www.waterco.com Digiheat inline electric heaters are versatile, easy to use and built to last. Program your desired water temperature and let Digiheat do the rest. • Digitaltemperaturemanagement&selfdiagnosis •Corrosionresistantheatingelement •Streamlineweatherproofhousing •Availableinsizes2.4,3.6,4.8,6.0,18&24kW PDF Compressor Free Version Digiheat Polymer coated heating elements Digiheat electric heaters incorporate the latest technology, advanced composite materials and inbuiltsafetydevicesforlonglastingdependability. Digiheat heaters are easily installed on the floor*, walloralongpipework. Digiheat’s heating elements are available with a Polymer coating that offers outstanding corrosion resistance. The coating also extends the product life and improves its heatingefficiency. Polymer coated heating elements have a longer life expectancy than standard heating elements. 1. Streamlinenoncorrosive,uvstabilisedhousing. 2. Digitaltemperaturedisplay&self-diagnosis. 3. Simple4buttonprogramming. 4. Built-inovertemperaturesafetysensorto prevent overheating. 5. Adjustablepressureswitchtosuitindividual installation requirements. 6. Polymercoatedincalloyheatingelementfor improved corrosion resistance. 7. Quickconnectunionsforeaseof installation and maintenance. *Threephasemodelsrequirewallmountingor alongpipework 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 Availableinsizes2.4,3.6,4.8&6.0kW forsinglephase240Volts Availableinsizes18&24kW for3phase415Volts Single Phase Three Phase PDF Compressor Free Version www.waterco.com Temperature management & self-diagnosis Inbuilt protection Specifications Dimensions The desired water temperature is easy to set and the current pool temperature is shown in the LED display. Digiheat’s digital control panel provides a continuous digitalpooltemperaturedisplayandincorporatesaself diagnosis system. In the event of a problem, the control panel will display diagnostic error codes. Complies with EN60335.260 and AS3136/NZS6232 *The above is a only a guide and is dependent upon other factors such as heat loss and ambient conditions at the time of operation. Theintegrityandperformanceofyourpoolheaterandits componentsareprotectedbybuilt-insafetydevices • Auto flow switch to shutdown the system in the event ofnowaterflow. • Built-in over temperature safety sensor to prevent overheating Single phase model Three phase model Code DigiHeat Model Volts Current Draw Minimum Circuit Size Connection Size 281024 2.4kW 240Volts(singlephase) 10A 15A 40mm 281036 3.6kW 240Volts(singlephase) 15A 20A 40mm 281048 4.8kW 240Volts(singlephase) 20A 25A 40mm 281060 6.0kW 240Volts(singlephase) 25A 30A 40mm 281183 18.0kW 415Volts(threephase) 25A 30A 50mm 281243 24.0kW 415Volts(threephase) 35A 40A 50mm Model kW Time required to heat 1000 litres by 1 deg C in minutes: Time required to heat 1000 litres by 5 deg C in minutes: 2.4kW 31 155 3.6kW 22 103 4.8kW 15 77 6kW 9 46 18kW 4 20 24kW 3 15 161 332 312 469 161 594 240 267 736 273 PDF Compressor Free Version ZZB1396 05/11 OFFICES - AUSTRALIA NSW-Sydney(HeadOffice) Tel:+61298988600 QLD-Brisbane Tel:+61732999900 VIC/TAS-Melbourne Tel:+61397641211 WA-Perth Tel:+61892731900 SA/NT-Adelaide Tel:+61882446000 ACTDistribution Tel:+61262806476 OFFICES - OVERSEAS Waterco(Europe)Limited Sittingbourne,Kent.UK Tel:+44(0)1795521733 Waterco(USA)Inc Augusta,Georgia,USA Tel:+17067937291 WatercoCanada StHyacinthe,Quebec,Canada Tel:+14507961421 Waterco(NZ)Limited Auckland,NewZealand Tel:+6495257570 Waterco(C)Limited Guangzhou,China Tel:+862032222180 Waterco(FarEast)SdnBhd Selangor,Malaysia Tel:+60361456000 PTWatercoIndonesia Jakarta,Indonesia Tel:+622145851481 WatercoSingaporeIntlPteLtd NehsonsBuilding,Singapore Tel:+6563442378 DISTRIBUTED BY : In the interest of providing better quality and value we are constantly improving and updating our products. Consequently, pictures and information on our brochures may sometimes vary slightly from models available. Establishedsince1981,WatercoisanAustralianpubliclistedcompanyinvolvedinthemanufactureanddistributionof: Swimmingpool/spaequipmentandchemicals Domesticwaterfilters,softenersandpurifiers CommercialandIndustrialwatertreatmentequipment. Waterco’sresearch&developmentteamhascreatedaninnovativerangeofawardwinningproducts. Thecompany’sadvancedfibreglasswindingandpioneeringplasticmouldingtechniqueshavedeliveredpremiumqualityproductsto over40countriesviaitsbranchesoperatinginAustralia,NewZealand,Malaysia,China,theUnitedKingdom, UnitedStatesofAmerica,Canada,IndonesiaandSingapore. PDF Compressor Free Version