Starting line-up Substitute Opp = Opponent Pts = Points scored Atts = Attempts nn = Captain L = Libero Name game jury president: ............................................................... Signature: .......................................................................................... Non scoring Skills Dig Set Reception Success - Faults # Attempts Excellent Total Atts No Name 20 119 Total Team 7 23 9 LAZARTE Chloi Florenci 3 17 4 MARASIGAN Christina 5 108 Total Team 4 26 5 ADIA Mary Anne Margarette 12 63 Total Team 4 21 1 SANTOS Katherine Excellent Total Atts No Name 20 93 Total Team 6 18 7 GAJERO Jelaica Faye 6 18 16 ZETA Jenina Marie 8 102 Total Team 5 74 12 MADRIAGA Kizzie 16 42 Total Team 7 15 4 VILLAMOR Dea Pauline Best Scorer 8 45 11 DEPOSOY Zenith Joy 18 50 9 DONGALLO Casiey Scoring Skills Spike Block Serve Opp. error Total Won Pts Total Atts No Name 19 126 Total Team 7 34 11 DEPOSOY Zenith Joy 6 14 10 TAN Kamille Jospehine 2 32 Total Team 1 2 1 SANTOS Katherine 1 7 4 MARASIGAN Christina 2 50 Total Team 1 10 11 DEPOSOY Zenith Joy 1 8 1 SANTOS Katherine 24 Total Team 47 208 Total Team Won Pts Total Atts No Name 41 116 Total Team 17 39 9 DONGALLO Casiey 13 30 7 GAJERO Jelaica Faye 9 35 Total Team 5 13 19 NOGALES Riza 3 7 7 GAJERO Jelaica Faye 5 73 Total Team 2 17 3 ECALLA Mary Christine 1 10 9 DONGALLO Casiey 20 Total Team 75 224 Total Team TEAMS AND PLAYERS PERFORMANCES SSC • SAN SEBASTIAN COLLEGE 1 2 3 4 5 Pts 1 SANTOS Katherine 2 DIONISIO Kristine Joy 3 PASCO Lei Lance 4 MARASIGAN Christina 5 ADIA Mary Anne Margarette 6 LUMIBAO Jassy Lei 7 DOMINGO Jasmyn L 8 MARTINEZ Brigette Anne 9 LAZARTE Chloi Florenci L 10 TAN Kamille Jospehine Amacka 11 DEPOSOY Zenith Joy 12 GONZALES Juna May 13 DIMACULANGAN Von Aleina L L L L 5 4 6 8 Coach: Assistant: GORAYEB Rogelio MALAZO Clint UEM • UNIVERSITY OF THE EAST 1 2 3 4 5 Pts 3 ECALLA Mary Christine 4 VILLAMOR Dea Pauline L 5 PELAGA Lia Alexa 6 CASTILLO Claire Angela 7 GAJERO Jelaica Faye 9 DONGALLO Casiey Monique 10 FERNANDEZ Shamel Gracen 11 FAMULAGAN Keshia Marie 12 MADRIAGA Kizzie 13 BALINGIT Kayce 14 CANETE Ashley 15 NIEVA Percae Darabella 16 ZETA Jenina Marie L 19 NOGALES Riza L L L L L L 3 1 16 18 4 1 1 11 Coach: Assistant: YEE Jerry VITAL O/CHOLICO S Referees: CASTILLO Patrick (NR) & PAREDES Jetroneil (NR) UEM SSC 0 3 25 14 25 19 25 14 75 47 Teams Sets 1 2 3 4 5 Total Set duration 0:21 0:22 0:25 1:08 Match: Spectators: Date: City: Hall: 10 197 8/25/2023 Manila Paco Arena Match duration: Start: 12:02 End: 13:16 Total: 1:14 VIS, version 1.96 (Build 586, 16 pools), © 1992-2013 FIVB 8/27/2023 14:43 Page 1 VOLLEYBALL • Match result V-LEAGUE WOMEN 2023 Preliminaries