition to the sale of deployed aroun d the wo rld to Asshole had his fing ers crossed. Larry Fortensky: Life can be Farts in the Wind Martha Stewart: Anyone as perky a bitch, and so can Larry struction worker Fortensky is as Martha Stewart is evil. She is Fortensky. Fortensky, a regular suing. Taylor is paying him five not needed on a daily TV show. guy, dicked into screen legend grand a month for the memories, Our women have seen enough in Elizabeth Taylor when both were but Larry claims the $60,000 Martha's Living magazine. Martha patients at the same rehab. annual salary is "miniscule." He has convinced a generation of Despite a 20-year difference in claims "I have been required to perfectly splendid females that their ages, young man Fortensky live in an environment in which they need expensive, country- parlayed Taylor's detox infatua- Elizabeth would never reside." squire home crap in order to be tion into a marriage. Now in the We have a name for girls like happy. If her garbage is so great, midst of a divorce, former con- Fortensky: Asshole. why is Martha still an Asshole? October HUSTLER 5 bits & pie c es C/l Mrs. Sphincter-Born :..., -' o o >- CD ~ ~ HUSTLER salutes a o o CD major pain in the ass, C/l :..., Ricki Lake. From the o- ' o trashiest of talk- >- CD <t: show hosts to shrill CD c:::uJ :::0-' shill fo r animal 00 OI rights; from humili- ~~ o<t: ating guests on tele- Ea~ o...L.U vision to humiliating 9::8 herself in the big- ~:2 C/l c::: screen disaster Mrs . ~5 Winterbourn e ; from ~~ C/lZ Cuo fat and ugly to just ""0 <t:L.U -'0... plain ugly, Ricki begs 529::: the question: Where ~~ did this asshole come ~b C/l 0 :::0 CD from? One possible o a: L.U answer g ets to the C/l Z bottom of the matter: L.U She came from an "" ;:; L.U CD asshole. You've come o f- a long way, asshole- f- o Z slime baby. ~ o oc::: ct ~-------------------------------------------------------------------' A geisha girl order s Chinese and winds up wit h a finger in her ah-so. Wonder if she'll be horny again an hour later? Honorable Jason Harrison r eceives $150 for this for- tune-nookie prize. Got a yen for r etro raunch? Send photos to HUSTLER's Porn From the Past , 8484 WHE-RE. FLIES Po LUNCH Wilshire Bouleva r d , Suite 900 , Beverly Hills , CA 90211. Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you want the mat erial returned. 6 October H U S T L E R b its & pi e c es Timothy Leary: High as He Ever Wanted to Be Sex, drugs and prostate can- cer fina lly caugh t up with Timothy Leary, who died in his sleep on May 31, 1996. Man y tr ibutes t o the Fried P i p er of LSD h ave men- tioned his various stints as Harvard educator, esteemed l ec tur er and computer visionary. The author of the slogan "Turn on , tune in , drop out" also wrote numer- ous articles for HUSTLER, in cludin g a n impassioned de fe n se of h is m an Flynt (Th e Persecution of Larry F ly n t, January '85). Leary was a lways on h and for a wild HUSTLER bash a n d even accepted an "Asshole of the Month" nomination with good humor (Bits & Pieces, March '80 ). To know him was to love Tim. Vr-JII~~f . ~F/"IGH~-~~2. (jMiu. '].(A "EVER $IIJCE VAI-UJET kJ. ~k! CRA' ! tEI7, KI/../..IIJG MORE THAIJ 100 PA$$EIJGER$, eU$IIJE$$ FOR THE eARGAIIJ-eA$EMEIJT AIR/..IIJE HA$ I7ROPPEI7 FA$TER THAIJ A $MOKIIJG I7C-9. /..IGHTEIJ UP, PEOP/..E! PACK YOUR elKIIJI AIJI7 GRAe A VA/..UJET TO F/..ORII7A, EVEIJ IF YOU CAIJ'T :j $WIM-PARTICUL.ARI-Y IF C/) :::J YOU CAIJ'T $WIM! AIJI7 o a: L.U 1701J'T eE $HY AeOU T C/) FATTEIJIIJG UP 0101 I7E/"I- CIOU$ AIR/..IIJE FOOI7. ME AIJI7 THE /..OCA/.. /..IZARI7$ ::g WI/../.. $EE YOU 1101 THE ~ EVERG/..AI7E$!" b z t~ "iJ~ > Cl 1---:;;~S:I~~;;:=7\ U Charter Member, Associalion of Alligator-Related Greetings and Hospitality (AARGH!) oa:: if Cl « Unload a few shells and shell out $43 million. That's ::ghow much Bernhard Goetz has been ordered to pay a ~ menacing panhandler he paralyzed in a 1987 New f- ~ York City subway shooting. Stone-broke Bernie is could raise funds the way his brain-damaged, alleged ~ attacker did: harass New Yorkers for money until if shot, then sue for eight figures . Manhattan muggers may be brain damaged, but they're not stupid. 7 bits & pieces Halloween is the season for scary sequels starring nauseating creatures at ... Hell's Triplex Ni bit s & piece s mare Triple Feature u:i UJ Ci o co tn -' UJ o o ~ cr: => a ~ z a oUJ a... a... cc 0- (/) (/) o ;:;s :c ~ cc co UJ -' UJ U >- cr: ..: u (/) > -' (/) => a cc UJ (/) Z UJ "'~" UJ co a0- b z > o o cr: ..: a... STAJIIII'Ii (RETCH) PAII.Y SIIIIIE, (CIftlE) CHAIU SImI MIl (SHDlBI) EVBIY 1W1HIIT PICE OF SlIT SUCK-IF IIIIIIl.LYWOOO A n Inspiratio na l Message from HUSTLER. b its & pieces Blowing Once, Blowing Twice .•• It's the HUSTLER Auction! In April, fags, fag hags and morons with too much goddamn money gathered at Sotheby's of Manhattan to pay bloated prices for Jacqueline Onassis's trash (including a five-figure tape mea- sure, a six-figure cigar and a seven-figure ring). Meanwhile, the less reported but infinitely more exciting HUSTLER Auction took Beverly Hills by stonn with four days of hard-core booty bid- ding. Here's a peek at the collection catalog-and the sexiest auctioneer this side of the 4-H Club. patriotic pantiu worn on thr courr of HUSTLER', Bit:rnten. nial lulU. ThrH top. dollar bottanu have bee" lrf1pt in a hrrf1U!II' cally Halrd vault for 20 yrart and hold much of thr original I ::;~:~!:aroma to (rwt hrr lhid:, o Evrryonr', butt-Iridflnjf buclrtooth throw. hll hard hat That nwlt accenibk and genrrou, of into thr HUSTLER Beam lillO, rntronh, 1M Tt..auI Thn.nrl Alletlon.', ring. Thr ha, donated h,r uud tamJlOll to thr da"ic ·Prarr SiRn. - HUSTLER Auction.. n.r lfhou,.l/oppt/W rdition of BudrY'Jf fa - lftopPB" a oniy ,Iilhtly MQrrrd by /PI4UJ mOIlJf hradgear wa , mar,b from o~rrllthu,ia'tic blddrr worn throughout thr 8d)' &aLTr. 1970. by thr Overlord ofOverblfe. 10 Dishonorable Conduct The sorry-ass politicians are at it again. This week the House votes on a bill that would ban the sale of "sexually explicit material" like HUSTLER from military in- stallations. I'll bet representatives Chris Smith (R-New Jersey), Roscoe Bartlett (R- Maryland) and Bob Doman (R-Califomia) never spent weeks out in the freezing snow or stood guard duty with only an M-16 to cuddle. The government put me here, and the last time I checked my Atmy ID, I am an American. Don't the Congressmen know service members are citizens? We' re here to protect democracy, and our rights bare? Keep up the good work. -J. M. First In are being taken away. Until these blood- Daly City, Calrtomia I grew up on Playboy and Penthouse, then sucking leeches are scraped off the Consti- I was introduced to HUSTLER. There is tution, nobody's safe. The freedom-loving Your requests should keep us busy for a no comparison. HUSTLER is the clear public needs to know, before a hammer while. Meanwhile, check out Tabatha winner, always on the edge. Lately, I've and sickle is added to Old Glory. -D. S. (Tabatha: Coming.Jl12, May '96) for a not iced the scrimmage between Vicenza, Italy brown-sugar flavor , or turn to page 48 HUSTLER and Penthouse . Both are pub- (Brielle: Land HoI) for a darker shade of lishing pictorials with acts of penetration. HUSTLER stands by all those who fight to frail. A lso watch for black-hole sisters The July issue of HUSTLER has two gor- protect our freedoms from enemies within Nola and Twandah in November's issue. geous women with their fingers clearly in- or without. Keep an eye outfor our shit list serted in their hot, wet pussies (Lexus and of Washington' s Worst Congressmen com- Tori: Two-Part Harmony, July ' 96) . ing in the November 1996 issue . You ' ll HUSTLER is definitely winning the pene- find some familiar faces. tration wars. The fust to show pink, now the first to probe deeper. -B. E. TlNin TlNats? Yonkers, New York I have just seen your June issue. Leanne is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen Thanks for noticing our efforts. When it (Leanne: Groupie Girl, June '96). I am in comes to pussy, we'll always be the first a Wisconsin prison, and we have a guard with the inside scoop. who could be Leanne's twin. -M. H. Oshkosh, Wisconsin Pussy Whipping Post Wake up, guys. The system is out to get Maybe that sexy screw would like to pose us. After 13 years, myoid lady goes to ftle for Beaver Hunt so we can see if these two divorce papers. Was I in for a surprise. kittens are really from the same litter. The charges were domestic violence, sex- ual assault and child abuse. I was confi- Color Me Pink dent she couldn't do this to me because it I was wondering if maybe you can show never happened, and she couldn't prove it. more exotic ladies, especially hot Latin Right. For years I've been fighting, and all women, and more Oriental and black girls. I've won is the right to see my kid every Also, can you have more in terracial other weekend. My son even told the scenes, like maybe a white chick and a court, "Dad never hit Mom," and says he black guy in a shower? I love the girl/girl doesn ' t want to live with her. But the ex photos and want to see a hot black-on- said I did it, and that's all they need. She white lesbo scene, maybe in an open field. gets welfare, Medicare and food stamps, Lastly, can you add some hot bondage and I can't even visit my kid's school scenes, with one of the girls completely Leanne: Groupie Girl (continued on page 23) ~ O~c~ to~ b~er~H ~ U~S~T ~ L~ E~R ~ ___________________________ JJ !iiI I MINUTE I'LL EXCITE YOU! CALL ME- IT'S TOLL FREEl AS"ABDLI!! DURWEEKLYI !iP~1AL!i1 NO CALL- I BA~KS OR I WAITING- ~!J~f 1-800-330-1-0N-1 ~ FUCK MY TITS-FUCK MY BUTT- .... CARDS, ..... ry'"'' MY PUSSY-FUCK ME' ~ .. - 8 0 0 - 3 3 0 - " 6 6 . . lin DIRECT BILL OR CHECK- BY- PHONE 18+.100% LIVE ' • .-1 1.900.537.1100 REAL LIVE SLUTS! • $2.98/MINUTE 18+ entertainl11 - -edited by Evan Wright - - - - - - - ---"-ftl- --.r::..r Was Angels FULL YERECT Directed by Jim Holliday; starring Shayla La Veaux, Juli Ashton, Jill Kelly, Tammi Ann, Sindee Coxx, Sid Deuce, Shelby Stevens, Micky Lynn, Jordan Lee, Paisley Hunter, Crystal Breeze, Careena Collins, Kylie Ireland, Sydney Sf. James, Bianca, Caressa Savage, Emily, Missy, Joey Silvera, Jake Steed, Bobby Vitale, Tom Byron, T T Boy, Peter North, Clay Hyde and Edward Electric. Videocassette. VCA. Fornication has never looked more fun-or finishes with both dongs simultaneously funnier-than it does in Car Wash Angels. fros ting a tart's angel-cake face even before Borrowing liberally from the plot of golden- the opening credits have stopped rolling. age raunch classic, Debbie Does Dallas, this There are ten full-on fuck scenes; the most is the story of horny, harebrained college memorable staItS with a dozen dorm-room coeds who open up a car wash for reasons dykes sprawled naked and trading licks. that don ' t really matter. What matters is the T. T. Boy enters and slices the hot knife of quality of porn-star pulchritude presented in his prong through the butter-soft openings this video. Unlike the burned-out skags of the assembled slatterns ' mouths, vaginas offered as sex queens in some of today ' s and an uses. At one point, Boy lies on his XXX videos, the dozen-plus cast of Car back as six chicks hoist a sister slut over his Wash Angels is fresh, clear-eyed and fuck- prong. By the time this scene finis hes, Boy able. It's as if a slut-ray hit a junior-college blows his wad four times into the sea of aerobics class, turning girl-next-door types hootchies. The rest of the video is so good, into all-American whores. It' s difficult not you won't even care if you get caught beat- to like a video that offers a blazing DP that ing off to it. -Mack Assarian CAR WASH ANGELS: T T Boy launches assault on Emily, Sydney St. James and Kylie Ireland. CAR WASH ANGELS Sid Deuce croons for cunnilingus. October H U S T L E R 15 Ana THREE-QUARTERS ERECT. Directed by Joe D'Amato; starring Debora Wells, Mark Davis, Anita Blonde, Frank Malone, Kelly Trump, Backey Jakic, Bernadette, Sean Michaels, Cheyenne, Juvo's Stud and Max Magnum. Videocassette: VCA. Visiting a European Renaissance castle where the ladies are attired in elaborate powdered wigs and voluminous, billowing dresses, and the fucking is cloaked with mystery, symbolism and incredibly jarring voice dubbing, Anal Palace is a continuous spree of group orgies, outdoor boffs, prolonged penis worship, black-dick fetis hism and bowel-rending ass sex. The women, from a continent that has never heard of the San Fernando Valley 's porn gulch , are mostly new to stateside viewers, who will pierce their fists with appreciation for the Swiss cream thighs, French- twist natural tits, Italian alpine rumps and a Germanic swinishness fo r wallowing in salvos of anally agitated cum . Though presented with heavy-handed, straight-faced seriousness, Anal Palace is easy to check in to and will have visitors hard at least a few times before they're ready to check out. -Christian Shapiro ANAL PALACE: Max Magnum nibbles Bernadette-flavored breast meat. Fashion Pate The return of the flawless mocha skin of Heather Hunter, with her perfect chocolate-kiss-tipped titties, her skinny, golden-brown, dimpled ass and her sultry, swollen, black- cherry lips, will do more to bring the races together than any six multicultural-sensitivity seminars. At base, we all- black, white, Mexican, Chinaman or Hindu priest-are ani- mals, raging to submerge our engorged prongs in the tempt- ing boysenberry snatch juice of a sepia-tone vision such as muscle-belly sexual athlete Heather Hunter. We will settle for a video display of some other stiff poking Hunter' s face and flaps, and we'll even tolerate the shopworn storyline of a figure photographer who insists on screwing his models, and we'll wrench a grudging satisfaction from ourselves, because Heather Hunter has returned, healthy, happy, seem- ingly horny, taking a Felecia-wielded strap-on in her snatch, licking throbbing purple vein, grinding her quim on cock and face and draping semen from her slippery lips in two cum facials. Fashion Plate will never out of -C. S. FASHION PLA TE: Jenteal, Heather Hunter and Felecia. ravings HALF ERECT. Directed by Jim Enright; starring Missy, Jill Kelly, Nyrobi Knight, Alexis Dane, Ariel Daye, Christi Lake, Shawn Ricks, Tom Peter North, Nick East, T. T. and Tedeschi. Videocassette: VCA. The only taboo violated in Forbidden freckles and a fiery bush that creeps Cravings is the artistic prohibition halfway up her belly, bucks back for a against trite, overused plot devices, such long shaft up her shithole. Tom Byron as the appearance of a nondescript stat- and Peter North probe the anal and vagi- uette that when touched by a porn harlot nal interior of a cellulite-free, fine-ass or XXX stud impels them to get down negress , pumping spuzz on both sides to immediate sex. Tony Tedeschi helps of her face. A sultry , lithe lAP type is himself to the trim and tongues of two in a scene that's not too hot. A clean- blondes, milking his snake on their soul- shaved pussy lips a fat shank, and T. T. kissing lips. A black-chick/white-chick Boy wallops a blond snatch to the lesbo tryst includes dildos and spitting gro und , then drops a load from a height into cuntholes. A redheaded, milky- onto her face . Cravings is perfectly limbed, sex ually activated lady, with acceptable. -C. S. 16 October H U S T L E R On Sa!nday, April 28, the suders got up earty They gathered at a HoltyoM:lod Call forma, sound- lraud; she's not fuc~ng haN these &uys. They're stage to part icipate in what Metro Holl'e Video not lethn& us. They're not giving us any time. I had billed as a -300,man gang,bang.- was III the gang-bang with AlInabei etoOOI. She Jasmin st. Claire, star of the event was to be was speCIal. AlInabei was fnendly.- lhe biggest sucker, follawed by IlIIe flutters, fol- Annabel Chong, -record" IIolder for last year's lowed by Ille mookish army that was there 10 251-man gang-bang. showed up at the start of suc. on SI. Claire's volcano br!asts. St. Claire's event and demoosllated her fnendli- A great deal of sucking went on betYII'een the ness by blowing a dozen mooks just lor Ue hell hours of ten a.m. and lour p.m., but a 101 less of II. The suckets who stayed until the ganl' than had been promised. ba,g meter by Jasmin's bed hIt]OO "ltRessed a On-tile-spot c-ounting tallied doser to 50 tIIan spectacle Ihat had no numeric meaning, but 300 puds Metro Horne Vcleo will release a Vldectape of the "I'm outraled," declared a portly and trouser- evenllater Uis ,ear. The tape wi" probably be a less lentleman, standing in line willllnillor a bnsk sel'er, as have oIhel stunt and IlOVeIty sex crad at St. CleiJl!'s crac:k. -This is a ooax and a films In Ihe ~ent past because anotller sucker is born every minute. Southern Comfort THREE.(}UARfERS ERECT. Directed by Bud Lee' statriflg Kait1yn Ashley. Christi Lake. AIm Malle, Chaooane, Missy MIIr.e Homer. John DBcke!, Nick EasJ Hank AlmsJrong iJrJd MIChael. Vic1eocasseIte: OripOing Wet Pix. 1be nice thing abou l lhe more ridicu- Ashley that this is JUSt a piece of XXX lous ly prelentious adult films (i.e. those cable fodder and not a real movie: even made for cable) is that during the flaccid within the constraints of the dumb-ass mornenb when the perfonners are sining ~rip', Ashley delivers her nongrunting on thelf most valuable acting tools. talk, lines wilh surprising flair. If she'd begun ing instead of schrupping, \'ie""ers can her lhespian career sucking dicks back- occupy their brains trying 10 figure OUI if stage instead of on"age. she'd be whoring a film like SOlllhern Comfort is a bad on some TV show like Mclro.Je Place drama or an unfunny comedy. Luckily, instead of playing whores in smut. when KaitJyn A.shley peels off that frilly Southern Comfort presents more than a SO\Ithem-bel le dress and joins loins with half-dozen ""ell-shO(, !lonanal fomica- her co-stars, Southern Comfort turns into lioos. Watery and sweet in places. it goes a damn fine fuck flick . No one has told down smooth. ~ran n'ng/It ONE-DUARfER fFrECr. DIrected by J/f1)PoM-M,. stafring hundreds at inebtialed(KJm pattygoers. ViOOocassetre. AsIraJ-Ocean Cinema. As a XXX film-with its paltry trio of staged- passing camero. or the ten-second burst of brawl- looking. spontaneous sex-al-a-pany scenes- ing captured when two dudes fight over the Hollywood Hatlow~~n rales low. As a record of a rights to fondle a slurring blonde. Most of this drunken Halloween costume parly aHended by drunkumentary presents the son of shenanigans hundreds ofpomdom's big cocks and big cock- familiar to illl)OIlC ..... ho·s been to a frat pany or sud.ers, Hollywood Hallo .... un has interesting read the transcripts of the Tail Hook comention, moments: the disturbing cinema-verite scene of a The stage show (eatunng Nina HartJey and slouching, watet)·-eyed. slack-faced pom trollop another hoofing strumpet perfonning a nonstrip spilled onto some dude's lap, lamely tugging on nontease is exactly what fast-forward bunons her for the benefit of the were made for. --M. A. HOLL YWOOD HALLOWEEN' SWeeJ tarts up to !ricit.s 17 HALF ERECT. Directed by John T. Bone, starring Candy Apples, Sabrina, Ron Jeremy, Karl Radford, Rick Masters, DaveHardman, Steve Hatcher, Blake Palmer and Warren Scott. Videocassette. Metro Home Video. WARNING: In the middle of the fIrst contain not a whiff of deeply probed mas- scene of opium-den debauchery, two culine asshole. Candy Apples, who used to chicks strap on dildos and jam them up the degrade herself by working as an assistant poop chute of some dude in fruity Kabuki- manager of a footwear store in a Southern mask paint. A stunned, horrified viewing California shopping mall, serves the rip- audience watches as the big, black anal piing topography of her lower half to two intruder slides in and out of the Kabuki dudes in black masks with a penchant for fruit's glistening, stretched-out, hairy ass- double penetrations from unusual angles. hole. Is this an attempt to make heterosex- Ron Jeremy in a redundant troll mask ual fIlms that will also appeal to homosex- leads five other trolls in a gang-bang of uals, or is this, yet again, the result of serpentine Sabrina, whose smoldering some fancy idea to make genderless porn flesh holds the sheen and consistency of films? Whatever it is, it's about as good an high viscosity motor oil throughout her idea as making a deodorant soap that tortuous writhings. Those who survive the smells like shit. The vileness of that fIrst first Explicit scene without barfing are scene is washed away by the even greater rewarded with a finish that almost makes EXPLICIT.- Sabrina worms tongue into Apples's vileness of the two ensuing scenes, which up for the start. -M. A. cheeks; Kabuki man fingers flaps. ----II HALF ERECT. Directed by Jim Enright; starring Yasmine Pendavis, Anna Amore, Fonda French, Kim Eternity, Nyrobi Knights, Mr. Marcus, Magnum D, Dante, Guy DiSilva and L. T. Dee. Videocassette.' Wicked Pictures. In a throwback to the separate-but-equal hair flops on her back with her legs splayed doctrine of racial relations, Toot Z Roll is a wide for a power pack of her pussy and a wholly segregated black-on-black fuck tape splat of wad in her cleavage. The camera that is equal to the bulk of white-bred porn goes touching close to a cunt of the dark in that it peters out at about half-mast. continent, the pussy pierced by a steely Detailing the sexual exploits of several slave ring, as a black rod squeezes into the taxi-driving brothers who dick their soul- double-chocolate channel of her sister pickups, Toot Z Roll' s blood bones Afrocentric sphincters. A pair of colored are eager to pump the puffy, dusky lips of girls bone a buck; two bucks dual fuck a high-caliber, sexy black chicks. sweet melanin piece and blast wad on both Throughout Z Roll, the dusky flesh disap- sides of her face, and the Tina Turner lady pears in murky lighting; so be prepared to returns for a faceful of testicle gravy. squint as a streety minx with Tina Turner Doesn't that sound like half a Toot? --C. S. TOOT Z ROLL: Mr. Marcus introduces Knights 's nookie to Mr. Johnson. a core choolgirls Video Magazine: Volume 4 THREE-QUARTERS ERECT. Directed by Max Hardcore, starring Barbara, Lovette, Ashley Skye, Barbie Bochart, IIlana, and Max Hardcore. Videocassette: Xplor Media Group. Rough sex is too kind a term for the erotic that her snatch is pushed practically outside atrocities committed during the filming of of her body cavity? Hardcore 's battery of Hardcore Schoolgirls: Volume 4 (with full anal apertures is legendary and not for the consent and avid collaboration from all the squeamish. He hits chick faces with wad, stretched-out buttholes, wad-smeared faces lunger gobs and even dumps an egg yolk and inside-out cunts involved). Fans of Max down one damsel's throat. ("Oh, no," she Hardcore have come to expect porn 's most says before gagging the yellow slop back up fierce bonings from hostile prick Max, and onto Hardcore 's invading bone.) Although a he hasn 't lost any impact. How does this rut- different girl is used in every scene, and they 88Im....01!'::"~ ting menace to pussy tightness get away with are getting prettier as Max becomes more inserting four fingers into a single vagina? successful, variety is not a Hardcore strength. And then taking that handful of digits and Still, it's hard to get tired of a continuously sliding them up a little broad 's sphincters so raging boner. -C. S. HARDCORE SCHOOLGIRLS VIDEO MAGAZINE: /llana, Hardcore's next victim. L..-_~_ _ _" ". 18 October HU S TL ER Falcon Enterprises Productions has produced a line of video- tapes showcasing the private flesh of just-be~d~jall· bait models, many of wflom have appeared in HUSTLER'S BARElY LEGAl. Each ~ideo presents an indl~iduat Junior miSS ta lking, masturbating, playing with her favorite toys. The pruri- ence packed by these 'Ildeos lies not in hard-core actloll (there is Ilone), but in the unsullied illM- cence of girls old enoogh to carry legal lOs. but sllil young enough for braces alld the cern- forting hug of a teddy bear. Why don't these tapes go all the way? A spokesman for Falcon elJ)lains that all of the girls are certifiably of legal age, but they are so young-looking that depicting them in ~pl,oog,'-d"",ched m scenes might pro'.lOke unwarranted outrage in certain regions 01 the coontry. There are a dozen IItles a~ailable. Make inquiries at 1-800-382-6627. ---------_._-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a ~~~ffifcr~~~~~:~~~~~. Nena Mdets/xI, Kim KiI3KJe, JoIm. Alex Sant:m ~ J3y Ashley ~' Pdu~ t Afler ",alching a slew of Max Hardcore anal-assauh films, ii's hard to believe Ihal bilches don't have 10 be slapped. spn on and verbally I ~::>~,.~in order to be fucked up Ihe ass. Anal Maniacs #4 is a fee l-good II film in which lails are nai led nice. After Alex Sanders explains is Sid Deutt'S "first anal scene"-""ilh all the encouraging l o~ann;;"e" ()f a camp counselor leading a nervous swimmeronlo the for her firsl plunge inlo the deep end-he genlly spreads reelal crease and shoves blinky slowly full of 10\ e Slick. Sanders tenderly gazes infO Deuce's baby-soft ejes Ihroughoul: all that's miss- ing are the mellow strains of a I-Ioolie and the Blowfish song on lhe soundlrad. This scene plays as rough as a slow dance on prom nighl. The rest of the movie follows suil. Anal Maniac51N is the kind of vKteo I girlfriend when she needs 10 be convinced how fun it be 10 lake dick up her ass. --M . A. THRff-OlJARfERS fRECT. Directed by P&JI Thamas. Slamng ~ Diman, rflliny Million, Rebecca Lord, De/ric;k Lane, Jon Dough, Sle\-en St Croix Sean MicIJaeJs and Channooe. Vllieor.3ssette V,..Jd. few people on this eanh are Iruly filmed wilh skill and care, and stilllhe I ""d ",,,",i,f," __ two of them gel naked. stroker comes away wilh a quaner tank of dick. lick pussy, fill iheir snalches surplus wad left in his nuts. Direclor Paul penis and pose lheir cock-Slopping Thomas has fashioned a moody. odd el'O(- beneath worshipfu l deluges of cum ic parable exploring Ihe power struggle I II~e~~~~~~ ' ~ Racquel Daman and Lord are 10 cum whal a magnel belween the sexual expertise of a mature ",oman (Tiffany ~hlliOfl) and the insou- 10 Iron filings, and plenty of spuzz ciani pull of her youthful nval (Darrian). I will fly thei r way due 10 10e film is intelligent, allmctive and sexy . half as much as they (Million i~ no slouch at firing up a rod). have potentially drawn. Rocquel bUI the direclor has chosen to pursue I U'OIT"" indulges the LWlOchick viewer exposition above a Fully Ereci leasl Ihree skin scenes, IWO of Judging from !he resu hs. he's p",oo;'l~ I LUNACHICK. Channone and Sf 19 e "" rk Video Magazine #6 ONE-QUARTER ERECT. Directed by Rick Savage; starring Tammi Ann, Missy, Alexandria Ryder, Dynasty, Valeria, Manya, Rod Straker, Ray Horsch, Rick Savage and Honey Bee. Videocassette. OutlawProductions. What is wrong with the fi lms put out by the adult-video industry today? Take New York Video Magazine #6 for example. The box cover promises "two full hours of all anal action. " The videocassette delivers about two hours of action that is mostly of the oral- that is, of the talking- variety. Everyone yaks up a storm . Honey Bee, a cute, blond-bimbo emcee puts nothing up to her mouth other than a microphone. Porn star Dynasty rambles about the thrill of being a porn star, without taking her clothes off. Michael, the Michael Jackson transvestite, gives a speech about the mayor of New York. What saves New York Video Magazine #6 from being a total write-off is the final scene with Manya, an Italian super-slut whose porn-diva face oozes with eerie delight as she crams her ass full of cock, dildo and Ping-Pong-size butt beads. If New York Video Magazine #6 were a printed magazine, it would barely be worth the paper it was printed on. -M. A. NEW YORK VIDEO MAGAZINE #6. Missy makes mischief with Tammi Ann's gash. Three-Quarters Erect Superior. A top production. Standard fare. Has moments. Poor. Don't expect much. Ass Openers #1 Gangland Bangers (VCA) The Backdoor Bradys Out of My Mind (TCKS Entertainment) Juli Ashton , Jen Teal, (Pleasure Productions) (Pleasure Productions) Kitty Monroe, Debi Diamond, Sean Michaels Kaitlyn Ashley, Dal las, Heather Lee, Stephanie, Ron Jeremy Max Hardcore Jay Ashley Internal Affairs (Vivid) Phantasm (Wicked Pictures) Double Cross Ashlyn Gere, Asia Carrera, Hienie's Heroes (VCA) Asia Carrera, Jenna Jameson, (Wicked Pictures) Jon Taylor Hayes, Tera Hart, T. T. Boy Jill Kelly, Jeanna Fine, Ron Jeremy Max World 2 Skin: The Third Degree Brad Armstrong (Xplor Media Group) Porno Bizarro (Eurotique Entertainment) Gregory Dark's Flesh Lovette, Julie, (Glitz Video) Keisha, Gyn Seng, Marie Noelly (Dark Works/Evil Angel) Max Steiner Napoleon, Amandazon, Lisa Ann, Kim Kitaine, Long Dong Silver Totally Limp Scrue (Vivid) A waste of time and money. Nick East Chasey Lain, Shelby Stevens, Sex Bandits (VCA) Gregory Dark's Sex Freaks Ian Dan iels Kaitlyn Ashley, Missy · Dragxina: Queen (Dark Works/Evil Angel) Smells Like Sex (VCA) The Social Club (Legend) of the Underworld Stephanie Swift, Paisley Hunter, Jenna Jameson, Juli Ashton, Rachel Love, Debi Diamond, (Metro Home Video) Tom Byron Tony Tedeschi Dick Chris Cline, Adam Young, Kalina Lynx Vortex (Metro Home Video) Stacked Deck (Intropics) Jasmin St. Claire, Davia, Crystal Wilder, Kaitlyn Ashley, Public Places 2 Dave Hardman Alex Sanders (Wicked Pictures) Rebecca Wild, Brittany O'Connell, Buck Adams 20 October H U S T L E R "*****! Volcanic! A Sexual Shocker!" Adam Film World ®~~ W®M~ ~® WE'RE CELEBRATING VCA'S llSHOCK: LATEX 2, JJ BY BLOWIN' OUT MICHAEL NINN'S GREATEST HITS! To celebrate the release of VCA Platinum Plus and Michael Ninn's amazing blockbuster "SHOCK: LATEX 2", we're blowin' out Michael's other award-winning hits at an all-time low price! We're talkin ' MOVIE OF THE YEAR, BEST ACTOR , BEST ACTRESS, BEST DIRECTOR, BEST MUSIC ... the list goes on and on! And best of all , the sex is scorching hot... enough to drain the balls of even the most seasoned XXX fan boy! And to put ou r pocket books where are mouth is, we're giving you $10 FREE MONEY (details below)! So order now before these mega-hits go back up to thei r reg ular price of $39.95 each ! "The Jerk-Off Hit Of The Year!!" Hustler Erotic Video Guide Michael Ninn's SHOCK: LATEX 2 Starring Tyffany Million, Shayla laVeaux, Jon Dough, Jeanna Fine, Sunset Thomas, Tricia Yen , Marine Carli Caressa Savage, Jill Kelly, Jenny Blair, Misty Rain , Kia, Felecia, Rebecca Lord , and a special appearance by Dna Zee. The long-awaited sequel to Michael Ni nn's multiple-award winning LATEX (MOVIEOF THE YEAR & 8 MORE MAJOR AWARDS !) has arrived ! Crammed fu ll of outrageous special effects, and fea- turing a massive all-star cast of super-vixens, SHOCK: LATEX 2 takes your deeper and deeper into the dark side of man's sexual psyche. Only the amazing combination of VCA Platinum Plus, Michael Ninn and Antonio Passolini could deliver such a knockout pu nch. 11 cum-soaked sex scenes include massive facial cu mshots, anal, orgies & more! 125 Min. #13978 $39.95 lAVE '" 'UCKI D. lEX, lEX ~ • LATEX IIEREII Buy SHOCK: LATEX 2 (Above), Get H-U-G-E Discounts On These ~~i!iQ~ MichaelNinn 's LATEX Other Michael Ninn Blockbusters! PLUS••• Get $10 FREE MONEYl "MOVIE OF THE YEAR, BMORE Michael Ninn 's SEX Michael Ninn 's SEX 2: FATE MAJOR AWARDS!" "MOVIE OF THE YEAR! "A MASTERPIECE! Sunset Thomas, Juli 7 MORE AWAROS!" VOLCANIC! " Adam Film World Ashton, Tyffany Mil/ion. Sunset Thomas, Chasey Sunset Thomas, Tyffany Million, A wild futuristic world is Lain, Tyffany Mil/ion, Shayla Laveaux, Deidre Holland. jammed with surreal sex, Asia Carrera, "A Must See! " Adult Video News! liters of cumshots, incred· Jon Dough, More! The smoldering sex saga continues ible acting, tons of anal, "Highest Rating Eve r! with 8 hot XXX scenes & wild spe· and bizarre leather action! Adult Video News cial effects! 90 Min. ' 12208 $24.95 120 Min. ' 13392 $29.95 "The Citizen Kane Of XXX ! Or.. . Only $17.95 With SHOCK Only $24.95 With SHOCK r;u~o7VCA MAILORoER - - -0 61Er $tOFREE ;;oNEYHE Adam Film World. 10 ball-boiling sex scenes highlight this amazi ng tale 1 REI' 1 RUS~ of power, greed, success & destruction! Amazing special effects, 9650 De Soto Ave, Dept. HU9-6 have o rdered any feature from this ad. my supe rb acting, and lavish sets make SEX an all-time classic! Chatsworth, CA 91 31 1-501 2 tape(s) with my $10 FREE VCA MONEY Coupon . 114 Min. 110787 $24.95 Or.. . Only $17.95 With SHOCK 1 Checks, Money Order Accepted By Mail MICHAEL NINN BLOWOUT PRICES: 1 VISA/Mastercard Accepted By Mail Or: O SEX #10787 $24.95 O SEX 2 #12208 $24.95 1 Gal/8:00am-6:00pm PST Mon.-F" Or ... Only $17.95 Each When You Buy SHOCK TOLL FREE: 1·800·458·4336 O LATEX #13392 $29.95 (Or only $24.95 With SHOCK) 1 Let Us Yank Your Chain With Or FAX Your Order: 818·718·0858 Name, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $10 FREE MONEY From VCA Mail Order! Address, ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I Simply order as little as one feature from Exp. Date - - -S-H-tP- P-tN -G- :-$4 - p-er Order, u' -P - S- G - r-o-un- d- City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ad and we'll send you a $10 COJ!jJon for a fu '_ $.1D Off yoU r next order from UPS Blue & First Class Mail-Add $1.50 Per Tape California Residents Add 8 1/4% Sales Tax state _ _ _ _ _ _,ZiP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11 - - Mail Order! It's like a ten spot SHOCK:LATEX Z SPECIAL DEAL! XBySignature Signing, I h""er:-':eb""yc"'ert""'ify,",thO:-:-at"l-=-=am:-;2;-;- 1 "ye"a=-=rsC-::of<:a=ge-:CorC-:-ol;de::-: :;: r a"' nd' I dropping from heaven & blessing your life with new meaning ! L.O.J.H.2.£K~12 UP.2l8~ll!I.2l d=to=ve-=al~n~at~or=w::.= The records required by Section 2257 of Title 18, U.s. Code, With Respect To ~S OCK ;LATEX 2 ~, and all graphical material associated therewith are kept by the ... Custodian of Records at the office of the manufacturer at the following location: R.J. HAMPSHIRE, Custodian of Records, VCA Labs, Inc., 9650 De Solo Ave., OFFER VOID IN AL, FL, OK, UT AND WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. Chatsworth , CA 91311 Date of Production: 8/95. AU other tiUes are exempt, being produced prior to July 3, 1995. ~siPtroGs~1ust dirty, hard that'll make you cum. Cf!)rMl7l N 'l AU YOU MY lOR IS lIfE COST OF lIfE CAlL 1 q't SiECO DSi_ e» 'II - _ _ 2 - " 7"2 - " 7 " 4 3 _ HARDCORE INTERNATIONAL PHONE SEX! o 'II 'II-S~~-4-..2~-4-~3 HORNY LESBIAN LOVERS 011·197-429-422 011-112-172-17430 FROM 42 ~ PER 30 SECONDS TO YOUR PHONE ~!1g:~ 1-800-420-2-0N-1 ~ WE'RE UNEMPLOYED HOllYWOOD ACTRESSES...... 1-900-674-CUNT CARDS. WHO NEED A FUCK NOW'• 1 - 8 0 0 -.... 2 0 - 2 6 6 1 ..... DIRECT BILL OR CHECK- BY- PHONE 18+.100% LIVE! ••• ~ 1 -900-67" .... - 2 8 6 8 REAL LIVE SLUTS! • S2.98/ MINUTE 18+ FEEDBACK (continued from. page 11 ) a porn star, I say, bullshit. I did the impos- sible. Lights, camera, action! -C. G. New Paltz, New York they've had a hard life (I'm sooo tired of hearing that shit), give them my name and address. Love and affection from the house of correction. - M. M. because of a restraining order. If you're a God bless you too, C. G.,for dreaming the Wasco, California man, you're in a world of shit. - D. O. impossible cream. Riverside, California HUSTLER honeys willing to give succor Film Lovers to a down brother can write: Any Horny Thanks for the warning. Before putting My fiance and I just watched Debi Dia- Prisoner, U.S. Department of Corrections, dick into cunt, check under those lips mond's Dirty Dykes Volume 2. We were Washington , D .C. 20510. f or fangs . very moved by this movie, if you know what I mean. Can you help us find the Hail Clitoria He Hugs Hair Bares whole Debi Diamond series? - M. D. A longtime reader told me HUSTLER I love hairy women, and your June ' 96 Reno, Nevada ran a greatest-clit contest. How about an HUSTLER Honey Leanne is beautiful updated version of these provocative and hairy (Leanne: Groupi e Girl ). I Information on all your sentimental fa- pussy peters? - M. L. want to compliment photographer Matti vorites is available in H US TLER Denver, Colorado Klatt on the excellent work. It 's a real EROTIC VIDEO GUIDE, at fine newsstands turn-on to see hairy girls out in the cold, everywhere. M. L., your suggestion is under consider- shivering, with their hair puffed up. Try ation, but there are so many classifica- showing them that way. - M. E. Hardened Con tions to consider: size, form , tenderness, Fox River Grove, Illinois What's up? As you noticed, there are no taste and distin ctive markings. Keep women in pri so n. At leas t no real watching for results of furth er in-depth Mr. Klatt has been dispatched to Alaska, women, and since I don ' t use generic research. where he is hunting the fur-covered Es- butt pussy, I need you to point me to- kimo beauty of your dreams . ward someone decent to write to. I don ' t Do you have a comment or complaint? We want no dope fiend, suck-your-dick-for- want to hear it. Send your letters (typed or American Maid a-hit, sperm-burpin' gutter slut. Prison neatly handwritten) to HUSTLER Feed- I'm a happily married young woman who makes me more appreciative, not desper- back , 8484 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 900, read the Army guys' plea in Bosnia. I'd ate. If there 's someone out there with a Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Include a phone love to send some creamy letters and out- kind, unspoiled heart and a face that still number if you want your letter considered rageous nude photos. The address was knows how to smile, even though for publication." "Any Service Member." How will I know that those guys get the package? Actually, any young men wil l do. Well, any men who are horny. -S. K. Kailua, 'Hawaii We're sure your care package will pro- vide an invaluable service to any member it reaches. Patriots who want to help keep the home fires burning, that address again is: Any Horny Service Member, Operation Joint Endeavor, APO AE 09397. A Voice From Beyond I have neither complaints nor comments. However , th e advertisements for live phone sex with Savannah really should be changed. - J. D. H. Baurnholder, Germany Jizzing on Jasmin I'm writing to express my eternal gratitude to all at HUSTLER. On April 28th I par- ticipated in The World's Biggest Gang- bang II, with Jasmin St. Claire. I fulfilled the dream of a lifetime. I've gone full cir- cle: from a simple jerkoff to sharing the spotlight with others just like me for a brief, shining moment-fucking a porn star and shooting my load on her tit. God ble s America! If it all ends tomorrow, my life will be complete. To anyone reading this who thinks it's impossible to come on October HUSTL ER 23 Hot Letter me th e creeps." Glancing toward the corner and away from Babs's abundant, pale boso m, I remembered that some women don't get turned on by the un- flinching stare of a quadriplegic. The feel of swollen, pink nipples stiffening • between my thumb and forefinger had me too mad with lust to care. "That 'cripple'-or movement-chal- lenged person-happens to be my brother," I growled, throwing Babs onto the couch an d pulling off her jeans . low-cut, pink-satin top. "And he and I happen to share every- She responded , "Rapists a re le ss thing." I tore Babs ' s silk panties to likely to attack a mother with her child. shreds and applied tongue to her fuck That' s why I push this empty stroller. .. lips. Lapping her c litori s, I noticed and keep a snub-nosed .38 in the diaper Babs 's bitching and moaning had been bag. " Finally, a woman after my own reduced to moaning . She sw iv eled TRICK OR TEAT heart had show n up in this one-whore steamy gash around my mouth. -- --- --------- town! As I shared gun talk with the Babs grunted e nthu siastically as I Ma says 30 is too old for my brother heavy-tittied bundle of hormones named stripped naked. She poked her head be- Donny and I to go trick-Of-treating. I Babs, groans fro m Donny alerted me to tween my legs for a quick suck of my ought to punch her in her fat belly. The the fact that my little bro was desperate meat pipe . There would be time for only thing Donny looks forward to is the to get down to the door-to-door drill. I humjobs later; I pinned her back to the one day a year I put a Fonzie mask on his f ig ured if he had waited all year, he floor and hoisted her ankles above my face and push his wheelchair around the could wait an extra hour whi le Babs and head. My log sank betwee n Babs 's neighborhood. Although he can barely I shared a nightcap at her new place. thighs, exploring her red-hot birth move his lips to say "Trick or treat ," "Sorry the house isn't handicap-acces- canal. She erupted in savage screams of Donny usually comes home with a bag sible," blushed Babs as I yanked Donny's pleasure, thrashing under my weight. full of candy a nd even mo ney. Hell , chair up a long , concrete stairway. I "Fuck me fast," begged Babs, frigging sometimes I wish I could be in a debili- didn ' t care how sore Donny's ass be- her love button with frantic fi ngers. "I tating car accident. came, as long as I came in Babs's ass. want the whole shaft, in and out, ohh .... " This Halloween, Donny planned to sell Sex seemed like a possibility when Babs The cock-crazed trollop looked unmis- his candy to neighborhood kids and buy a welcomed me into her home by massag- takably close to a shuddering climax, but wheelchair just like Christopher Reeve 's. ing my crotch. Just as she unzipped my I didn ' t intend to be the one who gave When Donny saw Supe rman rolling · pants, Babs removed her tongue from my Babs an uncontrolled orgasm. aro und on the news , steering his ear and seemed to freeze up. I whispered, "Getting your hot bod all wheelchair by blowing into a little " Let ' s go to th e bedroom," Babs sexed up was my little trick, Babs. Now breath-control tube, baby brother shit pleaded, tugging my dink to graniti c you' re going to give my brother a treat. " himself for the fourth time that day. erection. "The cripple is starting to give The blood seemed to drain from Babs's Ma finally passed out midway through face as she watched me lift Donny out of a six-pack and Columbo. I wasn't paying his chair. She never stopped fingering much attention to the television; a chick her gash. with long, brown hair and giant cans kept I la id Donny on hi s stomach , then pushing her baby stroller back and forth lifted his midsection so his butt pointed in front of our hou se. What I wouldn ' t sk y ward . This provoked the lo ud est give to slurp the milk from those fleshy grunt I've ever hea rd escape Donny 's feed bags! I threw the mask on Donny paralyzed lips. I muttered, "Calm down , and maneuvered his wheels around Ma, idiot, I'm not gonna fuck you in the ass . sprawled out on the living-room floor. If This is just in case your dick springs to I hurried, I could catch up to the brat-tot- life after your first taste of pussy. " ing sex bomb. Her bodacious butt was Donny 's eyes lit with enthusiasm when wiggling lewdly just a few blocks ahead. I pulled off his mask; for just a second, "You must be new to these parts," I a smile flashed across his lips. If Donny gasped, out of breath from running and was e ver goi ng to regain use of hi s pushing Donny at the same time. "Most mouth , now was the perfect time. women here don't like to walk alone on "This is so wrong," huffed Babs, ce- Halloween night. The streets are filled menting her snatch to Donny's face . .1 with devil worshipers and horny guys sil enced any protests by stuffin g my who haven't been laid in, oh, seven or snake down he r esophag us. Babs eight months now ." A smile formed on wrapped her fingers around the base of the sharklike mouth of m y carnal my rod and slurped at the head with prey, and she jutted her chest out of a (continued on page 41 ) 32 October H U S T L E R - .- 1. Black Beauty- Super-fl exi ble 1" thi ck, 7" long bl ack vibrator. 8. Mr. Thin - 7 '/2 in ches of prob ing sensuality. Slend er 13/8 " wide shaft. Mu lti -speed vibes with clitoral stimulator. Perfect for deep-thrustin g penetration . Item #1191 Was $1~ Now Only $14.95 Item #8850 Extra Low Price $14.95 2. Soft Touch - Super soft. non textured latex vib rator. 8 full inches. 9. ThIck JeUyVlbe - This super- flexible "jelly" vibe satisfi es! Measures 8" Quiet multi-speed vibrations. long and 13/4 "thi ck with nubby stimulators at the bulbous base. Item #1475 Was $~ Now Only $14.95 Multi-speed vibrations. 3. Thin JeUyVlbe - This 8 '12" long, 1'12" wide "jelly" vibe is super-fl exib le Item #7481 Was $~ Now Only $14.95 to satisfy your deepest desire! Soft, smooth. skin -like feel Multi-speed. 10. Caress - So fl esh-like. it feels like th e real thing. Flexes to your body's Item #7482 Was $~ Now Only $14.95 inner contours. Multi-speed . 4. The Corkscrew - Ridged pleasure for clitoris, vagina, anus. Item #6148 Extra Low $14.95 9" long, 1'/2' thick shaft. MUlti: sp_eed w/remote. 11. Mr. Thlck - For ladies who hunger for a th.ick sha ft. 13/4" thi ck shaft. 6" Item #2077 Was $1 ~ Now Only $14.95 long. Pleasu re-nubbed, ftIl' er up base. 5. Big 1O-lnch - Fill 'er up. Flexible lO-inch long, 2 thick latex phallus. Multi-speed. Item #8750 Extra Low Price $14.95 Item #2450 Was $~ Now Only $14.95 12. The Equalizer - 4'/2" long anal stimulator delivers loaded rear-end 6. Mr. Sadsfter - 10 full, soft latex inches. Soft veined surface increases stimulation. entry. Multi-speed remote control. 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Date _ __ Signature __________________________ L _ ___________ ___ ________________ _ . ·' - . . he French Ri viera has the sex iest beaches In the world . The Mediterranean Sea kisses wetly upon the Cote d ' Azu r shore line. The hot-and- bothered South of France sun burns down with prurient heat. Long, pristine strips of sand are densely occupied with go lden-fleeced lady bums in thong bikinis. Breasts of every pleasing con- fi guration bounce bare and free, out in the open for all who wish to visually savor the joy of life (joie de vivre). The bodies that flaunt themselves upon these exclusive shores are among the most celebrated in the western world. Decadent, deli cate balleri- nas, wayward princesses, runaway runway mod- els, headstrong and horny daughters of opulence, all flock to France's fa bled coast and enter their nipples in the tittie parade. Every May , the French Ri viera pl ays host to the Cannes Film Festival. The sleepy, ultrachi c resort town of Cannes becomes a circus of hype and glitz . Produ cers, directo rs, ac tresses and agents, from Hollywood, from France, Rome , Hong Kong, London , Korea and Cairo, all hustle for the limelight and shill their movies to distrib- utors and studios. At the locus of thi s bustle is the foremost film co mpetition on earth. The Festival's grand prize, the Palme d'Or, ranks in many circles above an Oscar. Honors the legends of the Adult Screen Mick Jagger is in town. Liv Tyler, Elizabeth Taylor, Cher, Sandra Bullock and another hun- FO REIGN CO RRESPONDENCE BY CHRISTIAN SHAPIRO dred-odd world-class celebrities are on display. The paparazzi are as thick as flies , but where PHOTOGRAPHY COURTESY OF HOT V IDEO MAGAZIN E have they swarmed of a Tuesday afternoon in . e of Festival week? To the Royal in Mandelieu. A dot on the coast about five kilometers fro m Cannes Film Festival' s epicenter, the Royal Casino is ground zero for Hot Video maga- Hot d'Or festivities. inciting commentary and hard-core, behind-the- t he la nd . HU STLE R Exec ut ive Editor Allan scenes photos, is Europe's best-selling journal of MacDonell accepts a Lifetime Achi evement stat- XXX ci nema. For five years running, the maga- ue tte for HUSTLER Publi s he r Larry Flynt , zine h as cap italize d upon the Cann es Film reminding the audi ence that Mr. Flynt has many Festival hoopla by stag in g its ow n conc urre nt more life time achieveme nts up hi s s leeve . award s ceremony, be towing the coveted Hot American cuddl e-kitten Je nn a Jameson picks up d 'Or to honor excellence in porn achievement. two awards, a fat drag queen cavorts with a gaggle Excellent porn-star achievers fro m every nook of gays on the stage, and aro und two in the morn- of the g lobe have co nverged upon the Royal ing, the whole affair winds down until next year. Hotel Cas ino. The smut sirens sing the song of Vive le raunch! video si n, perched in va ri ous stages of undress upon the hotel's pool side deck. The azure gleam of the Med iterranean winks at their rears. In the hotel lobby , he ld back by ba rri e rs of glass and stee l and 2S0-pound secur ity goons, elite troops of the mass media surge toward the allure of imagined sex and the real women who sell it. Princess Caro line of Monaco may be top- less on the beach, Sharon Stone could be shoot- ing a beaver at the Carlton Hotel, but all hi gher cons iderations are fo rgotten. The security behe- moths step back. The doors burst open in a stam- pede of paparazzi. The Hot d ' Or press luncheon is officiall y on. T he attention of a camera does more to porn girls th a n it does to th e average femal e. T he focus of an unblinking lens activates a triple-X actress to perform a ll manne r of lewd ex hibi- tions. She-and a dozen of her ilk-steps off the cement pool deck and into the sand of the beach, where top lessness is encouraged by law and cus- tom. All th at protects he r modesty is a strip of fab ri c that cl ings to the contours of her muffin. The porn ladies gyrate in a language of lust that is universal among the polyg lot mob of photogs. The girl s promenade half- naked, each surrounded by he r pe rsonal phalanx of snapping lensmen. The telm feeding frenzy is unavoidable. * * * T he awa rd ceremon y itself is an exerci se in elegance and graciousness. Approximately 1,500 luminaries of the blu e sc reen walk down a red carpet that parts a sea of flashbulbs and leads into th e Ro yal Hotel Cas in o ballroom. Th e me n, das hing in tuxedos, the ladies, smashing in fOfll1- fitt ing, bon e r-provoking evening dresses, pass thro ugh four separate ticket checkpoints and are led to their tables by a crew of fresh-faced , whol- ly gorgeous local girl s in blond flapper wig. T he p resentation of honors f lows smoothly . Awards and categories are announced in French and English , acceptance speeches are rattled off primar il y in French. Ve te ra n sex s tar Ni na Hartley receives a Lifetime Ach ievement award and gives an impass ioned talk in the tongue of ~tr~~~U@ Sexual Aides ~[}(!xs1TI mw~ How to order them without embarrassment. THIS BITCH MEANS BUSINESSI How to use them without disappointment. f yo u 've bee n re luctant to purchase I sex ual products through the mail, our 100%, three-way Xandria Guarantee might change your mind. 1. We guarantee your privacy. Everything we ship is plainly and securely wrapped, with no clue to its contents from the ou tside. All transactions are strictly confiden- tial , a nd we never sell, ren t, or trade any customer's name. 2. We guarantee your satisfaction. If a product is unsa tisfactory, simply return it LIVE EXPLICIT TALK for replacement or refund. GAEl • FANTASIES 3. We guarantee that the product you choose OATE LINES • 2 ON 1 TALK will keep giving you pleasure. 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