2022 LNA Policy 1 OUR PLANPLEN BILON YUMI Papua New Guinea Our Purpose The League for National Advancement Party (LNA) recognises the efforts of previous legislators and successive Governments that have created, introduced and established well thought out plans for Papua New Guinea. Most legislation and policies introduced since 1975 and subsequent amendments are still very much relevant today, however implementation has always been the issue. LNA will recognize and correct this oversight. The LNA will not allow self-serving Members of Parliament or Public Servants introduce new laws or recommend amendments to existing laws or regulations to serve a short-term goal with long-term consequences. The LNA will ensure full and proper stakeholder consultations prior to any Policy, Regulation or Legislative amendments. This will take effect through a parliamentary reform agenda under our Niu Parliament plan. 2022 LNA Policy 3 Our Policy Seven Deliverables for LNA 1. Niu Parliament to Change how we Govern In order to fix our country, first we must fix our House. LNA has identified the need to separate the House of Parliament in Two. The Lower House or House of Representatives, which is where the Government and the Opposition will sit, discuss and debate. The Upper House or the House of Governors, which is where all the Provincial Governors will sit, discuss and debate articles passed up from the Lower House. Legislations, Budgets, Policies and VONC have been Abused through the current one-house Parliament. LNA will end this. 2022 LNA Policy 5 2. Improved Working Partnerships through a Niu Provincial Government and Districts In order to fix our province, first we must fix our Provincial House. LNA has identified the need for both the Provincial and District Administrations to work in absolute collaboration. The District Development Authorities (DDA) controlled by the Open MPs is again another enabler for successive Governments to control the budgets, influence the flow of funds and ultimately “Kisim Pawa, Holim Pawa”. LNA recognizes that there is no transparency, accountability and synergy in the management of the DDA’s to conform with Provincial Development Plans. The Office of Rural Development that accounts for the District Improvement Funds, does not work effectively and can be compromised. 2022 LNA Policy 6 3. Attracting the Right Foreign Investment The LNA believes Papua New Guinea needs high quality and targeted overseas investment to grow the economy, create business and small business opportunities for Papua New Guineans, and help finance the delivery of basic services, health care, basic education and infrastructure. The LNA will prioritise investment that helps deliver the down-stream processing of the nation’s agriculture, forestry, fisheries, minerals and oil and gas. We will provide incentives for overseas investors to focus on down-stream processing, new industries in growing the IT and communications sector. 2022 LNA Policy 7 4. Rebuilding a Failed Health and Hospitals System The LNA is committed to a complete overhaul of the nation’s failed health and hospitals system that has seen Papua New Guinea experience the lowest infant vaccination rates in the world, alarming increases in diseases such as malaria, cholera, TB, and even polio. The LNA will boost the total annual budget for the health sector based on realistic cash availability, and seek greater donor country and agency funding to ensure the whole system is rebuilt as quickly and efficiently as possible. Health under the LNA will return to the highest national priority under a sustainable Public Private Partnership. 2022 LNA Policy 8 5. Agriculture Recovery Agriculture is the Backbone of Papua New Guinea. LNA will ensure that we unlock our wealth potential through Agriculture. Agriculture is a business and must be given key economic portfolio status supported by a strong private sector investment plan and this will ensure sustainability and growth. The LNA will focus on what’s important to grow and support agriculture in Papua New Guinea with special emphasis on improving Infrastructure such as Roads, Bridges and Ports. 2022 LNA Policy 9 Agriculture LNA will enforce existing legislation to effectively manage the Law & Order to ensure farmer safety and crop protection to market. In particular the protection of commercial operations. The focus is to protect and enforce ownership for investors through secured Land Tenure through security of State Lease ownership LNA will reform and rationalize the Department of Agriculture & Livestock (“DAL”). Remove all regulatory functions from all Commodity Boards. Refocus efforts on Smallholder support and extension services. DAL must perform a greater role in promoting and developing sustainable policies to grow the industry. 2022 LNA Policy 10 Agriculture The LNA will not compromise on supporting the agriculture industry. Remove or minimize any tax on agriculture inputs for commercial agriculture operations and provide support for smallholder operations through a rebate structure or direct subsidies. 2022 LNA Policy 11 6. Commodities Generated Super Infrastructure Tax (SIT) The LNA key economic infrastructure plan will focus on export commodities and resources targeting the originating province. This infrastructure tax will be based on exports and will be calculated on world commodity prices. The LNA Infrastructure tax will be applicable to both the extractives and non-extractives sector to benefit the origin provinces. This “super” tax will be based on higher commodity prices and will be applicable during that cycle. SIT will be a percentage of Company Tax apportioned to the Provinces. The revenue raised from the super tax will be directly invested in Roads and Bridges Infrastructure, Health and Education infrastructure. The investment must focus on growth and sustainability of the province and its commercial and social activities. 2022 LNA Policy 12 7. Revenue Generated Onshore must be Retained Onshore: Extractives Industry Revenue Review The LNA will review all Oil, Gas and Mining project agreements to ensure that all revenue derived in Papua New Guinea will be paid back into Papua New Guinea to build our Foreign Currency capabilities. There will be no quarantine funds held off-shore. The LNA does not believe Government should own shares in the extractives industry at the cost of a sustainable tax revenue stream. This will be renegotiated to ensure National and Provincial Governments receive a fair and equitable distribution of that revenue stream. This revenue plan will only complement the SIT plan and ensure that critical infrastructure is given priority. LNA Supports Cash-Flow over Equity 2022 LNA Policy 13 LNA Tok Pinis The LNA party and Government will focus on practical solutions to Govern Papua New Guinea. The key is to change how we do Government, reduce wastage and the resource drain. Provide the right incentives for economic growth in the non-extractive sector and correct the bad decisions in the extractives sector. LNA will focus on fixing the house, even the playing field and then aggressively pursue partnerships in every aspect of our development agenda. LNA is not afraid to ask the questions and seek help where needed. We are committed to regain our respect as a Country and to lead by example to our Pacific neighbors and partners. 2022 LNA Policy 14 The Better Way [email protected] www.LNA.org.pg
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