****** Do you or a loved one struggle with parts of Mormonism? What about being an invisible victim of invisible abuse? It's not your fault. SET A TIMER FOR 10 MINUTES AND SEE HOW FAR YOU GET ****** START NOW ****** (TABLE OF CONTENTS IS ON PAGE 9) 1 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 ****** BECAUSE OF WHAT THIS REVEALS FOR THE FIRST TIME ABOUT PARTS OF MORMONISM, MORE THAN 50,000 YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN AROUND THE GLOBE MAY BE AT AN INCREASED RISK OF BEING TARGETED FOR KIDNAPPING AND RANSOM RATHER THAN BEING OVERLOOKED AS "MISSIONARIES". DURING THE PAST SEVERAL MONTHS, EFFORTS HAVE BEEN MADE TO NOTIFY THE APPROPRIATE LDS OFFICES ABOUT THIS INCREASED RISK BUT THEY CONTINUE TO GO IGNORED. PLEASE ALSO REMEMBER TO BE CONSCIENTIOUS AND SENSITIVE OF THOSE VICTIMS OF CERTAIN PARTS OF MORMONISM WHO ARE ALSO SERVING IN THE MILITARY AND WORKING IN LAW ENFORCEMENT AS PARTS OF THIS INFORMATION MAY ALSO AFFECT THEM IN CHALLENGING WAYS. AS YOU CONSIDER WHAT ACTION TO TAKE FOR YOURSELF AND YOUR LOVED ONES, CONSIDER: "AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION IS WORTH A POUND OF CURE." ****** A few definitions: "Alchemy" - A process of transformation, creation, or combination. "Altruism" - One's superficial principle and practice of concern regarding their own perspective and perception of a greater good. "Anachronistic" - A misplacing of persons, events, objects, or customs in regard to each other. "Intro, Outro and Extro" - This will be left to your interpretation. "Mongering" - Intentionally trying to stir certain feelings. "Prevaricating" - Evading the truth with silence or other means rather than intentionally making false statements. "Problem" -This word shouldn't exist. Delete it from your vocabulary. It is primitive and ignorant. Instead of "problem" use challenge. "Purloin" - To take from another without right or without detection 2 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 ****** INTRO FOR "THE FIRST BOOK" You've walked more than a mile in someone else's shoes. You've had some victories and you've had some defeats. You've watched. You've learned. You've participated. You've hung in there. You are a survivor. You're still willing to learn otherwise you wouldn't be reading this. That is wonderful. So let's talk. But before we do, you might want to turn your cell phone on silent and keep the voice recorder handy so you can quickly share your own thoughts. First, I'm wondering…are you familiar with: 1) The THREE narratives for Mormonism? 2) The invisible strings of 55 abuses used to control millions of people (and maybe even you?) 3) The IRS's friendly prevaricating towards multi-billion dollar parts of a $500 billion-dollar "tax-free" corporation masquerading as a "religion?" 4) The deceiving illusion hiding behind the banner of "The State of Utah" that is enabling 9 secret traps that primitive, questionably credentialed abusers posing as "lawyers" are secretly enabled to use? (The abusers are tribalistically schooled to do this in deceiving, targeting, exploiting and destroying thousands of vulnerable victims from all walks of life every year no matter what the victims have accomplished, what they victims have survived or how they victims have served. They do this to pile up ill-gotten fortunes for themselves and the tribe.) 5) The 5 part-positive-cycle to surviving Emotional Health Challenges? 6) The 5 part-positive-cycle to creating The Heard Immunity to suicide? If not, NOW is your chance. This is because for the past 192 years, until now, there will have been only two narratives for Mormonism. These will be that its founder is either a child prophet or a child-con-artist. Either or both of these narratives will be known in cultures comprising tens of millions of people. These two narratives will also be selectively perpetuated, fought over and exploited. Millions of families will be made and shredded because of them. Wonderful relationships between young victims and non-victims will be killed by victim's parents before they can grow. Wonderfully talented people of all ages will be written off as inferior and ostracized if they question the Black Vine. Overwhelming challenges will come to many. Immeasurable tragedies will spawn and wind their way through generation after generation. Countless victims will survive suffering and live through loss. This will happen from pre-modern to modern times because each of these two narratives will leave far too many disturbing pieces of the puzzle out. In the first narrative a counterintuitive but fully capable higher power with the ability to selectively pause time and teleport human beings, animals and objects will somehow still need 10 years and a violent, altruistic, enabled, abusing, incestuous, delusional, conveniently invisible Spindler to pay for the modern equivalent of a million dollar printing of a critically flawed, anachronistic, violently compiled publication. After chronologically impossible timeframes 3 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 during those 10 years at the hand of a 14-23 year old uneducated, ostracized, incapable, pre- modern "boy," the invisible strings of 55 abuses will also be needed to spindle around needy, vulnerable, fearless newcomers to perpetuate the book and counterintuitive parts of the organization it will come to represent. In the second narrative gut punch after gut punch and a throat punch or two has to be ignored (because it involves an innocent child.) This includes the claims of the vast, multi- generational, multi-continent, in depth, dynamic and impossible-for-any-single-pre-modern- brain-to-possess-knowledge in the book having been purveyed by the impossible hand of that intellectually uncapable, ostracized, pre-modern "boy" during ages 14-23. THEN that "boy" STILL needing the person from the first narrative with a million dollars to give, to pay for the million dollar printing of the book. THEN that impossible solo-genius-"boy" over the next 16 years, after building his own city and turning 38, THEN announces he is running for President of the United States but counterintuitively allows himself to be arrested and murdered a few months later. Smart enough to do all that but still too dumb to live past 38? Riiiiiight. The counterintuitive cycles and spirals needed for either of these narratives to happen as they are perpetuated from pre-modern to modern times is an invisible metaphor for how deceiving both narratives are. While "The First Book" will finally turn the cycles and spirals of these two narratives into ash in new, horrific and thrilling ways, the embers of either narrative can be temporarily fanned with the selective, collective nostalgia of each of the two cultures perpetuated to perpetuate them. (Expect this to happen as "The First Book" is passed around.) By bringing brighter lights from different angles, shining them on different people and on different facts "somehow" left in the dark for 192 years, these pages will present an original, fact based, impeccably researched THIRD narrative for Mormonism and that "boy" that you've never experienced before. This THIRD narrative will be the only narrative that finally has all of the pieces of the puzzle revealed and finally fitting together from pre-modern to modern times. As you explore these pages, you will experience this in visceral ways. This THIRD narrative will, for the first time, identify and quantify the FIVE necessary, invisible, unpredictable chambers of intangibles and the countless facts, inconsistencies and plots within plots hidden within each one of them that will be needed for Mormonism to become what it will. From a place of love this will also reveal that ALL MORMONS ARE VICTIMS and should be validated as SURVIVORS no matter what roles within Mormonism they superficially fill or have filled. This will be painfully and imperfectly attempted with grace, heartbreak, learning, healing, transformation and a brighter "Intro," "Outro," and "Extro" light for all of us. This THIRD narrative will also identify and quantify unimaginable, primitive, tribalistic corruption that parts of Mormonism have spawned and that are hiding in plain site. This will include 1 dark illusion that is perpetuating 9 insidious traps intentionally hidden in Utah's deceiving courthouses. Thousands of questionably credentialed abusers disguised as "judges," "commissioners," "lawyers," "mediators," "custody evaluators" and those in supervisory roles use this illusion and these 9 insidious traps to deceive, target, exploit and destroy thousands upon 4 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 thousands of vulnerable people from all walks of life every year to pile up one dark fortune after another. These horrors will have been going for more than 90 years. As part of this, critical parts of Mormonism will be revealed as a tribalistic insurrection because of the far-reaching horrors being perpetuated under this illusion, these 9 insidious dark-fortune building traps and the darkening banner of "The State of Utah." Intentional prevaricating by parts of the I.R.S. in enabling it to happen will also be pin-pointed for the first time. Prevaricating by other organizations and institutions will also be revealed. This THIRD narrative will also identify and quantify a new spectrum of more than 55 invisible abuses intentionally used by Mormonism to perpetuate the deceiving, targeting, exploiting and destroying. It will also provide insight into the dark cycles and spirals of self- destructive behaviors and trauma bonding. It will offer a bright river of healing from the calming cove of transformation for all victims of the spectrum of these 55 abuses and their abusers. To the President of the United States of America, it will outline a multi-faceted case for an immediate, temporary response from the Federal Government in Utah including the State capitol building, courthouses and other critical, deceiving, public and private offices secretly enabled to operate under those banners. It will remind the President that the USA will not be going to war with one of its own States as the word "insurrection" has been oversimplified to mean. It will also outline the temporary suspension of parts of universities in Utah while simultaneously involving universities from around the country and other transparent measures to pursue solutions. It will ask if the U.S.A doesn't intervene then who should? The United Nations? It will demand an answer from the President if a temporary physical presence and intervention does not occur and action is left to be Extro'd by victims in Utah and around the globe. This THIRD narrative will also identify and quantify a proven five-part heading through Emotional Health Challenges. It will also link independent, accepted research from different parts of medical science to reveal a proven five-step heading towards achieving "Heard Immunity" to suicide. Through the eyes of an unknown, precocious child victim named Lucy Hill Harris who saw many things she shouldn't have, this THIRD narrative will reveal that the boy Joseph Smith will not be a child-prophet or an impossible-child-con-artist but that he too will be a victim of a wealthy, well-connected, darkly altruistically, patriotic, violent person. However, Joseph will not be the violent person's first choice. Joseph's 18 year old brother Alvin will be. Before Joseph, it will be Alvin who will be chosen to be a puppet leader in the violent person's darkly altruistic, purloined plan to save the failing, colonial USA. Ultimately, Alvin will not serve this purpose though. This THIRD narrative will reveal that at age 18 in the year 1816, Alvin will be 8 years older than Joseph when he is chosen but that within 4 years Alvin will become too wise for the violent person's claims and charms and because of that Alvin's participation will not be tolerated any longer. The violent person will switch from Alvin, skip their brother Hyrum and choose the younger, more naïve boy Joseph to groom for the darkly altruistic plan. Within 4 years of Joseph being chosen, just weeks before Joseph's own 18th birthday, Alvin will be murdered for attempting to interfere with the violent person's grooming of Joseph. 5 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 After Alvin's murder, Joseph's actions as they relate to Mormonism will be those of an Intro, Outro and Extro hostage acting out of survival for himself, his parents, his siblings and eventually even his own family. There will be many more unimaginable horrors and murders committed along the way over the next 40 years, including the murder of Joseph, Hyrum and another brother named Samuel. There will be plenty of surprises too with many different characters coming and going…or disappearing, sometimes for their own reasons. For the boy Joseph, it will all start in 1816 when his family will see word of workers needed for the long awaited construction of a portion of the 363 mile long Erie Canal in a section of New England known as Palmyra, New York that this wealthy, well-connected, darkly altruistic person will control with invisible threats and violence for decades. This opportunistic move by the wandering, water witching, treasure digging Smith family will be their 8th move in the New England region. It will be the 10 year old boy Joseph's 5th move with the family. This new, original narrative will demonstrate in stunning ways that it will all work the way it will because this violent person will come to possess the five hidden and critical intangibles needed. Five hidden intangibles that the Smith's and the other's whom parts of this plan were violently purloined from will not have. Now, revealed for the first time, THESE FIVE INTANGBIBLES ARE: 1) Wheels of cash. 2) Connections. 3) Years of having an always fresh, front row audition stage to one group of weary, grateful, fearless newcomers after another. This will happen with the completion of the Erie Canal in 1825 and it strategically running through Palmyra. 4) No-need to maintain a public reputation. Unlike other's whom critical, innocent parts of the darkly altruistic plan will be purloined from. 5) The criminal ability to altruistically justify and carry out violent threats and actions (even upon children) and engage in decades of other insidious actions no matter how visibly counterintuitive they are or how violent they become. This THIRD narrative will be organized into at least 3 parts within a single book. This "Triple Combination" is in reference to another "tri-book" used within Mormonism containing controversial, duplicitous, multiplicitous publications compiled and individually branded as "The Book of Mormon", "The Doctrine and Covenants" and "The Pearl of Great Price". For now, this tri-book will be named "The First Book". The three books it contains will be: "The Bone Fire Girl", "Devastation, Direction and Course Correction" and "A Grain of Salt to Trade for Anything." A description of the books: 6 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 Book 1: "The Bone Fire Girl"- Critical parts of Mormonism will have many skeletons in many closets of the five chambers of intangibles that will have been hidden well until now. This first book will reveal a storyteller named Lucy who will start as a 15 year old female victim of that violent person who is also the secret catalyzer of Mormonism in colonial times. She will finally discover the way, through an unconventional scribe she can appear to or vocalize herself to in different ways at different times, to expose the five chambers of those secret bones and as she does she will be collecting them and burning them in a fire. This is why she will be "The Bone Fire Girl." Because of the scribes own challenges in writing what Lucy shares with him, the scribe will sometimes be a little sensational, unorthodox or insensitive in the writings. Book 2: "Devastation, Direction and Course Correction" - This will reveal how parts of Mormonism will be the worst fraud in American history and how those same parts are a multi- billion dollar corporation (and worse) masquerading as "a religion." It will reveal the corruption that Mormonism will also spawn and perpetuate under the darkened banners of "The State of Utah," Utah's courthouses, the U.S.A.'s I.R.S. and other parts of government. Book 3: "A Grain of Salt to Trade for Anything" -This will reveal the new funnel- with-a-lid on it shaped spectrum of 55 invisible abuses used by Mormonism and other abusers and will refer to it as the "Cone of Spindling Addictions, Abuses and Horrors (CSAAH)." This will include identifying and quantifying the 55 invisible, addictive abuses used to deceive, target, exploit and control victims. In addition to Mormonism and other abusers, primitive parts of organizations who will deceivingly perpetuate these criminally punishable abuses on innocent people will include the I.R.S., the F.T.C., the C.I.A., the F.B.I., Harvard University, Brigham Young University, The University of Utah and Utah Valley University as well as numerous other state governments, universities and other organizations. It will reveal how as part of the deceiving, abusing cycles and spirals of the spectrum, those who perpetuate these abuses will start as victims themselves. It will also reveal additional headings: identifying invalidation, discovering the bright river of healing from the calming cove of transformation; managing Intro, Outro and Extro health challenges and overcoming suicide. It is hoped that the many, wonderfully experienced and more talented people than the author who are also familiar with this cause in one way or another will be able to dust off these pages with the "non-writer" author for grammar, self-indulgent romanticisms, enamorations, screed, typos and other inevitable challenges that come up from a non-writer's attempt to share a modern day compilation that has been with the non-writer for decades. It's definitely not perfect and no part of it was written in perfect circumstances. There are also wonderfully talented, fearless historians and researchers within each of the other two narratives who the author has discovered in this wonderful process and who the author looks forward to reaching out to in the coming weeks and staying in touch with in case different opportunities for them to share in present themselves. There is also much to be discovered through applying this vast knowledge and these talents through the lens of this THIRD narrative. 7 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 If these pages are in front of your eyes, you will be one of the first to explore them. Because of the critical nature of these pages for many millions of people, this entire PDF is made available free for a limited time for non-commercial, individual use without the author giving up any rights to the work as intellectual property or otherwise of the author. ****** Because of what is irrefutably shared in "The First Book," in an effort to minimize risk to the missionaries, during the third and fourth week of August 2022, an earlier version of this PDF was hand delivered to the office of two different individuals, each with unique connections to unique offices within Mormonism in Salt Lake City, Utah. After four weeks of inaction, different updated versions of this PDF were attempted to be emailed to other offices in and outside of Utah. No requests were made by any of the offices they were delivered to or by any offices of Mormonism for the removal or redaction of anything even though it was offered under certain, transparent terms. ****** Eventually, there will likely be at least two drafts released in different ways. One draft will be redacted in ways to reflect it's purpose of being passed among students in junior high, in high school and in neighborhoods around Utah victimized by parts of Mormonism and also to be book club friendly for book clubs everywhere. (*NOTE: THIS IS THE "BOOK CLUB FRIENDLY" DRAFT. (APOLOGIES TO TREY, MATT, TOSH, KEY, PEELE AND YO MAMMAS.) ****** The non-writer "author" (or the one who could be acknowledged as compiling these pages) encourages the reader to explore these pages not as if they were written by others proclaiming to be expert entertainers, historians, writers etc…but as if they were written by people who are students of THE READER. Apprentices. Note takers. Fans of conversation. Those who hope to learn from you, THE READER, in the pursuit of knowledge about bad, good and great things. ****** For those possibly associated with Disney, Netflix, Amazon, Paramount Plus, AppleTV, HBO, MSG Sphere, Broadway, an office of the US Government or who would take great pleasure in throwing any amount of bones this way to enable the full-time development and management of the many resources and components to seeing what is shared through in new, resonating and sustainable ways, this can be done at www.TheFirstBook.org. (As a reminder, the FREE PDF can be found at www.TheBoneFireGirl.org according to the domain host, these links should work. If not, contact information can be found through the playlist on youtube shared here: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL53bZv1DAQ_R3ZBRHBJFPz26jZ8GFRKi- 8 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 ****** PROSPECTIVE TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR THE THREE BOOKS OF "THE FIRST BOOK": (PAGE RANGES ARE APPROXIMATE FOR DRAFT PURPOSES) ****** BOOK 1: "THE BONE FIRE GIRL" PAGE 12 ****** BOOK 2: "DEVASTATION, DIRECTION AND COURSE CORRECTION" PAGE 69 REVEALING 1 ILLUSION HIDING 9 SECRET TRAPS IN YOUR TRIBALISTIC COURTHOUSES (UTAH AND AT LEAST 30 OTHER STATES TOO) ****** BOOK 3: "A GRAIN OF SALT TO TRADE FOR ANYTHING" INCLUDING THE SPECTRUM OF THE CONE OF SPINDLING ADDICTIONS, ABUSES AND HORRORS "CSAAH" A.K.A. "THE LIST" PAGE 116 ****** 5 PART CYCLE TO CREATE "THE HEARD IMMUNITY" TO SUICIDE PAGE 156 (DIGITAL EDITION ONLY) "TOO LONG FOR ME; DIDN'T READ" (TL;DR) FOR "THE BONE FIRE GIRL" PAGES 189 9 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 "Sometimes history doesn’t cooperate. Just when you think you’ve settled on a comfortable narrative of events, another stray fact, another small detail formerly overlooked appears to sabotage your conclusions. We’ve recently experienced this in spectacular fashion." -USS Constitution Museum "The truth is like a lion, you don't have to defend it. Let it loose and it will defend itself". I do not have any enemies. This is not "disillusionment," "hearsay," "confirmation bias," "snake oil," "hyperparallelism," "historical cherry picking," "apophenia," "parody" or "hyperbole." This is the "New Garden", this is: "THE FIRST BOOK" FOR AQUARIUS as Scribed By VOX CHIASMUS the APPRENTICE and SCRIBE to LUCY HILL HARRIS with guidance from the bright, fearless, trail blazing survivor ATLANTIS of NOCEAN and support from the bright, fearless survivor MERMAID of THE DEEP INCLUDING "DEVASTATION, DIRECTION AND COURSE CORRECTION" and "A GRAIN OF SALT TO TRADE FOR ANYTHING" by THE COMPILER for the victims. ****** These pages represent a body of work including future publications, documentaries, films, websites, podcasts, support groups, supporting items and more presented in an intricate, elaborate, original context catalyzed by the author's office. This context has been catalyzed from hidden history and discrepancies brought to light and/or originally discovered through the author's office. 10 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 NOTICE TO U.S. HISTORY TEXTBOOK WRITERS: "The Bone Fire Girl" may seem like a fictional story however with inconsequential creative liberties the original context the author has catalyzed is a complete rewriting of critical parts of U.S. and L.D.S. history. This may result in the author intellectually owning a substantial portion of U.S. History. INVITATION AND CHALLENGE TO ALL L.D.S. HISTORIANS: "L.D.S. Historians" including any of dozens of sanctioned and unsanctioned organizations including "FARMS", "FAIR" and others who may politely disagree with any part deemed critical to the overall context the author's office has catalyzed for "THE BONE FIRE GIRL" are again extended a continued invitation for polite and public discussion regarding this body of work. If any organization politely requests any redactions to this re-writing of U.S. and L.D.S. History the author will happily oblige so long as the author has the option to make public the discussions regarding those redactions. FOR VICTIMS: If you are one of the millions of victims of Mormonism or one of the hundreds of thousands of descendants of any of the people fictionally represented in this factually based rewriting of U.S. and L.D.S History and the invisible, horrific current events that continue to unfold from any or all of the many invisible intersections of the same, please do not take any of this personally as you may have been conditioned to do. Remember, this is not about blame mongering this is about fact based discovery, synergy, story telling, conversation and discovering the bright river of healing from the calming cove of transformation. Countless questions are about to be answered. You are a survivor. "Behind every survivor is a story that gave them no choice." If you begin reading these pages, it is highly recommended that you finish reading them in a timely manner. If you get tired, take a rest. BREATHING. If you feel like you're falling, "fall forward." BREATHING You, your loved ones, your neighborhood and your community have a lot to gain by your reading of these excerpts. There will be some parts that might feel like Intro, Outro and Extro gymnastics. THAT IS GOOD! YOU WILL MAKE IT! Remember, "Pain one can control can be a most exquisite teacher however they who are only taught by exquisites are no longer learning or in control." 11 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 ****** INTRO FOR BOOK 1: "THE BONE FIRE GIRL" This story will be relayed in modern times through a scribe Lucy will be able to appear to. This scribe will introduce himself to many as "Vox Chiasmus -SPSC #.". No one will know how Vox will get where Lucy will find him, but he will live in a rusty shed on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean where these writings will fill the walls at times. Snippets from a single WiReD mAgAzInE and other publications will find their place on the walls too. Vox will claim that he will also once live in a violin that a friendly passerby gave him. Even though most passersby believe that the violin is an old solar powered military radio that only gets one '80's station and sometimes chimes in. Vox will also be known for sharing a riddle about the violin… "tHe ViOliN hAd HaNdS…oNe HaNd HaD sOmE uPsIdE dOwN nUmBeRs On It…The HaNd SaId TiK tOk…WhAt ArE tHoSe NuMbErS?" (Vox is aware that some will suggest that he is mentally ill.) He however knows he is just suffering from adrenal fatigue and shares part of the cure for it with all passersby. Vox also has a lazy-eye and the surprise double vision that constantly comes with it. He's as fidgety as a sideways walking crab and his hands shake so bad at times the shingles on his shack will never be in line. He almost always has a fire going somehow even though there's not a lot of wood for burning to be found near his beach. One day, in a field of grain, Vox will gather these excerpts into a pile and then proudly present them to a random passerby (who will want to run away) but who will eventually become The Compiler. The Compiler won't be able to read Vox. The Compiler will have to learn. (Vox knows this.) The Compiler will not be a professional organizer or a professional writer. The Compiler will be just a concerned, friendly passerby, looking for an inviting wave. The Compiler will begin painstakingly piecing the excerpts together and typing them up with a less than perfect typewriter. As the years go by and The Compiler stops by to ask Vox a question, Vox will usually ask The Compiler another question and provide another hand written note or two…or three…for The Compiler to add to the writings. 12 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 One day, instead of Vox, The Compiler will discover a note written in still warm embers saying "HaD tO fLy" and The Compiler will be on his own for a time. For a time The Compiler will be devastated, overwhelmed and distraught. The Compiler will get the old typewriter, move into Vox's shack and keep the fire burning. The Compiler will immediately begin to bleed. The Compiler will remember something Vox once shared: "An explorer never steps in the same ocean twice, for it is not the same ocean and they are not the same explorer…" ****** The following excerpts from "The Bone Fire Girl" will be shared from the perspective of Lucy, a 15 year old, misrepresented, victimized female who was born in 1792. In 1808, at age 15 she will become the abused child bride of her wealthy, well-connected, violent 24-year-old, first-cousin Martin Harris. Her married name for 29 years will be Lucy Hill Harris. She will pass on under suspicious circumstances at the age of 44. Weeks later, 53 year old Harris will marry 21 year old Caroline Young. This story will reveal how Harris will be the violent, darkly altruistic, secret founder of Mormonism. He will be selectively written in and out of it's history and will be remembered by the collective nostalgia of it's victims as nothing more than an afterthought (just the way he will want it.) ****** (*Added by The Compiler: Here. We. Go…) ****** ThIs WaS sCrIbEd By A sOLaR pOwErEd SpAcEcRaFt THIS WAS SCRIBED BY tHiS wAs sCrIbED bY a SoLaR PoWeReD sPaCeCrAfT nAmEd THIS WAS SCRIBED BY A SOLAR POWERED SPACECRAFT NAMED VOX CHIASMUS ****** "…toe-to-toe…dancing-very-close…barely-breathing…almost comatose…" It's November 19th, 1823 in one of New England's colonial, patriotic regions. The wealthy landowners in the area have made a town called Palmyra the region's hub in a wheel with many invisible spokes. Uncontrollable, invisible fires of sectional animosity are rampant. The invisible fires are fueled by invisible oils that are purloined, poured and re-poured causing different searing seismic flair ups anywhere…and everywhere…at every moment. From the tormented Port of New York to the log shacks of the failing Nation's violent frontier, Intro, Outro and Extro shivering masses of new-comers and not-so-new-comers are 13 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 burned over-and-over again as they relentlessly pursue that invisible oil fueled heat from one fire to the next. Everyone is restless with their own worry, wonder and hope for which direction The Nation will go...or fall. For those who are their own worst enemy, their swollen, eggplant-purple heads gasp for oxygen in the flair ups while they refuse suggestions to simply walk away from the spinning fires that consume their breath. In the spinning light of that smeared darkness, once thriving gardens carefully marked with vine and twine and nourished between family and friends become divided then conquered, twisted into defiled rubbish, then turned into ash by the sporadic bursts of heat brought to them. Masses of musterings under changing names and causes coagulate, then collapse, then re- coagulate from moment to moment. The piercing, life sucking fangs of violence always seem within reach. Always looking for scent in the pre-modern realities of the time is the beast of loss, heartbreak, pain and the false detours the beast forges to fork any path with greasy dark lies at any time. All this though, is only the beginning. All this, even though hand pieced maps show 24 "states" constituting what is penciled out as the easterly landlocked "United States of America" pigeon holed along the coast of an exponentially larger, vast unmapped continent. On paper, much of the continent's West is known as Mexico Territory. To the North, is British North America. To the East is a vast sea with it's diversely shaped invisible coastlines somewhere. Many newcomers fearlessly venture from invisible places across that sea to get to "The States." Not all of them make it. To the South is a vast gulf known as "Seno Mexicano." Both seas are navigated by wooden sailing ships from all over the globe engaged in trading, mail, slave hauling, transportation, exploration and war. "theres-no-sense-in-telling-me…the-wisdom-of-the-fool-wont-set-you-free…but-that's-the-way- that-it-goes-and-its-what-nobody-knows…well-every-damn-day-my-confusion-grows" The fledgling, pre-modern Nation appears to have become nothing more than a violent, temporary experiment soon to be Extro'd by longstanding nations including Great Britain, France, Spain…or from within. The cultural presences and secret, undermining influences directed by those nations and other factions and factions within factions overwhelm the majority of the States and other invisible parts of the continent. Some of those nations supply warring Native American tribes with alcohol, guns and lies to do their frontier fighting for them. Wagon after wagon of pioneers attempting to go into The West from different sections are violently massacred. Peaceful Native American tribes, the ambassadors of the continent's vast lands for centuries, are targeted in the confusion. Countless newcomers arrive daily. As bad as things have been for the Nation for past two decades, things are going to get much worse. In less than four decades, the 24 states will be pitted against each other in an 14 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 attempt by some to create a different Nation from within. Brother will fight against brother. More than one million people will be killed or wounded in that war. 600,000 of them fighting for The Nation without slavery. The rest, fighting to keep slavery a business. Many won't like to admit that parts of The Nation's economy are shamefully nurtured by the whipped backs and blood of the men, women and child slaves that fertilize The Nation's well-known tobacco industry. "…I-thought-I-was-mistaken…I-thought-I-heard-your-words…tell-me-how-do-I-feel…tell-me- now-how-do-I-feel…" ****** My name is Lucy Hill Harris. On this night, I'm about thirty-one and a half years old. It's very cold outside. The formidable house my room is in is warm although the house is not comfortable because it was never built to be comfortable for anyone. Comfort is something that the house's wealthy male owners will never allow. 65 year old Nathan Harris (1758-1835) and his 40 year old second oldest son Martin (1783-1875) seem to be driven by a belief that comfort is the enemy of progress. It isn't the only house built this way on their successful lands either. Nathan's oldest son, 42 year old Emer (1781-1869), left Palmyra about 5 years ago and will eventually own and operate lumber mills in other towns as a polygamist. Nathan's 3rd oldest son, 38 year old Preserved (1784-1867) is in the area. Nathan and his wife Rhoda Lapham Harris (1759-1849) are also parent's to 6 other grown children. This includes Solomon (1787-1828), Seville (1790-1837), Sophia (1792-1827), Lydia (1793-1901), Naomi (1800-1884) and Horace (1804-?). In the many generations to come, like many other families where parts believe in polygamy, in the years ahead there will be thousands of people from this line of the family of Harris or "The Coat of Harris." Martin will be the most talented and well-known man in the region and also the most volatile. Many locals will agree with me. I have been Martin's forced bride since 1808 when I will have been 15. He will have been 25. Martin and I will also be first cousins. There will be fearless, boyish men and other boys around my age during that time who I will think about but I will know before then that Martin Harris gets what he wants when he wants it and I will know that I don't have a choice in the matter if I want to live past age 15. Over the years, I will give birth to 6 of his 13 children that countless newcomers to the region will be told are all his out of no prevaricating of my own. My darlings. In certain circles of locals, stories of Martin's unmatched capacity for violence upon man and woman will quietly be told. Among the Newcomers, envious stories of Martin's cash, connections and exploits will be more common. Some of those stories will seem to grow with each telling whether it's him or a Newcomer telling them. 15 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 On this night, I resign myself to a dark corner of the candle lit main room of the house. The room is drenched in Martin's collection of patriotic regalia, war relics and other items celebrating The Greater Brotherhood. Adorning the walls are different flags sewn by different people with the intention of bringing the failing Nation together in different ways over the past five unpredictable decades. Some flags are larger than others. Some are more worn than others. Some have different numbers of stars and stripes. Some have different stains on them. Martin collected some of them during his different times with the military during the nearby War of 1812 (1812-1815). A peculiar connection of Martin's through some of the men who visit will be Paul Revere (1735-1818). Revere will have a reputation that will eventually be reduced to him being nothing more than a fearlessly patriotic night rider in 1775. He will be 41 years old and ride from town to town warning colonists that "the British are coming!" However, he will be much more than a patriot though. He will also be an artisan, a map maker, a master metalsmith, an engraver, a wealthy manufacturer who will be credited with birthing the U.S. copper industry and like other patriotically notable people he will also be a member of The Greater Brotherhood. Items of all shapes, sizes and uses made from iron, copper, brass, silver and gold by Revere & Sons that have come into Martin's possession are on some of the shelves. Other experimental items that will be made by the Revere's including breastplates, spheres, swords and engravings on thin copper sheets polished so well they look like gold in the light of the fire will be locked away in Martin's office. Under Revere's leadership, the Revere's reputation for rolling copper sheets will be well known in this fledgling, failing Nation of 24 states. It will be Revere & Sons rolled copper sheets that will protect the hull of the USS Constitution through the War of 1812 and before as well as some of The Nation's other wooden ships. The spherical kettle I will use later tonight will be made by carefully taught workers in Revere's busy metal foundry and copper mill. Countless people will also see the renowned quality of Revere's metal engravings from the prints they make in countless newspapers -both literary and in imagery. Revere passed away about 5 years ago in 1818 at the age of 83. He always had a chest raising story to tell about patriotism, being industrious and The Greater Brotherhood. Of his 15 children that lived past childbirth, sons Paul Jr. (1760-1813) and Joseph (1777-1868) will be the ones to carry on his manufacturing legacy as well as many of his stories and some stories of their own. (Joseph Revere was 17 years younger than Paul Revere Jr.) One of Revere's stories will be about a member of The Greater Brotherhood named Captain James Cook. Cook will be an explorer, navigator, cartographer and captain in the British Royal Navy who will discover Hawaii in 1778. Cook will be killed in those islands a year later. He will be 51 years old. (At the time Revere will have been 44, Martin Harris will be born 4 years later). In his time there, Cook and other members of The Greater Brotherhood will document many generations of large families birthed by one father and several mothers. Many mothers will have more than a dozen children and many of those Mothers will not be much more than a dozen years older than their first child. These many generations of these many large families will be credited for allowing their island Nation to thrive. 16 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 As other ships will continue to transverse the globe to places that include these islands and New England, those stories of those island kingdoms that Cook's crew and other explorers will learn will be told and retold and will also make it back to parts of The Greater Brotherhood, to The Nation and into Martin's possession. It will be suggested by many that if you are not engaged in the rearing of many children with many wives you are not building your Nation. (*Added by The Compiler: In a tragic irony, in 1824 the less than noble King Kamehameha II, son of island conquering King Kamehameha I, would die and so would one of his wives in Great Britain while on an ill advised visit from the islands. (This wife was also his half-sister and one of 5 wives.) The cause is claimed to be measles they contracted and ("knowingly") weren't immune to. To demonstrate further global commerce at the time, it could be shared that prior to that, in 1820 KKII also one bought a royal yacht from a shipbuilding titan in New York operated by a well connected family the Crowninshields. Depending on what value scales used to convert Hawaii's sandalwood to British pounds to U.S. dollars the portion of the islands fortune KKII paid at the time in modern day dollars could have been as high as tens of millions. This ship was allowed to rot within a few years and was rebuilt with wood shipped in from the Northwest of the American Continent (either from New Spain (California) or the British colonies to the north at the time. Russia even claimed a slice of the Northwest for a time.) Within a few years of rebuilding the ship sank with more than 1,000 artifacts and island treasure where it was lost until being found in 2015 and returned to Hawaii.) …Other items and relics on Martin's shelves that will be sent from Turkey, Egypt and some of the other invisible places across the sea. A one of a kind relic to the states at this time will be a "Turkish Pass" (a unique looking passport) from Turkey. It will also be locked up in Martin's office. Some of these items in Martin's possession will come by way of childhood friend Luther Bradish (1783-1863) through 60 year old Samuel Latham Mitchill (1764-1831). Bradish will be a wealthy childhood friend of Martin's as well as a widower, a well educated statesman and a special agent in Turkey for President Monroe. He will also know President Madison and President John Q. Adams. Mitchill will also be well educated and well known, even by Presidents. President Jefferson and others will describe him as a "living encyclopedia," "a chaos of knowledge," and "the most publicly universal gentleman." He will also know President Madison. Both will have connections to Columbia College. Neither of those two men will be here tonight though. Other items in the room will come from some of the other men who visit. As I wait, I hear the usual commotion of Martin arriving outside with his regular men but this time some of the other men who visit are also with him. The sounds their horses make are unmistakable. One by one the men make their way into the room to wait for him. None of them will pay any attention to me as usual. Once again, this will allow me to see and hear things I shouldn't. The stench of a certain type of tobacco invisibly carried by stolen slave blood fills the room as match flame is ignited by some of the men. Snow from the men's boots, coats and hats falls to the floor and melts away in an invisible vapor leaving no trace they were here…or there. He is escorted up the steps on the side of the house. The door is slowly opened for him to enter. A supernatural silence settles as he enters. He walks as if a seismic thunderstorm has just 17 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 ended and on a supersonic chariot of gold he is being ushered by angels threw the billowing, white cones of victory left behind. His footsteps cannot be heard, unlike the others when they came inside. His eyes are lit with the kind of fire that I have only seen when he "takes" me. A few of the other men are still breathing heavy, deep breaths. He is not. The noises of those unmistakable horses left in the darkness reminds me that there are many things that there will always be many more things that I will never want to know about him…or dare to. From the stories I've overheard, it's impossible to tell which killings were during the war and turned into a sport or a theatrical performance and which killings might have been carefully ordered and hidden afterwards to be kept as a compelling oath of secrecy among him and some of the men who visit. There are whispers from Canton about who one victim may have been about five years ago. There are quieter whispers about Martin's altruistic reasoning. Dark, foggy reasons that will one day wind their way into a siphoning Black Vine spliced into six dark stems with one of the stems spawning fifteen blackening, spinning sunflowers wormed in and out of a purloined, sparkling, red-white-and-blue vase seeped with generations of blood-sweat-and-tears syringed from The Black Vine's needy, grateful, fearless victims. Of those 15 spinning sunflowers, like any bouquet, an order among them will be arranged. One of those sunflowers spinning the fastest, two spinning faster than the other 12 and the other 12 just spinning. On this night, for this killing, it is different though. This time there will be no brushing it aside afterwards. There will be no misdirecting accusations of others. He made no mistake about that. There will also be no theatrical performance at his hands to witness. This time, all of the men in the room know exactly who did what and why. He will want them to know. He will make sure they all know. Out of their belief in him, or out of their fear for their own lives and the lives of their families should they ever tell what they know, they will tell no one…again. Neither will I…my darlings. To Martin, time is of the essence now. For the next two decades there will never be enough time. (*Added by The Compiler: Although some people may use words like "psychopath" or now "sociopath" to describe Martin Harris' behaviors, the new spectrum of 55 abuses is far more comprehensive, identifiable and quantifiable than those primitive "S" words. This is because those words have become so over-simplified and sensationalized that they are conversation stifling trigger words for everyone, even for emotional health practitioners. Try it and see. This even though there are suggested to be more than three million undiagnosed "S" word abusers in the U.S. Other numbers of 1 in 100 or 1 in 25 are ratios thrown around but without the spectrum, any estimates are still considered pseudoscience. For this PDF, you will discover that this spectrum will be known as the "Cone of Spindling Addictions, Abuses and Horrors (CSAAH)". It will be described more along the way and in Book 2: "Devastation, Direction and Course Correction." Because to some, "cone" doesn't describe if it's pointing up or down, "funnel-with-a-dark-lid-on-it" provides some insight into that. 18 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 Another reason for the funnel shaped spectrum as represented by the CSAAH is that with awareness and intervention it is less sensational, more constructive, more accurate and more progressive in regards to victims and abusers in identifying abuse and healing (even if the abusers are already in prison, headed there or to another facility for a time.) …Across New England and the handful of other states making up the illusion of a "nation", certain circles know that different factions of The Greater Brotherhood exist and that many of them have their own secret versions of The Greater Brotherhood's plan to save the failing Nation. A plan that involves the manifestation of a following that can be led to finally pave the way through the impassable, violent frontier and into The West to colonize it in person before The Nation falls to the countries that have already Extro'd it on paper. Those dozen or so other iterations of that secret, quiet, failing plan that have all involved someone telling a story about angels visiting them and that believers should feel compelled to follow that storyteller to the invisible, golden West Coast of the continent (with secret plans to stop somewhere along the way deep inside The West.) Tonight, we all know why that manifestation hasn't happened yet. Tonight, we all know that it's because no one who has been a part of any of those other stories, has done what Martin has done tonight. To kill a grown up so a child can be used as the voice. Tonight, we all realize what Martin has known for sometime now; that he is also the only one to have the combination of the cash, the connections and the future access to endless groups of Newcomers that he will. There's other things he knows too… 40 year old Martin knows that as a wealthy Palmyra landowner, rather than being in the city, he does not have a cosmopolitan reputation to maintain unlike those certain circles he will darkly appropriate some of his patriotic zeal from. The kind of reputation manicured by Bradish and Mitchill that allows them to know so many other people living intriguing, cosmopolitan lives. This also includes George C. Anthon (1734-1815) who passed away 8 years ago and his "gifted", intellectually regimented, professor and son the 26 year old Charles Anthon. In the years ahead though, not everything will be as it seems. Not for anyone. Not even for Martin. ****** "…people-get-jealous-'cause-we-always-stay-together…yeah-baby…I-guess-they-really-want-a- love-like-yours-and-mine…together-forever…I-never-thought-that-I-could-ever-be-this- happy…yeah-baby…my-prayers-were-answered…boy-you-came-in-the-nik-of-time…whoa- whoa-whoa…" 19 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 Tonight, the 25-year-old headstrong, seven-year Palmyra resident Alvin Smith who I knew well and who Martin will adore in ways regarding his darkly altruistic plan, now lay murdered by Martin's orders in a shack just over a mile away. (Like other females in our region and many of those females who have passed through Palmyra, I am also well aware of that shack and the different uses it serves for local landowners and their associates.) For those who Martin winds himself around the tightest, the fatal fang skewering of Martin's Moon Man Alvin is crushingly suffocating because Martin once spent a week slithering about telling certain subordinates about Alvin being the needle to the record of Martin's spinning, sparkling siren song. This includes claiming that one night while walking on a dirt road an angel appeared to him in the form of a deer and walked and talked with him for a few miles to confirm it. "…once-I-had-a-love-and-it-was-a-gas…soon-turned-out-had-a-heart-of-glass…seemed-like- the-real-thing…only-to-find…mucho-mistrust…loves-gone-blind" ****** No matter what Alvin Smith's naïve, impressionable, boyish 17-year-old younger brother Joseph will learn tonight about Martin or The Greater Brotherhood upon his arrival here (and then after turning 18 in a few weeks), after tonight, Joseph will not deviate from Martin's plan no matter who tries to intervene. Had Alvin not deviated from Martin's plan four years ago or had not in recent weeks began interfering with Martin's four years worth of privately and publicly grooming Joseph, things would have gone very differently for Alvin. He may have been the one to receive Martin's eventual order to lead the Newcomers to that strategic point deep in The West. With his older brother murdered tonight, 17 year old Joseph will have no doubt that Martin will continue to stop at nothing to see to it that never again will anyone get in the way of his darkly altruistic, stop-at-nothing, time sensitive imitation of The Greater Brotherhood's plan to save the failing Nation. I know that when Joseph arrives tonight, he too is sure to kneel and beg for mercy for the lives and livelihoods of his surviving parent's and other surviving siblings in exchange for his obedience to Martin. I know this because that's what I did when I discovered at age 15 what would happen to me and my family if I didn't submit to Martin's order to be his bride. I know this because again tonight, I've seen others kneel and do it. I know this because his order for the poisoning of Alvin Smith would be carried out by those he assigned it to…or else. I will also see again that with Joseph, a child, like I was, a child, Martin holds no bones about using threat, force or fear to force a child to amplify and fulfill his spinning desires. 20 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 "…now-I-know-I've-got-to-run-away…I've-got-to-get-away…you-really-don't-want-any-more- from-me…to-make-things-right-you-need-someone-to-hold-you-tight…and-you-think-love-is-to- pray…but-I'm-sorry-I-don't-pray-that-way…" ****** *Added by The Compiler: Luther Bradish (1783-1863) is one of 6 children. Martin Harris (1783-1875) is one of 9 children. Martin is just a few months older than Luther. In 1792, when they are 9 and the opportunistic families haven't met yet, the Bradish's will move from Boston, Massachusetts to the Palmyra region (named "Swifts Landing" at the time). A year later, the Harris' will move to Palmyra from Easton, New York. Bradish will be sent back to Massachusetts for school but will come back often. As Luther and Martin grow, for more than 20 years, The Bradish's and the Harris' will come to control where roads are built in the region. At age 29, they both will be in the military during the nearby War of 1812. After the war, the Bradish's wealth will be continued on Wall Street by Luther as an investment lawyer. In 1816, at age 33, as construction on the Erie Canal is getting underway in Palmyra and across New York, Bradish's first wife Helen Elizabeth Gibbs and unborn son will pass on in New York during childbirth. (Bradish's father-in-law George Gibbs (1776-1833) will be one of three people who put together the largest collection of minerals known at the time. If you're familiar with "Ziff," it will not be one of them but will eventually be "invented" by Bradish for heartwarming reasons.) By 1819, Bradish will talk his way into being sent to Turkey as a special agent for the U.S. Government. He will be sent under President Monroe but will also know President Madison (from before being sent) and President John Quincy Adams (after). He will be the first colonial born American to do many things in that region. He may even be the first colonial born American to sail on a route past the primitive Comoros Islands with their uniquely named port and capital. In Turkey and Greece, he will witness unimaginable atrocities of battle. He will see Egypt. He will carve his name on a small one room temple that will one day be packed up and hauled to New York to be put on display in the Smithsonian Museum. Because of his contacts, it will be natural for Bradish to also be a literary agent to renowned authors like Washington Irving (1783-1859), the youngest of 11 children and author of two well known publications named "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and "Rip Van Winkle." Bradish will also be the literary agent to prolific, best selling writer James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851.) Cooper will be one of 12 children, the author of "The Last of the Mohicans" and more than 50 other titles, all of them with fascinating, detailed, land, sea and character tales. (Like many writers in the pre-modern era including Benjamin Franklin, Cooper will also use psuedonyms. Sometimes, like other writers, he will do this as a way to legally and gently plagiarize a European writer's book to make a quick buck or two for their own American publisher's. This dirty little tactic revealing some of the dark parts of the early publishing and writing world will also be practiced in Europe towards American authors.) 21 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 At 13 whizkid Cooper will be sent to Yale but will grow too bored to assuage his prankster streak and will be expelled for locking a donkey up in a recital room and for facilitating the exploding of another student's door. Cooper will also be friends with the founding father and the patriotically notable John Jay. Through his ex-congressman father and founder of "Cooperstown" he will know President Jefferson. He will also be the first American author to write a book rated as "bestseller" at home and abroad. It will only be his second novel and it will include some of the stories Jay will tell him. Cooper will be about 31 when this enabling accolade will come. Bradish will also be the President of the New York Historical Society and the President of the American Bible Society (founded in 1816. The same society Cooper will attend the founding meeting of.) Like any patriotically notable person of the time in the area, Bradish will also have connections to Columbia College. The Bradish's and the Harris' will also know longtime Palmyra residents, the Grandin's and their future print shop owner son Egbert Bratt Grandin (1806-1845). "E.B." Grandin will start-out working at another printer in Palmyra. In 1828 he'll get married. A few months later with the first of 6 future children on the way, an order for an expensive state-of-the-art printing press to be delivered to Palmyra will be submitted in his name. A print shop will also be opened in his name. By then the Erie Canal will be flowing and the rewarding printing press will be able to be conveniently shipped from the expanding Port of New York to Palmyra. Three years later, the print shop will close even though it will print Harris' book order that is rumored to be ten times larger than the average book order of the time. The book order will also cost the equivalent of more than $300,000, $1 million or $1.6 million dollars depending on what part of the collective nostalgia of Martin's Black Vine is doing the talking to what modern day audience. (The different sensational claims all within about 10 years in modern times.) The book order will also take 9 impossibly critical months (or 7 even more impossibly critical months) to complete. Even though in modern times the book order will be counterintuitively rumored to cost as much as $1.6 million dollars "faithfully given…but then turned into a loan five months into the 9 month (or 7 month) printing" from "the poor, humble farmer Harris" who "mortgaged his only farm to pay for the printing." (Harris will somehow have been able to make that "gift" without a note in writing between him and Joseph then for some reason, will then suddenly require a "loan note" five peculiar months into the 9 month (or 7 month) printing process. A note bearing his signature, Joseph's signature and witnessed by Oliver Cowdery with his signature will be manifested and shown to many Newcomers as a symbol of the humble Harris' hopefulness for the book in giving the invisible gift…then visible loan. (As significant as this part of the prevaricating is, it will only play a small role in un-prevaricating Harris' Hometown Hack in modern times.) (Note that in modern times, around 2012, The Black Vine's propaganda about Harris being a "poor, humble farmer" will change to Harris being a "prosperous, well-known farmer" but like other links about other counterintuitive parts of The Black Vine in modern times, links to The Black Vine's magazine articles and other links revealing this counterintuitive change also won't always work.) 22 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 Mitchill (1764-1831) will be one of 16 children. He will be sent to study in Scotland where he will earn the M.D. available for the pre-modern time. He will also be a lawyer. He will be 25 when his dad passes away at the age of 57. He will be 42 when his mom passes away at the age of 68. He will serve in the Navy during the War of 1812. He will be a "polymath" and a patriotically notable person. He will be known as "the greatest American naturalist" at the time (because of that he will know about the grain "Sheum" and if you're familiar with Neas, he will also invent it, also for heartwarming reasons.) He will know New York Governor Dewitt Clinton (a politically recognized proponent of the Erie Canal. The canal often shamefully referred to as "Clinton's Big Ditch" by opponents. No relation to President Clinton). He will visit Palmyra many times. In addition to knowing President's Madison and Jefferson well. He will also know inventors. He will want to change the name of the U.S.A. to "Fredonia". He will be a member of the American Antiquarian Society, the New York Historical society and others. Because of his vast and unique intellectual abilities, he will share with some in unique views about the ancestors of the Native American's and other unique things. He will be a professor at Columbia College and it's medical school. He will help found Rutgers medical school. He will know George C. Anthon's (Charles Anthon's father who he shares some beliefs with) and then he will know the "gifted" Charles Anthon. Harris will meet Mitchill by way of Bradish and Mitchill will continue to visit with Harris during the planning and construction of the Erie Canal (finished in 1825) while Bradish is in the Turkey/Egypt region. Harris will not be a public member of any public and distinguished societies like Bradish, Mitchill and others. Charles Anthon will be the 9th of 12 children. His dad (George C.) will be one of the Trustees of Columbia College and will pass on at the age of 81 when Charles is 18. Charles' mom Genevieve Jadot will pass on at the age of 58 when he is 24. Charles father George, first met his mother Genevieve when George was 34 and Genevieve was 6. She was the niece of Mariana Navarre who George C. had married. Mariana brought Genevieve and another child from the Navarre family to live with her and George upon their marriage. When Genevieve was 15, Mariana passed away. George then married Genevieve within a matter of weeks. Genevieve will always love and collect dolls and Charles will hear tales of his mother playing with them and assigning new names to them. He will see her collection. This will be a profound reminiscent for him. Charles will be a professor at Columbia College. Some will say Charles is "gifted" in ways that benefit him in certain intellectual pursuits but hinder him socially. (Although "gifted" is an over-simplification for him and for many ways others can have remarkable ability for diverse, dynamic and engaging endeavors IF those endeavors can be identified and enabled. In modern times there are different words to describe this "gifted" however those words have devolved into ignorant, shortsighted oversimplifications I refuse to acknowledge here.) As a professor, Charles will make groaning noises at times. He will eventually get the nickname, "Bull" (like a moose or an elk) from his students which he will beautifully embrace as 23 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 if he's finally found his calling (He will have a law degree but won't pursue it beyond being able to be acknowledged by a brother who will also have a law degree.) He will wear the same type of white pants everyday. He will never be married and he will live with two of his sisters. He will update and write more than 50 reference books. He will also develop a quiet adoration of a non-regimented, tragic, misunderstood male writer 12 years younger than him who will introduce himself to Anthon as "Henri Le Rennet". (All this will be very different from the distinguished intellectual sophisticate that Martin's Black Vine will portray about Anthon in cartoon propaganda in modern times.) "…if-I-made-you-feel-second-best…I'm-sorry-I-was-blind…you-were-always-on-my-mind…you- were-always-on-my-mind…" Harris will become aware of Anthon by way of Mitchill. Anthon will be a bit of a mystery to Harris though. This will include Harris not understanding why some writing's and repetitive theatrical instructions Anthon eventually provides him with seem very uncharacteristic for Anthon. This is because Anthon won't tell Harris about his secret idol Henri Le Rennet. (Harris won't care…for a time.) Henri Le Rennet will be orphaned within 2 years of birth. Both his parents will be actors. He will not be allowed to have a childhood by his foster parents who he will be given the last name of (not Rennet) and he will be sent to boarding school in Scotland by age 6. He will develop a fantasy childhood and entertain unique, uncommon, rewarding parts of it. His foster mom will pass on when he is 20. The next year his foster dad will disown him. In 1836 at the age of 27 he will marry a 13 year old cousin named Virginia Clemm. This marriage will likely be a survival cover up for being gay during that time and avoiding the horrific penalties that will come with being "gay". Virginia Clemm, with him, will be among other related people, that have lived together at different times. She will pass on 10 years after their marriage after a 5 year battle with tuberculosis. Henri will be an alcoholic, an opium addict and suffer from a brain lesion. He will believe that "repetition can move a soul". (That will be reflected in his works.) In addition to repetitive theatrics, he will be known for taking his search for family clear to the solar system with "Eureka" and will perpetuate that in unpublished theatrical acts he will write and give to Anthon. Henri will pass on 14 years after Virginia under suspicious circumstances. Some say they saw a man wearing white pants walking from the house…others say the man was carrying a cane too… ("Gay" is in quotes because it seems that word may be another oversimplification and that in the future it's intended meaning will be much better presented when desired by other words/acronyms that are more dynamic than the limiting words/acronyms the media currently seems to play a large role in perpetuating. Perhaps these pages will help a more friendly sounding acronym come into modern verbiage?) It is critical to note that although there are many large families during this time as you have seen so far, neither Bradish, Mitchill, Anthon nor Rennet will have children during 30 or so 24 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 years of the secret beginnings of Martin's Black Vine. During narrow windows during the same peculiar timing, many of them will also lose parents and family members far too soon. This will be shared in another list (soon). Harris and his parents though will live longer than almost everyone for their comparative generations. (That doesn't imply that they lived better.) ****** *Added by The Compiler: Within the propaganda spun by Martin's Black Vine, the roles of Bradish, Mitchill and Anthon will also be deceivingly spliced away into nothing more than forgotten footnotes. In modern times the talents of one small historical circle will reveal parts of Bradish, Mitchill and Anthon's connections in a revealing historical report published by a part of The Black Vine but that report will also be gag mongered, hidden and forgotten among the collective nostalgia of The Black Vine. In pre-modern times, during the year 1828 Bradish, Mitchill and Anthon will unknowingly play a selectively published role regarding an "Egyptian" looking document with peculiar symbols on it. This will happen after Lucy whispers something to Harris. The document will resemble a "Turkish Pass" on one side. Symbols on the other side will resemble unnumbered pages in the middle of a large book that came from an invisible place across the sea and is discovered by Vox. Newcomers will be told nothing about the Harris', the Bradish's and the Grandin's knowing each other as 20+ year Palmyra residents in all of this nor about Mitchill knowing Harris as a proponent of the Erie Canal and regular visitor to Palmyra. Among propaganda of The Black Vine, the prevaricating will imply that Harris, Bradish, Mitchill, the Grandin's and Anthon were strangers upon that peculiar, selectively published meeting between Harris and Anthon and that as a sole expert in the matter and stranger, Anthon said very specific things about the peculiar Egyptian looking document in that meeting. (Things that Harris claimed confirmed what Harris wanted him to confirm about it.) *After a majority of the beginnings of Martin's Black Vine happen over 25 years, in 1839, 56 year old Bradish will marry 36 year old Mary Eliza Hart (1803-1868) (his second marriage after the passing of his wife and unborn son in 1816) and they will have a daughter. ****** *Added by The Compiler: In modern times, there are more resources for help and guidance than what Lucy will have. Visit www.StopItNow.org for some of them. Click on "Help and Guidance" near the top, then click on "Library of Resources" and under the "Quick Links" click on "Crisis Hotlines" and/or "Crisis Hotlines for Youth". Also consider the 988 Crisis Lifeline by dialing 988 or text "STRENGTH" to the Crisis Text Line at 741741 or go to 988lifeline.org. Look for other resources using similar key words for your area. 25 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 Remember to always call at least 2 or 3 resources so you can have more than one source to discover what will work for you. ****** "…words-like-violence…break-the-silence…come-crashing-in…into-my-little-world…painful-to- me…pierce-right-through-me…can't-you-understand…oh-my-little-girl… LuCy TaLkInG mOrE sToRy NoW …I think back to when I was 15 and the relief I finally felt when I was informed by one of Martin's men that I will now be Martin's "wife" and that I need not worry about my family's safety in exchange for what will be my continued compliance to his wishes and uses for me, day and night, here and there, for him or for others. Through this, and with no other resources available to me in these pre-modern times, I will learn that my intellect and pursuits will contribute to allowing me influence over Martin in a profound way when it comes to something I will read and then whisper into his ear. It will have far reaching, invisible ripples that unfortunately won't be seen until 198 years from now in regards to the unpublished writings that he will purloin. Upon that I will put my energies back into that which I enjoy! I will love to learn and to read and to write. I will love music. I will love to write lyrics of songs I hear (or that I will want to hear). I will love to write observations and ideas. I will love to make lists (if you can't already tell.) Lists of things the sun grows like fruits, vegetables, trees, flowers, plants. Lists of stars. Lists of elements, minerals and rocks. Lists of lakes and rivers and canals around us. Lists of animals I will see or want to see. Lists of interesting boys, men, girls and women and the things they will do that amuse me. Lists of the things they will do that inspire me. Lists of anything and anyone that makes me uncomfortable, scares me or hurts me. Lists of things I like or don't like to eat and drink. Lists of who I talk with about these things. Lists of things I will see and hear and feel. Lists of things I will want to see and hear and feel. (Like something fun I heard about called a carousel…) Lists of questions I will ask. Lists of questions to ask. Lists of similarities I will learn among people, the challenges they encounter on their journey and the things they give their time to. Lists of what I will learn in my own journeys…Oh! And a list of names for a spacecraft I hope to build one day with "Spirit" being among the top of that list of names. Even though Martin also appropriated that nickname for me (that someone else gave to me) and he calls me that, I've unspun it as a reminder that the wonders of the world are much greater than his actions because no one who is truly happy would behave the way Martin does. I will also love SUNSHINE and BREATHING DEEP BREATHES in the forest, near a river, in a lake and in a busy kitchen. I will share a list about me: 26 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 I will feel it's important to remember some of the experiences and things others might have in common because it will provide insight into some of the reasons for some of what they will do and whether it will bring joy or harm to others. I will learn that other's journeys will also take them through challenges so unimaginably horrible that only other people who will go through similar challenges will be able to imagine them. I will like dolls. I will be thrilled to learn that the Genevieve Jadot Anthon will like dolls too and that she will still find ways to be regarded as a "dedicated mother" even though people will sometimes tease her for liking dolls. I will notice that lots of people like having their portraits painted and their pictures taken but pictures of Joseph Smith in particular will seem to be hidden. Although Martin will have me secretly live somewhere else a lot of the time, Martin will yell at me so loud, so close and so often that I will go deaf in one ear. Martin will also beat me. On one occasion a Newcomer couple will accidentally witness Martin beating me with a whip and they will naively file a report with the constable. Nothing will happen to Martin but I'll never know what happened to that couple. My public submittal to Martin as his wife will only keep me safe until I am 44. At that age I will pass on under suspicious circumstances. Within a few weeks, 21 year old Caroline Young, who isn't even born yet, will be informed that she is then 53 year old Martin's public bride. Caroline's uncle Brigham will be one of Martin's proven, secret, willing subordinates and by then will be well known by locals and Newcomers in different ways in the region and beyond. 7 children will be believed to be fathered by Martin through Caroline's womb. (Martin will be believed to have fathered 13 children in total from Caroline and me.) ****** *Added by The Compiler: Two centuries from now, in modern times, "13" will also be the same number of trading shacks that will be secretly set up by Martin's siphoning, splicing, and spawning black vine to control and hoard billions upon billions of dollars in ill-gotten-gold gotten under a superficial banner that will rely on that spectrum of more than 55 invisible abuses to deceive, target, exploit and control victims. Those 13 trading shacks will also be named in a specific way that when further decoded in modern times will translate to "ACGT" the four types of bases in DNA. This coded DNA reference may be because part of the collective nostalgia of Martin's Black Vine will believe that what Martin is creating is the next incarnation of a secret familial 27 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 DNA line and a secret part of The Greater Brotherhood that has gone on for centuries under different names. That will include that in modern times, parts of Martin's Black Vine will go to great lengths to control what parts of it's selectively nostalgic culture and the public believes about their DNA through DNA related endeavors that it will control in different ways for many years (Ancestry.com.) Because of this control, those parts of Martin's Black Vine will have the ability to intercept, splice and hide parts of certain family trees as it needs to. This might include family trees of children born on Indian Reservations and other places. Places that many will be told to stay away from (for some reason). Places where many of those children will somehow appear to be of mixed races before being sent away to other invisible places. ****** …As a forced "Harris" and because of the Harris' connections to the printing industry, I will become familiar with publishing and it's processes. Because I love to read, I will read many books, publications, pamphlets, pages and announcements left around the house and that I see around Palmyra. This will include 5 publications that the men who visit continue to bring boxes and boxes of to Martin's house even though the books are worn. Many will have the markings of school libraries inside their covers. Their titles will include (*descriptions updated with modern info by The Compiler): 1) "The Historical Reader Containing The Late War Between The United States And Great Britain" and "written in the ancient historical style" by Gilbert J. Hunt (Birth and passing dates "unknown.") Published 1816. (Hunt will also be a friend to a President Jefferson.) 2) "The First Book of Napoleon, The Tyrant of The Earth" also "written in the ancient historical style" that "will appeal to commoners" and Newcomers, by Michael Linning under the pseudonym "Eliakim The Scribe" (published 1809) (d. 1838, age 64) (Linning was also Scribe to the Queen of Scotland among other endeavors.) 3) "View of the Hebrews" Or "The Tribes Of Israel In America" (published 1823) by Rev. Ethan Smith, a Congregationalist minister in Pennsylvania. (d. 1849, age 87) 4) "A Classical Dictionary" (1816 public version). The title page claiming it is "Containing an account of the principal proper names mentioned in ancient authors and intended to elucidate all the important points connected with geography, history, biography, mythology and fine arts of the Greeks and Romans together with an account of coins, weight and measures with tabular values of the same". Originally compiled under John Lempriere and updated and published more than once before the 1816 edition. The title page and other parts will be altered with different changes. For that 1816 publishing, some of those changes will be made by that same gifted Greek and Latin linguistics Professor at Columbia College, Charles Anthon. (d. 1867, age 70) (Later republished again by Anthon's son with more adjustments.) Some of the authors of these publications will share experiences and connections far beyond Palmyra, New England, The Nation and the eastern shore. 28 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 5) Is the book that has a few unnumbered pages hidden in the middle of it that are full of differently named symbols that resemble that Egyptian language Martin will call "Reformed Egyptian" (I overheard heard him say it more than once while talking to some of the men who visit). To me, a curious landlocked Palmyran, the characters look like they could be engraved together to imitate a language if someone wanted to. It's all probably just more secret code though. Everyone seems to use their own codes these days in one way or another, especially Martin, the men who visit, the others and The Greater Brotherhood (as certain circles know.) Of all the books I will read though, perhaps for now the story by Mary Shelley that will be published in 1818 titled "Frankenstein" is a more appropriate metaphor for what Martin's Black Vine will spawn? One day, I'll also find that book cleaned off and placed with some freshly picked blueberries right on top of one of the boxes with some of the other books in it. I know it wasn't from Martin though. Martin never shared blueberries with me. *Added by the Compiler: The Hatch's prevaricating towards youth in modern times will include implying that "publishing" was still non-existent in the pre-modern USA and that a printing press had to be bought and shipped all the way from Europe to Palmyra for the sole purpose of printing the book. Also, Lucy's comparison to "Frankenstein" seems appropriate because as part of the selective history, selective publishing and self-serving claims that part of the collective nostalgia of Martin's Black Vine will perpetuate is that two centuries after "Frankenstein" is published, in 2022 a direct descendent of the Harris family ("The Coat of Harris") only a few generations removed, will secretly be among those three fastest spinning, blackening sunflowers in that group of 15 spinning, blackening sunflowers and that person will be next in line to be that fastest spinning, blackening sunflower. That persons name will be Dallin H. Oaks. That initial "H" secretly disguises the "Harris" name it is representative of. Using just the middle initial of these 15 spinning, blackening sunflowers will be a common "splicing" tactic in Martin's black vine. Through his mother's side, Oaks is a great-great-grandson of Nathan Harris. Oaks will be a direct decendent of polygamist Emer Harris who, like many others in the early beginnings of Martin's Black Vine, will be superficially exiled from it then brought back or re-exiled as it is convenient (some more than once.) Emer will father 14 children through 5 wives. That makes Oaks a great-grand-nephew of Martin. This is where the story takes another heartbreaking and understandable, less publicized turn though… When Oaks is 7 years old, his father will become ill and will be sent away for treatment. As a little boy, moment-after-moment Oaks will be in anguish with concern about his father. This will go on for 7 agonizing months until tragically, Oaks will be informed that his father has passed away from tubercluosis. The depths of horror Oaks will experience during this time are unimaginable. The ongoing Intro, Outro and Extro challenges this experience will have on him are even more unimaginable. 29 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 "…I-tried-to-laugh-about-it…cover-it-all-up-with-lies…I-tried-to-laugh-about-it…hiding-the- tears-in-my-eyes…'cause-boys-don't-cry…boys-don't-cry…" i DoNt LiKe ThIs SoNg So I pUt ThE vIoLiN oUtSiDe BeCaUsE mAnY iNsPiRiNg MoMeNtS iNvOlVe TeArS …Even though they will live near "Brigham Young University (BYU)" in Provo, Utah, Oak's Mother, will be awarded a degree from Columbia College and she will raise Oaks and his siblings in Utah. In 1953, when Oaks is 19, he will not leave to serve a two year mission as is culturally expected for 19 year old boys to do. Oaks will instead marry an 18 year old who will have a baby a short 9 months later. In 1954 Oaks will be enabled to graduate from BYU. In 1957 Oaks will be enabled to graduate law school from the University of Chicago. In 1961 Oaks will be enabled to become a law professor. In 1971-1980 Oaks will return to BYU to be it's President. 1978 Oaks will be enabled to quietly start a peculiarly arranged "law school" at BYU. It's name will be the "J. Reuben Clark Law School" From 1980-1984 Oaks will be enabled to be a member of the Utah Supreme Court. While a part of Utah's Supreme Court, Oaks will reinforce another peculiar Utah State law to deny an unwed male the rights to be a father to his own child apparently based on Oak's belief that the father did not identify where the child was in a timely manner and did not notify the State of the father's intentions to act as the child's father in a timely manner. From 1984-2018 Oaks will be enabled to fill a role as one of The Black Vine's 15 spinning, blackening sunflowers. In 2018 Oaks will be enabled to be among the three fastest spinning, blackening sunflowers while assuming the role to be the next in line to be enabled to be the FASTEST spinning, blackening sunflower. A role that only 16 others will have been enabled to fulfill for more than 192 years. Of the 100 or so other men who will fill roles as the other spinning, blackening sunflowers, all but a few of them will be related to another man who also filled one of those roles before them. All of them spinning willingly (or forced) as we've seen. This shouldn't be too surprising though because Martin's Black Vine will demand that it's spinning, blackening sunflowers (and twisting leafs) are quietly connected through blood, polygamy, arranged marriage, collusion or threat as he wants them to be for his purposes (or at least until he is done with them. In modern times one will be able to just look under the surface a little bit to see many names and relations revealing more of this. Like Oaks and the many others we will discover in modern times and since the days of Martin's first blurred blood, sweat and tear soaked syringings of Lucy, Alvin, Joseph and the others, the endless lines of fear mongered, deceived, invalidated, selectively taught, controlled, critically vulnerable Newcomers will be spawned and spindled day-after-day, week-after-week, month-after-month, year-after-year, decade-after-decade, for two centuries. Because of that, and because of the potential for willing and unwilling victims in Martin's Black Vine, regardless of family relation or connection superficial seasonal function they might 30 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 seem to serve, remember to NOT judge the Hills, the Smiths, the Whitmers, Hirum Page (married a Whitmer), Oliver Cowdery (married a Whitmer), the Youngs, the Oaks's, the rest of the Harris's or any of the other willing or unwilling fertilizers spliced at anytime into The Black Vine, those twisting leaves or those 15 rotating positions. Their actions as individuals in those roles and separate from The Black Vine will need to be considered and they will need to be given the opportunity to share for themselves why they played the fertilizing role they did (and with the selective information they had been taught up until that time.) ****** *Added by The Compiler: Depending on who you talk to and what their own secret agenda may be, some will also suggest one of two versions of an originally nameless 6th publication to the previous 5 publications Lucy will read. The rumored 6th publication was reportedly written by Solomon Spalding (or Spaulding) within a few years of his passing in 1816 at the age of 55 or sometime between 1809 and 1812. This story however is another Frankenstein of it's own because depending on who you talk to, it's also represented as two different publications with nearly identical names. The earlier of these two potential publications was reportedly forgotten, changed hands, then in 1839 rediscovered and reviewed by others. Then it was forgotten again, changed hands then eventually hidden away in Pittsburgh. Then it was forgotten again, changed hands again and then made it's way in a pile of other forgotten writings to Honolulu, Hawaii where it was rediscovered in 1884. Then, because of the sprouting confusion about this since 1830, it was published in 1885 as "Manuscript Found." It has also been referred to as "The Honolulu Manuscript." Because it eventually came into the possession of Oberlin College, it is also known as "The Oberlin Manuscript." However, reports by family members and others who claimed they knew Spaulding will claim the real, written but unpublished story was "stolen" from a Pennsylvania publisher around 1826 by Sidney Rigdon who worked for the publisher (or that a handwritten copy of it was stolen from Spalding's widow by Joseph Smith in 1827) and it was actually called "Manuscript Story-Conneaut Creek" and that it had many paragraph's starting with "And it came to pass." It will be suggested that to stifle conversations about "Manuscript Story-Conneault Creek" and the rumors of Solomon Spalding and Rigdon, "Manuscript Found" was published by at least one faction of The Black Vine with their own agenda because whatever was published under that name it didn't show the amount of similarities (if any) that "Manuscript Found- Conneaut Creek" was rumored to have. Doing this would be an attempt to discredit anything and everything about Spalding and would self-servingly help that faction (or factions) boost their own membership roles among victims of The Black Vine exploring different factions. It must be noted that while Spalding may be a writer, he will be no James Fenimore Cooper. While Sidney Rigdon may be an altruistic and/or crooked minister, an 'historian and/or a borrower and/or even a thief, he will be no Luther Bradish, no Samuel Mitchill and NO Martin Harris. 31 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 For those familiar with all or part of this counterintuitive part of The Black Vine's history it must also be noted that while the inevitable Oliver Cowdery may have been a rural teacher and shopkeeper he will also be NO James Fenimore Cooper. For those not familiar, Cowdery is credited in different parts of The Black Vine's history with impossibly scribbling 500 or so punctuation-less pages in a matter of chronologically Frankensteined weeks in relation to the books publishing and other critical events. (We'll talk more about this soon.) And as for the real historical bell ringers who might want to drop the name of Parley P. Pratt as impossible-author of the book, yes he and others were members of Rigdon's congregation in Pennsylvania. Yes he too sought the congregation supported life of a minister for a time. Yes he was a writer too but he also was NO James Fenimore Cooper. Yes, one could claim that "the book" is also not "The Spy" and would not need the prolific talent that Cooper (innocent writer and compiler) and Mitchill (innocent or not-so- innocent co-writer and co-compiler) would need and that Pratt may have offered but then you would have to reconcile that Pratt, born in 1807, is about 18 years younger than Cooper, 43 years younger than Mitchill and would have been 13 years old when Martin started grooming 14 year old Joseph in 1820. If one somehow managed to counterintuitively accept any of that or suggested that 14 year old Joseph and 13 year old Pratt somehow met as youth and somehow scribbled out the 531 page book together, you'd still have endless pitfalls of other impossible, detailed, intellectual prowess unavailable to them, prevaricated timelines and story telling to choke out. Yes you could swing it another New Yorker's way with Washington Irving's and his additional contributions being credited with nicknaming New York "Gotham" as well as where the nickname "Knickerbockers" or "Knicks" come from. Even though Irving was also a patriot and knew Aaron Burr it's not fair to compare Irving with Cooper because of the different genre's they perpetuated. 32 year old Irving also left for England in 1815 to salvage the family trading company and ended up staying there for 17 years. (Plus you'd have to ignore what's coming up about Cooper later in these pages. All in good time.) Lucy's story also confirms that Spalding, Rigdon, Cowdery and Pratt also had exactly ZERO of the FIVE dark altruistic intangibles Harris had. That one, far more sinister than the other four. Harris, also outlived all of them with the exception of Rigdon by a few months (…or not.) If anything, and with apologies to Spalding and his posterity (unless there's more someone would like to share), it's likely that the Spalding story is along the lines of other misguided, tragic, opportunistic, counterintuitive survival stories of deceived, targeted, exploited and destroyed victims like Edwin Rushton and his "White Horse Prophecy," Mark Hoffman and others. (Afterall, without Martin's Black Vine siphoning him, Hoffman never would have done what he did and we might just have another Frank Abignale story) ****** MoRe LuCy NoW …Eventually, night after night I will watch Martin stand by the large stone fireplace in the Harris' formidable residence and dazzle roomful after roomful of Newcomers with stories of 32 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 what he believes The Nation can be. Sometimes, some of the men who visit will blend in to quietly observe. A few Newcomers will have arrived on foot that day. Eventually endless lines of them will float in on one of the Harris' several barges returning to Palmyra after the completion of the Erie Canal. The barges will have been sent to deliver the Harris' livestock and goods to the endless cash-generating-golden-spoked wheel of industry that the Port of New York will become after the Erie Canal's decades long planning and financing delays and then it's eight year construction and completion wrapping up in 1825. Mitchill's New York-Governor-friend De Witt Clinton cracking the whip in areas that needed it (not Palmyra.) It will be well known that Martin will see to it that after his father and Luther's father were "Road Overseers" in the region, he and Luther's brothers were "nominated" as Road Overseers in the region too. Martin's personal span in this position will include seven critical years encompassing the canal's controversial fund raising and peculiar route planning processes even during the War of 1812. In his own way, he will make sure the canal passes right by the Harris' lands. He will also do many "favors" related to it and everything else his talented, forked tongue can touch. For him, there will always be favors to do and reasons to expect something in return from them. "…if-you-need-a-friend…don't-look-to-a-stranger…you-know-in-the-end…I'll-always-be- there…" ****** FrOm VoX tHe ScRiBe As SpIrIt ReLaYs ThIs To Me It SeEmS tHaT mArTiNs ReAl MiStReSs Is HiS sPiNnInG sPaRkLiNG sIrEn SoNg ThE cOnTiNeNt Of AmErIcA "…my-fantasy-has-turned-to-madness…and-all-my-goodness…has-turned-to-badness….my- need-to-possess-you-has-consumed-my-soul…my-life-is-trembling-I-have-no-control…" SoRrY vIoLiN wOn'T sToP sQuEaKiNg …As Martin tells his stories in the ways he tells them, his spinning self-commanded, commandeered version of The Greater Brotherhood's vision for The Nation is one dripping from visible wet coast to invisible wet coast with molten orchids of gold sucking from all manner of industry. With all the bounties and nation's pride that comes with it. Martin pretends it's for every Newcomer man, woman and child who dares reach out and take what the organic endless amber lit mons of grain and purple-rocked-mountain-majesties of The West will offer them (not just him and whatever his spinning desires deem urgent in whatever moment is rising.) "I-saw-your-eyes…and-you-made-me-smile…for-a-little-while…I-was-falling-in-love" …As Martin tells his stories about his most mystical mistress, his eyes light up in that light. The fire in the fireplace and on the candles turn into raging river worthy spigots of liquid gold filling the room and drowning with ecstasy any question a weary, hungry, fearless 33 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 Newcomer might have foolishly arrived at his doorstep with. The golden log roof, walls and floor of the room morph into soft golden pillows bellowing inebriating opium like haze. The rocks of the fireplace become massive sparkling diamonds hypnotizing the Newcomers wide eyes with a kaleidoscope of lights. Their hand sewn, worn thin, patched up pants and pinned down dresses turn into freshly minted sparking-red-white-and-blue, starred-and-striped, suits, top hats and ruffle laced fringed gowns. Ivory tipped batons fall from the sky. Endless bushels of mamma's milk fed babies swallowed up in bison fur wraps and playing double-neck-eee-lek-trek glittery guitars bounce from under the ruffles. The men who visit shake redwood rattles bursting with sweaty wet consecrated olive oil love light. The mantle becomes a keyboard where his large hands helm the biggest pipe organ known to man. His hand smoothed clay boots pound thunder driven drums. Sparks rocket from the guitars. Lightening launches from the boat through the fingertips of the man with his hands on the wheel. Every pillow around the palace quivers. Every Revering, foundation rattling school bell across all of New England bursts forth with seismic applause. His mechanical, Frankenstein singing voice turns into the voice of an angel for a power ballad. "…oh-the-night…is-my-world…city-lights…painted-girl…in-the-day…nothing-matters …it's-the-night…that-flatters…" …Then the buffalo wrapped babies strum their double-neck-eee-lek-trek-spark-spraying guitars to that famous patriotic anthem that will be written during his time at war by thee Francis Scott Key in a rendition that could only be rocked and rolled in America. Before the sparks stop spraying, Martin, foaming at the mouth, will take center stage and fire several of his black powder pistols and rifles into the air in a booming, blazing, smoke filled Grand Finale. When the six shooter is invented in 1836, legendary screamers will drip tales of his two-handed, wheel spinning Grand Finale's around the globe. !@#%^&* OfTeN iMiTaTeD nEvEr DuPLiCaTeD …No matter how sore every part of my solar powered spacecraft will be at times from being the soaring object in his spiraling of often provoked rage and spinning desires for 29 years and no matter how much I will fear him, in those moments, for the Newcomers, he will be a sight to see. For the weary Newcomers, He will perfectly perfect per-fect perfection. He will be their everything. In those moments, even my pain will give way to the hope of what the failing Nation might still be able to be for me and my darlings should we still somehow steal some steel and escape his stolen spinning, sparkling siren song. (FoR pAuL sUcH a SwEeT bOy AnD a GoOd KnIgHt TeLl ElEaNoR AnD tHe FaThEr ThAt HiS sPiNdLiNg Is WhErE tHeY aLl CoMe FrOm AnD tHeY sHoUlD eAt ThAt RiCe.) …The hoorays, rounds of cheers and roars of applause of the imagined pleasures of the masses will be heard thundering across the Harris' successful lands, over the Harris' many barges on the Erie Canal and past the doorstep of that old dark primitive shack just a little further than a country road mile away where the traveling Smith family with it's many son's of working age will first settle two years before Frankenstein is released on the Newcomers. 34 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 ****** "gotta-make-a-move-to-a-town-that's-right-for-me…town-to-keep-me-movin…keep-me-groovin- with-some-energy" …I will see that after arriving in Palmyra in 1816, the Smiths will be led to that nearby shack. This will happen upon Martin's being informed of them and his directing their use of the shack in exchange for the Smith men and boys working for the Harris' on their nearby lands until the work cutting, clearing and digging for the Erie Canal is available for them. I will understand in many ways that their search for that work in regards to the Erie Canal is THE reason they came to Palmyra. (The Black Vine's prevaricating will leave Newcomers and victims to believe that the Smiths were humble, lifelong residents and farmers in the poor Palmyra region and will never mention the construction of the Erie Canal happening during this same time.) Martin will be one of the first to pay for and advertise for workers from around New England to come to Palmyra and start work on the Erie Canal months ahead of the rest so he can make sure it flows exactly where he wants it to. It's also normal for Martin to learn of families with sons of working age arriving in Palmyra because the Harris' are known for hiring men and boys to work for them on their lands and in their many different operations as needed. In his invisible, inverted carousel of horrors, Martin will believe that the Smith's have been led to him and given to him for his purposes just like me and that unfinished, unpublished book he will purloin. In 1816, there will be just nineteen penciled out "states" that make up the different choirs chanting their own spinning, sparkling, siren songs for The Nation. Still, five other states will be penciled out over the next five years bringing that number to 24 in 1823. Then, the eventual dearth The Greater Brotherhood will fear will begin and with it the imminent dissection and consumption of The Squawking Eagle by the beasts around it unless something can be manifested. ThE sIrEn SoNg SeRrAtEd InTo SeCtIoNs Of CoRn HoLeD sItTiNg DuCkS MoRe VuLnErAbLe ThAn A CoRn MoOnShInE kErNeLlEd SiTtInG bULL. "…high-time-we-made-a-stand…and-shook-up-the-views-of-the-common-man…and-the- lovetrain-rides-from-coast-to-coast…d.j.'s-the-man-we-love-the-most…could-you-be-could-you- be-squeaky-clean…and-smash-any-hope-of-democracy…" ****** …Over the years I will see that Martin is many things: Wealthy. Well-connected. Talented. Dynamic. Zealously patriotic. Altruistic. Violent. Easily provoked. Reckless. Debonair (even though his hygiene habits would seem to prevent that.) 35 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 "…high-hats-and-arrow-collars…white-spats-and-lots-of-dollars…spending-every-dime-for-a- wonderful-time…" He will convince others to donate cash for things including what he will claim is to help the Greeks fight the Turks. He will leave the Harris' successful operations for weeks at a time to join the army fighting the British in the nearby War of 1812. He will be a decorated veteran at wars end in 1815. He will craft a way to make such fine white linen from flax grown on the Harris' productive lands that he will win nearly a dozen awards over two straight years. He will move on from these local contests to convince Newcomers into buying and wearing undergarments made from his white linen as a symbol of part of their commitment to the superficial banner of his Black Vine (yet another wheel-of-cash.) He will appropriate a belief from someone else that the making of clothing is instinctual and that it is one of the three original arts along with drawing and singing and should be cultivated, appreciated and demonstrated in fantastic ways. He will claim that an angel once appeared to him in the form of a talking deer and walked with him for a few miles. He will use other secret codes that he will steal or create himself to communicate with his men, the men who visit and others. He will use a cane with a snake's head. (In 1754 newspaper owner Benjamin Franklin will publish what will become the famous "Join Or Die" cartoon image featuring a snake representing the 8 divided colonies of that time. It will be suggested that, to colonists, snakes will be a symbol of rejuvenation because they shed their skin…or…to join the snake or die.) He will secretly stage public interactions with Joseph for newcomers to see. This will include buying Joseph expensive suits or having people witness him giving Joseph silver pieces worth enough to buy food and clothing for weeks at a time. He will publicly claim to have faithfully "invested" more than a modern day equivalent of $1 million dollars for printing that book. His splicing will result in parts of The Black Vine's written history portraying him as a "poor, humble farmer", "burdened" with a nameless, unsociable, "hostile" wife who's constant, "selfish" greed set back his "mortgaging of his only farm" to pay for that first million dollar printing of the book. He will order the commitment of the Harris' endless wheel's of cash to unfathomable extremes for his purloined plan. A plan that will be too much of many things but that will ultimately save The Nation because the other factions and factions within factions plan's will fail. 36 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 They will fail because they aren't willing to do what Martin is willing to do. That includes secretly and violently casting the starring role to be filled by that child, instead of a grown up. (A man or woman as written records of the era and area show.) ****** …As the Smith's will be at that time they turn Martin's shack of temptation into a home in 1816, Alvin is 18 years old (born in Turnbridge, VT), Hyrum 16 (born in Turnbridge, VT), Sophronia 13 (born in Turnbridge, VT), Joseph 10 (born in Sharon, VT), Samuel 8 (born in Turnbridge, VT), William 5 (born in Royalton, VT), Katharine 3 (born in Lebanon, NH), Don Carlos (born in Norwich, VT) is an infant and their little Lucy is still 5 years away from being born in Palmyra. Father Joseph Smith Sr. is 45 and Smith Mother Lucy Mack Smith is 41. 8 children who will survive past birth out of eleven born to Sr. and Lucy Mack in all. A heartache that is still far too common for us and the pre-modern times we live in. Waiting darlings. …As I get to know Alvin, Hyrum, Sophronia, Joseph, Samuel, William, Katharine, Sr. and Lucy Mack, I will silently hear their misguided, heart-wrenching stories of opportunistic survival around three different New England states. I will also hear their vibrantly told stories of their water witching, treasure digging, magic and how it is seeing the well-published announcement of the Erie Canal's construction that brings them to Palmyra. …14 years from now, in 1830, I will also regularly overhear Newcomers talk as if then 47 year-old Martin, the wealthy, well-connected, 38 year Palmyra sophisticate and The Man-At- The-Helm, has just recently been introduced to the much lesser known, much lesser means, much lesser "Ed-JuH-mIh-KaYyT-iD ", 24 year-old "Joseph The Boy." I will hear Martin's men disguised as "Newcomers" among the Newcomers telling group after group that The Amazing Martin is intrigued by the stories Joseph is so zealously telling (like his life depended on it) and that they should be intrigued too if they know what's good for them in Palmyra (and are grateful for the barge they road to get here.) I will try to correct the "Newcomers" and the Newcomers by reminding them all that, as Martin's "wife", he, myself and the rest of the Harris's and other longtime Palmyra locals first met and got to know the peculiar Smith family in 1816 when they showed up flyer in hand, to find work on Martin's part of the Erie Canal. With my fingers, I will demonstrate the math for them year by year; how old Martin was in 1816, (32) and how old Joseph was (10). I will name those 5 books and share my lists of countless similarities and coincidences in them. I will tell them to stop at any school within a five days ride of Palmyra and any school along the 300 mile portion of the Erie Canal's route between Palmyra and the Port of New York to see if they can find any of those other books on library shelves (which they won't be able to but won't care.) "If YoU oNlY rEaD tHe BoOkS tHaT eVeRyOnE eLsE iS rEaDiNg YoU cAn OnLy ThInK tHe ThOuGhTs ThAt EvErYoNe ElSe Is ThInKiNg." 37 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 As usual, Martin's men will be hiding among the crowd to keep the conversations going the way Martin wants it to. They will instigate the crowd to mock and dismiss me as Martin's uppity-half-deaf-greedy-"hostile"-wife. They crowd will treat me as a witch who somehow escaped Salem. It will not matter that the "Smith's" or "Joseph The Boy" will not have the cash, the connections, the access to Newcomers, the no-need-for-reputation or the mostly hidden criminal capacity to altruistically justify, make and carry out violent threats and actions (even upon children) that Martin does no matter how visibly counterintuitive they are or how violent they become. Then they will then go trade everything they own for the chance to buy some of Martin's underwear and the collective nostalgia of Martin's Black Vine will always believe that a humble town in "upstate New York" was the generational home town of the "humble, farming "Smith's" and "the boy Joseph." "…radio-video-boogie-with-a-suitcase…go-living-in-a-disco…forget-about-the-rat-race…let's- do-the-milkshake…selling-like-a-hotcake…try-some-buy-some…fe-fi-fo-fum…everybody-talk- about…pop-music…pop-pop-pop-music" Martin will move me away from Palmyra for a time after he learns of me telling Newcomers these things. I however will discover ways to let my voice be carried to ALL the invisible places. "…hush-hush…keep-it-down-now…voices carry…" YeS tHeY dO lUcY yEs ThEy Do ****** The collective nostalgia of the Newcomers will also forget that on this night, November 19, 1823, that shack is the same shack that the murdered body of 25 year old Alvin will lay in while three year old little Lucy Smith shouts "Amby! Amby! Amby!" and the rest of the Smiths grieve themselves to sleep refusing to believe that another American dream has ended in the invisible, defenseless murder of an innocent person. Alvin's fiancé also occasionally being found on the floor laying in a heap sobbing. The mysterious "doctor", arriving in place of the town's regular doctor to treat Alvin for that minor ailment but secretly administering to Alvin what will be that fatal dose of Calomel, will never be seen or heard from again. During the night, 17 year old Joseph will bravely leave the shack alone into the snow and cold. With the limp that he has had since that agonizing, primitively tooled, leg "surgery" in his earlier childhood, he will begin his frozen hobble towards Martin's house to make that deal just like I did. That deal that no child should ever be forced to make. 38 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 "…so-needless-to-say…I'm-odds-and-ends…but-I'll-be-stumbling-anyway…slowly-learning- that-life-is-okay…say-after-me…It's-no-better-to-be-safe-than-sorry…" ****** …I will see that within those moments of the Smiths first arriving in Palmyra, Martin will first choose 18 year old Alvin to be his puppet and the voice of what will become his secret purloined version of The Greater Brotherhood's plan. Because of Martin's wealth and connections, Alvin will willingly go along with Martin in private for a time. However, Alvin, being over 18 will be granted access to certain parts of The Greater Brotherhood's meetings and other workings by others and will also have access to some of those other publications. Because of this eventually Alvin will know where some of Martin's stories are really coming from and what Martin will be planning on doing to eventually commandeer an unpublished, metaphorical, needed clarion call just beginning to be put together in New York City to use it for other secret parts of his plan. Alvin will see that Martin will need to betray more than one friend to do it. Alvin will become too headstrong to continue going along with Martin. After four years of Martin grooming Alvin for this purpose (from 1816-1820), Martin will realize his critical four year long error in choosing Alvin first and will switch from Alvin to the 8-years-younger and far more impressionable boy Joseph. (Believe it or not even darkly altruistic villains have devastating challenges that come up.) During that time Joseph will grow from age 10 to 14. At the time, Martin will choose 14 year old Joseph over 20 year old Hyrum because Hyrum being over 18 could bring the same problems to Martin that Alvin's age did. In exchange for gifts and promises from Martin, the younger, more naive, 14 year old Joseph from the poor, peculiar, water witching, treasure digging, story-telling Smith family will happily and publicly tell Martin's stories to Newcomers as if they were his own. To Joseph, Martin will flip coins, atta-boys, introductions and experiences that Joseph could only have previously dreamed of. During this time, young Joseph will believe that by doing what Martin says, he is winning more and more favor with the powerful, capable, enabling man. Because of his inexperience and naivety, Joseph will also earnestly tell Newcomers the story of the "First Vision" not knowing that more than a dozen nearly identical stories told by different people will have already been shared and written by others around New England during the previous 10 years. (Martin will also be related to one of those story tellers named Solomon Chamberlain. He will publicly tell his story in 1829 before jumping on board with Martin. His daughter will eventually grow to polygamously marry Martin's brother Emer Harris in 1844 as his 4th wife.) "…she-sits-alone-waiting-for-suggestions…he's-so-nervous-avoiding-all-the-questions…his-lips- are-dry…her-heart-is-gently-pounding…don't-you-know-exactly-what-they're-thinking…" ****** 39 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022 Because of Martin's endless wheels of cash and the finally finished Erie Canal, there will always be a long line of Newcomer's in Palmyra. It is simply how most Newcomers will leave the Port of New York to start inland instead of on foot. It is also THE reason New York City will go from being just another struggling port to surpassing the other larger ports in Boston, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New Orleans, getting The Statue of Liberty and becoming the "concrete jungle where dreams are made of…there's nuthin' you can't do…" Invisible, except for when his use calls for me, I will see that many other things won't go as Martin will plan but his cash, connections, Newcomers, no-need-for-reputation and mostly hidden criminal capacity to make and carry out violent threats and actions (even upon children) will find a way to keep his Black Vine siphoning, splicing and spawning no matter how much of a self-spun-carousel-of-horrors it becomes. Martin's victims will face additional overwhelming challenges from accidents and heartbreak that will play an unpredictable role in other unpredictable decisions they and Martin are forced to make. Many involved with the beginnings of Martin's Black Vine will be murdered within a few years of each other. (I'll share a list about that too, soon.) "…I-feel-so-extraordinary…something's-got-a-hold-on-me…I-get-this-feeling-I'm-in-motion…a sudden-sense-of-liberty… I-used-to-think-the-day-would-never-come…I'd-see-delight-in-the- shade-of-the-morning-sun…my-morning-sun-is-the-drug-that-brings-me-near…to-the- childhood-I-lost-replaced-by-fear…" ****** No matter what is changed or what happens or what surprises come up, Martin's Black Vine will always get a fresh dark start. No matter how many times those verbal stories Joseph is telling are wiped, changed, prolonged another year or tossed out of circulation completely. Prior to the publication of the book, the pre-packaged, endless line of thousands of weary, grateful, fearless Newcomers from places like Scotland, Ireland and England brought to Martin's doorstep by his barges will believe that those stories are only found in the single place and eventually the single publication where Martin's violent, carefully choreographed splicing will put them. Stories that will originally be innocently put together for another cause with other's talents, postulations, research, experiences, connections, hopes, some of those other willing authors and other sources (albeit with the help of a little experimental chemical alchemy at times.) Stories that after Martin swipes them will also be retroactively changed in ways as certain parts of those circles and the relationships they brought come and go. During the two centuries after it's publication, spindled and spinning factions and factions within factions of the collective nostalgia of Martin's Black Vine will also line up again and 40 DRAFT UPDATED 10.11.2022
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