START FINISH together with brother daughter mother although sister weekend think yesterday enough father before because sometimes where whose through after why when who again what around about above which also shaking drinking paying keeping screaming crying driving crossing yelling cooking jumping swimming walking flying eating sleeping sprinting jogging drawing helping hopping riding diving baking catching writing growing travelling fishing building running making FINISH START coach FINISH beach sheep stream claim toast sprain sleep soap feet dream sweet leaf rain meat seat chain tail coat heal jeep goal tea float train sea START Carl found a tiny rock in the garden. SYNONYM/ANTONYM GAME Dave was sad because he lost his wallet. Jerry went up a hill to fetch a pail of water. Stuart woke up late and ran to school. Phil lived in a tall house that had six levels. Once upon a time... Dave saw pretty flowers in the park. Kevin loves his outfit very much. Phil stayed indoors as it was raining. Carl’s house is near to Phil’s. Dave found it difficult * to make friends. Tom wanted to start his soccer game. The apple Tom ate had turned bad Kevin cleaned his room as it was messy Stuart thought* Tim took his apple. Jerry fell sick so he went to the doctor. Tim slammed the door shut in anger. The rug Kevin bought* was rough *. Jerry has the same toy car as Tim. Tom spoke so soft ly that no one heard. The pool that Carl swam in is deep Stuart said sorry for being rude to Tim. They lived happily ever after. saw yawn dawn jaw draw crawl claw launch sauce vault boy toy soil haunt START loud point spoil coin cloud cries town cow clown frown tie sound pie time bite gate slide name brake FINISH