New creation realities. The new creation Foundation Class 4 The new creation is complete in Him (we have everything we need in Christ) There is nothing else that we need that we do not already have in Christ • 1 John 2 vs 3 • Colossian 2 vs 9 - 10 The new creation in Christ Jesus is born of GOD Point A T he new creation has eternal life (eternal life is the very life of God). This life is in Jesus and if we have Jesus, we have this life. We have God in us. • John 3 vs 16 • 2 Timothy 1 vs 9 - 10 Point B The new creation in Christ Jesus is born of GOD The new creation now lives in Zion. • Hebrews12 vs 22 - 24 • Colossians 1 vs 13 • John 7 vs 14 Believers are not of this world, they are from Zion. Zion is where God is, a place of rest, a place of all possibilities. The new creation in Christ Jesus is born of GOD Point B T he new creation sits in a place of power • Ephesian 1 vs 18 - 21 • Mark 16 vs 16 - 18 As a believer we sit in the place of power with God. Because of this when we decree a thing is comes to pass. Our words are powerful, and they cause changes in situations The new creation in Christ Jesus is born of GOD Point D Point E The new creation is God’s address. Every believer carries God in them because God’s nature is in us, as we have learnt in foundation class 1. So, when you are looking for God, you should see Him in you. • Colossian 1 vs 27 • Ephesians 2 vs 21 - 22 The new creation in Christ Jesus is born of GOD Point B The new creation is God’s extension. We are representatives of God in this world. We do the work of our father, that is when some is sick, we lay hands, and where salvation is needed, we preach the Word of God. • Acts 1 vs 8 • The new creation in Christ Jesus is born of GOD Point F