AWS AppSync & Step Functions W h a t i s G r a p h Q L ? GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data Traditional data-fetching GraphQL /posts /postInfo /postJustTitle /postsByAuthor /postNameStartsWithX /commentsOnPost H o w d o e s G r a p h Q L w o r k ? { "id": "1", "name": "Get Milk", "priority": "1" }, { "id": "2", "name": "Go to gym", "priority": "5" },... type Query { getTodos: [Todo] } type Todo { id: ID! name: String description: String priority: Int duedate: String } query { getTodos { id name priority } } Model data with application schema Client requests what it needs Only that data is returned I s R E S T d e a d t h e n ? • When data drives UI • Structured data • Query - driven • Client - driven development Use GraphQL • When you leverage HTTP • Caching, Content types • Hypermedia (HATEOAS) • For resources (e.g., Amazon S3) Use REST Pick the appropriate protocol for your use case G r a p h Q L Schema type Event { id: ID! name: String where: String when: String description: String comments: [Comment] } type Comment { commentId: String! eventId: ID! content: String! createdAt: String! } G r a p h Q L Schema Mutation type Mutation { createEvent ( name: String!, when: String!, where: String!, description: String! ): Event deleteEvent (id: ID!): Event commentOnEvent ( eventId: ID!, content: String!, createdAt: String! ): Comment } G r a p h Q L Schema Mutation Query type Query { getEvent (id: ID!): Event listEvents ( filter: TableEventFilterInput, limit: Int = 10, nextToken: String ): EventConnection } G r a p h Q L Schema Mutation Query Subscription type Subscription { subscribeToEventComments (eventId: String!): Comment @aws_subscribe(mutations: [" commentOnEvent "]) } G r a p h Q L Schema Mutation Query Subscription Realtime? YES Batching? YES Pagination? YES Relations? YES Aggregations? YES Search? YES Offline? YES I n t r o d u c i n g A W S A p p S y n c AWS AppSync is a managed service for application data using GraphQL with real-time capabilities and an offline programming model Real-time collaboration Offline programming model with sync Flexible database options Fine-grained access control A W S A p p S y n c DynamoDB Table Lambda Function GraphQL Schema Upload Schema GraphQL Query Mutation Subscription Real-time Offline Users AppSync API Data Sources Resolvers Pipelines / Functions Velocity Templates (VTL) Auth Cognito User Pool AWS IAM API Key OpenID Connect Elasticsearch Service HTTP Endpoint Relational Database A W S A p p S y n c DynamoDB Table Lambda Function GraphQL Schema Upload Schema GraphQL Query Mutation Subscription Real-time Offline Users AppSync API Data Sources Auth Cognito User Pool AWS IAM API Key OpenID Connect Create DynamoDB Table Create Resource Elasticsearch Service Resolvers Pipelines / Functions Velocity Templates (VTL) HTTP Endpoint Relational Database A W S A p p S y n c DynamoDB Table Lambda Function GraphQL Schema Upload Schema GraphQL Query Mutation Subscription Real-time Offline Users AppSync API Data Sources Auth Cognito User Pool AWS IAM API Key OpenID Connect Autogenerate Schema & Resolvers Import a DynamoDB Table Elasticsearch Service Resolvers Pipelines / Functions Velocity Templates (VTL) HTTP Endpoint Relational Database A W S A p p S y n c DynamoDB Table Lambda Function GraphQL Schema Upload Schema GraphQL Query Mutation Subscription Real-time Offline Users AppSync API Data Sources Auth Cognito User Pool AWS IAM API Key OpenID Connect Other Databases Other Databases Elasticsearch Service Resolvers Pipelines / Functions Velocity Templates (VTL) HTTP Endpoint Relational Database A W S A p p S y n c DynamoDB Table Lambda Function GraphQL Schema Upload Schema GraphQL Query Mutation Subscription Real-time Offline Users AppSync API Data Sources Auth Cognito User Pool AWS IAM API Key OpenID Connect Legacy Applications Legacy Application Elasticsearch Service Resolvers Pipelines / Functions Velocity Templates (VTL) HTTP Endpoint Relational Database A W S A p p S y n c DynamoDB Table Lambda Function Elasticsearch Service GraphQL Schema Upload Schema GraphQL Query Mutation Subscription Real-time Offline Users AppSync API Data Sources Auth Cognito User Pool AWS IAM API Key OpenID Connect Complex Queries DynamoDB to Elasticsearch Sync Function Resolvers Pipelines / Functions Velocity Templates (VTL) HTTP Endpoint Relational Database A W S A m p l i f y Amplify your apps. 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