G FMP REP PERS URV IV ALG UI DE Y ouc ano nlyb efr eei fyo uar epr epa rede nou ght ost ays tan din g. AsT heGr eat Rese tan dNWOadv anc es, oura cce sst ogo odsa nde ner gy wene edt osur vi vewi l lbes yst emat i cal l ycut off . Thewi ndowoft i mey o uh a vetore mainf reede pend sent i rel yont he amoun tofre sour cesyouhav etosus tai nyou rsel fan dyo urf amil y whenyo uracc essi scut. Werec ommendev ery onehav eatle ast6mon thsofr e s our ces,du ri ng whi cht imeweMUSTt akeou rfre edombacks othat thosef ir sttorun ou tofre sour cesa renotf orc edtokn eela ndsubmi ttogov ernment de mands. T heGFMisbas edonthed e c ent ral i zat io npri nci pl es,an dtheya ppl yto e achi ndi vid ualus in gthei rownreso urc esandt imetopre pare t hemse lv esandthe irf amil ie saccor di ngl yfo rsurvi val ,r evol ut ion ary a cti on, communi cat ion ,andpro tec ti ngt hei rpro p e rty . E ver yFree domFigh teri nth eGFMsho ulddoth eirbes ttoche ckoff e ver yit eminth isli st ,aswe lla sth eBack-C hannelC ommunic ati onShe et a ndth eRevol ut ionI temChe ckl i sti nord e rt obea spr epar edand e qui ppe dasposs ibl e. G FMP REP PERS URV IV ALG UI DE F OOD E achf ul lygr owna dul tne edst hef ol lo win gfo odi t emst osu rvi vef or o nemont h: GRAI NS:30lb s (WHEAT,RI CE,FL OU R, O A TS) FA TS/O I LS: 2lb s ( PEA NUTB U T T ER,L A RD,OL IVE/C OC O NUTOI L) DRI EDO RCANNEDMEAT:2l bs(JERKY, CA NNE DT UNA/ C HI CKENETC) BE ANS :6l bs (D RIEDLENT ILS,KI DNEYBEANS,SOUPMIX) SUGARS:2l bs (HONEY, BRO WNSUGAR,WHITESUGAR) MI LK/ DAI RY:6l bs (POWDEREDMILK,EVA PO RATE DMI L K) DRI EDFR UI T:2 lbs (hI GHTVITAMINANDNUTRIENTFRUI TS) CANNEDVEGETA BLES:6cans (PEAS, CA R RO T S,ETC) SAL T:1- 2 l bs ( CHOOS ESAL TH I GHINMI N ERALS) DAI LYVITAMI N (MULT I-VI TAMI N1 - A-DAY) WHEYO RDAI RY-FR EEP R OTEI NP OWDER (20-GRA MSP ERD AY ) WATER(DRIN KING) :20GALLONS WATER(BATHI NGANDC OOKI NG): 20G AL LO NS -MIN(SPONGEBATH) N OTE :th esea remi ni muma mou nts ,th osee nga gedi nph ysi ca lac ti vi tywi l lre qui remo re t omain tai n.A ddi ngmores ugart oth isl is tiswis e.Su garwat eri sus edtofi ghtt heef fe ctsof s tar vat io n.Ens urey ouhav easlo ngofasu p p lyofe sse nti al medi cat i onf o ranyi l lne sse s a sposs ibl e,a ndadd ingmo remin era lsan ds u ppl ement sisad vi sa ble ,6mo n thso fpetf ood a ndsupp li esal sore commen ded. G FMP REP PERS URV IV ALG UI DE Surv iv alC hec kl ist 1 .A l umi numf oil 23.Hands aw/Chai nsa w 2 .Z i pl ockbags 24.Para cord 3 .C a ndles 25.Back packs 4 .S e eds 26.Toi le tri es 5 .S o il 27.WetWipe s 6 .L i ght ers/Match es 28.Mult i -Tool 7 .R o pe 29.AxeandHat che t 8 .G l ue/Tap e 30.WoodRocke tStov e 9 .F i rs tA i dKits 31. SewingKi t 1 0.La undryDeterg ent 32.Tarp 1 1 .Hydro genP erox ide 33.Emergen cyBl anket s 1 2.Bl eac h 34.Baki ngSoda 1 3.Gen erato r 35.Di sposab leGl oves 1 4.Bat te ryP owerban k 36.Pota ssi umIodi dePi ll s 1 5.Sol ar / Cr an kLi ght -Rad io 37.Amoxi cil l in 1 6.Pr opaneH eat er/St ove 38.Batt eri es 1 7.Ca nso fG a s/Pr opaneTa nks 39.5G a ll onBuck ets 1 8.Wat erFil trati on/Pu rif i er 40.Shove l 1 9.Fi rea rmsa ndAmmu ni t ion 41. Tent 2 0.Fi shi ngR odandKit 42.Bart erIt ems(Gol d/Si l ver ) 2 1.Rec urveBowa ndArro ws 43.Sol arCharg erKit 2 2.Si phonKit 44.MapandCompas s
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