Yonker‘ Free Pre‘‘ FRIDAY FEBRUARY 27, 2020 - BRIAN HARROD EDITOR PUBLISHER A Yonkers man was indicted Tuesday for a series of burglaries around Westchester County. Yonkers Man dences from Dec. 26 through Jan. 4, Martinez was subsequently ar- where he stole property andor threat- rested in Yonkers Jan. 7. Faces 20 Felony ened or injured victims at the scene. The locations were as follows: Charges And One Dec. 26, 30 and 31: three loca- Yonkers Police tions in Tarrytown (one house twice) Misdemeanor and one in Dobbs Ferry Department After Being Jan. 2: three locations two in Promotes 12 Yonkers and one in Sleepy Hollow Accused Of 10 Jan. 3: White Plains members Jan. 4: Rye Burglaries The stolen property included By DETECTIVE LIEUTENANT cash, jewelry, laptop computers and By BRIAN HARROD DEAN POLITOPOULOS other items. During one burglary, police said, Martinez threatened someone with a German Martinez, 41, of Yonkers, knife, and in another he injured a per- Yonkers, NY Deputy Mayor Steve was accused of 10 private home bur- son at the scene. Levy and Police Commissioner John glaries that started the day after According to prosecutors, Mar- J. Mueller presided over today’s pro- Christmas and continued into the tinez hired taxis with unwitting motion ceremony which was held in first week of 2020. drivers to take him to the locations the historic Ceremonial Courtroom in Martinez’s bail was set at and told them to wait for him to come Yonkers City Hall. $500,000 bail, $1 million bond or $2 back. The Deputy Mayor and Commis- million secured bond. His next court Tracking license plate readers in sioner were proud to elevate twelve appearance is scheduled for March the vicinity of the burglaries, police (12) members to positions of higher 3rd. interviewed one of the cab drivers authority and assignments within the Prosecutors said Martinez broke who was able to give police the de- Department, including the Field Ser- into a number of Westchester resi- fendant’s phone number. vices Bureau and Investigations Bu- Yonkers Free Press FRIDAY FEBRUARY 27, 2020 - BRIAN HARROD EDITOR PUBLISHER 2 reau. 6:00PM in the Ceremonial Court- anti-staphylococcal antibiotics in The ceremony was held in the room at Yonkers City Hall. adult patients. presence of family, friends, and peers. This year’s theme for Black His- Last month, the first patient was Promoted to Lieutenant: tory month is “African Americans dosed in the company’s phase III DIS- Sergeant Jamie Dumser and the Vote” as it speaks to the on- RUPT (Direct Lysis of Staph aureus Promoted to Sergeant: going struggle on the part of both Resistant Pathogen Trial) study of Police Officer Nicholas Minichino black men and women throughout exebacase in patients with S. aureus Detective Timothy Cooper American History. bacteremia, including right-sided en- Police Officer Billy Zielinski The City’s celebration will include docarditis. Police Officer Frank DiDomizio performances from local community Appointed to Detective Sergeant: members and remarks by the Yonkers Sergeant Paul Api Public School student winners of the Recognized for prior promotions Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Po- appointments: emEssayVideo contest. Detective Lieutenant John Marello Lieutenant Wayne Simoes Lieutenant Sean Looney Sergeant Matthew Butenhoff Sergeant John Viviano Jr. The COVID-19 outbreak appears to Sergeant Carissa Davis be building toward a major pandemic, with the virus now breaking out from China and spreading to more countries, with Mayor Mike Spano And confirmed cases and deaths reported Councilwoman Shanae Williams in Italy, Iran and South Korea. Coronavirus Yonkers School Outbreak Brings Students Join City Focus On Yonkers Officials For Company Signing Plastic Congratulations to all the YPD officers and best wishes on your new By BRIAN HARROD Straw Ban assignments. By CHRISTINA GILMARTIN Antibiotics Company Is On The Mayor Mike Spano Comeback Trail In Yonkers And The shares (NASDAQ:CFRX) of Yonkers, N.Y.-based Contrafect Yonkers Public School students will join Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano Councilwoman Corp. have risen 39% this month and City Council President Mike (82% YTD). Khader Thursday, February 27 at 1 Shanae Williams The company is focused on the PM at Paideia School 15 as they discovery and development of direct sign a new city ordinance prohibit- Host Annual Black lytic agents, including lysins and ing food and beverage establishments amurin peptides, for the treatment of in Yonkers from providing single-use History Month antibiotic-resistant infections. plastic straws, unless requested by It completed, this month, a 1-for- customers. Celebration 10 reverse stock split of its shares to Last year, Paideia School 15 stu- By CHRISTINA GILMARTIN satisfy the $1 minimum price require- dents advocated city officials to move ment for continued listing on Nasdaq. forward with the ban of plastic straws The company also reported that in an effort to combat the negative the FDA had granted breakthrough environmental impacts of the manu- Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano along therapy designation to exebacase for facturing and disposal of the straws. with City Councilwoman Shanae the treatment of MRSA bloodstream Yonkers City Council approved Williams will host the City’s an- infections (bacteremia), including the legislation in recent weeks result- nual Black History Month celebra- right-sided endocarditis, when used ing in the plastic straw ban, effective tion Thursday, February 27th at in addition to standard-of-care (SOC) March 1, 2020. Yonkers Free Press FRIDAY FEBRUARY 27, 2020 - BRIAN HARROD EDITOR PUBLISHER 3 Plastic drinking straws are among environment. Starting March 1, Food & Beverage the top 10 contributors to marine de- Establishments in Yonkers bris pollution. Prohibited from Providing Most plastic straws are not Single-Use Plastic Straws biodegradable and instead break down over years into smaller mi- croplastics, releasing chemicals into the soil, air, and water that are harm- ful to animals, plants, people, and the
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