THE AUGMENTED CHAIR GAME TO STIMULATE SPEAKING AND LISTENING SKILLS IN FRENCH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE (FLE) STUDENTS No. Abstract: ABS-ICOLLITE 22212 Silvi Satiakemala, M.Pd. Elga Ahmad Prayoga, M.Pd. STBA YAPARI ABA BANDUNG UNIVERSITAS BRAWIJAYA Introduction • LISTENING & SPEAKING SKILLS • THE DIFFICULTIES ENCOUTERED BY FLE STUDENTS • THE FACTS OF LISTENING AND SPEAKING CLASSROOM • A TEACHING TECHNIQUE TO STIMULATE LISTENING AND SPEAKING SKILLS • CHAIR GAME , THE TECHNIQUE CHOSEN TO STIMULATE THE LISTENING AND SPEAKING SKILLS Literature Review It cannot be denied that in learning a language, listening and speaking play an important role. The listening and speaking skills are the initial abilities that students must have. Listening, continued with speaking can be considered as the first step in learning a language. It is the foundation for getting to know the foreign languages that are learned. As it is stated by Iskandarwassid et Sunendar (2008 : 230) about the total time spent on communicating by most adults; listening takes up 45%; speaking, 30%; reading, 16%; and writing, about 9%. However, listening comprehension and oral production still get less attention and are often underestimated by students and teachers. They assume that all normal people can listen and speak so that listening and speaking skills will be mastered by students automatically. Most teachers believe that it will develop naturally within the process of language learning. They do not seem to pay attention to these skills while designing their lessons. The teaching focusing in listening and speaking have long been ―somewhat neglected and poorly taught, (Mendelsohn, 1994: 9). Method • This is a quasi-experimental research. This research was carried out with quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection. The procedure : 1. Pre-test, 2. Treatments using chair game technique (3 times), 3. Post-test • Techniques of Data Analysis : The data obtained from the questionnaire were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively and the data obtained from the pre-test and post-test were analyzed qualitatively. • The instruments : a. a questionnaire (the aim is to find out the difficulties encountered and the solutions made by FLE students), b. a test (pre-test and post-test). Findings and Discussion • Participants This research was carried out with the participation of FLE students majoring in French language at STBA YAPARI ABA Bandung. The study took place during the second semester of the 2021/22 school year. The treatments using Chair Game technique offered to the students three times. Before the treatments, all of the students had to take the pre- test and after the treatments, the students had to take the post-test. 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