ns ~o.' ~I .1 THE TIMES THURSDAY JULY 1 1937 arena with a final glance LED IN -THE KING AND ofhonour.his Brethren who hac trHE GRAIt:r~_~.~_,,_..CORONATION: Tile l'bllowing-is the f TER FIRE d when an aero- - tion honours Past Grand (~merican announcec Warden (Senior)." Ambassador). nber) Squadron, HIS MAJESTY AT Past Grand Wardens (Junior).- PROMOTIO on Long, Shrops- P.G.Treas.: Herbert F. Jv Ivere:- GRAND LODGE Russell McLaren, Plcnder, P.G.D. Pres.Bd. Past Deputy Grand Registrar. HOUSE (the pilot), Mudaliar, P.G.D. SYDNEY HERDERT PastJJrand Deacons (Junior).-L Moresby White, P.A.G.Rc ircraftman Second P.A.G.D.C.; H. J. Goodwin. RTIN. INVESTED AS PAST GRAND Bryce, P.A.G.D.C.; W. H. S, Barr Pollock, P.A.G.D.C. (A I crashed into Lyth Past Assistant Grand Rcgistr ded. There was a MASTER P.A.G.D.C. dent occurred, but . Past Assistant Grand Supcrintem d. The neighbour- Nine thousand Freemasons, drawn from Dunning. P.A.G.D.C. Past Assistant Grand Director , and it was some I' 3 500 Lodges in all parts of the Empire, Sadleir. P.A.G.SLBr. fficials reached the ' .. f h Past Grand Standard Bearcr.c-E. , were present at a special meeting 0 t e BREVET RAj IINcrt; found widely United Grand Lodge of England at the Past Grand Deacons (Juniorj.c-. Dist. G.M .. Hong-kong and So buried several feet Royal Albert Hall last night, when the Andrews (Durham), J. M. Bal and some of the K' d was i d P t (Barbados), Claude M. Brow s and hedges. mg was present an was investe as as Nigeria). Thomas Burman ( Cooper (Canterbury, N.Z.), S ~r. Jack Lloyd, of Grand Master. His Majesty was initiated "(Bombay), Wilberforce H. n Long, said the into Freemasonry in 1919 and served as Archipelago),Mark Hambourg , backfired, and the .. ' . shire, W.R.), P. H. B. K, Daniel B. Patterson (Dep. I ind and dived into Provincial Grand Master of MIddlesex for \V. J. von M. Pcndlebury (D, over 13 years, relinquishing· the office shire), Augustus N. Pierce (So Henry Scott (Fiji), R. Coleri when he ascended the Throne. G.M., Cevlon), R. R. Tudm Queensland), Regtnald M. Vie ,NEWS The only cause for regret at a memor- Past Assistant Grand Chaplain> Lloyd (Cheshire). able gathering was the absence of the Past Assistant Grand Registrars (Jersey), W. T. Watkins Birts. Grand Master, the Duke of Connaught, Coast), William H. Foystei ~S LISTS who had hoped to attend and to perform Maurice V. Gosschalk (York Geoffrey B. Williams, J. M. W NE 30 the ceremony of investiture. The Earl of W.D.). Past Assistant Grand Suncrintcnc sued the follow- Harewood, the Pro Grand Master, who Money. Past Assistant Grand Directors of presided in his stead, read a letter from the R. Bailey (Natal), Franeis H. Charles E. Bellrtnger (Welli: ~OOL OF Duke of Connaught in which he expressed Betteridge, P. Dale Bussell, Cec Clarke (Berkshire), F. Coucher s Coli.; R. W,Steel, his gratitude to the King for his work for (Herefordshire), Sir Robert E< J. Ewins (South Africa, E.r, Peter's Hail: R. A. the Craft. (Cumberland and WestmorJc Merton; J. C. Olver, (Burma), R. T . Jennings,W. Mu enet's Hall: R. N. Every seat in the Albert Hall was W.D.), Dr. Bbagat Ram Kh, .ty of Oxford Home- occupied an hour before his Majesty was A. J. Lardeaux (Gibraltar), A I largaret Hall; M. 1. vaal), William S. Mannion (SI -Students ; R. Lang- due -to arrive, and many Masons were Conwy Morgan (Sussex), A. J. S tudents ; F. W. L. E. H. Mundy, Alfred Myers, R M. Page, Society of unable to gain admittance. When, a A. Opas (Hertfordshire), A. V w, SL Hush's : H. 1. few minutes after 6 o'clock, the Grand Southland), J. Gordon Parke r, Society of Oxford (Northamptonshire and Hun Director of Ceremonies, Mr. C. R. 1. A. E. Perkins (East Africa), esus con. ; A. J. M. foundland), Major George Pc e, Queen's: F. A. Nicholl, announced the arrival of "the Major Percy E. Robathan (M _Rogers,Jesus Coli. ; Most Worshipful the Past Grand Master, Saunders (Devonshire). 'A'. A. Se P. Backhouse, Lady (Nottinghamshire). A. A. Spald h's; A. J. Ferzuson, His Most Gracious Majesty the King," Charles Spencer (Rhodesia),"Bern , Society of Oxford and Sudan), Alfred J. Thorpe (S of Oxford Home- the scene was a deeply. impressive one, A. H. Timms (Derbyshire), F rtford, His Majesty stood, a solitary figure on the (Suffolk).G. H. Wills (Kent). Past Grand Sword Bearer.-Lieute Ii IN NATURAL steps leading to the arena, while the Tarrant (Gloucestershire). Coli.; F. Singleton, National Anthem was played, and before him was a sea of colour, the light blue paara~t:~s~~~in~:~c~p~a Past ~~a~ Grand Standard Bearers.c-ce aprons and collars of the Masters and (Norfolk), Waiter G. Bishop q ol!.; N. 1. Gabriel, 'frcd~rict·J.uG~~J~a:n'(ka?;,'D£~ fIer. Christ Church; Wardens of private lodges, the dark blue oberts, Jesus Col!. le: L. P. Ellinger, Icsus Coil.; L. B. and gold clothing of the Grand Officers, ~~~~e2rWal~~rorH:~'~~r~' A. Houston, Henry Hyde (Leicesr 8aD~ rist Church; D. A. and a thin trail of red, denoting the aisle through the hall which was being kept ~'ha';ie-st~~~'~rd ~SO~'h r:f;iC~~~ Messias (Jamaica). T. W. NOfI¥ 'asenose College by the Grand Stewards. Until quite arch Fellowship laf the University I I h . . recent y t ere was a ~r~dltl<?n that <;J;;an d (Guernsey and Alderney~ A. E.' C. Robinson (Oxfordshire), Jam: T. H. Thatcher, Arnold West, i research will be Lodge welcomed distinguished visitors (Buckinghamshire), Major Williarn Past Assistant Grand Standard B l1usic of India." with measured rounds of "fire." Last Alfred E. Duesbury (Worcestersh rch under the night there was a less formal ringin the (Somerset), W. H. Harries, T. J. W. H. Quayle (Isle of Man). ~y Tagore of' Bi~logical we Id' come, an as hiIS. M' ajesty passe d Past Deputy Grand' Organlst.c-cG.R. F.R.C.O. Knowles, B.A., th.rough the hall to the dais he was greeted SPECIAL LIST pIes Biological With a spontaneous burst of cheering, Members of the Staffs in the Geant year 1937-38. which continued for several minutes. and Masonic Institut Past Grand Standard Bcarcr.s--Lr . laying of the In the early part of the proceedings he P.G.P. . Past Assistant Grand Standard Bear ran Extension by day the Curators sat at t hee rifig h t 0 f L or d H arewood. Ctrsrtes Lawrence, E. E. L. Bowli t~ her Majesty Lord Harewood said:- C. V. perk=s.========,=" The Master of tor) and Mrs. e garden party, GRAND MASTER'S LETTER AUSTRALIAN r- Your Majesty, Most Worshipful Brother,- ege. POLICY UNE 30 grees were con- In the absence, so greatly regretted, of the Grand Master, it falls to me, as a duty which I am proud to perform, to extend to your BRITAIN BENEI - ~~I"'-~_"""_+.JlM~~aQjtleil<st::;y~lh>Le=h:J;eu;a_rt_y..Lfrba.aternal greetings of every FROM OUR OWN CORRE~ IP"TI""" . ; r' T h~ V. message from the f-".. - ~ f"'A-l:,~'BER~ sador in London Grand Master in the form of a personal ~r. ~~:.._.. H. It reads:- Colonel White, the Minis I ratory of the .. I have to inform you, my Pro Grand dinburgh. Master, with the greatest regret that ,I will he Representatives to-day rf the Repertory unable on June 30 personally to invest his Gullett, the late Minister i Majesty the King with the Past Rank of negotiations, concerning - -, C.M., M.D., Grand. Master of England. Pray inform our trade diversion.policy, I Council on the Sovereign of my great disappointment. I beg that new capital invested sai '., D.S.O., D.L., I as Grand Master to assure him of the loyalty a~d devotion of the whole Craft towards his Throne and Person. We are all proud that in Australia exceeded The accumulated adverse c £3,( ,.fCCAIGWIGHT- his Majesty accepted the highest Masonic with the United States for tl: honour that we can confer upon him. We ing diversion was £ 180,00 WOOD M.A. also appreciate the deep interest in Masonry bullion and specie to the Un oke S~ttlement: which he has ever shown since his initiation, £19,000,000, and interest p and we will always remember the services to wealth and State loans wa: the. Craft which he has rendered during his further substantial sum was 30 actrve association with it as Provincial Grand representing the profits of r Master for Middlesex.- Yours fraternally film companies, payments for Scotland ARTHuR, Grand Master." , iegius Professor vices, and interest and divid It on October 1. As your Majesty is aware, the jurisdiction of capital invested in Austra .Chalrners) Pro- the Grand Lodge of England extends to every States was among the few ( t become vacant part of your Empire. There are with us bere a duty on wool, which ran ations for the to-day representatives of more than 3 500 to Is. 10td. a pound in Al e by two copies lodges from all parts of the world. W; re- In spite of this duty on Am be addressed member with pridC?that her Majesty the Queen modity, the Cornmonwealtl h Office, White- comes from a family which has been associated restrictions only to a minor J e first appoint- with Freemasonry for more than two centuries. from the United States. h him not later Your Majesty's acceptance of the rank in In the year before divers , econd not later Grand Lodge of Past Grand Master has given Unifed States .were won unbounded pleasure to every Brother of our Australian currency, and : I------.....j,...;,,-rn·dietimranrl vilt-b a-n inspiration to them- Juited"-states £J.Ji,8Q.400!;_ to continue to practise with renewed zeal the chassis, which were not re: BARRIE great principles of the Order. The honour you level then prevailing, import have conferred upon the Craft by graciously were valued at £3,178,000, consenting to attend this meeting to-day will the total imports. Even if diverted elsewhere the balan '1FT TO always be remembered by every Brother United States would still br present, and we beg to tender to your Majesty our humble and dutiful thanks, (Cheers.) eluding motor chassis, the American trade at prese owner of the £2,200,000, of which £764,0 THE KING'S REPLY ich Sir J ames to Australia, £802,000 to the sterday that a The King, having been invested with £169,000 to Canada, and £22 had expressed the collar and jewel of his new rank The increase in the value imports in the first year of t ames Barrie's replied as follows: _. ' was £638,000 (Australian), resenting it to Pro Grand 'Master,-I thank you sincerely Before the applicati. _ for the fraternal greetings which you have measures the United S o~d said, was I extended to me from this great meeting of I ving regard to G - d L d en made that a I an 0 ge. I am very pleased to see so refused to negotiate future negotiations, a tra Coo o purchase the many representatives of Lodges in all parts the question of the cnm uld be a per- of the Empire, _and I deeply appreciate the by the United States es offer could not good Wishes which you have expressed to me certainly be raised. IT' suggested fund on behalf. of .the Brethren. As the. Grand Pan Fund" to Ma ter writes III the gracious letter which you PI . tion en~ged have read, I have, since my initiationin 1919, SOUTH AUSTRA1a; = ible that both been greatly rnterested 111 my associatron WIth SUCCESSIVE 0: . ouzh. and a Freemasonry. My work as a Provincial Grand the -birthplace faster for over 13 years and in other directions FROM OUR COR du e'" days. gave me real pleasure, and I was sorry when it ADE 'a! became necessary for me to cease my activities. In this work the. Queen +se: who-se family The acting Treasureqrc connexionwith the Craft you have alluded to announced a Budget s l~ has been interested and has attended with m~ the third in as many ye.~.I various gatherings-for instance, the great sion of surpluses has n 1 Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution in 193L To-day, the pinnacle of before the War. Re pn my Masonic life has been reached by my £11,739,000, the highef;j ~ investiture at your hands on behalf of the South Australia, an da Grand Master with the insignia of Past Grand £330,000 over the figu aIr Master, an honour for which I thank you and cial year, while experiy.) . s Prozress which is greatly appreciated. I share with you t th i the regret that our beloved Grand Master is rry ou di e ' not able to be present to perform the ceremony by £340,000. mated Railwa at £3,000,000_ M ,A - ent to IS- of my investiture himself. We know that his £148,000, and receiptfau yees. whose heart is with us and that, as always,' his great £1,677,000, an increas~q - the interests desire is for the well-being and the advance- ~===~;aN zanv protest me~t of the Craft he lovesso well and in which office of the he IS so greatly revered. (Loud and prolonged 3,000,000 cor-n= ul d 1 cheers.) "MEIN -:rr~~ed - b thei 1~si At the end of the King's speech there was prolonged -cheering, dunng which ____ K)3 ,°8t ••. FROM OUR OWN CoP y err Lord Harewood invited his Majesty to BEil s : ~ed police occupy the Chair. On his agreeing to do n many so as Acting Grand Master, Lord Hare- -Three million copies, ' have now been sold of }J wood withdrew from Grand Lodge and a number of Brethren upon whom "Mein Kampf," in wh g Ma onic honours have been conferred to guiding principles for G~t mark the Coronatio vere presented to those principles the Hj hi Maje ry. The first of them was the regime seems to have {J' American Ambassador, and there was remarkable fidelity, T a loud applau ~ a Mr. Bingharn was culation is made in the escorted to the dais. After a few words of Essen that all the c 1: with the -, ne he was conducted to a seat one upon the other, w0lu next 0 the -Duke of Kent, Provincial 380 times that of the E~( Grand _ I rer for Wiltshire, and Prince Arthur of Connaught, Provincial Grand THE F ARR_S(L1~ . Iaster for Berkshire. After Grand Lodge had been closed with traditional cere- FIGH- monial by his Majesty there wa an im- •. ~ rough re- ive scene as the va t assemblj ~ , FRO r OCR OW)i co in singing thethree verses oi .-;, . BE Anthem. When the K':"_ e: -e - -e - -'e-; :0- 'he \\ organist played the eh - - of ., La.nd of I championship between Hope and Glory," and' •• ....;:j~~OI!O.I.u..~m~.;;w~it:.l.h~enthusiasm. Hap2ily, e company joined it nded in I and Tommy Schmeling's Fan ha ~ recuest. ;!
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