+91 141 4005482 support@exampraxis.com How to Prepare For Chemistry For NEET 2022 | Best Books, Chapters & Topics Home Blogs / 7 Mins Read How to prepare for chemistry for NEET 2022 Posted On: 26-Oct-2021 Posted By: Janvhi Agrawal Search... 28 NOV 20 21 All About KVPY 28 NOV 20 21 Why NCERT Books are Important for NEET Exam 28 NOV 20 21 What after NEET - Admission Process and Career Options 26 OCT 20 21 Preparation Strategy for NEET 2022 26 OCT 20 21 How to prepare for chemistry for NEET 2022 Most Recent Posts Home Courses Advantages Plans Blogs Student Corner St a r t Fr ee T r ia l Lo g in Starting in Class 11 is one of the greatest and most suitable times to begin preparing for NEET 2022. Begin by following the below preparation guidelines. If necessary, one might enroll in a NEET Coaching Centre. Remember that self-study can also help you pass the NEET exam. Even if you start late, staying committed and disciplined to your study schedule is crucial. Best Chemistry Books f or NEET ● NCERT Exemplar Class 11 and 12 ● Physics MCQ by D Mukherjee ● Physical Chemistry by O P Tandon ● Oxford’s Organic Chemistry by Jonathan Clayden, Nick Greeves, ● Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J D Lee ● MTG’s Objective NCERT at your fingertips by MTG Editorial Board ● Modern’s ABC of Chemistry of Classes 11 and 12 (volumes 1 and 2) by S.P. Jauhar ● Elementary Problems in Organic Chemistry for NEET/AIIMS by M. S. Chauhan Method to learn Chemistry Organic Chemistry ● Always jot down and evaluate your reactions. ● Because many of the reactions are interconnected, make a list of all of them. For example, in the chapter on alcohol reactions, you'll learn that when alcohol is oxidised, it produces aldehydes. You'll be investigating the identical reaction under aldehyde preparation. ● Named reactions should be kept in a separate notebook. ● Recognize the responses' mechanisms. This will assist you in anticipating any products. ● Compare and research ● Make sure you understand the differences in physical qualities across functional groups, such as acidity, basicity, boiling point, and so on. Inorganic Chemistry ● Hydrogen is the starting point for all reactions. Concentrate your initiatives on hydrogen peroxide. ● In the chapter Isolation of Elements, you'll learn about several separation and concentration procedures. ● Environmental chemistry's most important contaminants and their reactions Physical Chemistry ● To make things easier, divide chapters into two halves. The chapter Equilibrium, for example, can be divided into two parts: chemical equilibrium and ionic equilibrium. ● Formulas should be kept in a separate notebook or sheet of paper. Archives Dec 2021 Nov 2021 Oct 2021 Categories Child Education Medical Olympiad Student Psychology Follow Us ● Make sure you understand each term when learning a formula. ● Learn the values of a few important constants, such as the Universal gas constant, Rydberg constant, and Avogadro number, among others. ● Simplify calculations as quickly as possible. Only by practising every day will you be able to achieve the proper tempo. ● Make sure you don't make any dumb/silly math mistakes. ● Use caution while dealing with positive and negative numbers. ● In physical chemistry, there are several questions that are posed in response to a reaction. Make sure you interpret the reaction correctly and write down the correct values. Calculations based on stoichiometry are one example. ● Make sure you know how to solve fundamental logarithmic equations. If you're adept at logarithmic calculations, for example, you'll find it beneficial for pH calculations. ● Make a point of memorising all of the graphs in the NCERT textbook. Important chapters of class 11th and 12th Chemistry topics class XI ● Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry ● Structure of Atom ● Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties ● Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure ● States of Matter: Gases and Liquids ● Thermodynamics ● Equilibrium ● Redox Reactions ● Hydrogen ● S-Block Element ● P-Block Elements ● Organic Chemistry- ● Hydrocarbons Chemistry topics class XII ● Solid State ● Solutions ● Electrochemistry ● Chemical Kinetics ● Surface Chemistry ● General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements ● P- Block Elements ● D and F Block Elements ● Coordination Compounds ● Haloalkanes and Haloarenes ● Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers ● Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids ● Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen ● Biomolecules ● Polymers Do or die chapters of NEET Chemistry 2022 In order to study chemistry for NEET 2022, candidates should use a methodical approach. Because NEET Chemistry covers a wider range of processes and mechanisms. Physical, Organic, and Inorganic Chemistry are the three areas of the Chemistry syllabus for NEET 2022. The chemistry question paper for the NEET 2022 test consists of 35 + 15 questions (180 marks). Going over the crucial chapters of Chemistry for NEET can help you achieve a good score on the medical entrance exam. Chemistry chapter-wise weightage f or NEET 2022 Name of the Chapter Weight Basic concepts of chemistry 2% Structure of Atom 3% Classification of elements and periodicity in properties 3% Chemical Bonding and molecular structure 5% States of Matter: Gases and liquids 2% Solid-state 2% Thermodynamics 9% Equilibrium 6% Redox Reactions 1% Solutions 5% Electrochemistry 4% Chemical kinetics 3% Surface Chemistry 1% General Principles and processes of Isolation Elements 1% Hydrogen 3% s- Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals) 1% Some p-Block elements 1% d and f Block Elements 4% Coordination compounds 4% Organic Chemistry - some Basic principles and techniques 2% Hydrocarbons 3% Haloalkanes and Haloarenes 1% Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers 8% Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids 3% Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen 1% Biomolecules 3% Polymers 3% Chemistry in Everyday Life 4% Environmental Chemistry 1% Must chapters and topics of Chemistry f or NEET Aspirants can review the important topics that will be asked from Chemistry for NEET 2022, as well as the chapter names, below. The following chapters, as well as the topic of Chemistry, should be given top importance when studying for the NEET 2022 exam. Prioritizing these NEET chapters will improve the level of Chemistry preparation. Some basic principles of Organic chemistry ● Mole Concept And Molar Masses ● Stoichiometry, ● Stoichiometric Calculations Atomic structure ● Bohr model for the hydrogen atom ● Quantum mechanical model of the atom Chemical bonding and molecular structure ● Valence Bond theory ● Hybridization ● The valence shell electron pair repulsion theory Solutions ● Ideal and non-ideal solutions ● Colligative properties Equilibrium ● Ionization of acids and bases ● Solubility Equilibria of sparingly soluble salts Coordination compounds ● Bonding in coordination compounds ● Stability of coordination compounds In Organic Chemistry Some basic principles and techniques ● Isomerism and fundamental concepts in the organic reaction mechanism Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers ● Properties of alcohols and properties of phenols Implementing professional advice and working on it is a key part of the NEET 2022 preparation process. ● Revisit the concept on a frequent basis. ● As much as possible, practice a mock test or a prior year's sample paper. ● Studying should be done in a systematic manner. ● Maintain a healthy lifestyle and get enough sleep. At Exam Praxis, a unique practice platform for NEET, we offer a scientific methodology for better preparation using revise, practice, and learn (RPL) theory. 1. Exam Praxis has designed its theory based on NCERT, where students can revise concepts to improve conceptual clarity during online preparation of NEET. We also offer subject and chapter analytics for better preparation. In addition, students can also access 5K+ flashcards, which helps in retention and recalling the concept through the space retention method. 2. Exam Praxis has designed various tools for the online practice of NEET. To practice and practice, students have access to 60K+ questions in the form of exercise tests, concept tests, chapter tests, previous years papers, and create their own tests papers in the form of online test series. 3. Students can access adaptive learning, our unique online practice of error bank, and analytical report to learn more and more. 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