Traditionally workplaces have taken a cure approach to wellbeing – using EAP services to help employees when faced with faced with mental health or emotional issues. But with EAP costs high, usage traditionally low (between 2 and 5%) and anxiety levels rising 20 per cent will face a mental health issue within a 12- month period, according to ABS statistics. It appears this approach is not effective and is outdated. So how can we better support employees? EAP’s are out, wellbeing is in. WorkScore reviewed 14,000 responses recently to find what less anxious and stressed employees are doing to maintain high wellbeing. Firstly: we are not as healthy as we should be. We asked the question, are employees following the recommended guidelines? NO and anxiety levels are high! 14,000 reviewed and stats reveal: • 40% of respondents get 6 or less hours of sleep a night • Less than 50% meet the exercise RDI: only 44% exercise at least 3 days a week • Only 5% of people eat at least 5 serves of veggies and 2 serves of fruits a day • 70% of women and 52% of men rate high in feeling anxious. • Just 40% of employees rate as feeling energised • Unhealthy workers are taking 3 x the amount of sick leave as healthy workers But what would be the difference if we promoted a healthier lifestyle in workplaces, encouraged a focus on wellbeing and provided more tools for employees to learn about self- care? The answer is Less anxiety, more energised and engaged employees. What we know from our stats: Sleep is key Those who sleep 8 or 9 hours rate their sleep quality 21% better than those who sleep 6 hours or less. And have higher 20% energy levels than people who are longer sleepers and over 10% more than 6 hours and less a night. However, 40% of the population are not getting the recommended 7 -9 hours sleep a night. Exercise helps increase energy People who exercise 3 days+ are slightly less stressed, slightly higher concentration and can switch off from work easier but the biggest gain is energy: Working out 3+ days a week increases energy rating by 17% Exercising over 40 mins a day increases energy by 15% and so does a healthy diet. The basics of a healthy diet increases energy by up to 10%. Eating 5+ serves of vegetables a day have 11% higher energy levels than those who eat 2 serves or less. Those who drink 8 or more cups of water are 9% more energised than those who drink less than 5. But, only 32% of employees are drinking the recommended 8 glasses a day. Why is energy important? Those who rate higher in energy levels report: 15% better concentration levels than those who rate low in energy levels 16% better engagement at work 20% less stress at work. People with higher energy also report better mental health Those with higher energy levels rate themselves as; 28% less depressed 26% less anxious 25% more positive people. But just 40% of employees rate as high energy with 6 out of 10 feeling lethargic. The link between energy and absenteeism: Recent research by WorkScore shows that employees with a high workscore are the lowest sick leave takers and also rated higher energy levels and higher concentration levels at work versus those who took above average sick leave who rated lower energy and concentration. Employees with low WorkScores take more sick leave. Our findings showed that unhealthy workers took double the amount of sick leave compared to the company average and triple the amount of those with a high WorkScore. From a previous article "How to promote higher energy at work", our research shows adopting healthy habits increases energy: Sit for no more than 3 - 6 hours per day at work Take full lunch breaks most days and regular short breaks at work Go outside during the day on breaks and being intentionally active at work increases energy by close to 15% Eat 3 or more serves of veg per day Eat no more than one serves of sugary foods per day Drink 8+ cups of water a day and reducing sugary drinks to 1 per day Working out 3+ days a week Exercising over 40 mins a day How to promote wellbeing: Workscore tool Education and workshops Role modelling Visit or call 1300 972 673 to get started with WorkScore.
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