W hat are the Subjects to Study in the GRE P reparation? GRE is a common entrance exam that can help you land a graduate program in universities abroad. If you're into GRE preparation , you must focus on the following syllabus: 1. General Test. ● The general GRE test includes verbal reasoning, critical thinking, analytical writing skills, and quantitative reasoning. ● The Verbal reasoning has two sections and constitutes 40 questions. The time duration is 60 minutes. ● Quantitative reasoning also has two sections with 40 questions. The time duration is 70 minutes. ● The analytical writing comprises one section with two tasks to be completed in 60 minutes. 2. Subject Tests. ● The GRE subject Tests include majorly four subjects: ○ Chemistry ○ Mathematics ○ Physics ○ Psychology. ● Chemistry subjects constitute 130 questions. ● There are 66 questions from Mathematics. ● From Physics, approximately 100 questions are given. ● Around 205 questions are from Psychology. Both the General a nd Subject tests are crucial to get good GRE scores. The General Test can be given in a computer - based or paper - based format, depending on your feasibility. Your GRE training must focus equally on both aspects of the exam. Ideally, a GRE score above 330 is considered exceptional as it can land you opportunities to join a top - level graduate program abroad.