Starting line-up Substitute Opp = Opponent Pts = Points scored Atts = Attempts nn = Captain L = Libero Name game jury president: ............................................................... Signature: .......................................................................................... Non scoring Skills Dig Set Reception Success - Faults # Attempts Excellent Total Atts No Name 24 121 Total Team 6 16 4 DE GUZMAN Bryce 4 15 9 SAAVEDRA Zhydryx 14 119 Total Team 13 91 3 CACAO Ariel 19 80 Total Team 6 22 4 DE GUZMAN Bryce 7 27 5 TALISAYAN Jerold Excellent Total Atts No Name 27 127 Total Team 7 11 11 PRUDENCIADO Nathaniel 6 16 18 PRUDENCIADO Van Tracy 18 142 Total Team 18 125 7 YAMBAO Dux Euan 36 83 Total Team 12 32 1 DE VEGA Rey Miguel 14 33 13 YBANEZ Josh Best Scorer 12 55 9 SAAVEDRA Zhydryx 33 88 13 YBANEZ Josh Scoring Skills Spike Block Serve Opp. error Total Won Pts Total Atts No Name 43 137 Total Team 12 40 9 SAAVEDRA Zhydryx 11 31 5 TALISAYAN Jerold 9 68 Total Team 5 19 14 BUGAOAN Martin 4 29 10 MENDOZA Lirick 1 90 Total Team 1 15 15 DELICANA Andrei 36 Total Team 89 295 Total Team Won Pts Total Atts No Name 63 164 Total Team 29 63 13 YBANEZ Josh 11 23 10 FLOR Rainier 13 59 Total Team 3 11 13 YBANEZ Josh 3 13 10 FLOR Rainier 1 95 Total Team 1 14 13 YBANEZ Josh 19 Total Team 96 318 Total Team TEAMS AND PLAYERS PERFORMANCES FEU • FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY 1 2 3 4 5 Pts 2 CODILLA Jomel 3 CACAO Ariel 4 DE GUZMAN Bryce L 5 TALISAYAN Jerold 8 SABANAL Reymond 9 SAAVEDRA Zhydryx 10 MENDOZA Lirick 11 GARRIEDO Judi 14 BUGAOAN Martin 15 DELICANA Andrei 16 ABUNIAWAN Jefferson 17 MARTINEZ Benny 18 ADECIR Glen L L L L L L L L 2 11 12 8 12 8 Coach: Assistant: ORCULLO Eddieson MANALON F./ DULAY R. UST • UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS 1 2 3 4 5 Pts 1 DE VEGA Rey Miguel 3 YAMANAKA Ryuichi Isaiah 5 RAMOS John Vincent 7 YAMBAO Dux Euan 10 FLOR Rainier 11 PRUDENCIADO Nathaniel L 13 YBANEZ Josh 14 VALERA Trevor 15 UMANDAL Sherwin 16 COLINARES Edlyn Paul 17 COLINARES Ennius Gwen 18 PRUDENCIADO Van Tracy L 21 CATAP Neil 23 LARDIZABAL Patrick John L L L L L 10 8 14 33 5 6 1 Coach: Assistant: MAMON Odjie MAPE B/ ESTEBAN C Referees: CELSO Bobby (NR) & VELARDE Fernando (NR) UST FEU 1 3 25 22 26 24 20 25 25 18 96 89 Teams Sets 1 2 3 4 5 Total Set duration 0:28 0:31 0:26 0:24 1:49 Match: Spectators: Date: City: Hall: 18 250 9/3/2023 Manila Paco Arena Match duration: Start: 12:45 End: 14:43 Total: 1:58 VIS, version 1.96 (Build 586, 16 pools), © 1992-2013 FIVB 9/3/2023 14:48 Page 1 VOLLEYBALL • Match result V-LEAGUE MEN 2023 Preliminaries