LORD HARRIS LODGE of MARK MASTER MASONS No 1494 Silver Jubilee Celebration Lodge Meeting Friday 21st February 2003 Contents Page 2 Introduction. 3 Provincial Executive Officers. 4 Origin of the Lord Harris Mark Lodge. 5 Founder members of the Lodge. 6 Copy of the Consecration Summons. 7 Copy of the original list of Founders & Officers. 8 Past Masters of, and in, the Lodge. 9 Copy of the Warrant of the Lodge. 10 List of Officers present and past. 12 Copy of a Grand Lodge Certificate as issued up to 1981. 13 Copy of present day Grand Lodge Certificate. 14 Keystone Jewels. 15 Honorary members. 16 Current members of the Lodge. 17 Photograph of the Lodge members. 18 Provincial 'Parchment' for Advancees. 19 Charities. 20 Members who have received Grand, Provincial, Honours. 21 Titbits. 24 Notes. Introduction Provincial Grand Lodge Officers Provincial Grand Master R.W.Bro.Roland John Wade Friday 21st February 2003 is our eel bration meeting held at Assistant Provincial Grand Masters Masonic Hall Sidcup Kent, V.W.Bro. Peter David Williams, PGJO to commemorate the Lodge's 25th annivcr ary. W.Bro.Peter John Wise, PGJD Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master R.W.BroJolm Alfred Edmondson, GJW, GMRAC. he members of the Lord Harris Mark Lodge No. 1494 extend a ProvGSW W.Bro. Michael Chap man, P AGDC sincere and warm welcome to the following distinguished ProvGJW W.Bro. George Henderson, PPrGStwd brethren: ProvGMO W.Bro. Peter Mclntyre, PPrGStwd ProvGSO W.Bro. Frank Moss The Provincial Grand Master of Kent ProvGJO W.Bro. Wes Hollands, PPrGIG R.W.Bro. Roland John Wade and his Executive Officers ProvG Chaplain W.Bro. John Sylvester, P AGChap. ProvG Treasurer W.Bro. StU81tRobbens, PPrGJW ProvG Registrar W.Bro. David Green, P AGDC together with representatives from our sponsoring Mark Lod s, ProvG Secretary W.Bro. Alan Eadie, PAGDC and other visiting brethren, who have honoured us with their ProvGDC W.Bro. Geoffrey Whale, PAGDC presence today. ProvG Sword Bearer W.Bro. William Brazier ProvG Deputy Sec W.Bro. Brian Holland, PGSD ProvG Deputy DC W.Bro. Ivor Spencer ProvG Charity Steward W.Bro. Peter Torres, PGJD ProvG Almoner W.Bro. Ronald lakes, PGStwd We also wi h to thank all those brethren who have assisted in ProvG Organist W.Bro. Norman Mullener making preparations for this special event, especially> ProvG Standard Bearer W.Bro. Michael Turner ProvG IJ1J1erGuard W.Bro. Anthony Taylor Prov Grand Secretary W.Bre.Alan Eadie P.A.G.D.C. ProvG Steward W.Bro. Kevin Taylor and ProvG Steward w.s-« Philip Sayer the Lord Harris 25th anniversary committee- ProvG Steward W.Bro. John Blew ProvG Steward W.Bro. Roy Hartley Raymond Collings, Derrick Lincoln, Paul Lincoln, also Active Grand Mark Officers in Kent William Marsh, John Wade, and Waiter Wightwick AGIG W.Bro. Williarn Cruttenden, PPrGJW GStwc\ W.Bro. Clive Manuel, PPrGJW 3 2 The origin of Founder members in the Lodge 'TIlE LORD HARRIS MARK LODGE' The following two founders are still members of the Lodge In 1977 the 'Manor ofBexley' Mark Lodge No. 1448 was the only and both hold active office. Mark Lodge which met at the Masonic Hall Sidcup Kent. So in that year W.Bro Fredrick Burton, who was a Past Master of the Orpington, Lodge No.1083, and D.ofC. of the Westwood Lodge No 1354, decided to form a new Mark Masons Lodge, which would also meet at Sidcup. W.Bro. WilIiam Marsh P.Prov.G.Reg It did not take Freddie long to find support from other interested Mark Mason's in the following Mark Lodges: Primus Junior Warden High Cross No 284 Temple No 322 Catford No 841 Irenic No 891 Master of the Lodge in 1979, Orpington No 1083 Westwood No 1354 and Soon he, with five other Passed Masters and twelve Brethren, had at present met to form this new Mark Lodge. holds the office of Originally it was suggested that, as most of the founders were 'Asst Secretary' members of The Lodge of Equity craft lodge, the name should be The Equity Mark Lodge. Freddie Burton, having been chosen to be the founding secretary suggested that the name for the Mark Lodge should be The Lord Harris named after Lord Harris who had been the Provincial Grand Master of Kent from 1936 to 1956. W .Bro. Waiter Wightwick P.Prov.G.S.O. This being agreed, Freddie wrote to the Lord Harris family, asking for their approval to name the new Lodge after the late P.G.M. Primus Senior Deacon Having been granted permission to use the family name, the 'Lord Harris Mark Lodge' was formed and on ecrated on Master of the Lodge in 1983, Saturday 21st January 1978, at CromweJl Road, Bromley, Kent and by the P.G.M. R.W.Bro.Frederick William Friday. at present holds the office of As it transpired this was to be the la t consecration of a Mark 'Chaplain' Lodge by R.W.Bro.Friday who died on 5th March 1979, some months after the consecration f the L rd Harris Mark Lodge. 4 5 Copy of the Consecration Summons Copy of the list of Founders & Officers PRC)VI CE OF KE T <!onstttation jounbtrs nub jirst q&ffittt~ or W.M. W.Bro. E. C. Lawrence, P.P.GJ.D. THE LORD HARRIS LODGE S.W. WBro. F. A. Robiason, P.M. of I.W. Bro. W. H. Marsh. MARK MASTER MASONS M.O. Bro. L. R. E. Kennard. No 149~ S.O. Bro, B. H. Robson. on SATURDAY, 21st JANUARY, 1978 J.O. Bro. C. D. Lee. III 11· 0 e.m, Chaplain Bro, J. Quiolan. at THE MASONIC HALL, Treasurer Bra. S. O. Waymcnt. Cromwell Roadt Bromley, Kent R. of Marks W.Bro. R. H. Barber. P.P.C.Reg. by Secretary W.Bro. F. S. Button, p.p.a.M.O. I he pruvim:iul Grut.\! Ma.tcr R.W. Bro. FREDI!RI I< WILLlAM r RID Y ne W.Bro. T. W. Shufflcbotham. D.S.M., P.P.A.G.D.C. it J by S.D. Bro. W. 1. Wightwick. R.W. Bro. Cl. P RUDGARD. J.I' .• P.{IJ.W~ Ocput) I'ro inddl Gr nd Mu.t~1 J.D. Bro, R W. Parrott. V.W. Bro, J. F SP LDI G. M.!->.:.. J,f'., ".(;.0., I\s>i t Pr vincial urnn\! /Ill I t~1 A.D.e. W.Bro. R. G. F. Valiance. P,A.G.D.C., p.p.a.M.O. and ",sw. LO. Bro. R. J. Coggins. W.Bro. W. A Bridger. Prov. O.S W W.Bro. K. Ander50n. !}el'. ,.D.C.. Prov u.r. BSJ.W Steward Bro. A. T. R. Alien. V.W Ilro. Rcv. Canon 1'. urlon·("ollins, rU). 1'.(;.Cllapbal Prov (,. Chaplain " Chaplain ~ Chaplaln Steward Bro. Z. Mark. W Bro. K~Y. Can n 1 ,runvillc·~harp. MA. Prov, G Chaplain \V.B.o. J. v. R ('uY. M '. r.(;.II.• Prov (, TroJ,urcr. u Treasurer Steward Bro. K. G. Kemp. W Ilro, A G. Dcnn; • I'.G.O., Prov, j , crct:try as Secretary W.Uro. r. H Woolla.tou. 1'.,\.(;.1).(' .. I'wv (J IJ ('. Dlred I' of Ceremonies V.W .uro. J. Woodho ••se, P.C.O., Pro . G. Dep. f) C. a. Ocp. 1'). Qf cremonies W Illo. J. t:. lluJlock P.P GJ W U Sword Bearer W Uro. W. 1-<. orlcy. Prov ('.Std.Br. us StaQ(hud Bearer W.Bro. J, WJllhorn. "roy. G. Organist. ;1 Organlst W.Uro. O. Harwood. I'.(;J). Prov, A."t. •. SccrCtitrl os A~istanl So::c,~t",.y W.Pro. J-o. C. HlIllInlcrsle.y. i'rOY. 0.1. I. ~.S Inner Guur£l W.lJro. J. W. coddinslon. NI.B.f .• Prov, G. Tylcr as'l'ylel 6 7 Past Masters of and in the Lodge Warrant of the Lodge Past Masters of the Lodge 1978 W.Bro. Edwin C. Lawrence PPrGJO 1979 W.Bro. Wi1liam H. Marsh PPrGReg 1980 W. Bro. Leonard R Kennard 1981 W. Bro. Victor C. Harrison PPrGMO 1982 W.Bro. Barry Stillman 1983 W. Bra. WaIter J. Wightwick PPrGSO 1984 W.Bro. Norman L. Taylor 1985 W. Bro. Derrick W. Lincoln PGStdBr, PPrGMO 1986 W. Bra. Paul D. Lincoln PPrAGDC 1987 W. Bra. Jo1mA. Wade PAGDC, PPrGJO 1988 W. Bra. Edward S. Smith PPrGReg 1989 W.Bro. Thomas D. Bradley 1990 W.Bro. Gregory Dunham PPrGJW 1991 W. Bra. Thomas W. Shufflebotham PPrGReg 1992 W.Bro. Graham Raven PPrGMO 1993 W.Bro. Anthony W. Parker PPrGIofW 1994 W.Bro. Kevin C. RusseIl PPrGIofW 1995 W.Bro. Gregory Dunham PPrGJW 1996 W. Bro. Charles W. Gaddes PPrSGD 1997 W. Bro. Kevin C. Russell PPrGI ofW 1998 W. Bro. Archibald 1. Torrance PPrAGDC 1999 W.Bro. John Sandifer PPrGStdBr 2000 W.Bro. Daniel F. Firth 2001 W. Bro. Peter K. Borrett 2002 W.Bro. Raymond G. Collings Past Masters in the Lodge (present & past) W.Bro. R.G.Vallance P.AG.D.C. PPrGMO 322 W.Bro. RH.Barber PPrGJO 841 W.Bro. F.S.Burton P.G.J.D. PPrGMO 1354 W.Bro. F .A.Robinson P.AG.D.C. L.M.G.R 899 W.Bro. R.Babot PPrGStdBr 1557 8 9 Present & Past Officers of the Lodge. Assistant Secretary Over the past 25 years, these brethren have served the Lodge in the 1985 Rona1d Babot following offices; Peter Wareham 1987 Chaplain John Wade 1989-90 John Quinlan 1978-79 Thomas Bradley 1991 Frank Robinson 1980-82 Anthony Parker 2000-01 Ronald Babot 1983-84 William Marsh 2002 to present Waiter Wightwick 1985 to present A.D.e. Treasurer Ronald Valiance 1978 Sidney Wayment 1978-86 1979-85 Thomas Shufflebotham Graham Raven 1988-90, 1993-01 Ronald Babot 1986-90 Paul Lincoln 1987,2002 to present 1991-94 Edward Smith Secretary Anthony Parker 1995-96 & 1999 Fredrick Burton 1978-81 John Wade 1997-98 Ronald Babot 1982 Archie Torrance 2000 to present Victor Harrison 1983-85 Almoner Derrick Lincoln 1986 to present Edwin Lawrence 1980-87 Director of Ceremonies 'Thomas Bradley 1988 Thomas Shufflebotham 1978 William Marsh 1989-92 Ronald Valiance 1979-81 Ronald Babot 1993-95 Frederick Burton 1982-85 Kevin Russell 1996 to present Victor Harrison 1986-91 Organist Anthony Parker 1997-98 Dennis Santrey 1980-86 John Wade 1992-96, 1999 to present Charles Gaddes 1991-01 Charity Steward Daniel Firth 2002 to present Edwin Lawrence 1980-90 Tyler William Marsh 1991-92 Walter Pearce 1978-93 Ronald Babot 1993-95 James Ellwood 1994-00 Kevin Russell 1996 to present Peter Daynes 2002 to present 10 11 Grand Lodge certificate Current Grand Lodge certificate Certificate issued to candidates until 1981 This Certificate was first issued in April 1981 ~. t ... ~t:al1b Jlobge £If ~ilrk ~a5tcr :ffiasotls ';..S ,I «lIgl'n~i\I~tlIIIlOS Anb ,r.l3iJlri(l~ 4~ IoDg,I rOl!<rs•• u ~ 'I1i'.; • 'W".¥,,(,/c.yAJ""s !jl~,""" ((.,;,.6",-1./ J(;'tll.X~P'ti!' I~ ./!/',J{ 'I1~/uA'li(f(ftf~"H..I..((..-,,~ J .~" .ft.Y(~""",t/",t,yW :jJ",.(Ir •• 1'11I (i,Y1M,mfk 11)(1;' JI(:q.td{(i'1~ l.,rltJ(~")('I'(II.-..•tlu· 6nHfHM'r"/'/" 4l'!lYtM -- -.2" ,( :tfTnrll.:fllil9'tCt Jlt1ns'on "". un« """yl001 'If TIl" I.ol'd HarMJ UJdf{(' J\(). 1.Jt)4 (".(//ltn/hl.,. utlmni'7J broil ftJI(n'u/;" I/'Ull'f,,,,i~It.,,,,(( ,t,f'n""("£"'/v" fI'''''MII''''l/Y· ,f-ill /''''1;;( 1111'/ II/MoI/lIl , • f(,uk . ./({((.t"" ,/("JftJH /hYllfl1htJIl/(/,r "",/hl,,,r Ih~n!(VI'C' c~,!"/flprllo""<'Pt''!: ((?,c/IlJf:/c'("'JltJ /".1111 (n (I t'(1t1",I', 3111 ~tlltimonp flI;'~'t',>('I.1k"It' hA'/'$'.mu'.(. 1t./,.""/(,,,1 '''.1 .,ft }I((It/,'" ",W, flJ/k.'fY/ M<s , /;',,1 tf (/','"lid /j,&". 12 13 Keystone Jewel Honorary Members of the Lodge At the first meeting of the Lodge the following members of the The Lodge became a Keystone Lodge in 1979 'Consecrating Team' were made honorary members, At the Installation meeting in January 1980, the Lodge was RW.Bro.Frederick Friday PGM honoured by the visit of the Provincial Grand Master RW.Bro.Guy P. Rudgard D.P.G.M. R.W.Bro. G.P.Rudgard JP PGW. He presented and invested V.W.Bro. John F. Spalding Asst P.G.M. those 21 brethren of the Lodge, who had subscribed towards a W.Bro.W.Bridger PGSW Mark Keystone Jewel. W.Bro.RAnderson PGJW V.W.Bro.Rev Canon P. Churton-Collings PG Chaplain W.Bro.Rev Canon N. Granville-Sharp PG Chaplain W.Bro. lRoss Guy PG Treasurer A member's 'Keystone Breast Jewel' (illustrated below) was .. W.Bro. A.Dennis PG Secretary awarded to a brother for supporting the Mark Grand Lodge W.Bro. F.Woollaston PGDC Building Fund for the new 'Mark Masons Hall' at 86 St. James V.W.Bro. lWoodhouse PGDepDC Street, London SWl. W.Bro. lBullock PGSwdBr W.Bro. W.Norley PGStdBr W.Bro. lWaghorn PG Organist W.Bro. G.Harwood PGAsstSec This Jewel was awarded to a member W.Bro. F.Hammersley PGIG who made a donation towards the W.Bro. lCoddington PG Tyler 'New Premises Fund' . of these original honorary members only the following two brethren are still members: V.W.BroJ.Ross-Guy, MA, P.G.J.O., Past P.G.M. W .Bro.F. C.Hammersley A similar Jewel attached to a collarette, was awarded to the The then Provincial Grand Master RW.Bro.Ronald Byers.de Gray Lord Harris Mark Lodge for it's was elected an Honorary Member of the Lord Harris Mark Lodge donation to the fund. in December 1984. The Master of the Lodge is entitled to The Lodge has bestowed Honorary Membership on the wear it on all masonic occasions, following members: during his period in office. Dennis Santrey December 1986 Frederick Burton May 1991 Ronald Babot January 1999 14 15 Members of the Lodge 2002-2003 Worshipful Master W.Bro. Raymond Collings I.P.M. W.Bro. Peter Borrett Senior Warden Bro. Stenhen Dunsdon Junior Warden Bro. Derek Reed Master Overseer Bro. Dennis Callnon Senior Overseer W.Bro. John Sandifer Junior Overseer Bro. Joe Bums Chaplain W.Bro. WaIter Wightwick PPrGSO Treasurer W.Bro. Paul Lincoln PPrAGDC Reg of Marks W.Bro. Greg Dunham PPrGJW Secretary W.Bro. Derrick Lincoln PGStdBR, PPrGMO D.ofC. W.Bro. John Wade PAGDC, PPrGJO Senior Deacon W.Bro. Graham Raven PPrGMO Junior Deacon Bro. Niloy Karia Charity Steward W.Bro. Kevin Russell PPrGIofWks Asst. Secretary W.Bro. William Marsh PPrGReg A.D.C. W.Bro. Archie Torrance Prov AGDC Almoner W.Bro. Kevin Russell PPrGIofWks Organist W.Bro. Daniel Firth Inner Guard Bro. Roy Hutchings Steward Bro. John Keys Steward Bro. Joe Cole Tyler Bro. Peter Daynes W.Bro. Anthony Parker PPrGIofWks W.Bro. Edward Smith PPrGReg Bro. Richard Carder Bro. Archie Torrance (Sur) Bro. Ian Gallehawk Bro. Thomas Webster Candidate Bro. Peter Schwartz 16 Rear Row: LGallehawk S.Dunsdon D.Reed T.Webster N.Karia D.CaJlnon Middle Row: G.Raven D.Firth A.Torrance I.Sandifer P.Borrett P.Lincoln Front Row: G ..Dunham W.Marsh RCollings W.Wightwick I.Wade D.Lincoln --J Insert: A.Parker A. Torrance snr E.Smith Advancee's 'Parchment' Charities The Lodge over the years has supported the following Masonic and To Se Given to The Candidate after Advancement local charities: Fir~Uy.let m~ w~lcOIllO yuP to !he HOl/OurubJe Degree of Mark M;tstctM,lli()l\,. £25 P.G.M's charity (1980 Festival). £2000 1985 Mark Benevolent Festival. A~ you WelI1cllOw.t1lcr~ are tlIIny Dellrel!$ in PreemA!;onry and. as lll~ emit has the Chapter w~ in the Mark, have Ihe £400 1990 & 92 Festivals (Craft). Am:knt and Honourable Frllh,nllty of Ruyal Ark M3rln~l'8. £200 P.G.M's charity fund. £25 Shirley Woolmer Assoc 'Freemasonry in the Community' . .~ Degree i~8111ltndtwo hundred years old and Is h_d 011all\lllory ~nd pll1lblC (nllowing; tilt hllUctiug; elf t~tl Ark £53 Armenian earthquake Disaster fund. by Nollh lor ibe prCIOCcvltill" uf mQ1lklad. £50 Lions Hospice, Gravesend. We all: QlUgltllh~llJut uf eh IIIdCllllllntplle QllllkJbQ I1'ln £223 Breast Cancer 'Break through' fund. 5UlI'i",e all.Ifthal we shouid faCIIIllvcallty tller al1d htlp £208 Queen Mary's Children's Hospital fund. [I) 1()Ok aller th4l<[lt fllJ1\l~atc fhtl/lllll I~. £215 Dulwich Kidney Association. £420 Cystic Fibrosis fund. ~ D.e1eela tJylh~ Ofln(J I..odt!I! of Mm M.~tcr M/IjI(!Dt tmder the 0niIId Master'S Royal Ark CouncIl. £70 Cancer Research fund. Our own Mark llrovloclal E~c~1I1jvenlan~gc the Or4er'. £611 Demelza Children's Hospice. £1000 Demelza Children's Hospice (GML. donation to the Lodge) In dver)' Mark I edge there are In~ny Royal Mk Matincrl\ ickntlfled by JI jewel wilb a rainbow riblx,", SIl ~llVIl a worl! wilh any of them and plcn.~con~ider join[n~ us, Grand total to date £ 5480 The 'Lord Harris Mark Lodge' became a Patron of the RMBI in 1985 t( Wt"'l lIon.1d Ill"'" ,I. (jr/ty (l M ItA C I'",vmoi.l Or.M M~'lcr Towards the end of 1999, the Province of Kent produced and issued a 1985 Mark Benevolent Fund 'Parchment' to be presented to all candidates on their Advancement to the Stewards Jewel degree of 'Mark Master Mason'. The Parclunent welcomes them to the degree, and gives details of the which was worn by a brother who 'Royal Ark Mariners' degree. served as a In December 1999 the Candidate Bro.Paul Flowerday was the first member Steward at the festival of the Lord Harris Mark Lodge to be presented with such a copy. Since which every candidate of the Lord Harris Lodge has also received a copy on his Advancement into the Degree of a Mark Master Mason. 18 19 Honours presented to members of Titbits Lord Harris Mark Lodge "Joining Members" Since the Lodge was founded, "Membership" The following brethren ofthe Lodge have received Grand Mark Rank: there have been eleven joining The membership of the Lodge, Fredrick Burton G.Stwd. 1983 (Westwood Lodge), members: has varied from 18 at its 1991 promoted to P.G.J.D. Victor Harrison 1978 Consecration, to a peak of Derrick Lincoln P.G.Std.Br. 1994 John Prewer 1978 40 in the late 80's, Barry Stilhnan 1979 to the present day 3l. John Wade P.A.G.D.C. 2001 Ronald Babot 1980 Edward Smith 1981 16 brethren to date have received Provincial Honours Ronald Stilwell 1983 and 4 brethren have received promotion Thomas Bradley 1983 Joe Thacker 1988 "Brother from Scotland" E.Lawrence 1981 P.Prov.G.J.O. Sean McLoughlin 1993 Bro. Archie Torrance (sur) a Mark W.Marsh 1982 Prov.G.Stwd. 1991 P.Prov.G.Reg. Achie Torrance(sur) 1999 Mason under the 'Scottish Donald Cole 1999 V.Harrison 1984 P.Prov.G.M.O. Constitution', joined the Lord W.Wightwick 1989 P.Prov.G.A.D.C. 2000 P.Prov. G.S.O. Harris Mark Lodge in 1998, after D.Lincoln 1988 P.Prov.G.M.O. taking another Obligation under P.Lincoln 2002 P.Prov.G.A.D.e. the English Constitution. V'VVVV'\.I\/VV J.Wade 1990 Prov.G.S.D. 1997 P.Prov.G.J.O. E.Smith 1991 P.Prov.G.Reg. u Dispensations" G.Dunham 1993 Prov.D.G.D.e. 1998 P.Prov.G.J.W. T. Shufflebotham 1990 P.Prov.G.Reg. Dispensations have been granted for G.Raven 1995 P.Prov.G.M.O. the following brethren to become A.Parker 1996 P.Prov.G.I.ofWks. Master. 1982 Barry Stillman K.Russell 1997 Prov.G.I.ofWks. . "1st & l00th joining member" 1986 Paul Lincoln C.Gaddes 1998 P.Prov.G.S.D. 1987 John Wade 1st Brother to join was Vie Harrison, A.Torrance 2001 P.Prov.A.G.D.C. 1988 Edward Smith 100th brother being Dermis Callnon. 1.Sandifer 2002 P.Prov.G.Std.Br. Bro.Peter Schwartz who is to' be The following brethren received Active Provincial Rank: Advanced at our anniversary meeting, will be the 11Oth member William Marsh 1982 Prov.G.Steward. John Wade 1990 Prov.G.S.D. "Installation of a Son" Gregory Dunham 1993 Prov.D.G.D.C. W.Bro.Derrick Lincoln being the only Master to date, to have had the Kevin Russell 1997 Prov.G.I.ofWks. pleasure of installing his son (Paul) Prov.A.G.D.C. into the chair of Adoniram. Archie Torrance 2001 IA'/'l.A,"""f"o..A./'-./'~VVVV'V'\.I\/VV 20 21 Titbits Titbits "Father & Son" "Country Members" The following fathers & sons have joined the Lodge: The following are Country Members of the Lodge: Derrick & Paul Lincoln - Sept 78 & Dec 80 W.Bro.Eddy Smith, living in Spain Joe & Roy Thacker - May 88 & Sept 86 Bro.Archie Torrance(snr), living in Scotland, Archie & Archie Torrance (snr) - Jan 90 & May 98 & Bro. Richard Carder "Changes to Lodge Dates" "L.ord Harris Ark Lodge" Over the years the Lodge dates have been changed: 8 members of the Lord Harris 1983 4th Wednesday in January (Installation) Mark Lodge together with 3 oilier 2nd Thursday in May, 2nd Thursday in September, "Xmas Festival" brethren founded the Lord Harris and 2nd Wednesday in December. Ark Lodge in February 1981 At the Dec meeting in 1981, our 1986 4th Wednesday in January (Installation) ladies and guests joined us at the 2nd Friday in May, Znd Wednesday in September, festive board. It was a great and 2nd Tuesday in December. success and has now become a regular feature at our December 1992 4th Wednesday in January (Installation) meetings. "Lord Harris Mark La!" 2nd Friday in May, and 2nd Tuesday in December. ( the September meeting was discontinued) LOIs were held at 'The Bee Hive' New Eltham from 1981 to 83, 2003 2nd Friday in May (Installation), and at Dartford Masonic Club 2nd Tuesday in December, and 3rd Friday in February. from 1987 to 89. ~--------------------~ The preceptor was W.Bro.Vic Harrison "Blood Brothers" vvvvvv~vv 'Special Collars & Jewels' The following blood brothers have In 2001 the Lodge purchased, a PM's Collar & Jewel, joined the Lodge: engraved with the name of W. Bro. Tom Shufflebotham Jolm & David Wade - both on 12th Sept 79 and an Organist's Collar & Jewel, engraved with tile ' Danny & Edward Firth - Sept 87 & Sept 89 Peter & Leslie Borrett - Dec 93 & Dec 95 name of W. Bro. Charles Gaddes. r'~~~~----------------------' "Shirley Woolmer Rep" "Sunday Ladies Luncheon" The following brethren have served as In September 2000, the members Lodge representatives on the held a Ladies Luncheon at Shirley Shirley Woolmer Assoc. Woolmer Masonic Centre. This W.Bro.Vie Harrisson 1987-1994 popular event seems set to become W.Bro.Tony Parker 1995-2001 a become a regular feature. W.Bro.Dalmy Firth 2002 to present ~/"'-./VVV"~./'./ 22 23
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