What is zombie matter? STRANGELET IS CALLED ZOMBIE MATTER BECAUSE WHEN IT TOUCHES NORMAL MATTER IT CONVERTS IT INTO A STRANGELET ! Collision of two neutron stars can lead to release of strangelets. These strangelets could turn planets and stars into strang. What is Spice/ K2, Synthetic Marijuana? K2 and Spice are just two of the many trade names or brands for synthetic designer drugs that are intended to mimic THC, the main psychoactive ingredient of marijuana. These designer synthetic drugs are from the synthetic cannabinoid class of drugs that are often marketed and sold under the guise of “herbal incense” or “potpourri.” zombie matter spice These products are being abused for their psychoactive properties and are packaged without information as to their health and safety risks. Street Title Spice, K2, RedX Dawn, Paradise, Demon, Black Magic, Spike, Mr. Nice Guy, Ninja, Zohai, Dream, Genie, Sence, Smoke, Skunk, Serenity, Yucatan, Fire, Skooby Snax, and Crazy Clown. cheap potpourri spice for sale How is it abused? Spraying or mixing the synthetic cannabinoids on plant material provides a vehicle for the most common route of administration - smoking (using a pipe, a water pipe, or rolling the drug - laced plant material in cigarette papers). In addition to the cannabinoids laced on plant material and sold as potpourri and incense, liquid cannabinoids have been designed to be vaporized through both disposable and reusable electronic cigarettes. What are its effect on the body? State public health and poison centers have issued warnings in response to adverse health effects associated with abuse of herbal incense products containing these synthetic cannabinoids. These adverse effects included tachycardia (elevated heart rate), elevated blood pressure, unconsciousness, tremors, seizures, vomiting, hallucinations, agitation, anxiety, pallor, numbness, and tingling. This is in addition to the numerous public health and poison centers which have similarly issued warnings regarding the abuse of these synthetic cannabinoids. In some instances, the adverse health effects can be long - lasting even after the user quits using the substances. buy k2 online cheap Are zombie cells real? However, zombie cells linger and contribute to various age - related health problems and diseases . Mayo Clinic researchers, in two studies, shed light on the biology of aging cells. In a study published in Aging Cell, Mayo Clinic researchers analyzed zombie cells to explain aging at the cellular level. https://k2spiceherbal.com/product/buy - zombie - matter - herbal - potpourri/