MILLERS‟ MILL Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL MILLERS‟ MILL PURIFYING THE SONS OF LEVI Ezechukwu Dennis E. Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL MILLERS‟ MILL Copyright © 2022 Ezechukwu Dennis E. ISBN: 978-978-994-491-0 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the author/publisher. Publisher Ezechukwu Dennis E. For readers‟ comments Email: [email protected] Text/WhatsApp: +2349077080699 Printed by Dell Publishing Co, Enugu, Nigeria. [email protected] Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface 1. Jesus, The Light Of The World 2. The Passion Of Christ 3. Meaning Of Christianity 4. Fellowship With God 5. The Power In Reflections 6. The Power Of His Mercy 7. Trials And Your Victories 8. Ministerial Priesthood 9. The Operations Of Satan 10. Oppression And Justice Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL DEDICATION To God Almighty, Possessor of Heaven and Earth. Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL PREFACE “Then the Lord said to Moses, “Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a pole; and it shall be that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, shall live” (Numbers 21:8) Every problem/challenge in life has a solution. The real problem is not what you suffer from. The real problem is your inability to know the right thing to do to solve the problem. On a particular day, the Lord spoke to me saying, “It is not bad that you suffered; that you stayed many days without food. What is bad is that you didn't know what to do”. In 2005, I had a strange condition. My heart would suddenly stop beating. And each time this happened, I would weakly say: „blood of Jesus‟, about two or three times. Immediately after that, a still voice would speak inside me saying, „If you do not receive divine healing, you will die‟. This warning was repeated about twice. And after this, my heart beat would be restored instantly as if it received life from the still voice. After the second occurrence of this incident, I went for a medical test. Consequently, I was treated of typhoid fever and malaria. About two weeks after that treatment, it Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL occurred the third time. The heart beat stop abruptly the same way, I feebly invoked the power in the blood of Jesus and the still voice gave the same warning. This time I believed I would actually die if I failed to seek divine help. So I made up my mind to pray and fast. But because I had taken my breakfast already, I settled to start the fasting and prayer the next day. In the night of that very day, I saw in a dream the fiery serpent which Moses made and put on a pole as God instructed him (Numbers 21:8). I caught the revelation knowledge that it was for my healing; that God has released the power for me to live which has cancelled the death hovering over my life. So I claimed and declared my healing instantly. It‟s been seventeen (17) years now and that sudden heart attack has never occurred again. So I was healed even before I started the prayer and fasting. Catching the revelation knowledge of the word of God and applying them daily in our lives is the key to solving every kind of trouble or challenge we find ourselves in. This work is a compilation of some of the revelation knowledge I received over a period of seventeen (17) years since the healing of that heart disorder. They came out of the sheer grace of God, as I remained in prayers and reflections to understand and follow the will of God for me. Their application has continued to take me out of numerous challenges/troubles and ushered in great Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL opportunities. The work of God is for the good of all. If need be, this work can as well transform your life greatly when by grace you are able grab the same or even deeper revelation knowledge and apply them. At the core of this writing is the sacrifice of the Lamb of God; the most vivid demonstration of the love of God for all humanity. I encourage you to reflect as you read. You gain much understanding when you reflect. It is guaranteed that you will have testimonies of how you overcame many challenges/troubles in life by applying the knowledge you will gain from this work. You shall have new reasons to declare afresh, „...I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is God‟s power to salvation...‟ (Romans 1:16). What is salvation if not freedom from all troubles; troubles in this life and in the life to come? The light of His knowledge that shines daily on your path is what dissipates all forms of darkness/troubles in your life. The Author Back to Table of Contents Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL 1. JESUS, THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD “In him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and darkness did not comprehend it” (John 1:4-5) Jesus is the light. He shines in you that the world may notice you. Seek the impartation of His Spirit always on everything you do. His gifts are free that He may be glorified. He who glorifies Him always receives more. And more shall his portion always be if he does not set his mind off Jesus. For, steadily the light will glow or shine in him. A steady glow leaves a permanent impression on the world. A steady glow magnifies the effects. His glory is your glory. Take away His glory and be in darkness. Darkness is the heritage of sinful souls. While light is that of the righteous. Holiness is the beauty of God‟s house. So always desire and seek holiness. For without it you are ugly. And God‟s sight does not entertain ugliness. Whenever He looks at anything ugly, He burns with anger. The more He beholds that, the more destruction it gets. Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL God made the heavens and the earth to His own glory. His glory is your own glory. So keep the earth holy that your glory may multiply. He rewards each according to his deeds. For those who love Him and do His will, their reward is great in heaven. Heaven is a place of bliss, a place of perpetual bliss prepared for those who do His will. God‟s will for you is holiness. Sorrow, darkness will be the lot of those who fail to do His will. Jesus loves souls so much that He shed His blood on the cross that we all may live. He who rejects His blood rejects life. Life, He has said, consists in the Spirit. So always guide your soul against the whims of the enemy, the devil. The devil is a master of deception. Except a soul relies solely on Jesus, on His Spirit, he will fall to the devil. The devil is darkness. Jesus is light. He exposes darkness. His Spirit teaches you everything. Be rich in the Spirit always. And you would be free from all evils, because the devil is the master of all evils. If Jesus is with you, the devil cannot be with you. For His holiness is your holiness. Be holy as He is holy. … Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL Jesus is Light. Once He is present in someone‟s life or any situation, all forms of darkness vanishes. There is clarity and joy among men who experience Him. Jesus is light. He is the Light of the world. His glow is bright, very bright that even a pin is easily seen. Nothing is ever hidden. In the affairs of men, there is darkness when Jesus is not glowing. Sin alone puts off the light. Nothing else can. And once the light is off, men grope from one corner to the other in confusion and fear, quarrel and bitterness. They lack joy. The joy of the Lord is peace. The joy of the crucified Jesus is that everything is yes and amen in and through Jesus. Seek His presence through any other means or way, you will never find peace. Jesus is your peace. Jesus is the word. The word is the light unto your path. The path to heaven is one; He is Jesus. The light on this path is one; He is Jesus. Seek Jesus alone, that you may never grope, that your joy may be complete. Holy, holy, holy is our Lord Jesus Christ; the power of His Light fills the whole earth. The world without the light of Jesus is in darkness. There is a lot of darkness in the world today. Pray for the world to have the light Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL of Jesus. It is plunging into destruction. The younger generation is groping for light. The old generation is claiming to have light. But their light is mere human wisdom. Light for the world is nothing human. It is divine. Pray that the world may see light. Jesus is the Light. Bring the world before Him always and He will give them light. Come to Him that you may see well and be happy. In Him there is no groping; there is certainty. Is there anything as good as to be certain about your life— temporal and everlasting? In Jesus, your joy is complete. Seek Jesus always that He may light up your life; that He may be the light shining in your life; that the world may see your glory. Take Him out of your life and your life will all be darkness. He is your light. He is your life. As He shines, He radiates His glory in you and through you to the world. His whole being is the source of His own light. So when He shines in you, the source of your light will be obvious to the world. The world will look unto you for you have what they lack, what is good for them. Seek light and be their guide in whatever you are doing, no matter how little that may be. For Jesus can turn a Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL drop of water into an ocean. When He comes into you, He uses you to touch the world. The world will see you. The world will feel you. You become a source of life to so many. Because you are living; the Living God has made His home in you. I Am the I Am is your God. Worship Him that He may glow in you. His light that shines in you takes away all forms of darkness from you. Evil will never be your portion for He is with you. Bear this always in your mind. Do not entertain doubt. Trust in God‟s power which is almighty and all-suffusing. God is everywhere and everywhere you go, He is with you. Nothing shall ever harm you. The Lord is your God. Back to Table of Contents Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL 2. THE PASSION OF CHRIST “He is despised and rejected by men. A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised, and we did not esteem Him. Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him. And by His stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:3-5). Passion of Christ is easily understood by a look at His plight. He suffered for what He did not do. He suffered for the sins we committed. He bore the pain for each and every wrong step we took. He was careful not to disappoint God and man. He was only counting on God for His strength. Indeed His strength came from the God who made heaven and earth. Passion is Christ‟s undoing of our lives. In other words, He suffered for us to live. Imagine a life without the love of God. Hatred and death would have consumed the world more than fire. To stay out of trouble means to appreciate His passion, His sufferings that we may have life. His passion is your life. Without His passion Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL you are dead. He died that all souls may live. Any soul that does not appreciate His passion is dead. Life comes to you when you start appreciating His passion. You have the opportunity to live because Jesus lives. Living means that Jesus is active in your life. Being active in your life, means that you appreciate His passion/suffering. It means that you love Him. It means that you keep His commandments. It means that you are suffering for the Lord your God. For, to suffer for God means to make effort to remain in His love. … Christ knew it was the hour for Him to die. He did not panic or run away or build defence against such. He set His mind on God. He was obedient to the will of God. He expected His passion, death, resurrection and glorification. He was not scared by the horrors of His passion as to hide from public view. He rather in simplicity and humility had the fear of God, desired the will of God and not His to happen. He was not arrogant and full of self-worth, despite the fact that His Father who is in Heaven is almighty and capable of rescuing Him. He was obedient to death, Amen. Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL Everything Jesus did showed single-mindedness in purpose. He was controlled by the passion to do the will of God. His thought was always about God, God in relation to man, and Himself that came between God and man. He was aware God has no other person except Him. He allowed nothing to influence Him except the will of God. He always did what pleased the Father. … By death Jesus conquered death. So death is no more for those who believe. For those who don‟t believe in Him, death still exists. And they shall be destroyed by their own deeds. Death is not the decay of the flesh but the mastery of evil over human soul. The sacrifice of His body became the turning point in the history or life of man. Now evils no longer master the soul. Rather the soul masters evil and lives solely for God. The power in His blood mastered evil and destroyed it. For those who believe, the power in His blood is their lives. Nothing has ever mastered and conquered evil except His blood. And nothing will ever do so. By His blood you are healed to the glory of God the Father, Amen. Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Jesus Christ. The power in His blood fills the whole earth. The power in His blood fills your life. The power in His blood is your life. Your death comes easily when you forget this; sin gains dominion over you when you forget the power in His blood. The power in His blood does not end at cleansing you. The power in His blood is everything in your life. It is your whole life. So be covered by the blood of Jesus always. For a fish out of water cannot survive. You can‟t live without the power in His blood. Living does not consist in breathing. To live means that Jesus has made His home in you. Making His home in you means that He is very operational in your life. Your life is precious and has been saved for the sake of His holy name. Work assiduously. His grace is with you. His peace be with you. Peace is the very nature of life. For where God is, there is peace. And peace can never exist without your God being actively present. Jesus is active in your life; you are alive. His peace shall forever be with you. Amen. … Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL The death of Jesus Christ means life. Jesus did not die. He lives forever, for in God there is no death. And for all those who believe, those who are constantly in His presence, all things have been put under His feet; all evils have been crushed by the blood of Jesus. His peace be with all those who believe, Amen. The passion of Christ is the end of all troubles. He died that you might have eternal life. And eternal life is the knowledge of God. Who has ever known God that is in trouble? Your problem is stiff-neckedness. You make a lot of arguments and not preach the word of God. When Jesus died on the Cross, He changed the work of the priests. He made it much easier. His blood says it all, for the blood He shed is the gospel. The good news is that He bought life for us with His blood. What do you need if not life? Why shift attention from what will give life, His passion, death and resurrection, to arguments----quoting philosophers and all manners of blind scholars here and there? Is argument God‟s power to salvation to those who believe? Is gospel alone not the power of God to salvation to those who believe? Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL Why are the priests of God ashamed of the gospel? Was it the case with Jesus? He was not ashamed of dying that humanity may live. Your life is in the blood of Jesus. Your peace is in the blood of Jesus. What do you need if not life? What do you need in life if not the peace of the Lord? The peace of the Lord is your salvation from all troubles. It is not philosophy or any of those foolish human learnings. In matters of salvation, almost all human learning are foolish. They came by human senses and imagination. But salvation is something spiritual, for it is only the Spirit who can give life. Your senses and imagination have nothing to add. The Spirit of God becomes active in your life by having faith in Him. Without faith you can‟t please God, remember. Faith is what you need to worship God and not arguments. And faith must be on nothing but the word of God. Jesus is the Word of God. He is the Word made flesh for the salvation of souls. To those who believe in Him, God has given the power to become the children of God. Did Jesus teach any philosophy or any of those human learnings? Did He engage in any arguments with Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL anybody? Was He arrogant and self-willed? From where did you get all those corruptions? You are corrupt because you do the will of your father the devil! There is no corruption in the gospel. There is only life. Believe in the gospel alone. Preach only the gospel. Let the peace of Christ be with those who believe, Amen. … Peace is the very essence of life. Life without peace is nothing. Your peace is in nowhere but the blood of Jesus. You have known this secret. Make maximal use of it. Think of it as more important than the air you breathe. Of course air serves for the body. But the blood of Jesus is the only „air‟ your spirit can breathe in and/or out. You see how deadly it is when you don‟t immerse yourself in His blood always. Jesus has bought you free from all evils. Get to understand fully the value of His blood. It is priceless! It is even greater than your lives. For you can‟t live without it. Life consists in the Spirit, always remember this. When you are with the Lord, there are no more troubles. Because the Lord your God is the God of peace. Peace means the absence of troubles, both Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL physical and spiritual troubles. Strive to have peace always. Your peace I have said is in the blood of Jesus. Back to Table of Contents Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL 3. MEANING OF CHRISTIANITY “But you are not of the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ. He is not His” … “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God” (Romans 8:9,14). With the gifts of visions and Spirit of tongues, you are not yet fully His child. In other words, despite your gifts, if you have any fault with Him dwelling in you, you are not truly His child. So, how the temple started and He did not complete it should not be surprising to you. Eligibility to be part of the body of Christ is the active presence of the Holy Spirit in your life. His body is holy. And you can‟t be part of His body if you are not holy. His holiness is your holiness. Desire and seek holiness. Do and delight in His will for you, for this alone will make the Holy Spirit who dwells in you to be active in your life. Confer the words of Christ in the Holy Scriptures. His peace be with you. Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL Without the Holy Spirit being active in your life, you can‟t claim to be a Christian. Christianity means the active presence of the Holy Spirit in people‟s lives. Christianity means that Christ is alive in your life. Do not deceive yourself by shouting the name of the Lord when His love does not abide in you. In His will, in the New Testament is articulated His love for humanity. It is only those who abide by the terms of the New Testament that His love abides with. If you love the Lord, you must keep His commandment, and your Father in heaven will love you and manifest Himself in your life. Life consists in the Spirit, always remember. It is the Spirit that gives life. If the Spirit is not active in you, you are dead. Strive to be alive. Doing His will is what it means to live in the Lord. Do the will of God and you will become truly His child. And His peace will be with you forever and ever to the glory of your Father in heaven, who has loved you all the time. His peace be with those who believe. … Virtuous life is not holiness in the sight of God. Holiness can never contradict the word of God. The Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL word of God is always there as a reference point. It should serve as a mirror through which every action can be seen. Everything the mirror cannot show is evil. The words of God are concrete. They are not metaphysical. His words must be seen in people‟s lives, every of their deeds. Doing good things does not mean doing the will of God. The devil can do good things also to you. The word of God should always pull off this veil of good the devil uses to mask evil. God‟s emphasis has never been on virtues as most religious bodies hap on. His concern has always been with doing His will. Do His will! His will is the foundation on which every virtue is built. Any virtue that does not have His word as the foundation is satanic and quite self-destructive. Be just what God has made you: a faithful soul. The teachings of men cannot make you faithful, cannot make you holy. It is only the Spirit of God who can. His Spirit ALONE leads you to Him. Confer His words in the Holy Scriptures. His Spirit is your Helper. It is not the gamut of religious books. The Holy Spirit makes you feel dry when you read books that are destructive to your soul, even though they may be quoting the word of God. Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL God appoints those who preach and teach His word. Anyone who preaches or teaches His words without unction will never win souls to Christ. It is not the words spoken or written that wins souls to Him. It is His Spirit that moves with those spoken or written words. Be wise. Always be in union with the Holy Spirit; fellowship with Him alone. He alone can lead you to God. No man can, except the Spirit uses him. The Lord is Spirit. The Lord is your God. Worship Him and your peace will have no end. He will reign in you and you will reign with Him, to the glory of your Father who is in Heaven forever and ever, Amen. His peace be with you. … The sins of the fathers are punishment to the children for centuries except the children repent. But today little is ready to seek the face of God. Rather most indulge in fruitless efforts. Know that the Lord is your God. And you can‟t find Him by running about from one place to another. Let everyone be at a place. The Lord is at every place. What Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL you need to do only is to do His will. Then you will encounter the Lord your God. You have given the devil your soul when you fail to do the will of God. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Wisdom does not consist in human senses and imagination. Wisdom means doing the will of God. Human wisdom can only put fears in you. And fears either make you foolish or aggressive. To be foolish means to be aggressive with your God. To be wise means to be at peace with your God. Be wise; do the will of God and the peace of Christ will reign in your life. Peace I have said is the essence of living. Without the peace of Christ, you are dead. Desire nothing in life but the peace of God. Seek nothing in life but His peace. In His peace is everything you need. The peace of God is in the blood of Jesus. Immerse yourself always in His blood. … Nakedness is the ruins of the people of God. Jesus has clothed everyone with His blood. But people discard this clothe of eternal life in obedience to fleshly desires. There is no way you can serve your flesh and still be Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL clothed with the love of God; the blood of Jesus. And you can only have access to His blood, His love for all humanity when you serve not the fleshly desires but your God. Serving the Lord is not living a virtuous life. Serving the Lord is not running around for one activity or the other that you describe as a way to worship the Lord. Serving the Lord means doing His will all the time, everywhere and in everything. Serving the Lord means worshiping Him. You worship the devil and not Jesus when your life, every moment, does not conform to the will of God. And His will for you is the New Testament which Jesus enacted for us and sealed with His blood when He was on earth. Nobody should tamper with the tenets of the New Testament. The Holy Spirit alone teaches you the will of God as it is contained in the New Testament. No human being has the right or inspiration from the Spirit to alter the New Testament. Anyone who alters it must die. Anyone who follows the altered version must die. You are dead already by following any false doctrine. God does not entertain the partial keeping of His commandments. Therefore beware of all the satanic doctrines in the churches. Strive to be alive again, for Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL you will live again when you come to believe solely on the word of God. Discard all satanic revelations that have been plunging souls into destruction. Anything that negates the will of God, what He has said is evil, satanic. You have known the truth. Let the Truth abide with you and set you free from all troubles, amen. … Simplicity and humility is the foundation stone which every child of God must lay by himself. His grace is available and enough for all those who believe. For it is never by might or power but by the Spirit of Truth that you serve the Lord effectively. Serving the Lord does not entail running around for one religious function to another, from one place to the other. Serving the Lord entails doing His will all the time, everywhere and in everything. So people should stop deceiving themselves by believing that holding several posts and/or belonging to several pious societies, some of which are satanic, makes them serve the Lord. It is good to be involved in communal efforts but without adhering strictly to the terms of the New Testament, you will end up in hell Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL fire. So repent now and serve your God in spirit and in truth. Everybody has been called to serve God. And everybody can serve God by doing the will of God all the time, everywhere he is and in everything he does. The peace of Christ be with all those who believe. … The three persons in one God are there for operations. They are not beings. There is only one Being, one God. God the Father is the creator and maker of all things. God the son is the person in and through whom all things were made, including your salvation. There is nothing that was made that was made without Him. God the Holy Spirit is the power that brings every of the will of God the Father into being or effect. So as people even pray, they must bear this in mind. People must acknowledge the three persons in one God all the time with their respective operations for them to reap the full benefit of their sonship. Do not alter the will of God . Your faith must be on God‟s very words, what He has revealed to you and not on any human learning. … Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL God has promised of His continual stay in your life. He dwells in you. He uses you. He teaches the world His omnipotence using you, because He has anointed you richly. You are His own machine. He operates you by Himself. He is the Blessed Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, who made everything. He is everything. Everything is in Him including the knowledge of your God. You will know God as He keeps on manifesting Himself in your life. That is the only way you can know God. Therefore be constant in serving Him. His wealth is your wealth. He is your wealth. There is nothing you will ever lack including the knowledge of God. Your God is one and is everywhere too. He is incomprehensible because He is eternal. Everything about Him has no end. You see why it will be difficult for any created being to know God completely? Be satisfied with the much you know about your God at any point in time. Pray that God will forever open your understanding. That is very necessary. You are forever his child. Don‟t forget. Knowledge of God is not the knowledge of the world. You shall forever learn about God as you keep being Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL constant in His presence. His presence is where you are now because you do what pleases the Lord. Therefore the Lord shall forever teach you everything in heaven and on earth. His peace be with you. … Holiness is the beauty of God‟s house. To be holy, you must TRUST in His power, have FAITH in His ability to perform and HOPE in Him as the only resource you will ever have. You must be KIND to others, full of LOVE in whatever you do and quite PATIENT in your relationship with God. He is your God. He acts according to His own will. His will for everybody is full of love, mercy and goodness. Those are Him for you. So trust in Him, His love, mercy and goodness. He is kind, faithful and just. Imitate Him and no one else. His peace be with you. Divine wisdom is doing what God says. Do His will! Beyond everything He demands of you is a great wealth the human mind cannot comprehend. Because those wealth are highly spiritual and they are life. Remember, life consists in the Spirit. Be meticulous in doing His will. That will lead you to perfection in the practice of divine wisdom. Be at peace child of God. Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL … “Do not let your adornment be merely outward-- arranging the hair, wearing gold or putting on fine apparel. Rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit which is very precious in the sight of God” (1 Peter 1:3) God made everything. He did not make anything bad or evil. He made the clothes that you will cover your bodies with them. He did not make them so that you will use them in exposing your bodies or features in the ways that please you. When you please yourself, you are pleasing the devil. Please your God so that His peace will abide with you. Your Lord and God abhors indecent, shabby dressing. It is abominable unto Him. He is everywhere. He is holy. He does not entertain any unholy sight. Shield yourself from His anger by dressing properly. Do not become easily a tool in the hands of the devil and his agents, the so-called designers of such clothes. Nothing is fashionable except the will of your God. Nothing is beautiful except the holiness of God. His holiness is your own holiness. Do His will and gain Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL your holiness. Then see how beautiful and fashionable you are. Wear no clothes. I mean spiritually. The holiness of God alone should cover you. Cover your body but do not let clothes preoccupy your mind. For whatever that preoccupies your mind covers your spirit. If God‟s holiness preoccupies your mind, you will definitely be covered by His holiness. Holiness is your beauty and not clothes. Holiness is your treasure and not clothes. For where your treasure is, there your mind will be. Be rich in the Spirit of God. … The evil you have in mind when wearing certain clothes makes the act evil and not the clothes themselves. However the Holy Spirit inspires you not to wear such, even when you don‟t have evil in mind, when such clothes can lead others to sin. Those who dress indecently spitefully believe in God. Nevertheless, do not enforce the laws of Yahweh by condemning or approving of people‟s dresses. Pray rather for those who dress shabbily. Bring everything before God with all joy. Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL Your mirror is the word of God. Look on it always and see how beautiful you look. God even beautifies you more in measures you can‟t comprehend when you adhere to His words. He loves you from the bottom of His heart. Just do His will and worry about nothing. For there is nothing you shall lack. His peace be with you. Back to Table of Contents Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL 4. FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD “If you abide in Me and my words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you”. John 15:7 If you are not disciplined, how can you take to your prayer life? Take discipline seriously. See how disciplined Christ was in the garden of Gethsemane as regards prayers. Always focus on and rely upon God---- His holiness, His power, and then on your ability to obtain mercy which entails His willingness to be merciful always. The glory of Yahweh fills the heaven and the earth; your life inclusive. Have faith that He alone can affect your life. Do not give much thought to the power of the devil; remove fear. In other words, God‟s power is all- suffusing. The power of God around you, His glory that fills the whole earth, is enough to trigger you into prayer. That is, prayer of thanksgiving. You must not pray only when you have problems. Prayer is a communion or fellowship with God. God is always waiting; He is always watching over His words to perform them. Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL First, learn ejaculatory prayers to express the majesty of God you witness around you. This should be able to fill you with joy. If not, it is not from the bottom of your heart. This joy registers on your face. The carnally- minded will never understand such a smile. The carnally-minded will also miss the life that such a smile gives. This smile is very affective, transferable and understandable to the spiritually-minded. He shares instantly in the life, the grace that such ejaculatory prayers draw from God. Because he either concurs to the ejaculatory prayer he heard or felt with that same awareness or attuneness. Or he says or feels it with deeper understanding. In whichever case, joy, grace, life and love flow down from the Almighty Father to His creature, His most cherished creature on earth. The glory of God that fills the whole earth goes mostly to man, serves for the benefit of man and to the glory of God. The ejaculatory prayers when repeated with ever increasing awe translates to prayer of adoration or worship. The person is immersed in the consciousness Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL of the glory of God which fills the heavens, the earth and his life. This exercise leads the person to submit totally to the power of God, to abandon one‟s will and seek God‟s will in one‟s life. The Spirit of God is richly at work at this juncture. Here one may abandon the planned petitions he has in mind. He may modify them according to the silent dictates of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit leads now in the intercession. It takes discipline at prayer life for one who prays to understand this. One who is disciplined at his prayer soon gets to understand that the petitions he always had in mind before prayers were always dropped or abandoned. This rather gives him joy than worries him. Because at the end of each prayer exercise he feels quite fulfilled. He gets to understand that that was the will of God for him. He understands without any human agent telling him that he abandons his will quite unconsciously for the will of God. More joy and trust grow from here. He grows intensely joyful at the realization that that was a divine direction. This trust in God leads him to desire more and more of God‟s will in his life. This desire is seen in his habit of praying always, especially prayer of adoration or Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL worship. It is also seen in his life as his perspective on issues and happenings changes. He now considers the power of God in all things. His mentality changes soon from the idea that it is not everything that prayer can solve. Now he thinks he can do all things in Christ who strengthens him. Now his belief can never be divorced from „with God all things are possible‟. Because it was in and through Christ that all things were made. Because the glory of God fills the whole earth. The faith of this man grows stronger and stronger. He begins to see the manifestation of God‟s answer to his prayers in his life. This time he receives because he does not pray amiss. He has the Holy Spirit, the Counsellor, Teacher, Helper, Comforter, Intercessor, leading him. The Holy Spirit knows the will of God the Father for him. He keeps one who has trust and faith in Him within the bounds of the will of God. The person at this stage knows that the glory of Yahweh fills the whole earth. He confesses that the glory of God fills his life. He testifies to the Lord‟s goodness to him. He testifies to the Lord‟s faithfulness. There is no more doubt in him about the reality of God in the affairs of man. To the carnally-minded, he will Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL never be able to express his feelings because words cannot quantify the goodness of the Lord. His knowledge has been brought about not by any cognitive process humanly possible, but through the power of the Holy Ghost. Through the leading of the Holy Spirit again, one starts desiring not material things. His mind is now on how to attain holiness. Because he knows that when he is in a state of constant holiness, constant union with God, that he is first and foremost at peace, that he has the peace of Christ which the world cannot give. He knows that whatever God the Father has willed for him will surely be his and at God‟s own time for that matter. He learns through the counsel of the Holy Spirit that the utmost good for man is to serve God with all his heart, soul, mind and body; with all the gifts God has given him. In a state of constant holiness, the devil, evil spirits/demons, all occult powers will be rendered inactive in his life. Because he is filled with the glory of Yahweh Sabaoth. And the Holy Ghost power cannot and will never condone any force from the kingdom of darkness. In a state of constant holiness, he will flourish truly like the palm tree that has been planted in the courts of our Ezechukwu Dennis E. MILLERS‟ MILL God. In a state of constant holiness, he will be a light to all nations; a true image, ambassador of Christ. In a state of constant holiness, he will be exposed to divine healings and daily miracles, besides the ones that we humans take for granted like life, health, food, sun, air etc. Because for him, all God‟s promises will truly be „yes and amen‟ in Christ Jesus. … Love is in place in your life. So manifest the love of God in its entirety to the whole world. Do not hope that anybody will be punished. Rather hope that all may be pardoned and saved. You have power over all forms of crisis both physical and spiritual, because they are evil. You have authority and power over all evils. God detests every form of evil. Do not condone any. Jesus is the Saviour of all souls. He uses you. You are a harvest instrument in His hands. Pray for all souls the way you have never done before. Immerse them in the infinite mercy of God. He is the Lord of all the earth, full of mercy, love and compassion for all flesh. He desires the salvation of all souls. He didn‟t create any with the intention to destroy. Ezechukwu Dennis E.
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